//------------------------------// // Chapter 43: Destiny of the Twins II // Story: Saiyan of Equestria // by Boyzilla //------------------------------// EIOSES Saga Chapter 43: Destiny of the Twins II Blurriness clouded the vision of a little eight year old girl, the feeling of pain coursing from her entire body, blood oozing from her wounds, and her tail limp on the ground as she lay there face down. With whatever strength she had left, the no longer super saiyan, Kira, pushed herself up to her knees, looking toward the direction ahead. Our injured, beaten heroine refocused her vision, to see fire covering bits of the landscape and the large crater that she and Ken had caused in their clash. Kira lifted her right leg and struggled to lift herself to a standing position, only to fall back down in a groan of pain on her back. Her vision blurry once again as she just laid there, facing upward at the dark clouds passing overhead. In a defeated, weakened tone, she spoke to herself as she faced those clouds. "You know... This may be the last time I might ever see clouds like that... " The clouds in her vision seemed to change into shapes of people and ponies she knew. She gave a weak laugh, "Mommy sure looks silly as a cloud, oh, and there is Uncle Raze... And daddy... I wish you were here daddy." "I was always here with you, Kira." Kira's head turned to her right, her vision barely making out the image of her own father, Chris. "D-daddy... I'm so sorry, I can't save nii-san... " Kira cried, tears flowing down her face as she lay there. Her father kneels down to her, "Kira, my little girl, you have no reason to be sorry." "B-but, I failed him, I failed Ken like I do every time... " Kira replied with sorrow. Chris chuckled, Kira could feel his hand stroking her hair, "You never failed anyone, you've done more than anyone could possibly even consider to go for the sake of Ken. And your going to keep doing it, and you know why? "Why?" "Because you love your brother, you love him with all your heart. Because your twins, your family, and family-" "Always helps one another." Kira finished, a weak smile on her face. "That's my girl." Chris smiled, and help lift Kira to her feet. "Now let's go save Ken shall we? You can do it, reach inside for the power and pull it out." Kira's vision finally refocused itself, and she looked to her father, who now was gone as if he was never there. She looked onward, seeing Ken also standing, his crimson aura still surrounding him and wounds healing themselves. Kira looked back at herself, her hands rugged and nails chipped, body beaten and blood covering parts of her clothes. But she didn't pay attention to the pain, she clenched her hands and looked forward at her brother. "We'll save you nii-san, all of us together." Kira stated, her Ki energy rising once more, her willpower giving her the strength to carry on. She spread her legs across the ground, her arms at her sides as she pulled on the power within her, and it answered her call. "Ahhhhhh!" Kira screamed. The ground exploded around her as a golden energy erupted forth from Kira's body, a tower of light shining upward into the sky as her power continued to increase. Kira's hair shifted into a golden color, her eyes changing to a tealish green hue, Kira's tail flowed in the wind behind her, its brown color transforming into gold as well. Kira slammed her right foot in back of her, ready to leap, "Here I come Ken!" She yelled toward her twin brother. She leaped toward him, dust and smoke in her wake as she closed the distance with lightning fast speeds. She turned her body, and slammed her leg right into Ken's arm, an explosion of energy bursting outward, creating a crater at the epicenter of the collision. Ken swung his arm at her, but she phased out in a show of speed and reappeared behind him, slamming her other foot on to his back and sending up crashing along the ground. Ken jumped into the air after he recovered, Kira fired Ki blasts in advance as she narrowed down the distance between them both. The brother of Kira screamed out a wave of energy that neglected her attacks, but Kira appeared in front of him nonetheless. She uppercutted his chin with her left fist, then grasped his torn upper gi with her right and conjured a swirling sphere with her now free left palm; proceeding to slam it into her brother's chest. The electric current of the swirling sphere coursing through Ken's body and the corrupted red super saiyan knocked Kira back before it could continue. He flew back, firing a multitude of Ki blasts to distract her. Kira flew up, dodging the Ki blasts and started gathering Ki energy in both her hands, arms outstretched from her body. Red Ki balls formed within her palms, gathering large amounts of condensed Ki before she brought them together to form one larger Ki ball. The air around her seemed to be sucked into the technique as she aimed it directly at Ken. "Flash Cannon!" Kira yelled. A large wave of Ki energy exploded forward from the Ki ball, traveling with great speed as it closed in on Ken. Ken formed a massive ball of Ki above him, and shot it toward Kira's technique. They collided, each attack struggling against one another. Ken pushed a Kai blast at his technique, causing it to push forward and slowly begin to overtake the Flash Cannon. But Kira was not going to oblige. She gathered a gigantic amount of power and released it into her Flash Cannon. The technique doubled in size and completely