//------------------------------// // Part 14: A Sweet Singer of the Seas. // Story: MLP X Pokemon: Adventures in the Equestria Region. Episode 5: The Siren Gym Leader. // by trahzo //------------------------------// Just like the previous gyms, Querxov decided to get some intelligence on the Mustangia Gym Leader. Turns out, she uses Water type Pokemon & is the younger sister to Gym Leader Rarity. After that, he ran into Magnum once again, this time he gave Querxov the Super Rod! Querxov realized he was running out of medical items, so he decided to do a little shopping 1st before he went to the Gym. He then met a 10-year old boy by the name of Ash Ketchum. He was from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. he said he was here to enter the Pokemon League in order to become a Pokemon Master. Heh, I guess great minds think alike! He was traveling with a-lot of people. His group consisted of Brock, Misty, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena. he thinks Serena likes Ash, though when he ran into the author earlier, he told Querxov that he ships Ash with Dawn because Dawn's Buneary likes Ash's Pikachu. So he had a friendly battle, then he helped him defeat Team Rocket! Apparently there are many more evil gangs out there & he'll be on the look out for all of them after he's done here in the Equestria Region. Also, it was amazing meeting a talking Meowth! So he said good bye & good luck to Ash on his quest. Ugh, that taco last night wants some revenge! But, no matter the enemy, even fecal matter wont stop our hero! So he finally entered the Gym and wow, it looked really nice. The walls were marble, there were 2 fountains in the middle of a big staircase. As he was walking, he started to get tired and even more tired, until he finally passed out from walking up so many stairs. Minutes later... He awoke later to some wonderful singing he also found himself on a stage in front of tons of people . He was watching a white colored woman with pink & purple hair, a purple dress, green eyes, and the same cape similar to Applebloom & Scootaloo's capes sing, but then the woman noticed that Querxov had woken up! the backdrop was well, the ocean with a tiny island. "Oh finally you're up, alright ladies and gentlemen, time for the main event!" The crowd then whistled and clapped! *You are challenged by Gym Leader Sweetie Belle! Gym Leader Sweetie Belle sent out Slowking!* "Go, Jenny the Serperior! Use Leaf Blade!" *It's super effective! The foe's Slowking used Calm Mind! Slowking's Special Attack & Special Defense rose!* "Use Leaf Tornado!" "Stop that Tornado with Ice Beam!" The Ice Beam hit the Leaf Tornado destroying it, then ice leaves started falling & glistening, which amazed the audience! "Alright time for Leaf Blade, again!" "Counter with Dragon Tail!" The 2 tails collided! giving both damage! *It's super effective! Cherubi was dragged out!* Querxov looked at the screen, Slowking had just 1 HP left, he checked the moves baby Cherubi knew, then Sweetie Belle made the command! "Slowking, use Hydro Pump on the cutie!" "Cherubi, dodge, then use tackle!" Cherubi jumped over the blast of water, everything was in slow motion, then in an instant...Slowking was down! *The foe's Slowking fainted! Gym leader Sweetie Belle sent out Lumineon!* "Great job baby! return, now let's do this! Go Sally the Ampharos!" *The foe's Lumineon used Flash!* "Sally, you use Flash as well!" *Both accuracies fell! Sally's Ampharosite is reacting to the mega bracelet! Sally mega evolved into mega Ampharos! the foe's Lumineon used Ice Beam!* "Wait for it...Now jump and use Zap Cannon!" *It's super effective! The foe's Lumineon fainted!* "Huh, one Pokemon left I see!" Then the lights went off, then back on! Sweetie Belle was in her rock n' roll costume from the season 1 episode: "The Show Stoppers!" "Ah, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! that's so ridiculous looking!" Querxov was dying after seeing Sweetie Belle wear such a thing. "Oh, you are definitely my 3rd best friend now!" Okay, so works like this! Querxov's best friend is Jenny the Serperior, his 2nd Best friend is Kragakai, now his 3rd best friend is Sweetie Belle! Hey look at that, his 3 best friends are a Pokemon, OC, and a humanized pony. "Um. Try keeping a strait face, we're live all over 4 regions" "4?" "Yep, Here, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos!" "Alright, Sally return, go Magnezone! Now, use Lock-on!" *Magbezone Locked onto it's target! The foe's Azumarill used Superpower!* "Intercept with Zap Cannon!" *It's super effective! The foe's Azumarill fainted! You defeated Gym Leader Sweetie Belle!* "Aw, that was a really anti-climatic ending! All well, here you go winner, 5,000 bits, TM 82 Dragon Tail, and the Badge proving you have beaten the Mustangia Gym!" "Alright, I got my 5th badge! (How come I feel like she knows a-lot of big words, being able to use climatic like that?) hey, I just gotta ask, what does that cape mean anyway? I've seen a cape similar to that twice!" "Oh, you've met my 2 best friends! Well, the capes we wear is to symbolize and immortalize a society we started." "What's the society called?" "The Cutiemark Crusaders, where we crusade our talents till we find the thing that makes us special! we were the founding members, but since then, the society went all across this vast region, now there are people all around the world trying to figure out what makes them special!" "In other words, make their mark?" "Yes, and if you'd like to join, go to Ponyville and sign-up!" "That's nice, but I already know what makes me special!" "Oh? What would that be?" He looked at the camera and said..."Battling!" Then the crowd all cheered! Querxov made his triumphant exit out of the Gym. He decided to just relax a bit after his next Gym, and have lots of fun with the team that one! yes, that includes Cherubi.