Diamond Tiara Apple

by Fluffy The Dragon

Chapter 3

"Diamond, it's time to get up, we gotta go to school." Diamond Tiara felt a fuzzy filly hoof, nudging her cheek.
Diamond Tiara put her hoof on Apple Bloom like she was an alarm clock and said "5 more minutes" obviously half asleep.
"We need ta' get up, naw!" Apple Bloom took her hoof and dragged her out of bed. Diamond Tiara pushed herself off of the floor and gave Apple Bloom a 'was that really necessary' look. "Sorry.. At least your awake, naw." Apple Bloom giggled looking down at Diamond's face.


Apple Bloom ran outside and met up with her to best friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.
"What's up Bloom? Ready to go?" Scootaloo asked, as they where just about ready to walk to school together.
Apple Bloom nodded, and just then Silver Spoon trotted over. "Hey what are you doing here?" Scootaloo asked.
"I'm just here to pick up DT, ya' know I feel bad for her."
Sweetie Belle tilted her head, "What do you mean?" She asked.
"Oh you didn't know, Diamond and Apple Bloom are sisters now!" The two turned their attention to Apple Bloom.
"How could you! How could you let her be your sister?" Scootaloo threw at her.
"I-I, listen girls, she had no family, an' no matter what's she's done in the past, she was is need of somepony to help her." Just as she said this Diamond walked out. She'd heard the whole thing.
"What, she's being nice to me again? Why?" Diamond thought. Instead she said "Silver, thank goodness your here, I was worried I'd have to walk with the Cutie Mark Losers."
"Hay! I thought we were friends naw!" Apple Bloom yelled. Diamond could tell she was hurt, but what would Silver Spoon say if she saw us as friends. Her reputation would be ruined!
"Like- never. Common Silver, let's get out of here."
The Cutie Mark Crusaders watch the duo walk off, laughing snobbishly. "Well, that hurt." Sweetie Belle frowned.
Apple Bloom felt heart broken, "An' here ah' thought somepony like Diamond could change, and become the perfect pony we wished she'd be, but ah' was just a fool. She played me like ah' fiddle, an' ah' actually stood up for her." Apple Bloom started to cry, facing her feelings, but she didn't bother saying them out loud. "I'm an idiot." Was the only this she bothered saying.


In class it wasn't any better. Diamond Tiara threw a paper air plane at Miss Cheerilee, and Scootaloo got blamed for it. She also told Snips that Apple Bloom liked him, and put chewed gum in Sweetie Belle's hay sandwich.
All day Snips was drooling over Apple Bloom, Sweetie was picked gum out of her mane, and Scootaloo was in detention for lunch. She was making the three miserable. "Apple Bloom, we need to have a meeting at the clubhouse. Today." Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom knew what it was going to be for, no doubt.


"I officially call this CMC meeting in order." Scootaloo said, banging a gavel on the stand placed in the center of the room. "We need to talk about your sister, Apple Bloom."
"You need to talk to her." Sweetie Belle said. "You know how mad Rarity was when she saw I had to cut my mane." She pointed to a large missing chunk in her hair that had been cut out.
"You don't get it girls, even if ah' do, she won't stop." Apple Bloom tried.
"Well you have to try."