obliterated Ken's Ki ball, piercing right through the center of it and overtaking Ken completely. An explosion sounded throughout the area as a partial of the sky was overtaken by smoke and Ki energy. Kira breathed heavily, but she knew it wasn't over. "Over there!" Kira yelled, firing a volley of yellow Ki blasts toward the right of her position. Ken appeared at the area where she sensed, and promptly began to dodge her many attacks. He charged up a Ki aura around him and shot straight toward her. Kira replied in earnest, and the two collided in a white collision of speed and strength. Phasing out from eyesight, multiple collisions of white appearing throughout the battlefield. They reappeared in the sky, both Ken and Kira attacking each other with punches and kicks with such speed that if somepony would blink, they would miss it. Striking their legs against to one another, they flew back a few meters apart to give themselves a breather. "Ken... " Kira began to say, "I'll free you from this! And if I have to break your bones and knock you out to get you free, then I will!" She finished. Ken glared at her, before they charged at each other once again. Ken shot his left first forward, but Kira ducked and headbutted his abdomen, causing Ken to bowl downward in pain. Kira spun, and slapped her tail across his face before smashing her left leg on to his cheek. Or at least it would've smashed into his cheek, if he didn't dissipated into a afterimage and strike her from behind with both legs. Kira was sent flying toward the ground, but landing with a front flip before turning back around to see Ken had landed a few meters before her. "Kira... " Ken said, his eyes narrowing down toward her. "Brother." Kira replied. And once again, they disappeared in a show of speed, colliding throughout the sky. Broken gates, mind locks shattered throughout the once strong seal. Nightmarish humanoid replications of human scientist crowded the forest of the seal-scape, each of them charging blindly like the walking dead at a particular person who shot forward beams of yellow Ki that outright incinerated the nightmares. The area around a capsule house looked like a fortification of spikes and traps. On top of the house stood Chris Dell, Z-fighter, and the father of the twins. He had been fighting these twisted memories ever since the injection of the chaos potion. And with every kill, with every attempt to destroy them, they kept on coming with uncountable numbers. Wake up Karmel, destroy all lifeforms. "Ken don't listen to it! You better then this! Your not a monster Ken!" Chris yelled, as he shot forward beams of Ki onto another group of nightmares that attempted to siege his hastily made fortifications. His hair in a golden state and a fiery aura surrounded him, it was easy to tell he was in his Super Saiyan form. 'I'm not sure how long Kira will last, I had used the last of the stored purified chaos energy that I had gathered from the good Discord so that I could speak with her. I must find a way to repair the- Oh s***!' Chris flew into the air just in time to watch his home in the seal get destroyed in a blinding flash of light. His tealish green eyes looked up, spotting a giant dark figure standing fifty to a hundred feet tall. "It's far worse then I thought. I have to find Ken's consciousness." "GRRRROOOOOAAHHHH!" An aura burst into existence around Chris, as he soared forward in supersonic speeds. The large figure waved its arms around, but the Z-fighter dodged and spun around the corrupted transformation and cupped his hands to his side. "Kamehameha!" A blue wave of Ki shot from Chris' palms and struck the backside of the dark figure who fell forward and crushed many of the nightmarish humanoids below. Chris flew toward the doors where Ken's mindscape was located, only to see the black colored one torn down, its entrance radiating a crimson energy from the dark shadows within. Chris reached for the other door, the white one. But as he grasped onto the handle his body felt a incredible amount of pain. "Ahhhh!" Chris screamed in pain, but he continued to turn the door knob and slowly pushed the door open as he suffered through it. He was greeted by a sight of Ken's nightmares, forever torturing the poor child. Chris gritted his teeth in anger, and charged right into the fray, where he began to lash out on the nightmarish creatures left and right. Explosions ravage the battlefield, the mountains around were nothing but broken rocks, shadows of their former glory. Surronding plant life was literally on fire, one would describe it as hell on Equestria. Still despite all this destruction, the fight continues. With martial arts and Ki energy, two twins continued to punch, kick, tear, and blast each other in the most ferocious battle of siblings since the time of Nightmare Moon. An crater formed as the collision of two fists made itself known. Two children, twins, looked to each other in rage and determination, hatred and love, their wills and dreams clashing against one another. "Ken." "Kira." They locked hands, pushing against one another. Gold and Crimson red auras colliding with one another as they struggled for dominance. Ken began to push Kira back, the little girl shot her knee up but her brother caught it with ease. Ken reeled his head back before slamming his forehead onto Kira's own, dazing her. Ken then grasped onto his sister's shoulders and brought his mouth forward, but Kira shot up her left elbow which collided