//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: A Fight in the Forest // Story: Changeling Perspective // by Gwynbleidd //------------------------------// Strange visions plagued me that night. They were indescribable in their nature. Not in the sense they were strange, but that they were faint. The feeling was similar to what you might expect someone with short term memory loss to feel. You know you just did something, but can never seem to articulate what. To make matters worse, the memories always seem to lie on the fringes of my mind, hanging just out of reach. The whole experience was almost taunting in nature, as though my subconscious was playing keep away. The clue I was given to indicate my dreams was my waking. In which I shouted "No!" loudly towards my ceiling and notice my sheets were soaked in a cold sweat. I hope to Celestia it was sweat. Obviously, my slumber wasn't an enjoyable one. I was quite haggard, but I lacked to courage to put my head down in fear that the next nightmare be worse than the last. I violently yanked my blankets aside and rolled out of bed. Literally. And fell on the floor. "Owwww..." It was rather pathetic. "Come on, get up, you can do it," I whispered, trying to get some motivation going. Unsuccessfully, I might add. Despite my lack of motivation I still managed to get my legs working. They hoisted me upright and softly carried me down to the foyer. It was empty. My ears snapped taut at a sound to my right. My head swiveled to attention, but it was only a loose shutter. Shaking my head at the folly of my panic I trotted to the offending window and closed the draft. Oddly, as I closed the shutter I shivered. But it wasn't from the cold, rather, from unwanted thoughts trying to surface. Knowing in the back of my mind it really wouldn't help I set out to find a box of matches. Not even being sure my home, or even all of Equestria, had matches. Luckily, my search proved fruitful, an unopened box was sitting on top of a pile of papers in my middle drawer. I had almost missed it but I did a second sweep of all the cabinets after a poor first attempt. With the matches trailing behind me, in the shimmering grasp of my magic, I swiftly made my way to the fireplace. In the place where I wanted a roaring fire there was nothing but a small pile of ash. I hefted a couple of logs from the nearby pile and placed them in the hearth. As I regarded the logs for a second something seemed off. But what? After a moment's thought I dismissed the idea, everything looked normal. Focusing on the next task I placed a few smaller twigs next to the logs. Then I pulled a match out and struck it on the designated spot. It didn't catch the first time, but on the second and bright flame came to life on the piece of wood. However, I was clumsy with my hooves and let it slip out of my grasp. The match fell silently to the ground, where the orange light was extinguished by a reactionary stomp. Shaking my head slightly I pulled forth a new match and lit it. First try even! This time it was safely in my magic as the flickering light spread onto the small pieces of wood, eventually catching the logs on fire. The fireplace itself wasn't anything spectacular. The engineering of it was obviously old. Though I didn't know many specifics I knew that a deep fireplace, while romantic, was actually rather poor at heating a room. A shallow fireplace with sharp angles is the modern standard, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. But am I a beggar? It's not like I wanted to be here. Maybe it's more like kidnap victims can't be choosers. Am I a kidnap victim though? Eh, close enough. Quickly losing interest in the specific wording correlating to my position in life I turned my thoughts out to what I wanted to do that day. I need a break from all these ponies. I rubbed my chin in thought as my possibilities emerged. I could fly somewhere, but I really don't feel like trying to fly. That only leaves things in walking distance. What's close and isolated? Feeling rather stumped, I looked around the room, as though the answer was present in a piece of furniture. "Perhaps I am destined to go to the land of Sofa?" I thought out loud. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at the University of Canterlot: Professor of Geography's office. "Ahhh!" "What is it Professor?" "Nothing, I think I just felt a disturbance." "Another person thinking about a place that blatantly isn't real? "Probably." "Idiots." