//------------------------------// // New Trouble for a Rappah's Career // Story: Meet the Rappah // by RickiRappah //------------------------------// Ricki stared into the waiting crowd. He say all the ponies' eyes gleaming waiting with excitement. Ricki's heart stopped. This was the real deal. The moment he was waiting for was right in front of him. What he dreamed for his entire life was now about to be experienced first hand-er, hoof! The stallion almost shed a tear when Frizzy tapped him on the shoulder. Ricki turned to his friend and nodded looking back at Vinyl for the signal. And with a few pushes on her DJ set, their performance was ready to begin. LYRICS I know I'll miss you mother. I'll miss daddy too. These ponies stare at me, I don't know what to do. I wish I was strong, I wish I was brave. So I could buy all the things you've always craved. But I'm no superpony, I need to be saved. But I do know one thing though: ponies, we come, we go. Maybe I'll be great one day, I'll be a big show. But for now I'm just another pony doing what he's told. These days sure are cold. If only I were bold. I could do cool things, but man, these dreams do get old. So I'll just let my life unfold until the day my soul's been sold. I pretend not to care, when I'm walking here or there. But I look at the stars and think ' that's not fair.' What riches have they earned? What is it they deserve? I know I want that life. I know you do too. Just take my hoof and pray. There's nothing else to do or say. It's mostly hopeless dreams that we ponies chase every day. Just who do the hell do we think we are? Who are we supposed be? Our cutie marks expose our talents, but don't tell what the future sees. I don't know what my future will attend. It feels as if my life is bent, all the time in this world that I have spent. We want what we can't have. Oh man, that's too damn bad. Don't touch what you can't grab. Instead, just praise the fab. But that's what cowards do. If I'm gonna make a life, I have to try and prove. I must stand up and fight, I can't afford to lose. Now this is what I choose. It's too late to stop the fuse. If the world seems different later, It's me to accuse. 'Cause I can't take no more. I want out that door. I cannot suffer for. My fate's out there waiting for a tour. Pack my things and be on my way. We'll see each other another day. So in your bed, you lay. And for my soul, you pray. To wait and hear the tale of the famous life that Ricki Rappah chased. The record slowed to a stop as the song ended. The ponies cheered with the same energy as the Inhabitant's performance. During their excitement, Ricki wiped the sweat off his face and breathed. His song wasn't s tiring from his club performace, but it was definitely more important and nerve racking. Ricki was nervous. He turned over Frizzy, who was waving to the crowd, smiling. Vinyl was also celebrating, not seeming too concerned. The three took their final bows and thanks before retreating behind the curtains. " Man," Ricki exhaled, " Do you guys think we did it?" " Nope." The weird-looking pony with the mohawk butted in. " I'll admit, you guys were...tolerable. But there's no way you did better than us." He smiled not even looking at either of them. Before any of the three could open their mouth, the microphone screeched once again. The rivals closed their word holes and listened to see their fates. " Fillies and gentlecolts," the host cleared his throat, " there were a lot of great performers here today. Some....a bit more talented than the rest," he smiled and the crowd laughed at his cold joke. " Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. I proudly present tonight's winners of Canterlot's Talented." the crowed clapped and bit their bottom lips not knowing what to expect. The host pulled out a single card from his jacket and cleared his throat. " Oh my," he said a bit concerned, " it seems thee have been a change declaring the winners. The audience gasped and quietly asked each other questions not at all knowing what was. " Yes," the host continued, " It seems the final decision is a tie! Your winners, the Inhabitants and the the final performers. " WHAT?" the six winners barked, except for the blue pony of course. " Hey what're you guys doing?" asked one of the staff members. " get out there!" he said with smile. The six reluctantly walked out through the curtains wearing fake smiles. The crowd cheered, whistled, and applauded for their winners as the musicians waved back. " This isn't over freak." Ricki whispered through a toothy grin. " Fine. Whadaya say we settle this outside?" the mohawk pony grinned back. Ricki and the mohawk pony didn't really pay attention for the rest of the winning ceremony. The two just stared at each other smiling smug looks while receiving their prizes which was nothing but a few hoofshakes from the judges and a special ending performance from the Wonderbolts. Not to mention a certificate to a music studio, but the two were too eager to fight to notice. After the event, Ricki and his opponent walked around the back of the park. " Hey there you are! " Vinyl said smiling. