Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: The ritual begins

Me getting cup checked, Greg style!

Chapter 88

.... Wha? Where am I? Why does it feel like I'm on a wall?

I opened my eyes to see dark room... no scratch that, I opened my eyes to find I had a piece of cloth over them. When I tried to move my legs, I found that they were strapped to the wall... What's going on?!

I could hear muffled voices, but when I went to talk, I felt something in my mouth... I'm gagged too? What the hell?!

"Oh good, you're awake!" I heard someone say... Draco maybe?

"MMhhhmmffhh!" I yelled, but was muffled by the gag.

"I must say Mr. Greenfield, I like this form of you better." He said, and I could tell he was smiling.

Wait... form? What the fuck does that mean?!

Of to my right, I could hear chains clanking and muffled yells.

"Oh look, the Prince is awake as well."

Frederic's here as well?

[What the fu... Where are we?]
<I don't know, I can't see anything!>
[I feel... different.]
<Me too...>

Something touched my stomach and began to make circles, "Oh, I can't wait to get a piece of you Mr. Greenfield."

I began thrashing around, yelling into my gag. He better back the fuck off!

"Draco! What did I tell you about containing yourself?!" A new voice yelled out.

I heard Draco jump, "I'm sorry sir! I just thought..."

"Shut up!" I then heard the sounds of hooves coming towards me, "So, I see he's been through stage one."

"Yes sir, I just performed it on both of them."

"Excellent Draco, are they ready for stage two?"

"They sure are sir!"

What the fuck is stage two?! I began to scream into the gag, becoming pissed.

I clenched my fist in anger... wait... CLENCH MY FIST!

I began to move my fingers.... Don't tell me I'm a human again! What are they planning on doing to me?!

"Take those blind folds off him, but leave on the Prince's."

"I'm on it sir!"

The blind fold was ripped from my face, giving me a view of the room.

I was in a sort of creepy cobble stone basement of sorts. To be more accurate, it looked like a dungeon. I was on a wall, my legs spread out, and my arms spread out to the sides. At least I'm not in those depressing clothes anymore... how did they change? Doesn't matter, I have bigger problems.

Draco was right in front of me, eyeing me with happy eyes... fucking creepy! Behind him was a large unicorn stallion... whoa!

This guy was huge! Mr. Bleak huge! He was a dark kind of blue with dark red spots of color on him. His eyes were the same as Draco's, but light blue. His mane and tail were a dark grey, and combed neatly. His cutie mark was... I don't know what that's called, but I can tell its not good.

"Now the gag." He ordered.

Draco nodded and jumped up and put his hooves on either side of my chest. He then used his mouth to pull the gag out of my mouth.

[Prepare yourselves, Lance is about to go on the offensive!]

The second it was out, I let out all of my anger in one rant, "You fucking sick faggit! Get the fuck away from me! And don't you dare touch me again, or I'll fucking rip off your dick and make you choke on it! And you! Mr. Fucking huge pony! What the fuck are you even doing with me?! Why the hell am I a fucking human again?! Turn me back into a fucking pony right this fucking minute! I don't give one fuck about what you want, so turn me back now! I will fucking..."


I winced in pain as an invisible force slapped my face, forcing me to shut up.

The large stallion sighed, "If you open your mouth like that again, I will let Draco loose on you."

Draco smiled and looked at me expectantly. Yeah, I'm going to shut up now.

The stallion continued, "Now, to answer your question. We used the true self revealed spell on you and your friend."

"Why? How long does the damn affects last?!" I half yelled, half growled.

He chuckled, "Does it matter how long? If you must know, this version of the spell will last a full month, and there is no reversing it. Why? Because it's stage one of the ritual."

"Ritual?" I questioned.

He nodded and smiled, "I will not tell you the details. You'll have to learn them as you go through them."

Not good... "Can you at least tell me what it does?"

He shrugged, "I can. You see, we know all about you 'bronies' and where you came from. We also know this: You were all exposed to a very strong force, sorta like magic, but so much more powerful."

Wait... does he mean we all absorbed energy or something from being in the presence of God?

[Lance! Look over to your right!]

I quickly glanced to my side to see Frederic... as a human. Whoa!

He had short black hair with a little grey in it... I though he was twenty? He was fairly muscular, but not to much. He was wearing a black jacket, and a pair of worn blue jeans. I must say this, he looked close to what I expected him to look like.