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Huh, I have the strange feeling I was just insulted, somewhere far away." I said. Making a mental note to kick said person's ass if the opportunity presented itself, I continued to search the room for ideas of places to go. But my eyes fell to the sofa once again; perhaps it was trying to tell me something. But what? If past experience told me anything, it was that seat cushions are the most useful things in the world when it comes to finding interesting things. Obviously, that's where I looked. The first few cracks came up empty, but tucked between the last cushion and the couch's arm was a crumpled ball of paper. I pulled in open, surprisingly; it was an entire sheet of paper, 7''x11''. On it was a message. If you're actually so lost as to what to do that you've resorted to looking into a couch's cushions for ideas, even though it's a new couch, not to mention the fact you don't have any items you could've lost in here anyways, then you clearly need some help. Why don't you go to the Everfree Forest? Of course, it's your choice, not that you've got a better idea if you're checking your couch for ideas. Love, Celestia I stood dumbly with the note hovering in front of me, not really quite sure how to process what I read. I think I was just insulted... And indeed, I had been. It's tempting not to go to the Everfree forest, just to spite her, but she's right. I don't really have any better ideas. Feeling more than a little humiliated, I trotted off to the door. As I did so I turned to look at the clock, hanging nearby. It read 6:15. As I shifted my gaze back to the door, the mirror next to it caught my eye. I focused on it, it seemed important, but I couldn't recall the reason. Then I noticed the mirrors contents. "Oh" I gasped aloud, realizing the near folly of my actions. "I almost forgot to change. But who to pick?" It took a few minutes of mental debate, but ultimately I figured out just the right character, I wanted someone who would be well acquainted with forested environments, and had a deal of knowledge of the strange. Even though such traits don't actually come from changing shape, it still made me feel better about the whole experience. That makes sense, right? With a somewhat better grasp as to why I enjoy LARPing in the middle Equestria I closed my eyes. Why I actually bother to close my eye is hard to explain. Perhaps it habit, or some instinctual safeguard. Regardless, I really wasn't interested in discovering what would happen, for all I knew it would cause a slight case of eye melting. Not worth it. Anyways, my body transformed without issues. My skin grew soft grey fur. The holes permeating my body filled with flesh and blood. My bald scalp and craggy tail grew hair of a stark white. Lastly, a knot of scarred flesh emerged from the new fur on my face, cutting on a slight angle across my left eye. "Not an unconvincing Geralt, if I do say so myself,” I batted my eyes prettily at the mirror. I was enjoying the moment a quite a bit. "Hmmm, I wonder if I can hex Celestia and stop her from constantly dicking with me." Maybe too much. In any case, I left, picking a reasonable rate to trot to the forest with. Before too long, I found the edge, but the brush was far too thick to actually get inside the forest. I paralleled the Everfree for what seemed an exceptional distance. I was unable to confirm this, however, since the entirety of the forest looks too similar to distinguish any part from any other. The only indication I had made any progress at all was the mild burning sensation in my legs and the shrinking silhouette of the Ponyville. After a while, as I was nearing the end of my nerves, I saw something. It looked distinctly tree shaped, though not any tree I was familiar with. I headed towards it, my vigor renewed. But before I got very close I found an entrance to the Everfree forest. A tug inside me said to go back to the tree and check it out, but I overcame the urge. For all I knew it was just a tree, no matter how strange looking. The forest was as creepy as Ponyville's denizens would lead you to believe. The air was nearly as thick as the flora itself. Each breath felt like my last and the unmaintained terrain wasn't helping. Gnarled rooted stuck out as if they're only goal in life were to trip me. One might have succeeded. "Ow!" Maybe. Geez that smarts! And look at this, not a bandage in sight. Owning my injuries like a real man, I pressed on. The entire time, despite its tendency to try and hurt me, I was in awe of the surrounding. There were such a wide range of plants unlike anything of Earth. The trees were for the most part similar, though their trunks seemed disproportionately thick for their height, and the bushes were almost identical. But the flowers were everywhere. It must have been spring, as nearly everything was in bloom. The vines were dotted with small white flowers, and the ground had odd bunches of flowers in every shade. This was all accentuated by the sun bleeding through the leaves, dappling the ground with an occasional beam. The atmosphere was surprisingly romantic. In fact, there was a smell in the air just as unique as the flora about me. It was a complex