//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Where Am I // Story: A Summer Afternoon // by Scarlet_6 //------------------------------// Chapter 1 Where Am I? “Oh my…” That voice. That sweet, tender voice was the first thing I remembered. Well, the first thing other than darkness. As I slowly regained consciousness, I could sense light outside of my eyelids, but it seemed so bright that I was scared to open them, for fear of being blinded. The voice continued to speak, with a hint of concern. “Is it ok? Oh dear, I hope this creature is ok. Guards! Please go get Shining Armor, and send a letter to Princess Celestia immediately!” Princess…? I slowly opened my eyes. As I suspected, the light was very bright, but it was also blue, like a sapphire. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I could finally make out a silhouette. Was… was that a horse? I shut my eyes again, only to plunge back into darkness. The next time I awoke, it was dark, so I opened my eyes without fear. I was in a large room that was lavishly decorated with tapestries and paintings, with walls that looked almost translucent. As I examined my surroundings, I realized that I was in a large bed, with a thick velvet blanket covering me. I rolled over onto my side, and noticed that there was a window nearby. By the look of the sky, it was dawn, but just barely. It slowly dawned on me that I had no idea where I was, or in fact, who I was; however, one word stuck out in my mind: Prancer. Prancer must’ve been my name. It wasn’t a bad one, at least in my opinion. I sat in that bed for what seemed like hours, trying to remember anything else. The sun rose higher into the sky, and as it did, the walls began to shimmer. After a long time of trying to remember, the door opened, and my earlier suspicious were confirmed. It was a horse I saw. No, not a horse… a pony was a better description. I could tell she was a pony by the softness of her shape. Well… not a pony per se. The one I would later call Mom and even later call Cadence had a long horn and wings. She was quite beautiful to me then (I don’t think she’s as beautiful now, but I still say she’s pretty), and she had a heart made of crystal on her flank. I remember thinking that the image on her flank wasn’t very normal, but then again, neither were her horn and wings. “How are you feeling?” It was the same voice from early, and I felt I could trust her almost immediately. “… Better, thanks… Where am I?” “You are in the Castle of the Crystal Empire. I am Princess Cadence, ruler of this land. And you are?” she smiled at me sweetly. “…Prancer. I think…” “You don’t remember?” “No...” I looked away. “Do you remember where you’re from? Where your parents are? How you got here?” I shook my head. “Oh dear… I’m so sorry.” After this, a taller pony, like Cadence, who I would know as Celestia, entered the room. “Hello. It is nice to meet you. I am Princess Celestia. And who are you?” “Prancer, I guess.” I explained to her as well that I did not know where I was from, who I was, or how I had gotten there. Celestia and Cadence then explained that I was not from this world; that I was from a different one entirely; that somehow I had fallen into a portal that connected our worlds that took the shape of a mirror here. Then they told me, unfortunately, that the portal had closed last night, and that I could not return home for 100 moons. “So… what will I do until then?” “I can live here, if you wish.” “I would like that very much. Thank you.” Cadence smiled. “Wonderful. Tell me, Prancer, do you know how old you are?” “…. I think 6.” “I see. Well, we will have some breakfast brought up to you right away.” Celestia smiled, bowed her head slightly, and exited the room. Cadence turned to me, a big smile growing on her face. She stood a bit closer to me. “Prancer… I have something strange to ask of you.” I said nothing, but listened carefully. “My husband and I can’t have kids of our own. And since you’ll be here a while, and since you’re so young… Would you like to be a part of our family?” Since I was so young, I didn’t understand how big of a deal that was, but I wanted to be nice, so I nodded. “Sure.” Cadence smiled and nuzzled against me. “Thank you Prancer. You don’t know how much that means to me.” She kissed my forehead and started walking out the door, but she stopped and turned one last time. “One more question, just to be sure… are you a boy or a girl, do you know?” “… Girl. I’m pretty sure.” “I have always wanted a girl.” She smiled and left. This is how my life began in Equestria, as the adopted daughter of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. I quickly came to realize that I was very different from the rest of my family and my mother’s subjects. Celestia informed me that I was a human. Apparently there was no one like me here in Equestria. I think that’s what started all of this. Being alone. 11 years later… Cadence looked upon her subjects with a joyful smile. It was a lovely day for the Crystal Festival that year. Then again, that’s the way it always was, not a cloud in the sky on a sunny blue day. Shining Armor stood next to her, equally enthused by the spectacle. “This has got to be one of the best festivals we’ve ever had.” “I agree. Have you seen Prancer anywhere?” “I thought she was out there with the others.” “I don’t see her anywhere…” “Cadence, it’s a big festival. There are so many ponies. How could you see her?” “… I suppose you’re right. I’m just worried… She’s getting more restless… And grumpy.” “I’m sure it’s nothing. She’s just young, that’s all.” “I hope so… Shining, why is there a delivery chariot pulling up to the castle?” “I don’t know… I don’t remember ordering anything. Oh hey, there’s Prancer!” “… Are those ostriches?” “Why did she… how many ostriches did she get?” “There must be dozens of them- Oh my!” “Dear Celestia!” Later that day… “How could you just let 4 dozen ostriches loose!? What could possibly make you think of doing something like that was ok!?” Shining Armor asked as he paced the floor furiously. Cadence said nothing. She was too disappointed to speak. Prancer just sat on her bed, not really listening. She had grown a lot in these years, and now had long, strong limbs that could take her anywhere, whether it be running or climbing. She was outside most of the day, so her skin turned a sandy color, and without much care, her hair became a long, unruly length of saffron, which she left loose. She played with her festival poncho as her father spoke. “Prancer! Are you listening to me!?” “What made you think I was?” Prancer said in a sassy fashion. Her voice was deeper, but still feminine. Shining stamped his hoof on the ground. “I don’t understand how you can be so selfish and uncaring! The entire festival was destroyed!” “… And? It was a boring celebration.” “Ponies got hurt! And those ostriches were scared for their life! Don’t you care?” “Hm… not really.” Cadence sighed. “Shining Armor… I think we need to go ahead with our plan.” Prancer sat up and looked at her. “What plan?” “… To send you away for a while.” “… You can’t handle me, so you’re sending me away?! Grade A parenting, you two!” “Prancer, it’s not like that. We just think that maybe this environment hasn’t been the best for you. We’re thinking of sending you to a friend of your aunt’s. She and her family are good ponies who live on a farm in Ponyville. They have lots of good, honest work to do, plenty of places to run and climb, and lots of delicious fruits. Doesn’t that sound nice?” Cadence pitched. “I never should’ve agreed to stay here! I should’ve left when I had the chance!” Prancer screamed at her as she stood up from her bed. “Prancer! Don’t speak to your mom like that!” “She’s not my mom! She’s a stupid, barren mare that I had the displeasure of meeting when I got stuck in this stupid world!” She screamed, her voice becoming louder with each word. Before Shining Armor or Cadence could say anything, Prancer opened the window and vaulted out of it. She climbed down the crystal walls to the ground with grace and ease. The couple looked at each other. They said nothing, but nodded their head. They agreed that this was the best for her.