Meet the Rappah

by RickiRappah


"No, no, no. That won't work," Ricki sighed as he stopped the track. He picked up his pencil and continued scribbling on his paper.

"Now what?" asked Frizzy. The two young stallions were in their studio, which is actually Ricki's basement, trying to cook up some new songs which will eventually end up in failure or giving up due to laziness(Breaking Bad reference not intended). They had been trying to create a new music style since they were in highschool. Despite their idiocy, the two earth ponies love music more than anything.

"We need something hardcore. Show everypony who we are and what we are capable of. But at the same time, we don't want to scare anypony," Ricki explained. He looked down on his table, which is where they had left all their songs from last week. He reviewed the endless papers and shook his head clueless. He ran his hoof through his spiky, white mane in distress.

"Ah, come on dude," Frizzy enlightened cheerfully. He was picking his large, dark brown, afro mane trying to puff it up more than it already was. His tail was long and straight with green fur. He is a very awkward pony to look at which led to him getting bullied. However he never cared about the negative attention he was receiving. He is a confident pony who believes he can achieve anything. Which...can lead to injuries and destruction.

"I'll admit, we aren't done yet but come ooooon. We've got so much already! We should just use what we have right now." Ricki thought for a second trying to come up with new ideas. Making these "raps" was difficult. Ricki has an excellent taste in music and great musical skill. But to create a completely new genre is quite tricky. The light brown pony lifted his head up eagerly and smiled his "oh yeah" smile.

"Alright Frizzy," Ricki exclaimed now confident and full of energy. "Let's give these ponies something they've never seen before! Sure we've been laughed at before. We've been brushed off and ignored but now it's different! We leave for Ponyville tomorrow to meet Vinyl, so let's finish this!"

"Ha ha! Now you're talking!" Frizzy cried excitedly.

"SHUT UP DOWN THERE!" Ricki's mom bellowed. Ricki and Frizzy froze in fear before starting up the track again...

To Ricki, the train to Ponyville was slow. He was eager to meet Vinyl and start his career. Ricki had discovered Vinyl through a request asking for a music producer. Ricki and Frizzy didn't have the right equipment for creating the music and they definitely didn't have the skill or money. Pffft losers. Ricki looked out the window watching the terrain fly as thoughts of fame, fortune, and most importantly mares clouded his mind. Meanwhile, Frizzy was frantically searching for his pick comb which was stuck in the endless darkness of his stupid afro. Ponies scoffed and snickered watching the poor idiot tear through his mane.

After what seemed like hours the train screeched to a halt. The two earth ponies waited patiently as the rest of the ponies poured out into the world outside. Ricki and Frizzy walked outside excitedly and gasped. Ponyville was beautiful! Everything was bright and full of life, strangers greeted other strangers as if they always knew each other, the streets were busy of a vast majority of stores and eateries, everything was just so lively. Ricki closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh aroma of flowers, food, and mares' shampoos and conditioners.

"What is it?" asked Frizzy as he stretched out his sleeping limbs.

"I smell...our future."

The two friends walked and explored their surroundings astonished. They've heard good things about Ponyville but experiencing it for themselves was on a whole other level.

"Damn this is nice," Frizzy said glancing around. Unfortunately, ponies were glancing too. At his mane that is. Frizzy caught a few mares giggling at him at like the dumb ass as he is, he took it the wrong way and winked at them. The mares screamed in fear and ran. Frizzy raised an eyebrow in confusion before catching up to Ricki.

"And also big," Rcki continued. "It's going to be kinda hard to find this place," he said looking down on the address he had written. "Hey man let's take our time," drooled Frizzy as he caught some pervy looks on mares' flanks. "As much as I want to, I want to find this place now. We've waited so long for this. My cutie mark isn't a microphone for nothing," Ricki explained "I wonder w- oof!" Ricki fell to the floor as he fell to the floor as he ran into somepony.

"Whoa are you okay?" asked Frizzy as he helped his friend back to his feet-er I mean hooves. Man, this weed is just not helping me read this crap.

"OhmygoshareyouokayIdidn'tmeantohurtyouIwasjustsoexcitedtomeatyoubecauseyou'renewandIlovemeetingnewponies!!!" said the hyperactive, super-fun, random, pink earth pony. Her mane was large and curly similar to Frizzy's. Her fur was a light shade of pink with a cutie mark of balloons. Holy shit, I wonder who the hell is. If only a bunch teens and adults watched shows meant for a younger audience, they could know. Bitch.

