Why cant anyone hear me..?

by -MahLeetlePanties-xD

Why can't i remember anything?

The next morning she wakes up and eats breakfast and carves a picture in the wall next to her. After a while she got bored and lay on the bed to think about some stuff. She starts to try and answer some of the questions she had asked her self the other day. She thinks and thinks and thinks but cant remember nothing. Suddenly her head starts to hurt on the side again, Then out of no where a flash back pops into her mind. She saw her dad holding a baseball baseball bat telling me as a child that he was sorry, Then he hits me in the head with a bat covered in blood. That was my mothers blood...He hit me with the same bat he killed my mother with. Of course! I cant remember because he hit me in the head thinking i would forget it all, but i didn't forget everything i guess. A loud door opening sound comes from her right...She looks over to see the professor from yesterday.

"Fluttershy someone is here to see you." says the professor pointing at a strange looking figure to his left.

"W-Who are you?" Fluttershy asks.

"My name is FlutterFly. I am your twin sister." she says.

-To be continued.....