Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: Strange events

Chapter 87

From the journal of Drake Alexander

April 10, 2013

Oops, I forgot to write the other day. Sorry 'bout that. But, no worries! Because today was awesome!

Storm showed me how to fly at higher and fast, but I must say this. That guy is freaking fast! He out flew me and spun circles around me!

It's like he's under a freaking speed spell or something. But wow, Draco is becoming kinda weird. He keeps eyeing me with hungry eyes. I hope he's not gay, because if he is, I'm outta here! I don't roll that way.

Also, this strange pony came to me today. He was tall and grey, and had some weird wing things. All I can say about him is, he creeped the hell out of me. He asked me if I knew a pony by the name of Zander, that's me. I replied with a no, and he moved on, muttering something about running out of time. Why did I lie? I wasn't going to tell him I was the guy he's looking for!

Whelp, might as well go to bed. Night future reader.

April 11, 2013

Things just keep getting stranger with Draco.

Today he asked if I wanted to check out the towns underground storage. I respectively declined. Like I said before, if he's gay, I'm outta here.

And after that, I'm pretty sure he is. Because as he asked me, he seemed eager to get down there. I'm smarter than that, so no rape dummy for you! I'm leaving town tomorrow, I don't want to be around ponies like him.

Time to cut this short and pack. I'm going to tell Storm I'm leaving, I still want to be friends with that guy.


April 12, 2013

Not good, Draco and Storm came by and tried to talk me out of leaving. I told them my mind was made up and pushed them out of the house. Now, I...


"Lance!" Frederic yelled right in my face.

I jumped, throwing the book into the air, "DUDE! Not cool! You know how I get into reading. And I was getting to a good part too!"

Frederic held up a hoof, "Not important! I just found the towns pool! Wanna go check it out?"

I nodded and stood, "Sure... just watch out for Draco, because according to that book, he's into guys."

Frederic shuddered, "Dude, that's just messed up."

I chuckled, "Tell me about it, but he seems like a nice guy."

Frederic turned, "Pool? Or what?"

I laughed, "Sure, lets go to the pool."

Club outside of Canterlot's city limited

Starch sat on the bar stool, looking at all the ponies around him. He had a sort of smile on his face as he waited for his drink.

Starch was a light brown Pegasus with strips that are very hard to see, unless in direct light. He has a small goatee under his chin. His mane and tail are a light tan, like sand. His cutie mark was a rose with black vines coming out of it. To symbolize his way of charming the mares, and to show he's a relaxed kind of stallion.

The stallion behind the counter pushed a drink towards him, "Enjoy your drink."

Starch turned and smiled, "Thank you my good sir."

He then grabbed the mug and chugged the clear liquid inside of it. He sat it down and twisted back around, "Another if you please?"

As he sat there, a mare walked by him, swagging her flank.

Starch smiled, "Well, aren't you a pretty thing."

She turned and blushed, "Oh.. Thank you."

Starch held his friendly smile, "Why is a such as yourself doing in a place like this?"

She chuckled a little, "Well, I'm just here for the drinks."

"Me too, they sure do serve the best in Equestria, huh?" He said with a smile.

She nodded and sat down next to him, "So, why are you here?"

He chuckled, "I think I just answered that question."

She blushed, "Oh, I guess you did."

Starch held out his hoof, "So, what's your name? Mines Starch."

She shook his hoof, "Nice to meet you Starch, my name is Natural Star."

Starch smiled and turned, "I'll get you a drink, on me."

He yelled for the bartender and ordered them both a drinks.

Once that was done, he turned and began having small talk with the mare named Natural Star. When their drinks came up, he gave her hers and took his in his hoof, "So, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

She blushed, "N-Nothing. I was just going home."

He smirked, "Do you mind if I tag along."

She smiled brightly, "Sure!"

Starch smiled in success, but before he could say anything else. The bar doors burst open with a loud bang.

He turned to them and his eyes widened, "No... NO!"

Mr. Bleak stood there, looking around the bar. When he saw Starch, he began walking towards him, throwing all the ponies in his way to the side.

Starch stood, "NO! Not now!"

Mr. Bleak slammed his head into Starch's knocking him to the ground, "I need your help Starch."

Starch's eyes widened, "Again?!"

