The Elder Ponies : Skymare

by monkeylegs

Unbound - 2

She landed, it feeling slightly painful on her bare hooves. She sucked it up and kept moving, finding a hole in the floor and jumping through.

She ran through a hole where a door might have been, and saw a group of an old man, a child, and an imperial wearing armor, who looked like a soldier.
"Gods.. Everyone get back!" The imperial yelled as the attacking dragon roared breathing fire, Pinkie ran to the back of the three, attempting not to die.
"Still alive prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way."
Then she walked up rediculously close to the imperial.
"Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense." The imperial said.
So far, Pinkie hadn't said a word, besides "Where am I?" which happened when she first woke up here, about an hour ago or so when she was on a carriage to this town, which people call Helgen. For however long shes here, it'll be okay at Equestria. She slowed down time so in 5 days, its only been 5 minutes there, so she has time to recharge and leave. The only challenge is not dying.
"Gods guide you, Hadvar." The old man said.
The imperials name must be Hadvar, then.
"Stay close to the wall!" Hadvar yelled.
Pinkie had one side of her shoved against the large wall to the side of them.

They contenued running, until the dragon landed on the wall and roared, breathing fire.
Pinkie was standing on her hind hooves, back to the wall as its large clawed wings were right in front of her, and she didn't want it to know she was there, it could end horridly if it did.

As it stopped and began to fly to another area to continue terrorizing the poor town, Hadvar yelled
"Quickly, Follow me!"
He went on, and the bright pink pony followed. She wondered why no one thought that a bright pink colorful pony suddenly in this brown,grey,and white world was strange.

From all over, she heard screams from children, soldiers dying and fighting, and families trying to escape. The entire thing horrified Pinkie, she couldn't believe how different these worlds were. Her bright, colorful happy Equestria of friendship and happiness.. And then this. Everywhing was burning, children were crying, families were dying.. All because of a dragon. She knew they were greedy, but she didn't know they were like this. She was happy Twilight raised Spike to be nice. She couldn't stay happy for long though.
"Its you and me prisoner! Stay close!" Hadvar yelled, after that, she heard soldiers ask "How do we kill this thing?!" Or yell "Tell my family I love them!" following dark horrifying screams.

"Ralof! You damned soldier, out of my way!"

"We're escaping, Hadvar! Your not stopping us this time!"

"Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde!" Whats sovngarde?

"You, come on! Into the keep!" Ralof yelled. She ran towards him since she wasn't always the best at super-fast choices like this, and he was the first to yell.

"I can cut you loose inside, come on!" He said.
She just remembered, some rages were ties around her mouth keeping her silent, and her front two hooves were loosely tied together, making it a bit harder to run.
He opened the door and went inside, in which she followed.

They went in, she looked around the palce. It looked like a dungeon, but with more light and furniture. She also noticed a dead nord soldier.

"We'll meet again in Sovngarde, brother." Ralof said, he stood up, "Looks like we're the only ones who made it." "That thing was a dragon, no doubt. Just like the children's stories and the legends. The harbingers of the End Times."
Harbingers of the end times? Only ones who made it? This is getting worse and worse.
"We better get moving. Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off." He took a dagger and cut loose the bindings on her mouth and hooves, making her able to eat,talk,and walk easier.

"There you go. You may as well take Gunjar's gear, he won't be needing it any more.."
Taking the clothes, and weapons of a dead guy? It just seems wrong..and disturbing..
But, being in danger of being killed by a dragon, and any other possible thing of this horrid world.. Might as well not die.
She took an iron war axe in her mouth, a tiny part of the stormcloak cuirass (All that actually fit), and the two boots which somehow fit loosely on her back hooves. She looked terribly rediculous, but what choice did she have?
"I'm going to see if I can find some way out of here." He said.

"Ah, this ones locked.. Lets see about that gate." He continued, walking toward one of the other side.

She looked around the room, and herself.

"Damn! no way to open this from our side.."
The two heard a woman yelling.
"Its the imperials! Take cover!" Ralof whispered.

"Get this gate open." They heard the imperial captain say, Pinkie was frightened and stood a bit lower where someone at the door couldn't see.
Slowly, the gate slowly opened, and Pinkie felt some of her fur going upwards.

"For the sons of skyrim!"

The imperials ran in wearing lots of armor, pulling out their weapons, one charging at Pinkie, she screamed and blocked her face, one of her hooves out. She couldn't keep the horrid, painful thought of the burning families and town of Helgen. She then heard the imperial scream and the sound of burning. The imperial was on fire, so was her hoof. But it didn't hurt, it just felt kind of warm on her. It must have been a fire spell, and it seems like a good way of fighting. Pinkie backed up, and continued thinking about fire, and her magic kept working. Ralof used his weapons to fight the other two. Pinkie closed her eyes, she didn't want to see anyone else burning alive. She heard three screams of different voices, then silence.
"Maybe one of the imperials had a key." Ralof said.