Pathetic Ruler

by JusSonic

Chapter 1

Pathetic Ruler

"Honestly, why do we even have her?''

''If Celestia couldn't even stop the Changelings or Lorcan, why would we need her for the next time something disastrous happen?''

''Right, and besides, she let the Mane Six beat Nightmare Moon and Discord for her, she's a coward and a lazy good for nothing alicorn!''

Those are some of the comments being said as Luna flies overhead, the Goddess of the Night hears the nasty remarks towards Celestia. The alicorn sighs a bit. Ever since the fight with Lorcan was over, some subjects are doubting their princess more so than ever.

Luna flies back to the castle and enters, nodding to two of her dragons who bow to her. The alicorn enters her sister's room. There's Celestia, looking at her crown, raising it up...then putting the thing in sadness as if the rule no longer matters.

''Sister, are you having problems as of late?'' Luna asks Celestia, making the mare turn to her, looking sad and depressed. "Í see you've heard a lot of things too.''

''Luna...they've all hated me, they truly too.'' Celestia said, tears in her eyes.

''That's a foolish thing to say, Celly. They don't hate you.''

''Maybe not out loud but more of my subjects is doubting me. They think I was weak, a coward, a fool not fit to be one of the rulers of Equestria. The war with Lorcan was the last straw.''

Luna looks concerned then spoke up, "Çelly, what happened wasn't your fault. We were caught off guard...and we were able to succeed, right?''

''True...but I should've been more prepared! I should've realized that Lorcan would try to strike at the Elements and should've put them in a better place. I even send Twilight and her friends out to save the fillies and uses the Elements...and didn't even know that Lorcan has tainted them.'' Celestia sobs a bit, looking down, feeling doubt and sadden than ever. "'Because of me, that Dragon Army was released...and I almost doomed us all.''


''Just leave me alone, Luna...perhaps it's best if I never interact with anyone ever again...let alone my son, Twilight and our friends...''

Luna looks concerned; Looks like there's nothing that can cheer Celestia up and make her her old cheerful self again. Just then, a familiar voice spoke up, ''Ahem, all right if I butt in, fillies?'' The two turns to see a familiar cloaked figure coming out of the shadows

''Oh, it's you.'' Luna said with a sigh. ''You are always welcomed in our conversions...depending on if what you say can help or not.''

''Right, so what are you talking about; Celly?''

Celestia looks down, still depressed as she explains, ''My problems with the subjects who are losing their faith in me especially against the remember that, especially how you came to live with us...''


Celestia and Luna sat on the thrones, listening to Golden Heart explaining, ''As you can see, more ponies and dragons are coming to help in the rebuilding progress. Then...''

Suddenly, the windows blew open, much to the surprise of everyone in the room. As a huge wind blew into the room, Celestia ask in surprise, "What in the name of the Herd?''

Then at the moment, a discovery was made from seeing some strange particles swirl from the wind to lie on the ground? But in another strange sense, the particles appeared to be...merging to create a figure being. Once more, the pattern was shaping into someone very familiar that worn now a cloak to conceal their identity; As the particles finished from a slow process by the wind's aid, there, lying flat across the ground was a cloak-hooded person, and then he soon gain consciousness to twitch what appeared to be...A CLAW. Then from an escape moan, the figure raised his head, sounding male, but from behind the hood appeared scales with a face familiar from what was...A SCAR OVER HIS ONE EYE. Utter silence filled the air, that not even the wind let loose it's breath, for now standing here after gaining a slight balance on himself was someone once known as the terrible Scarred Ruler; Lorcan; ALIVE...!?

"Lordcan,'' Luna whispers in hope upon seeing Lorcan, alive again...


''Yeah, never forgot that day.'' Lorcan said with a chuckle. He turn the conversion back to the depressed Celestia, ''Celestia? Why do you feel that your subjects are doubting you?''

''I don't feel, I know! Look, they consider me a weakling and a coward...because I didn't have enough power to stop Discord or my sister. I unknowingly turned over Twilight's little adopted daughter Nyx who was Luna's darkness to the cult that used her to take us over, I failed to heed Twilight's warning about the fake Cadance, and when the Changeling Queen was revealed...I try to stop her...and fail.'' Celestia explains to Luna and Lorcan in sadness, tears came down her eyes. ''Í didn't even stop the latest war and damages to most of Equestria in time!!!! If I was stronger, I would've stopped those incidents myself, but I didn't. I don't deserve to be ruler of Equestria...I don't deserve to protect my subjects...I don't even deserve to still be alive!!!''