"Uh say again?" said Frizzy rubbing his head having no idea what the pony just said.

"I said -" the pony started before being cut off.

"No don't!" cried Ricki. "Hey look, sorry I bumped into you like that. Are you okay?" Ricki apologized. He felt kind of embarrassed of ponies took a quick glance at the run-in before walking way. Wasn't the best first impression ever.

"Am I okay? Of course I am silly! I'm always happy to meet new ponies! My name's Pinkie Pie who are you two?" Pinky smiled the toothiest, widest smile the boys have ever seen.

" name's Ricki Rappah and this is my friend Frizzy Fro." Ricki introduced still staring at the creepy smile.

"Frizzy Fro?" Pinkie Pie giggled. "That's cute ha,ha!" Frizzy blushed. " And look!" Pinky continued, " Our manes are the same too!"

" Well, uh, you see I, um..." Frizzy stuttered. He had no idea how to handle the situation. Usually, he would start talking to mares first before getting kicked in the genitalia.

Ricki smiled and rolled his eyes. " Okay, okay. Don't get this guy too excited. His mane is gonna fly right off his head!" Ricki joked.

" Hey!"

" Anyways, Pinkie, you mentioned something about meeting new ponies. Do you know everypony who lives here?" Pinkies ears perked up in excitement. " Of course I do! Want me to introduce you to them all?" The stallions eyes widened in a combination of fear and astonishment. " Uh that won't be necessary. We just need help finding this place," Ricki showed Pinkie the address.

" Geez that pony was kind of weird."

" And cute."



Ricki just rolled his eyes and the two continued walking until they arrived at their destination. It was just an ordinary house similar to others. Two stories tall with a brownish tan exterior with a few flowers here and there. Definitely not a place where you'd expect to find a music producer.

" Uh, are sure we're in the right place?" asked Frizzy unsure.

" Well let's see," said Ricki walking towards the door and knocked. A few seconds later, a white unicorn with spiky blue hair and piercing red eyes(don't worry she's not high) greeted them at the door. Ricki froze at the sight of her. She...was fucking hot. Don't get me wrong, that's not how I feel. That's what Ricki was thi-you know what? Screw it. Think what you want.

" Oh, hey dudes. What's up?" the mare greeted. Ricki was still not moving, just staring at her like a dumb ass. " Um...hello?" asked the confused unicorn.

"Uh hey! Sorry, you're Vinyl Scratch right?" asked the now embarrassed Ricki. Once again, not the best first impression.

" The one and only! You two must be the ah, what was it? Rappers right? I just gotta say, when you told me you guys were making a new music style, you have no idea how excited I was! It just sounded so cool!" Vinyl gleamed.

" Yeah..." Ricki drooled.

" Anyways, you guys must be tired from the trip. Come in, come in!" Vinyl welcomed. The three stepped in the house and the stallions looked around the house. Now as the narrator I would describe what they saw but you already know what the inside of a house looks like. What you think I'm lazy? I'd like to see you narrate something.

" Yep this is my little slice of Heaven. Well it's actually upstairs in my room. This is kind of my friends house," Vinyl blushed embarrassed. " Sorry. This must be kind of awkward."

" Oh, not at all. It's cool," assured Frizzy with a smile.

" Yeah," Ricki added. " We are pretty embarrassing ponies too. This guy still wets his bed!" Ricki laughed.

" Dude! You said you were gonna keep that a secret asshole!" Frizzy yelled

" Vinyl who's there," asked a sort of grumpy voice with a distinguished accent.

" It's just a couple of friends Octovia," Vinyl shouted back. "Sorry that's my roommate. Why don't we head upstairs."

" Sure," said Ricki. Frizzy nudged him on the shoulder. He looked over and saw Frizzy raising his eyebrows with a stupid grin on his face. Ricki knew what he was thinking and snorted.

Vinyl led the stallions down the hall until they came across a door with graffiti sprayed all over it. The knob to the door was surrounded by a blue aura. But Vinyl hesitated before turning the knob. She turned her head back to face her guests. " You guys ready?" she smiled. Ricki gulped. The way she asked sounded discomforting.

" Uh y-yeah." With that, Vinyl opened the door and revealed the magic inside. Not her magic but the r- well nevermind. The room was filled with anime, games, posters to movies and 'other' things, instruments, and other cool stuff you would see in a man cave. The boys were dumbfounded like little boys in the porn section of a video store. They couldn't say anything. Everything was in here! A pub, 38 inch flat screen, arcade games, else.