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the two glaring each other down. " Uh, what is-" " Ohhhhhhh shit!" Frizzy exclaimed. " shit's bout to get down!" he shouted not really knowing it. Out of curiosity, ponies walked over to the commotion, making a circle around the rivals. " Oops. " Frizzy blushed. " Hey Wind Rave," said Ricki's opponent, still staring. " Sup, Rocket?" said the Pegasus Inhabitant member. " Bring me Space Breaker, wouldja?" Wind Rave smiled and nodded before returning back with an electric guitar. Rocket strapped it around his shoulder and turned it on. " What're you gonna do. Kill me with you crappy music?" Ricki smiled. Rocket didn't respond. Instead, he just picked at a few strings and his guitar started making a buzzing sound as if a generating was turning on. Vinyl widened her eyes in surprised and turned to the ponies crowding around. " EVERYPONY, GET THE FUCK OUT OF-" BOOM! A large pulsing sound of the guitar screeched. Ponies ran away and covered their ears. Rocket started laughing and violently started hoof-raping his guitar. A large wave of wind blasted out of the instrument and knocked the three protagonists off their feet and into the air. Now, ponies were terrified. Almost all ran away, while a few stayed hidden in bushes and trash cans watching what happened next. Ricki flew into a tree, crashing his back into it with a hard thud. " Unhhh...." he groaned in pain as he gasped frantically for breath. " What...the fuck w-was that?" he said slowly returning to his feet. Vinyl helped up Frizzy brushing herself off and glaring at Rocket. "Guys watch out. His guitar launches sound waves. The louder he plays his guitar, the more devastating the attacks are going to be," she explained cleaning out her glasses. " Then how am I going to pound this guy?" Frizzy shouted angrily. " NO!" Ricki snapped, " this asshole is mine you two just get outta here. We gotta finish what this contest started." " Ha! As if!" laughed Wind Rave. " You guys are going to die before you even touch him!" " Shut the fuck up!" Rocket demanded. " I wanna hear this pig squeal." Rocket dragged his hoof through all the guitar strings sending out another sound wave. This time, Ricki was quick enough to dodge it rolling to the right. The wave continued to fly, until it crashed into a tree and completely destroyed it, sending branches flying everywhere. Ricki stood up, brushed himself off, and bolted towards Rocket. " Come on!" Rocket launched another wave, larger than the last. Ricki spun around it and continued sprinting. Rocket grinded his teeth shot out a volley of waves. With quick reflexes, Ricki dodged all but one, sending him flying back again. The force of the wave was like getting punched by bodybuilders all over your body. As soon as Ricki touched the floor, he did one of those martial arts jump recoveries. You know what I'm talking about. When they do that jumpy thing on their back! Nevermind. Ricki dashed faster than ever towards Rocket reducing the distance between the two. Rocket swiped his guitar with great strength blasting a huge sound wave. Using his speed, Ricki jumped over the blast and landed right behind Rocket. Before he could move, Ricki started breakdancing, flipping his legs in the air. Rocket jumped back avoiding a few kicks about to execute another shot from his guitar. Ricki somersaulted towards Rocket and sweeped his right leg forward, tripping him. Ricki took this chance quickly, and leaped over Rocket. As fast as he could, Ricki sent a barrage of punches right in Rocket's face. 9,13,17,24...Ricki couldn't stop! He let his hooves launch forward meeting with Rockets cheeks. He couldn't even see his punches! " ENOUGH!" Rocket bellowed firing another wave, close-distance. Ricki flew back, his body grinding across the floor, scraping his skin. Both fighters lay on the floor unable to move. " No!" Vinyl cried about to step in. Frizzy stopped her and shook his head. Vinyl reluctantly moved back. She didn't want to see her friend get pummeled. That's weird. I do :D After a few seconds, Ricki and Rocket slowly climbed back up. " You little bitch," Rocket glared spitting out some blood. He had a black eye, torn skin, and a bloody nose. " You just got lucky asshole!" he roared. " Tell you what man," said Ricki brushing dirt off his fur, " how 'bout you out down that vibrator of yours and see if I really did ' get lucky.' " Rocket unstrapped himself from his guitar and tossed it to the floor. " I was just warmin' up. Come on chump." The two earth ponies dashed towards each other getting ready to pummel the other. When they were just mere inches away, a pony swooped in between the two. The pony was a rather old stallion with a gray mane and mustache. His fur was a darker shade of brown than Ricki's with a teacup cutie mark. The pony also wore a tuxedo with a bowtie as if he were a butler. " The fuck?" Rocket stopped. Before anypony could blink, Celestia's royal guard flew in from the sky. " Stop!" one of the officers shouted, " You two are under arrest for violation of public property and public violence! I hereby sentence you-" " Wait!" the old pony pleaded. " I'm terribly sorry but this is my client," he said pointing to Ricki. " He was just defending himself. It's