
by FallenShadow000


A lot has changed within me since these experiences I have had. I am not angry, or worried as I once was, and my will to live and do what I love has been restored. I have curbed things that anger me and have become patient and happy. My faith has been not only affirmed, but is very strong with the Lord. I am learning to be patient in letting a significant other come to me, however I'd be content with being single for whatever time I have left. My former tendencies to lust after women have also been reduced and reined in heavily; it is much easier to control my cravings for flesh now. (For the record, I have never engaged in sleeping with a woman before, or anyone else).

I fully believe that I now have a purpose to lead and help people as they wish to be helped. Helping also does extend to ending the problems in the United States as well. I wish to re-root the Christian values that America was founded upon, while allowing other walks of life to co-exist alongside us.

I do not expect to convert people, and I do not expect everyone to believe me. My only duties as a Christian are to teach and be a good witness. Just because I believe that what you are doing wrong may condemn you gives me no place to make the trip worse, and makes me no better than you. As humans I believe we are all born into Sin, and it is beyond our control. However, what is in our control is the choice to make ourselves better people. I have chosen to do so through faith in the Lord; how you choose to do so, is up to you.

However, I will not waived by extremists. If you come here to push your beliefs down my throat, or harass me in any way then I will see you removed. In these times of strife we've no room to be fighting needlessly.

I have not seen Fluttershy since I was shown Paradise. However, she is ever-present and always watching. She comforts me as I sleep, and is always smiling when I wake. Her love flows through me and is everlasting. Over the weeks, I have begun to fully understand where she came from: She is a personification of the love and camaraderie that has come from the ENTIRETY of My Little Pony: FiM. Whether I know you personally or not, from my closest brony friends all the way to Lauren and the animation team, to the best of the best at EQD and Deviant Art... you all have helped me greatly, whether you know it or not, and I know that it is a debt I cannot POSSIBLY repay.

I will never forget this fandom, or the show. I pray that Heaven is as nice, if not nicer, than Equestria is. She may not even be Fluttershy in name or form, but that love will ALWAYS exist within me, and the entire fndom for as long as it lasts. Perhaps this gift I have been given could be used to even change the world one day.

My only wish now, is to give back. I will spread my art to the world, and bring people together. I will give back the love and camaraderie that was given to me, tenfold.

All the while, waiting to go homeā€¦ my sweet Fluttershy.