Celestia throw her crown to the floor, sobbing and falling down. Luna and Lorcan knew that they must convince the Goddess of the Sun out of her depression, shows that she isn't really weak at all.

''Celly...I admit you were down on your luck and I understand. When Nightmare Moon came, you didn't stop her at all due to the lack of connections with the Elements of Harmony now.'' Luna said softly as she sat down next to her sister. '''And yes, you weren't able to stop most of Lorcan's parts in most of the war.''

Lorcan adds in guilty, ''If anything, it's my fault, Luna. I mean, your sister was like a aunt to me and it's because of...that monster that ponies think that you're weak, Celestia."

"What monster? Grimmore or-''

''No. The other one.''

''Ah. I understand.'' Luna said thoughtfully. ''I refer to Nightmare Moon as a separate entity out of disgust of what I did as her just as you do to yourself.''

''Yeah. Part of Tadaka's powers still resides in me, even after Spike hit me. That's why I wear this hood; keeping it at bay. Only downside is I'm still short.'' Lorcan said to Luna, a hint of annoyance is heard in his tone of voice.

''And anything else?''

''Well, I gotta admit, my inner darkness is still attempting to gain control. So I keep it at bay by wearing the cloak. If I put my hood down, I'll instantly change into my teenage self; Once I find a way to control it...well, maybe...but that isn't what we're talking about here.''

Luna knew what Lorcan meant so she nuzzles Celestia, making her look at her sister as the mare explains, ''You have some good luck...but you aren't weak, a coward or lazy. On the contrary, you have indeed helped Equestria big time.''

''Really; Like how,'' Celestia ask Luna, curious as to what her sister means.

''Well, even if you aren't connected to the Elements, you have found the one who does: Twilight Sparkle and her friends. You send Twilight to Ponyville and she made the friends whose shares some of the Elements and thus saved me. You helped me get back in touch with my subjects of Equestria, making them care and trust me again.''

Lorcan adds in, ''As far as Nyx goes, you were fooled into giving her to that cult and yes, she did beat you...but when you and Luna came back, you have your sister judged Nyx which in turn not only got her powers and Luna's memories taken, but the filly returns to Twilight's conforming hooves again. You didn't show one grudge against her since then and became Nyx's grandmother.''

Luna then continues as Celestia listens onward, ''Now to Discord, yes, you didn't stop him or are strong enough...but you were emotional enough by taking Nyx's suggestion, sending back Twilight's Friendship Reports that allowed your student to remember the power of friendship and help her restore her friends to put an end to Discord. Your caring is much stronger than that of your own power.

''Now to the Changelings; I understand why you would be angry at Twilight and fail to heed her warning about the fake Cadance. You care for your niece like your own daughter since my banishment. And even when you did fall to the Changeling Queen, let's not forget that she used Shining's magic to beat you when technically isn't fair. You send Twilight and her friends to recover the Elements and yes, they fail...but on the contrary, Twilight was able to get the opportunity to free the real Cadance who freed Shining, the two used the power of their love to repel the Changelings.''

Lorcan chuckles while adding, ''Now, let's go back to my war. Yes, you fail to stop me from using the Elements from releasing my dad's Dragon Army...but you kept on fighting, you care for your subjects to risk your life in the fight to save Equestria...and you didn't do it alone. You have help.''

''What Lordcan is saying that you are no weakling, you have the caring and love of your friends, your family and the subjects behind you to help you fight a fight that you cannot win alone." Luna said gently to Celestia who smiles a bit. ''As long as you have that, you are not a weakling. You fight for your subjects meaning you aren't a coward or lazy.''

''And while there are some who criticize, doubt you or want you out of the job...well, those ponies will come to their senses. Just keep on what you're doing; ruling your kingdom and helping your subjects, even if the odds are against you. If anyone...I'm glad you are still alive, Aunt Celestia.''

Celestia sniffs, shedding tears...this time of joy. Luna and Lorcan are right, she is no coward, weak or lazy. As long as she has the love of those that the mare care for and as long as the alicorn continues to help Equestria and fight against those who would harm it...that is enough to prove those doubters wrong.

''Thank you, sister. And you too...Lorcan.'' Celestia said, standing up and hugging the two, nuzzling them both. Their words of comfort is enough to break the alicorn out of her funk. Luna and Lorcan smiles as they hug Celestia right back, happy to see her back to her normal self.

Of course, unknown to them, none knew that a figure was going into the room where Lorcan's staying in and says in her mind, ''I think it is time for Lordcan and me to have a little chat.''