The stallion continued his explanation, "With this power, we can finally bring Him back to life."


He smirked, "You'll learn of Him at a later date. Now, let me continue. We've already caught a few of you bronies and taken this powerful source energy and put it in the Gem. It's a painful ordeal, for you that is."

I gulped, "What happens to me once it's over?"

"Death." He said simply.

"Well, could..." I began.

He held up a hoof and shook his head, "No more stalling, we will now begin stage two. Draco, if you please."

Draco smiled, "Yes sir." He turned towards me and aimed his horn at me, "Prepare yourself Mr. Greenfield, this may hurt... a lot!"

A beam shot out and hit my chest. I began to feel a burning liquid type thing moving through my veins. Once it reached my heart, I screamed out in pain.


Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down next to Twilight, who was in town to visit her friends. So far, she's spent time with all of them, all but Pinkie Pie, and she was doing that now.

"Oh Twilight! Town is so so boring without you around, maybe you and Lance could move back here? It'll be fun! *Gasp* I could throw a party for you two! A welcome back party!"

Twilight chuckled, "We may Pinkie, if Lance comes back and says he doesn't like Pleasant Fields."

Pinkie Pie smiled happily, "That's a yes! Lance wouldn't want to leave us all behind! He loves us all to much!"

Twilight smiled and nodded, "I know he does, but it's all up to him if we-AHH!" Twilight yelled before falling to the ground, holding her head.

Pinkie Pie stopped and ran to her side, "Twilight?! Are you okay? What happened? Did something fall on you again?"

Twilight winched in pain, "I don't know... it feels like my horn is being pulled out of my head!"

Pinkie Pie started to say something, but her entire body began to shake violently, "OH NO!"

Twilight looked at her with worry, "What is it Pinkie?!"

Pinkie Pie stopped, her mane slightly deflated, "Lance is in trouble! Big humongous trouble!"

Twilight was confused at first, but then remembered the way Mr. Bleak reacted when he found out were Lance was. She quickly stood and bit her bottom lip, "What kind of trouble?"

Pinkie Pie shook her head, "I dunno Twi, but its bad!"

Twilight turned and began running for Rarity's, "I'm sorry Pinkie, but I have to do something!"

Pinkie only nodded as she began walking home.

Twilight had to get to the boutique and get Spike to send a letter to the Princess, she was the only one who could help!

Fluttershy's cottage

Alexander slowly made his way down the stairs, hissing in pain with each step. He was almost fully healed, but not quiet there yet.

He had heard a knock at the door, and since Fluttershy wasn't around, he took it upon himself to answer it.

Once he reached the last step, he made his way to the door. When he opened it, he saw a white Pegasus with a red and white mane, "Can I help you?"

The ponies mouth hung open at the sight of him, "WHO ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

Alexander was taken back by this, "Huh, I'm Alexander, but call me Silver Charger. Fluttershy is letting me stay here to rest and heal..."

The pony glared, "Oh no! I know what you're up too! You want to steal her for yourself! Well, I won't let you, I challenge you to a duel!"

Alexander shook his head in disbelief, "And what kind of duel are we talking about here?"

The pony tapped its chin, "Well, how about this: We have a full on competition, and the one to win gets her."

Alexander sighed, "Sure, why not. When should we have this competition?"

The pony shrugged, "I don't know... How about when my friend Lance gets back, he could judge for us?"

Alexander nodded, "Sounds good to me. What will the events be?"

Again, the pony shrugged, "No idea, how about we let him come up with them?"

Alexander chuckled, "Sure, be easier."

The pony glared, "I will win, and I will be with her! I've been trying to talk to her for about ten months, and when I do, you're here instead!"

Alexander scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about that..."

The pony turned, "It's fine, just be ready for the competition."

"Come on Seth! We have to get back to the observation bush! We're gonna miss Applejack buck more trees." Said a pony, who was standing on the small little bridge outside of Fluttershy's house.

Seth sighed, "I'm coming!"

Alexander turned and sighed, "So, I have to fight for her heart? Okay then, so be it!"

He then walked back into the house, a determined look on his face.

If you're wondering what Lance looks like now, then here:

Also, as you can tell, I was running low on time today.