//------------------------------// // Story time!! // Story: Power to the Forsaken! // by Bazing //------------------------------// "I shall start my story at the most relevant point. The point where I was appointed Captain in the Lordaeron army, and with that promotion, came a very dangerous mission. At the time, the dreadful Scourge was running rampart through Lordaeron, and Prince Arthas had gathered a small army, in search for a relic called Frostmourne. It was said to be able to give him the powers to strike back at the Scourge and free Lordaeron from their terror." I began my story as the ponies present sat down, staring intently. ------------------- Celestia Pov (before the story) -------------------- You may want to hear what he has to say, I'm sure you'll find it very interesting. Sylvanas told me through our mental link. What is he going to say? I replied. I could hear her chuckling inside of my head, You will find out soon enough. -------------------- Varik Pov (continue story) -------------------- "Who are the Scourge?" I could hear Celestia ask me. "They are an army of undead beings, like me but mindless. They have no thoughts, no remorse, no feelings, no guilt and no pain. They have one goal, and one goal only. To do as their master bids." I replied. "To continue on. Arthas led a campaign through what is called 'Northrend', it is a continent at the most norther point in Azeroth, and is often called 'the roof of the world', and is home to the Lich King. Arthas led a campaign through Northrend and on the way, I was given a message by an emissary from Lordaeron, with orders to return back to the kingdom. I gave orders to the men to return to the boats, but when we arrived they were burnt. Arthas blamed it on the mercenaries that were there with him. So we were forced to continue our journey to find Frostmourne. Arthas later found the relic, but with all powerful items, it came with a great price. There were guardians there were watching over Frostmourne, warning Arthas, and I quote, "Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." The dwarf with him named Muradin Bronzebeard told him of the curse that was on the sword. Arthas didn't care, and as he shattered it's icy casing, a shard struck Muradin, killing him. Arthas then used Frostmourne to slay the forces of the Dreadlord, Mal'Ganis. Mal'Ganis confronted Arthas, telling him that Ner'zhul had known he would take the cursed sword, and that it had now stolen Arthas's soul. He spoke as if he believed Arthas was now on his side, but to his surprise Arthas used the runeblade to slay the dreadlord on the Lich King's command. With his soul forfeited to the Lich King, Arthas ran off into the frozen wastes of Northrend." The pink pony jumped up from her seat and yelled, "I have no idea what any of that is but it sounds awesome! What happened next?!" She then proceeded to sit down and shut up. "No interruptions please." I state calmly. "As I was saying. Now a death knight of the Scourge, Arthas killed and converted his former army, as well as myself, before returning to Lordaeron, where he was hailed with a royal welcome. Arthas proceeded directly to the throne room, where he killed his father, King Terenas, and set the Scourge loose throughout the city. " Gasps of surprise were heard throughout the room, looks of anger and sadness fell upon their faces. "Some time after the Burning Legion's defeat at Mount Hyjal, the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage used a powerful spell to attack the Frozen Throne, where the Lich King was imprisoned. Though the spell was unsuccessful, it widened the crack through which Frostmourne had been thrust, and the Lich King's power began to wane, so he recalled Arthas to Northrend to aid him. Arthas defeated Illidan and ascended the spire of the Frozen Throne, then plunged Frostmourne back into the ice and donned the helmet sealed within, becoming the new Lich King." "Before all that though, comes in the story of Sylvanas Windrunner. Once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Sylvanas Windrunner was murdered by the death knight, Arthas, and brought back as a creature of undeath. After regaining her free will, she rebelled against the Lich King and the Scourge and became the founder of the Forsaken faction of undead, who are allied with the Horde. She is the one who freed me and some of the Scourge, and turned us into the Forsaken. I would later help her with the war effort against the Lich King, only to be slain in battle once more." "So does that mean Sylvanas is your queen?" Asked Twilight I sighed. "Yes, and that's LADY Sylvanas to you." I growled. "Anyway, the Lich King used my body and raised me again, only this time as a Death Knight. new group of death knights, the Death knights of Acherus, was created by the Lich King to garrison the necropolis of Acherus: The Ebon Hold for the ultimate purpose of assaulting Light's Hope Chapel and destroying the Argent Dawn." "The things I did when under his control..." I trailed off. "What did you do?" Twilight asked cautiously. The blue one 'hrmp'd' (I have no idea how to spell that lol) and said very loudly, "I bet it wasn't even that bad!" My gave moved from Twilight to her, and turned into a glare. "For your sake, not