" Ha ha! I know right! This place took me months to put together and pay for. Watcha think?" asked Vinyl. The boys were still wide eyed and speechless. I almost feel sorry for them. Even if these buttholes had the money for what they are seeing, they wouldn't know how to put everything together resulting in wasting their cash for food and fake poop pranks. I'm actually embarrassed narrating this story. I should've taken that job as a janitor. Better than this fanboy piece of fuck.

" This is so cool." stuttered Frizzy.

"Alright," Vinyl started. " You guys ready?" Vinyl walked over to the side of the room where her equipment was located. She started setting everything up, eager to get ready for some tunes.

"Yeah, but how will people be able to listen to our music?" asked Ricki. " Is there some place we can perform?"

"Oh, that's easy," Vinyl remarked. " I'm a DJ for a club not too far from here. Every once in a while, music executives come in to see what I'm sellin'. If they like, I get sponsored." Vinyl explained. " Unfortunately, I haven't been sponsored yet. But now that I have you guys, I think that might change!"

" Okay cool. So all we gotta do is come up with something good and show it off." said Frizzy. " Sounds easy enough."

" Speaking of which," Vinyl gleamed , " I've been dying to hear the new music genre you guys told me about. We could make a few tracks, try to make something we like and go to the club tonight. That is if you guys want to."

" Alright sounds good," said Ricki now getting excited. The three ponies spent a few hours making some tracks before setting off in cool night for some fun.
" This is awesome!" Ricki shouted. Vinyl had taken the rappers to Club Ice showcase their music. This gonna be the night where they get started. They could hardly wait.

" WHAT?" yelled Frizzy. They couldn't hear eachother and they didn't care. Everyone in the club was enjoying them pulsing sound of Vinyl's music until it faded out.

" Alright everypony," said Vinyl from the microphone. " Tonight is a very special night. We got two singers coming all the from Fillydelphia to make some music. These guys are going to blow your minds with what they got! Give it up for Ricki Rappah and Frizzy Fro!" the ponies screamed and cheered in excitement for the performing newcomers.

" This is it man. This is what we've been waiting for." sighed Ricki nervously. " Yeah. Are you ready?" asked Frizzy equally scared. Ricki smiled and nodded as they trotted up the stage and began their performance.

We've got the motivation, we set our dedication, no limitations on us, feel our sensation. Party till we die, no respiration. This is elimination, this is our salvation. We admit we're kind of scared. Someday we'll get balls and grow. So shut the hell up and watch us get there, hoe. We're on another level, bitch I hope you know. We're gonna take this world, get money, and be on our roll. No time for stupid shit, we've only just begun. But somehow I get the feeling that we've already won. We spent our time in the dark now, we get to feel the Sun! Bitches gonna be praisin' us like they fuckin' street bums! We want all you ponies. We know you want us too. Males don't get confused. So mares just come in twos. But we are crazy, we must warn, so you better be prepared for it. Messed up in the head, we're just delirious! We're not well known so, for now, we'll just be infamous. Come on mares, come hang with us. Park your flanks right next to us. If you don't wanna be with us, that dumb ass decision just might feel rough. Okay, we're not that tough. Sometimes we may bluff. But when it comes to our stuff (rap) you better understand we're serious. So now we hope you know. Hope you enjoyed the show. We are Ricki Rappah and Frizzy Fro.

The crowd was wide eyed and silent just staring at their performers. Nopony moved a muscle. " Do you think that was too much?" Frizzy whispered to Ricki. Suddenly every single pony cheered. They bellowed in an astonishing roar of satisfaction. They stomped, clapped, jumped, yelled all in excitement for the what they have just experienced. Ricki looked over to Vinyl who was nodded her headed at him equally excited.

" No," Ricki smiled his " oh yeah " smile. " I think we did just right."

Ponies ran up the stage to further applaud and take a closer look at the surprisingly talented, and now sweaty, performers. The two earth ponies couldn't believe it. This was easier than they had hoped! Ricki and Frizzy were now surrounded by what seemed their first fans. " This is crazy!" Frizzy cried overwhelmed.

" This is awesome!" Ricki corrected while being tampered with mares. The boys enjoyed the rest of their night of drinking, dancing, and pathetic pick-up lines and flirting. Their time was coming. They could feel it...