with Ken's chin. Kira then punched Ken away before leaping back herself and bended over, desperately trying to catch her breath. She looked up to see Ken standing back up. "Arghhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!" Ken screamed, his crimson aura flaring out, creating high winds from his intense power. The winds flew past Kira, her tattered clothing and golden hair billowing about. Ken ran toward her with blinding speeds, hands outstretched like claws toward her. The little girl stood her ground, and as her brother approached her she spun and slammed her left foot upon Ken's cheekbone. *CRACK* Kira winced as she heard Ken's cheekbone break from her kick. She would give her brother no quarter, as she was unto him within an instant. Laying blow upon blow; bruises and cuts appearing on Ken's body from the twin sister's relentless onslaught. Because she promised that if it took for her to break every bone in his body to bring him back, then by all means she will fulfill it! Kira gave no break, no rest, and no chance for Ken to counter. Again and again she pushed forward, with such hard hits that she felt her own hands become numb from the recoil. She kicked Ken into the air, phased out, then reappeared appeared right above him and slammed both her fist down, sending her twin brother crashing back down to Equestria. It was shocking that she even had any Ki energy within her at all, yet time and time again she summoned forth vast amounts of it. As if she pulled it from some hidden source of power that just kept on giving. "Wow... I guess Uncle Raze was right when he said the endurance training would pay off for me!" Kira exclaimed, a bit surprised that she was even lasting this long against her twin brother who was always stronger than her in base form beforehand! She flew back down, and landed on the ground gently. Kira took a deep breath and started to concentrate on revitalizing her Ki reserves before Ken could recovered from her devastating assault just a few moments ago. The little eight year old half saiyan girl reopened her eyes, when she arced an eyebrow at her shadow in front of herself. She glanced upward to see Ken standing there, his wounds healed but he stood staring at the sky. "What is Ken looking at?" Kira questioned as she watched her brother. "Wait... Why do I have a shadow if it's nighttime... " She trailed off. Ken started giving out loud intakes his breath, his aura vanished into the air as his chest started to expand in and out, in and out Kira tilted her head slightly in confusion, 'That seems very familiar... ' Ken reeled his head back and yelled, "Ahhhhhhhrrrhrhhhhgggwooooah!" His muscles budged in great mass, clothes tore apart and burst like a popped balloon, teeth shifting themselves into sharp animal canines covered in saliva. Eyes red irises expanded until the entirety of his eyes was all but the color of blood. His form grew in size, bigger, larger, stronger in every way. Kira stepped back, looking up in shock as her brother continued his shifting, his Ki growing dramatically by the second. Fur, the color of his Red Super Saiyan hair, begin to grow over his pale skin. The child's mouth changed into that of a long muzzle, any uncovered skin turning a dark gray hue. The transforming Great Ape's feet slammed into the ground, creating cracks and bringing up rocks with meaningless effort, his tail swished wildly behind him as if it had a mind of its own. Once the growing stopped, Kira stared up with fear and awe, the Oozaru Ken was quiet. Until it raised his hands up high and roared. "GWOOOOOAAAHHH!" The sound of the beast was heard for miles around. It looked down toward our small child heroine, growing in rage, ready to kill. She only looked back with her mouth agaped, unable to mutter a single word as her mind tried to process the event that had transpired. The Oozaru Ken stepped forward, a menacingly growl coming from his muzzle. Kira stepped back, before she felt her own fuzzy monkey-like tail twitching about behind her. She looked back down, her shadow clearly seen in the moonlight. It would be terrible if she transformed into the Oozaru state right now, she wouldn't be able to control it at all! In fact, she might just join Ken in destroying all of Equestria! Including killing their... Kira shook her head, she wouldn't think that. She looked to her tail, it wiggled about behind her ever slowly in its own rhythm. Kira could not sense Princess Luna anywhere nearby, and she doubted Luna could cast the spell in time with Ken just a few meters away. Ken would beat her up before Luna got the chance. "Only one thing to do... " Kira trailed off, her right hand moving toward her tail. She grasped it gently, hesitant to continue. "Gwooooaaaahhh!!!!!" The Oozaru Ken before her roared to the moon above. "Ahhhhh!" Kira screamed, gripping her tail and pulled with great effort. *SNAP!