The Forgotten Brother

by ObsidianSky

Chapter 2: Forgotten Times

Fallen Leaves hated it when his parents argued. It seemed that every day they would find a way to start an argument, even on his 7th birthday.

It was supposed to be special, but his parents were ruining that with their yelling. He knew what they were arguing about; if they should enroll him into Magic School. He did have a unicorn horn, but he also had wings. Doctors could never explain why he had both, but it hadn’t seemed to bother Fallen Leaves.

Sadly, it was a problem for his parents. He thought it was because they feared he would be bullied for his differences by jealous ponies. With a sigh, Fallen Leaves sat down on his bed. His thoughts were tossed aside when his mother entered the room, her belly swollen with the two little ponies that were growing inside her.

"Hello, my little Fallen Leaves. How are we doing today?" She asked in a voice as sweet as honey.

"Good Mom.” He mumbled, but fidgeted uncomfortably. "Why do you and Dad always have to fight"?

Fallen Leaves thought he saw his mother’s smile falter, but it returned before he could know for sure. "Dear, Mom and Dad don't always get along, and we argue when things get heated.”

"But you still love each other right?” Fallen Leaves asked, his eyes wide with concern.

"Of course we do, sweetie. It’s just…” His mother sighed. “Your father insists on helping the council look for a new home.”

Fallen Leaves was always confused on this subject of the council. He only knew that they were looking for a home with better weather. The place they lived in now was strange, and it confused him whenever the weather changed suddenly. It could rapidly change from a nice, warm summer to a frigid and dangerous winter.

"Why don't you let him help?" He asked.

"He needs to accept that we are going to have a big family to take care of once your sisters come into the world.” His mom said sternly. "I told him that he could go this once, but no more."

"Are they going to be like me?” Fallen Leaves asked, reaching out a hoof to point at his mom’s rounded stomach. He didn't want to be the only pony with wings and a unicorn horn.

He felt a hoof tossle his white mane, and looked up at his mother’s smiling face. She wrapped her hoof around his faded brown hooves reassuringly.

"Yes, I think they will be." She said, smiling down at her unborn foals. When she turned to look at him again, there was a question in her gaze. "I know this may be a bit sudden, but how would you like to go to Magic School?”

Fallen Leaves’ head drooped. "To be honest, mom, I don't want to go. I would rather help you and dad with the chores in the house like I always do.”

Fallen Leaves knew that Magic School was very important, but what he said was the truth. Another reason he had left unspoken was that he didn't really want to socialize with other ponies. He just didn't trust them.

If his mother was disappointed with his answer, she didn’t show it. She simply let go of his hooves, her smile still warm. "I think its time for you to go bed, my sweet."

"But mom!” Fallen Leaves groaned. “I'm not even tired yet."

"No protesting now. Even if it is your birthday, you need to get to bed on time."

Fallen Leaves figured he had no choice.

"Ok, Mom. I'll see you in the morning."

His mother walked out of the room, leaving him to sigh into the silence.

“Happy Birthday.” He mumbled.