that young man there who caused all the trouble," the geezer defended. " Client, huh?" asked another guard. " And just who might you be?" The pony reached into his tuxedo and pulled out a slip of paper. He unfolded it and gave it to the guard for inspection. The read it over and called over his partner to notify it. " I see," he said, " Very well then. You! " he walked over to Rocket, " You're under arrest!" " Aww fuck, man! I was just messin' around! It was all a joke!" Rocket cried. " Save it asshole," the guard snapped as he cuffed Rocket and placed inside a prison carriage. " FUCK YOU RICKI! FUCK YOU! THIS ISN'T OVER!" Rocket shouted as he was carried away into the air. Wind Rave and the quiet pony sped off as well, not wanting any trouble. " Hey, thanks old man," Ricki groaned as he slumped down, trying to relax. Ricki was beat. It felt as if his whole body was burning. Whatever Rocket did to his guitar, it definitely worked. " So," Ricki said rubbing his head, " wanna tell me who you are?" ************** " Dude are you okay," Vinyl asked concerned. The three were at Vinyl's house in the studio room. Ricki wasn't injured, but he definitely got roughed up. Vinyl was doing everything she could to treat his wounds. When it came to medical treatment, she was no Nurse Heartfield. At least I think what her name is. Or was it Redheart? I don't fucking know man, I just narrate this shit. Fuck. Anyways: " I gotta admit," said Vinyl, " that was the badass thing I've seen in awhile. You were so fuckin' rad!" " Really? I didn't do anything I just-" Ricki stopped and looked at Vinyl. They were staring right into each other's eyes. Ricki couldn't speak. Vinyl's eyes were just so beautiful. He loved the way they glimmered. His body tensed up. His emotions got the best of him as he slowly leaned forward to Vinyl's lips. Vinyl closed her and moved closer as well getting ready to kiss. Ricki closed his eyes. He couldn't believe it? This is going to be his first kiss. Who knows, he might even get la- " DUDE, YOU WHOOPED ASS!" Frizzy barged in the room. " Holy shit man, what the fuck?" Vinyl said startled. " What?" " What?" said Ricki, " You scared the fucking shit out of us!" " Oh. Sorry." Frizzy slumped down on a chair next to Ricki. " By the way," said Frizzy, " who was that geezer that just saved your ass?" asked Frizzy combing up his mane. " Oh, him," said the now turned off Ricki, " he said his name was Regenald. Fuckin' weird. Anyways I don't know what the deal with him is. He started blabbering some stuff about ' seeing him soon' or whatever. I don't know. I was too beat up to really understand." Ricki explained, rubbing his head trying to remember. " Speaking of which," he continued, " Vinyl how'd you know what Rocket's guitar was?" " Well how else?" she smiled, " I wouldn't know unless I had one of those myself." Frizzy farted. " Ah, dude really?" said Ricki covering his nose and fanning the stench away. Frizzy just ignored him. Vinyl laughed her ass off. " Seriously?" he almost shrieked, " you really have one of those?" asked the nerd-gasmed, farting, afro pony. " W-well, not one like his specifically," said Vinyl catching her breath and wiping away a tear. " Mine is at least ten times more powerful than his in size and destruction." Frizzy farted again. " Ah, fuck man! Again? Shit. Your damn farts are going to end up killing me!" Vinyl nearly died this time. " Well we gotta see it! You can't just tell us and not let us see it!" Vinyl didn't respond. She was sprawled out on the floor not breathing, but still laughing. She couldn't even move a muscle. She stayed like this for about four whole minutes before coming back to life " It's...I-it's over there in the closet! Just please don't fart again!" Vinyl finally spoke still laughing. Frizzy nearly tripped rushing over to the closet, stumbling over microphones and other musical equipment. Frizzy, with excitement flooding through his entire body, nearly ripped the door off the wall....and let out the loudest, longest, smelliest fart any living thing in the whole galaxy could unleash. I mean, this thing was fucking legendary. You could almost SEE the damn thing, I shit you not. It literally FLOWED out of his ass, I mean, he let it fucking rip, dude. I'm surprised it didn't even hurt going through something like that. Like holy shit. You could have a phobia for bad smells and you'd still be amazed. I mean, fuck. That was a fucking fart. And boy the smell...damn, lets just not get into that right now. " AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!" Ricki screamed, running over to the window pulling it open. He stuck his head out and breathed. " Oh, Celestia, thank you!" he said taking in as much air as he could. Never has oxygen been this life-saving. Never. Oh, and Vinyl? Naw man, Vinyl's fucking dead. She laughed her damn heart out. Well that's okay. She probably would've wanted to die if she had sex with Ricki. Okay it's over. The end. Thanks for reading! " Vinyl," said Octavia walking over to the room, " what in the name of," she said opening the room. All it took was one whiff and boom. Dead. Alright guys, thanks for reading. See ya in the next chapter, assholes.