* A brown furry long object fell to the ground, motionless, and lifeless. Beside it, Kira stood on both her knees, her hand reaching for the base of where her tail used to reside. She couldn't believe what she had just done, she had literally taken a part of her from the moment of her birth and torn it away. Not to mention that amount of pain that she was experiencing... Kira's senses sounded throughout her body, instantly she leaped away avoiding the oncoming Great Ape foot that smashed into the ground of her previous location. The beast that is Ken charged after her, slamming its gigantic fists and feet all around the little girl, forming crater after crater. The Great Ape opened its mouth, a dark yellow shade of Ki bursting outward towards Kira. "Kaio-ken times two!" Kira hastily said, her golden shifting into a deep red in a quick instant, where she then dodged the beam that narrowly enveloped her. The Oozaru Ken flung its arms around, trying to hit the little hybrid girl. She continued to slip past Ken's attacks with small burst of repeated Kaio-ken technique. "Kamehameha!" Kira yelled out, quickly firing a blue wave of Ki out of her palms which impacted against the chest of the Oozaru Ken. The Great Ape stumbled back, and patted its chest in slight agitation as its fur had smoke rising from burnt marks. "Oh Frost-Tarts... I don't have enough energy." Kira muttered, her eyes widened as an arm came rushing toward her. "Kaio-ken times two!" She yelled again, speeding away from the strike. Suddenly she stopped mid-air, her hand grasping her chest area as pain erupted from all over her body. She started taking deep intakes of air to ease the pain, "But... Uncle... Raze, said that two times... Was fine... " Distracted by the pain, Kira didn't notice the Oozaru Ken had caught up with her, and was promptly smacked away with a open palm. She smashed into the ground and kept on going, a line of craters forming in her wake. The little hybrid girl recollected herself and flipped back up on two feet. Kira grasped her right arm, the lower half of it didn't respond. "Brokey... " Kira mumbled weakly. The Great Ape fired forth another beam of Ki energy from its mouth, flying overhead the twin sister. both impacting and destroying various sizes of surrounding mountains. Kira ran forward, passing right under her transformed brother's legs. She spun around mid air and shot two Ki blast at each of Ken's heels. But they had little to no effect on the Oozaru Ken. Ken's large tail came ferociously swinging at Kira, in which the female disciple of Raze took to the air and avoiding being swatted like a baseball by a bat. The tail came rushing at her, and she activated kaio-ken form once again and avoiding the incoming strike. She continued to remain in kaio-ken form, her golden hair and tail swaying in the high winds brought forth by her fast movements. The female hybrid child felt her body's tensions and pain skyrocket with each use of the Kaio-ken technique, when her body gave out from the pain and lack of energy, falling to the sky as her aura disappeared. With this opportunity of vulnerability, the Oozaru caught her in both hands, her hand looking up toward her twin brother's face in tiredness and pain. The beast growled before beginning to squeeze the life out of his own sister. "AHHHHHH!" Kira screamed in anguish, having no strength to even attempt to free herself from Ken's grip. Blurry images is all that Kira could see, it felt like her entire body was on fire as the Oozaru Ken continued to tighten its grip on her frail small body. She wasn't sure if she had any broken bones now... She didn't feel any more pain, just a high temperature numbing sensation. Suddenly, Kira vaguely heard voices yelling in the background. "Now is the time!" Luna yelled. "Come on girls, use the Elements!" Twilight shouted. "Hurry! Kira is hurting!" her mother, Lyra, desperately exclaimed. A bright light began to shine from some distance, as powerful yet graceful noise sounding from it. When out of the blue, a beam of multi-colored magical energy shot forward with breakneck speeds before splitting off into six distinctive colored lines. Each line wrapped itself against each of the Oozaru Ken's limbs. The ropes pulled Ken's arms and hands away from Kira's figure, where she began plummeting to the ground below. Thankfully, Lyra had teleported in and caught her with her telekinetic spell before bring her away to a safer distance. "GWWWWOOOOOAAAHH!" The Oozaru roared in frustration, struggling against the bindings of the Elements of Harmony's magic. The sixth beam, decorated in a dark purple hue, slammed right into the stomach region of the Great Ape. A huge sealing array appeared forth, and the sound like hot metal meeting cold water started to hiss loudly as slowly on six corners of the seal images of the Elements of Harmony began to engrave themselves. The beast roared in great pain, his red fur slowly shifting into its original brown counterpart. As the Elements finished improving and reinforcing the seal on Ken's body, the Oozaru started to shrink down into its base state. A naked normal eight year old child Ken, wearing only white boots, landed on his back unconscious. Lyra, still carrying Kira in her telekinesis grasp, rushed over toward her adopted son. The mother of the twins embraced Ken, and Kira as well, in a loving hug, tears flowing down her check. "Oh Ken... Oh Kira... My beloved children." She said, bringing them closer to her chest. "Why do troubles always follow you, why have such evils targeted you?" She questioned no one. Kira looked up toward her mother, her eyes starting to close as she saw Lyra's horn lit up and the familiar feeling of her magic comfort her. "M-m-ommy... " Kira trailed off weakly. "Don't talk Kira, rest now. Mommy is going to take care of everything." Lyra said, rubbing a hoof down Kira's back. "We're bring you two toward the nearest hospital, get you healed up, and go home. Maybe they'll restore your tail?" Kira smiled before her eyes fully closed, drifting off to blissful sleep.