//------------------------------// // The Cold Heart of a Young Colt // Story: Frozen Legacies // by Emerald_Frost //------------------------------// Me? I'm Emerald Frost. Some ponies know me as Nova. My hometown is south of Galloping Gorge, in the Unicorn Range Mountains. I'm looked down upon by the townsfolk so i avoid contact with others. During my younger years, my stubbornness brought me many a problem, Crimson Embers was the one who hated me most. I was known as a freak, a defiance of nature, something not natural- and he couldn't resist antagonising me because of that reason. I possess a very powerful trait: the ability to manipulate Arcane energy with the absence of a horn. I don't know why I own such a gift but I enjoy it's existence every moment. Because without it, my life would not be the same and I would have not traversed the paths of which I have taken. My parents are both of unicorn decent, as well as the ponies before them. But strangely, I was born as a Pegasus, lightweight and bearing wings. I was different. Something that brought shame. A freak of nature. As a colt I would attempt to please my parents in any way I can, to make up for something not worth apologising for. Clueless, I was- back then. I am imbuing my memories into my favorite gemstone, given to me by my love. This emerald, it holds every thought, feeling, memory, and all of which has coursed through me. I do this in the event that if this Emerald is found, since my corpse will be nonexistent, someone- someone with a pure heart and talents like mine, will know how the peaceful Equestria they coincide with was shaped and fought for, and to give them guidance on how to channel their energy. This is my story. Share it with nopony. Heat shot through me once more, as did the sharp pain I knew too well. Every day after class this colt would manage to find me, even when I would leave early. My frame refused to support itself any longer. "What's the matter freak? Aren't you ever going to fight back for once? It's not fun without a challenge." Spoke the brown unicorn, sneering. Silence has instilled itself upon me whenever that colt shows up. Today was no different. "Oh wait.. that's right- you don't have a HORN!" Fire purged through his horn. Another sear penetrated me. Great. More burns to tend to.. "How'd that one feel, bird boy?" Words that stung just as much as the flames erupting from his horn. Rising up from the stupor of the last spell, I groaned, "Can I leave now?" A simple thrust of his head downward was all that was needed to make me cringe, in fear of being burned even more. "Hahahaha! This is getting boring birdie. Get out of here, I'm hungry." Glancing up again, I took note of the setting sun. I needed to get home myself, supper wasn't waiting for my arrival and if I didn't greet it, I wouldn't get any. Collecting my strength, I shifted my weight and turned around, walking towards where I reside. A quick pulling of my tail spun me around, closing my eyes and bracing myself for impact. A hit was not administered. "Oh, and stay away from _OC GIRL_. She doesn't like freaks like you. She likes real unicorns, not some hornless cloud molester." He spoke quietly, as if somepony was nearby. He then released his grip and carried on about his way, swagger in every step he took. I did the same, but much more hesitantly, in case he needed me once more. Nighttime was falling quick and my body started to pick up the pace. Adrenaline was quickly wearing off, and I begun to feel the full extent of today's burns, on top of all the previous days. I decided to stop at the lake, to salve my wounds. Fall was in full swing and a soothing breeze shifted though the air, causing leaves to tumble off their captors. This season was accompanied darker days, causing most ponies to reclude indoors, preparing for the winter ahead with their loved ones. All that meant for me is that nopony would catch a glimpse of the pony trotting nonchalantly towards the town's body of water. I wished for no more attention. Within ten minutes I reached the water's edge, the pain more intense as the last bit of hormones ebbed from my being. I tensed myself and prepared my mind for what people thought was something only a freak, a monster, could accomplish. My back hooves griped into the sand and I raised my front hoof, concentrating deeply. Within seconds, a sphere of the lake's water rose up and drifted towards me. I shifted my hoof, in turn the sphere flattened out and grew closer to my body, specifically, today's wounds. I focused my mind one last time, letting the cooling liquid press against my torso. A sigh of relief instantly escaped my lips and I closed my eyes, relaxing my mind and dropping my hoof, releasing my grip on the liquid. I sat there for a good minute or two letting the water run off before repeating the process once more. I then cast a spell to conceal the wounds, the spell coming naturally because of the frequency I had to cast it. Nighttime was now upon me and I knew that a warm meal would no longer be hoping I would arrive, neigh- any meal at all. If I was to miss dinner, I was to go to bed hungry. I trotted home very slowly that night, like every other after I get put in my place by Crimson Embers. Revenge was burning deep in me, but I knew that if others were to see me perform my "magic" again, things were going to get worse for me. After all, shying away _OC GF_ was the last thing I wanted to do. I arrived at my house and nudged the door open, seeing both my parents waiting impatiently for me. "Mom I-" excuses attempting to leave my mouth. My father was the first to speak, and I knew his words would not be the kind worrying ones that the other fillies and colts receive. "No, both of us are tired of it. I've demanded many times that you don't need to stay after for anything. You'll be bringing attention to yourself. What could you even be doing afterschool at an all unicorn school? You're not even one, more or less able to perform magic! All you're achieving is embarrassment for the both of us and-" My mother interjected, "That's enough. He should know by now what's expected of him. Yelling at something isn't going to solve anything." She spoke softly, yet bitterly. "I'm assuming that you're expecting a meal at this time of hour?" "No mom, I know better.. Can- can I just go to my room now? I'm really sorry for doing it again, it's just that-" I was cut off. They both spoke in unison as if they had planned ahead of time what they were going to say. "Just go to your room Emerald, It's late, we'll talk about this some other time." Of course, "some other time" never comes, it never came. Without saying a word, I broke my gaze with them and strode towards my room. I shut the door behind me and pressed my ear against the door, eavesdropping. "I don't know why he keeps returning late, it's not even like he has friends he could be hanging out with." My father spoke, "What could be possibly be doing out there this late?" "Why even bother worrying anymore babe? He's going to learn his lesson eventually, let's just stop worrying. If he's not going to listen to YOU, what makes you think he's going to listen to ME?" My mother, raising her voice, "That colt is bringing trouble to himself, quit thinking about it, he'll get what's coming to him." "Well it's not just that, it's just him in general too. I mean, how do you even walk around proudly with a condition like that? I wouldn't even be-" "........" They brought their argument out of earshot, most likely to their bedroom. A heavy feeling took me over, I always knew that they resented me because of my lack of following the family line, but never before had I ever heard them say it vocally. What did I even have to look forward to anymore? Certainly not what used to bring me comfort. School was nothing more than an attention game with me being the target. I slumped, resting against my door, lightly crying. I must've sat there for a good ten minutes before I forced my body to carry me to bed, where I laid, drowning in remorse. It was there that I dozed off, and the dreams that night were unmemorable.