Mr. Bleak sighed and began to walk to the door, dragging Starch behind him, "It's been two centuries since the last time I asked for your help."

Starch grabbed the door frames with his forehooves and held on, "But... Don't make me Grandpa! Not now! I'm so close to a one night stand!"

"What?! I'm no one night stand!" Natural Star yelled as she walked towards him.

She kicked his hooves off the door frame.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He yelled as Mr. Bleak drug him away.

Once they were in a clearing of grass, Mr. Bleak tossed Starch into the air.

Starch was able to catch himself in the air and landed in front of his Grandfather, who was a little taller than he was, "Grandpa! What the hell?! I was about to score with that mare!"

Mr. Bleak held a blank face, "They've found the right pony for the ritual."

Starch's facial expression changed from raging mad, to serious, "They have! How much time do we have?"

Mr. Bleak sighed, "We have very very little time. We must leave now if we are to stop them."

Starch spread his wings, "Come on then old timer! Let's go kick some flank!"

Mr. Bleak smiled and spread his... wings? "You're just like your father in every way, always ready to fight."

Starch smiled proudly, "Yeah, but I'm still alive."

Mr. Bleak seemed sadden for a second, but then jumped into the air, "Come on then! We don't have much time to waste!"

Starch sighed and smiled, "Here we go again!" He jumped into the air and followed his Grandfather.

Pleasant Fields

"Cannon ball!" I yelled as I jumped off the diving board and slammed into the water. I then swam up and broke the surface, "Beat that Fred!"

Frederic smirked, "Oh I can. Just watch." He then shot into the air, flying up till he was at least four stories high. He cracked his neck and pulled his wings in. He began to fall towards the pool.

When he hit the water, a large wave of water flew into the air.

I looked up at the huge wave about to crash down on me, "Damn you Frederic..."

There was a loud crash as the large amount of water slammed into the ground and ponies alike. The force from the water had knocked me back a few feet, but I could so beat this.

Half of the water was missing from the pool, but it soon began to refill... I LOVE MAGIC!

Frederic pulled himself out and smirked, "So, can you beat that?"

I nodded, "Easily."

I jumped into the air and flew upward.

[Oh yeah! We're gonna blow them all way, aren't we?]
{Yep! I'm sure they can build a new pool, they do have unicorns after all.}
[Fucking awesome! Do a fucking Sonic Nuke! Like Rainbow Dash did in Lesson Zero!]
{HAHAHA! I'm on it!}

Once I was about twenty four stories high, (Dayum!) I angled myself downward and shot downward.

The familiar cone of air began to form around me.

[*Makes static noise* Come in Dawn, we're preparing to break the sound barrier.]
<*Makes static noise* Dawn here, we are prepared, prepare for nuclear detonation!>


[*Static noise* Sir, we broke the sound barrier, starting the nuclear strike!]

Here it comes! Oh, this will be so awesome!

"Hey! Mr. Greenfield!"

I looked up and... slapped against the water. When I say slapped, I mean this: My freaking stomach and whole underside hit the water flat! My legs were spread out in that cartoon way when they hit the water. I also began to slowly sink to the bottom of the pool.


I sat on the bottom of the pool thrashing around in pain, bubbles flying up from my silent screams of pain.

I swam upward and flew out of the water. Once I was in the air, I screamed out in intense pain, "AHHHHH! Why?! WHY ME?!"

[The water just made you its bitch!]

I held my stomach and landed, "Who called for me... and caused me to do THAT!"

Draco walked up smiling sheepishly, "Sorry about that Mr. Greenfield, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble."

I sighed and forced a smile, "Oh, its okay Draco. I'll live." I'm so glad I already lost the ability to have kids, because if not, that would have hurt a lot more!

Draco then smiled brightly, "Well Mr. Greenfield, would you like me to show you another part of the town?"

I nodded happily, wanting to forget the pain, "Sure! Where is it?"

He smiled and pointed to the towns meeting hall, "The towns underground storage units. It's a very interesting place, I can assure you of that."

My smile faded, I already knew where this was going. Thank you Drake for leaving that notebook behind, I do not want to get put in a small room with a forceful gay stallion. I already went through something like this in Manehattan.

I shook my head, "Sorry Draco, but I must say no to that offer. I do not wish to see the towns underground storage area."