With that she goes in and waits for Lorcan to return to this room...


Lorcan looks pleased as he goes into his room that the dragon is staying in. The dragon has proceeded in cheering Celestia up. The princess is now staying on her throne, doing her best to helping her subjects, despite what some critics has said about her.

"All in all, things are doing a bit okay." Lorcan said with a pleased look. He took out a book, reading it. "Incredible, according to this, ponies can become alicorns as well though some special spells...but only those worthy or trustworthy can become them."

Lorcan chuckles as he made an image appearing, seeing Twilight and Spike playing and hanging out; the unicorn whom he wishes to kill but no longer sounds like a perfect candidate to be an alicorn...but when is the question.

"Twilight Sparkle, you are the one to be an alicorn." Lorcan said as he made the image disappear. Just then, a thought came into his head...a thought of a certain that he has gotten during his war. "Hmmm, who is this one who threatens me right before I could finish Golden Heart? Could that person be waiting for me now..."

"Hi." A voice spoke out from out of nowhere...causing Lorcan to scream like a girl and cover his head.

"Ahh; don't kill me! I swear, I didn't mean to do what I did! I haven't married Luna yet or made attempts! Don't kill me or steal from me! I got nothing of value, burglar!"

"Silly dragon, I ain't a burglar...but you're close!" The voice giggles. Lorcan blinks, that voice sounds familiar. The one who spoke came out of hiding, the dragon saw that what looks like Pinkie Pie, even her mane and tail are flat and she got a creepy look as if from a horror movie.

"Pinkie Pie," Lorcan ask in confusion.

"Nope; But you're close too! My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie; I came from an alternate universe. Long story! I was living in Pinkie's secret dungeon...and a close sister of Goldie!"

"Goldie? Wait, you're the one who send that note when I almost killed him! And that creature that lives in Pinkie's secret dungeon! I remember seeing you on Rainbow Dash's E-Mails one time!"

"Yep! Same creature," Pinkamena exclaims as she trots over to Lorcan. "Just saving my dear brother Goldie...and keeping a close eye on you...a closer eye!"

"Just asking, what if I did kill Golden Heart?" Lorcan ask Pinkamena curiously yet skeptically.

Pinkamena then says and in a scary voice, "Well like the note said but I will tell you I would of killed the ones you cared for. Then I will torture you in the worst ways. That is more worse than Discord throwing ponies alive into fire and much worse than the Gates of Tartarus." Lorcan of course gave her a blank look. "You aren't scared of that, are ya?"

"No...but out of the sake of Golden Heart and your pony friends, I will take your word for it. Look, I assure you; I will not do anything evil to your long as he stays good and doesn't turn me bad."

"Good to hear that! I saw how you and Loony helped Celly! Nice!"

"Well, Celestia was like an aunt to me since I was a dragon...and she has suffered so much over time." Lorcan explains to Pinkamena with a sigh. "I wasn't going to allow that. She..."

"Know how you feel! If Goldie went through depression, I would've do my best to cheer him up!" Pinkamena exclaims while balancing her knife on her head. Lorcan looks a bit disturbed by that.

"How, pray tell, would ya? Wait, on second thought, don't bother. I prefer not to know."

"Goodie, then I won't tell ya! I promise, your secret is safe with me, Lorcan! I won't tell ponies that you're still around, you don't do anything evil to my brother."

"How is it that you are Golden Heart's sister?" Lorcan asks Pinkamena puzzled. "I mean, if you're from another universe..."

"That story will be from another day. Well, I gotta go. Thanks for being so kind and not so wanting to kill Goldie..." Pinkamena giggles as she prepares to take her leave. Lorcan pauses as he got another question to ask.

"Just one more question...that thing with the 'brrs'. How..."

"Oh easy..." Pinkamena then turns around quickly, with her knife in her mouth while booming eerily. "Your number just came uuuuuup!"

Lorcan screams and falls down, going 'brr' repeatedly and like mad. Pinkamena giggles as she leaves the room. A while later after her departure, the dragon recovers, getting back up.

"Geez and I thought Nyx's Stare was powerful, that 'brr' thing is creepy!" Lorcan remarks with a shudder. For someone who is Golden Heart's sister somehow, that Pinkie Pie lookalike is creepy big time!

Lorcan was so glad that he never killed Golden Heart before.

The End

Cast list
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Tabitha St. Germain: Princess Luna
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Andrea Libman: Pinkamena Diane Pie