//------------------------------// // A New School Year // Story: Destinies Entwined // by Graphic Refrain //------------------------------// Destinies Entwined A New School Year by Technomare Ferox Blossom awoke on a cool Equestrian Monday morning, to the sound of birds singing outside his window. Begrudgingly hoisting himself from his bed, he peered over at his twin brother, Nelum. Despite being slightly larger than Ferox, Nelum was precisely the same age, a fact which confused many ponies; adding to the confusion was their coats and manes. Ferox sported a bright pink coat, complemented by a candy blue mane, while Nelum had precisely the opposite, donning a blue coat with a bubble-gum pink mane instead. As once can imagine, these colorings had often caused the two Blossom brothers to be the subjects of teasing and bullying in the Maretropolis public school system. The brothers begrudgingly put up with it, however, knowing that their classmates didn't really know how hurtful they were truly being. Ferox clambered out of bed, punching Nelum into consciousness on his way past to the doorway, he always slept like a rock. "Oy, what was that for Fer?" mumbled Nelum groggily. "Get your blue backside out of bed Nelum, you'll be late for school," replied Ferox with a snap. leaving his brother in his half-awakened state, Ferox meandered down the hallway of his parent's flat, finally ending up in the kitchen. Scents of hay bacon and waffles poked at his nose teasingly as Ferox slumped down at the kitchen table after a half-slurred greeting to his mother. "Don't look too excited for school," quipped the mare,"it's your first day back, you're going to have new teachers, and make new friends…" Ferox's mother droned on in this manner for another two minutes, during which a few things happened. Ferox received a heaping plate of waffles and hay bacon, Nelum appeared in the kitchen and sat down at the table, and the clock over the fridge struck seven. Not wanting to be late for the 7:30 school day, the brothers scarfed down their breakfasts and ran out the door, down six flights of stairs and down nine blocks, reaching the school building just a minute before they were due. Heaving and panting, the brothers slammed the school door behind them, basking in the warm, heated air of the school building. Just when they were beginning to catch their breath, the school bell rang out, signaling the beginning of first block. "I'll catch up with you later this evening Fer," called Nelox as he hurried off towards his first class. Ferux clipped into his first class just before the first period bell rang, taking a seat next to one of his old friends, Carrot Top. She was only a few months older than he, however she never failed to hold it over him at any chance she could. "Hey youngster!" "Shut it C-top, you know you're barely older than me" "And what a world of difference it makes," she giggled, grabbing Ferox in a tight hug as she said so. "You know," spluttered Ferox,"I'm happy to see you too, but try not to strangle me on my first day back please." "Whoops!" Carrot Top dropped him back to his hooves, "my bad." The rest of the day progressed with much less excitement, however, and by the end of the day he was exhausted as usual. He stared over at a unicorn filly, a grade above himself, in longing, seeing her hanging out with her other mare friends. One of them noticed him staring; yelling over at Ferox: "See something you like?" Her friends sniggered, laughing at Ferox as they galloped away. "It's not like that!" Ferox yelled after them,"not like that at all..."