His happy smile faltered, "But you must! It's rather interesting! Come on, it'll only take a few minutes!"

Wow, he's being kinda forceful... "No Draco, I do not want to go down there. Okay?"

His eye twitched, "Okay... sure thing..."

I put on a false smile, "Don't worry, I'll check out the rest of the town later."

His eye continued to twitch, "Sure, I'll be happy to lead you around once you're ready..."

I nodded and turned to see Frederic, "Lets go Frederic."

He nodded and turned to leave. I followed, ready to get back to the house and relax my stomach. Which, still hurt.

Location: ???

"He refused?"

"Yes sir... he did."

"Then he must know what we're up to."

"But how?!"

"I do not know. We must do this by force."

"Yes sir, I shall take Storm and two others with me."

"Good, bring him to me once you have him."

"I will sir."

"Oh, and Draco."

"Yes sir?"

"Don't touch him inappropriately, that can wait till after we're done with him."

"Y-Yes sir, I'll contain myself."

"Good, very good. Now go fetch him for me, and bring the Prince as well."

"I'm on it sir."


From the journal of Drake Alexander

April 12, 2013

Not good, Draco and Storm came by and tried to talk me out of leaving. I told them my mind was made up and pushed them out of the house. Now, I'm just finish up packing.

I can't wait to get out of this town and back on the road. Well shit, someones knocking on the door. It better not be those two again, I'm starting to get annoyed by their constant begging!

The rest of this is kinda hard to read, it seems like he was in a hurry to write it.

It was them, but they weren't here to ask me to stay. They were here to make me stay! Draco tried to hit me with a spell, but missed when I fell backwards. Storm however hit me in the head with a rock...

Turns page to find a dried dark stain... is that blood?

I don't know how much time I have till they get in this room, but they seem ruthless. I will leave this book behind, hopefully, someone will find it and find out whats going on here.

Goodbye, for the last time future reader. My you stop them!


I slammed the book closed and jumped out of the guest bed, "FREDERIC!"

I then ran out of the room and into the main bedroom, "Frederic! Get up! We have to leave! NOW!"

He rolled over and growled, "Go to sleep! It's to damn late for your shit!"

I pulled him out of bed and drug him across the floor, "Dude, listen, we have to get out of here."

He sighed and stood, "Why?"

I ran back into the guest room and brought him the book, "Read the last entry."

He rolled his eyes and picked up. As he read, I could see his expression changing to one of horror. Once he finished, he dropped it and ran out of the room, "Hurry! Get packed, we're leaving this place!"

I picked the book up and ran out of the room. I then proceeded to pack my saddlebags and duffel bag. When I was done, I put the saddlebags on and the duffel bag across my back.

When I ran into the living room, I saw Frederic pulling on his bags, "You ready?"

He nodded, "I've been ready! Let's get out of here, fast!"

I nodded and ran to the door, "Come on then!"

I pulled it open and galloped out. But, before I could reach the end of the porch, I saw a flat piece of metal coming into my point of view.


I stumbled back, my head throbbing.

Storm stepped into view, "He has a bucking hard head!" In his mouth, he held a shovel... OUCH!

He slammed it into my head again, harder. This time knocking me to the ground.

Frederic galloped out and slammed into Storm. They both rolled down the small steps and out onto the yard.

"Don't you dare touch hi..." Frederic began to say.

A volley of magical balls slammed into his side, causing him to slump forward.

Draco nodded to Storm, "Can't handle yourself Storm?"

Storm snarled, "Shut up Draco! We still have to handle the other one!"

Draco looked at me, "Oh? Well, I got him."

He aimed his horn at me, "See you soon Mr. Greenfield."

Before I could open my mouth, the ball of energy hit my side.

As my vision began to darken, I had but one thought: Why didn't I finish that damn book earlier?!

<Must... Stay... Awa...> Dawn then fell over, out cold.
[Dawn! Oh damn...] Break then fell over, also out cold.

My world finally went black, the last thing I heard was Draco's laughter.

D: Well... it looks like the plot is going nicely. Also, this is almost half of the plot for the Pleasant Fields, its not over yet.

Also, Vinetion, I liked your concept of who was Mr. Bleak's Grandson, but I wanted to do something a little different. Nice logic though.