Darkest Midnight

by Midnight Flash 777

Chapter 3: The Answer

Gray Flames walks past Midnight into the average sized house and sets down his blue box on the floor.
“You probably have some questions, ask away and I’ll do my best to answer.” says Gray Flames.
“Well first off what is all this about?” asks Midnight.
“You’ve been chosen by Luna herself to defend Equestria.”
“Defend Equestria? How exactly?”
“A new threat faces us, Midnight and Luna is recruiting ponies to stop it.”
“Why doesn’t she just get the bearers of the Elements to stop this new threat?”
“Because they aren’t like you and I Midnight, they can’t use the power we possess.” replies Gray Flames.
“Powers we possess? What are you talking about Gray? What makes us so special?” asks Midnight.
“Listen I don’t have time to tell you everything right now Midnight, I have to gather the others and prepare for tonight.”
“Others? Just how many other Ponies were chosen?”
“One other at the moment.” Gray Flames says as he stands up to leave.
Gray Flames grabs his blue box and makes for the door but stops just as he is about to exit.
“Oh and Midnight, meet us at the cafe tonight at midnight. Don’t be late.” Gray Flame says as he exits Midnight’s house and flies off.
Midnight simply sits for a while and takes in the situation. What was it that made him so special, and what was this power that he possessed? These questions went around in Midnight’s head for some time. Then Midnight began to wonder who the other Pony was that was chosen and cursed at himself for not asking. After pondering all these things Midnight gets up and heads back to the blue box that was given to him. He proceeds to bring it back out into the open and lifts the top revealing the items. Midnight grabs the rapier that rests inside and grasps it in his hand and lifts it from the box.
“Woah, much lighter than I thought it would be, and it’s so well made, I can even feel magic radiating from it. Someone put a lot of work into this.”
Midnight sets the rapier back in the box and grabs the holster with the gun in it. Midnight proceeds to remove the firearm from the holster and examines it only to find that it is not actually a gun, but a mere replica of a pistol.
“The hell? This is just a hunk of metal in the shape of a gun. Why did that woman give me this?” Midnight asks himself while holding the model pistol.
Midnight wonders about this for some time but figures he will get his answers later on that night. He holsters the replica and sets it back into the box and grabs the last object remaining, the card with the XIII on it. He examines the card closely finding there is an ornate design on it depicting a skull in front of what seems to be a door with stairs leading up to it.
“Well this is certainly odd... I can feel magic coming from this as well, wait, what’s that noise?”
Midnight brings the card closer to his ear in an attempt to make out what the noise is coming from the card.
“Voices? I can’t quite make out what it’s saying though...”
Midnight tries for some time to make out what is being said but the voices suddenly stop leaving Midnight slightly confused.
“And now I’m hearing things, fantastic, well no sense dwelling on it, besides I get to play with my new toy now.”
Midnight sets the card back in the box and takes the rapier back out and heads out back to test his new metal. He sets up and enchants another practice dummy from earlier and takes a battle stance while the dummy slowly comes to life and grabs Midnight’s original rapier. Midnight rushes at the dummy and stabs at it but the dummy dodges and slashes at midnight just slicing the front of his shirt but missing his body. Midnight doubles back and jumps into the air and comes down with his blade aimed at the dummy, however the dummy anticipates this and moves at the last second and stabs at Midnight. Midnight dodges but only just and pulls his sword from the earth and knocks his opponents blade away and slashes at the dummy cutting it slightly. The dummy retreats and takes a defensive stance and waits for Midnight to make a move. Midnight does and rushes at the dummy bringing his sword up and bringing it down with all his might cutting straight through the dummy’s blade and cutting right into the dummy itself.
“Hah, this new sword really gets the job done I’d say.” Midnight says trying to catch his breath.
“Anyway better clean up and get ready for tonight.”
Midnight cleans up and rests up for a few hours while he waits for the time to meet up with Gray and the other pony. A few hours later and Midnight is preparing to leave for the meet-up. He straps on the holster that was in the box with the replica pistol and puts on his signature black jacket over it concealing it entirely. He then puts on the sheath he used for his old rapier which thankfully fit his new one. As he is about to walk out the door he puts on his electric blue scarf and heads out to meet Gray and the other pony. However as Midnight leaves his house two figures in the distance watch him, one wearing a long coat adorned with small red clouds with a high collar covering the lower half of his face. The other wears a similar coat but with a hood, the shadow of the hood making it impossible to see his face.
“Looks like your hunch was correct.”
“It would seem so.”
“Tell me, how did you know that he would be one of them?”
There is a long pause before the figure with the high collar answers.
“He is my little brother after all.”
“Ah that’s right he is isn’t he? Well anyway, should we take him out?”
“Not yet, I want to see what he is capable of before making a move.”
“Is that caution or compassion I wonder?”
“Watch that tongue lest I cut it out.”
The hooded figure chuckles and turns to walk away.
“Whatever you say man, whatever you say.”
The stallion with the high collar stands for some time looking into the distance before finally turning and walking away.