mine, I do not tell you what I did." "Oh come on! I want to hear what the big bad and scary Death Knight did that was so scary!" She practically shouted. "Fine, you wish to hear what I did? So be it! The first thing I did when raised was kill someone as part of an initiation, I then proceeded to slaughter innocent people, as well as soldiers. Later I single handedly massacred an entire army, then proceeded to kill more people. I think killed the governor of the town and stole their evac plans so that none could escape. Then I went behind enemy lines and killed more people, rescued a fellow Death Knight, killed even more people, and killed my friend from before I was risen as a Death Knight." Gasps filled the air, and the blue one sat down, face emotionless. "I didn't even care for what I did, I didn't feel any emotions, regret, remorse, or guilt towards my actions." Their faces paled. "I then killed a courier who was carrying news of an enemy fleet moving in for reinforcements. I then took his outfit and disguised myself as him and gave the plans to the leader (I can't remember if the plans were altered or not.), but not before I gave the plans to Orbaz Bloodbane, who then told the Lich King of their plans and prepared for the enemy. The leader of our enemy told me that the reinforcements were walking into a slaughterhouse, and wanted me to tell them to turn around. Of course I didn't and when they arrived, they were slaughtered. The Lich King himself gave me a mission, to kill the standing army with one of his frost dragons. So another army was destroyed by my hand. I was then named 'Champion of the Scourge' and was given another task: To help the in the siege of Lights Hope Chapel." "10 thousand Scourge against 300 Paladins. And yet we still lost. Not before I killed a fair few, but we were stopped by none other than Highlord Tirion Fordring, the strongest paladin there is. It was then revealed that the Lich King had sent all of us into a trap, and we were later freed from his corruptible grasp. So there you have it, scary enough for you?" I asked, leering at the pony. She merely stares forward and nods her head once. ------------------- Celestia Pov (after the story) -------------------- Now, I shall tell you the real reason as to why I have contacted you. Oh? And what is that? The story of our war. You know of how I was killed, raised from the dead, and rebelled against my 'Master'. And now you will learn of the struggles of our people. Our goal... Our sole purpose was to destroy the Lich King. We threw our lot in with the Horde, and began our journey towards redemption. Now the Lich King is dead, and we have returned. The people who called this land their home in life, do so in death as well. But the Alliance does not recognize our rights. They claim this land is their own while attempting to invalidate the claims of the founders of this kingdom. I will never allow it.... NEVER! Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken - always and forever. We have been fighting a constant battle with the Worgens, a race of werewolves, but have the intelligence of men. What I ask, is for you to help us, all I need, is to be able to test whether or not the Val'kir work on your species. If you can allow it, I wish to use the corpse of one of your dead, to see whether or not it actually works. I shiver with rage at her statement, how dare she suggest such a foul thing as necromancy? You forget, I can hear your thoughts. And this is more than 'necromancy' this is the survival of my race! The tide turner in this war! I do not care which corpse you bring me, whether it be from hundreds of years ago, as long as it hasn't been completely decayed. I thought for a moment, and then came up with the perfect pony for the job. A thousand years ago, there was a pony by the name of Starswirl the Bearded, due to his incredible magic capability, his body was placed under a spell. This spell was used to preserve his corpse. I believe he is the perfect pony for this 'test' of yours. Perfect, I shall send one over to Varik at once. ------------------- Varik Pov (after the story) -------------------- Varik, I have gotten word from the princess: she has allowed us to test the Val'kir on one of her ponies. I am giving this Val'kir to you for use, do not disappoint me. Of course not you highness. "Princess!" Shouted Twilight, startling both me and Celestia. "Huh? What?" She asks "I said what do we do now?" Twilight asks her slightly confused princess, while all the other ponies are just staring at her in confusion. "Oh, we head for Canterlot. Varik will be receiving a 'present' from the Banshee Queen, she wishes to test it on somepony." Celestia responds. "Ooooh present!" Shouts the pink one "Pinkie!" Twilight shouts back, "What type of present princess? And which pony?" she asks "A present that will help turn the tide of their war. And I believe you know of the pony. Starswirl the Bearded." Twilight gasps in shock, and with the final words spoken by Celestia, a portal opens, and out steps a Val'kir. Another gasp from Twilight, along with everyone present, including Celestia. I grin behind my helmet. "Excellent, ready when you are Princess." The Val'kir walks up behind me as I look towards Celestia. And so it begins.