Alduin reborn

by Maelstrom Of Time

The eternal banter between two gods

Ah, chaos.

Isn't it just wonderful?

No? Well, voice In my head, I don't know why you're here, but I'll tell you.

Of course I sensed the presence of another spirit of nature, let alone an immortal one. And he was strong. Real strong. Stronger than me.

And I could tell who he was, too. I've talked to him before. But that was a long time ago, in a different form...

Funny how we keep bumping into each other, isn't it?

But, anyway, back to Alduin.

Why was he here? He couldn't be here. There was a reason he existed in skyrim, not equestria. He was too dangerous for it. And he was getting ever so closer to canterlot. Now, that alone was a bad thing, but there was something else. Chaos following wherever he went. Something chaotic was following him. And it wasn't me. I was in canterlot. What was that?

I, of course, visited celestia.

She wasn't worried about me being there

And that's when I knew we were in grave danger.

I mean, I always alarm celestia, no matter what, but when I didn't...not a good thing at all.

I was scared.

She had maps all over her room. Towns were crossed off, all canterlot.

Uh oh.