mixture of many different things: impossible to pick out any one of the bunch. Even more interestingly though, is that the scents blended together extremely well. For an area of the world known for its chaotic nature, it all seemed rather harmonious. Just an observation. I slowed my pace to a more casual speed, attempting to relax myself. Even with the hostile roots, the Everfree managed to enthrall me. It brought back a lot of good memories, memories of me wandering my own expansive woodlands. They might not have had the sheer beauty of the Everfree, but they made up for that in the safety department. One memory stood out in particular: I had finally climbed an especially tall tree. The view was truly spectacular, miles and miles of uninterrupted foliage. I stretched out on a sturdy looking branch and was enjoying the fresh air. I shook my head, there were many things I wanted to do, and reliving old memories was quite low on the list. I was much more interested in exploring the vastness before me, but it seemed fate would have none of that. "Ahhhhh!" the wind carried the faintest of cries to my ears, perking them reflexively. While a selfish part of me wanted to ignore the plea I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Turning a new leaf, right? Following the source, however, proved more difficult than first anticipated. Sound had a tendency to bounce off of the environment, blurring the direction I was trying to follow. But beyond that, my speed was making it difficult to keep good balance. I wasn't giving myself the time I needed to scan the underused trails for hazards. The Everfree was about as close as an inanimate object could come to being passive aggressive. Slowly, the scattered cries increased in volume. Within minutes I was close enough to make out a few basic details: one, the pony screaming was likely female or at least had an extremely high pitched voice. Two, this pony was running from something capable of some sort of roar. Whatever it is, it's pissed, and has a bad throat. But what is IT? My question would be answered in the worst possible way as I stumbled into a small clearing. The unfiltered light, however, temporarily withheld the scene, as my eyes were unadjusted. Once I could actually see the world before me, I almost wished I hadn't come at all, even if my heart told me it was the morally correct choice. The frightened pony was none other than Fluttershy. Which, looking back, was rather obvious. Who else hangs out in the Everfree? Or screams like a ninny for that matter? But, Fluttershy wasn't the only one present. Across from her was a hulking mass of tooth and claw. A manticore. My memory was hazy as to the size reference of the manticore from Episode 1, but this one certainly had to be bigger. Despite the deafening pulse of my heart in my throat, a single lucid thought snuck through. Shouldn't she be able to quell him? Why is she so scared of an animal... oh Just as my nerves were recovering another shot of adrenaline pulsed into my system. This particular manticore had a long, but shallow, scratch across his face, traveling over both eyes. He's blind! Though perhaps to some the situation would be advantageous I only saw another random element being added to a dangerous cocktail. There were so many high speed thoughts that I might have frozen completely if not for a fresh plea for help from the distraught yellow pegasus. "Help!" as she dived back into the foliage, and out of sight. Well, that's one less thing to worry about. And with that last thought, nothing entered my mind but tactical options. What would Geralt do? Sort of. How sharp are manticore claws anyways? Okay, none at all, but what reason would I have for knowing tactical maneuvers. "Hey over here, I'm much tastier than that other pony," I shouted, shifting the manticore's attention. The manticore turned his head, locking his milky white eyes upon me. "Oh, I probably should have thought this out, huh?" The manticore kindly replied by taking a swing at my head. Thankfully I ducked, nearly wetting myself from the sound of air rushing just above my oh-so delicate skull. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, or maybe years of playing fighting games, but in a flash everything became clear. Still crouched I pulled out of the manticore's reach, only to quickly dodge to the side: an attempt to flank the massive animal. Though the animal had no vision, it clearly had very acute hearing, as it turned towards me with speed I hadn't anticipated. I also hadn't anticipated the manticore's paw to still be distended. I'm fairly certain I heard a rib crack as my body ragdolled into a tree, which conveniently stopped my impromptu flying session. "No, get up, keep going!" a distant voice yelled, though it was hard to hear, having been drowned out by the roaring in my ears, both real and imaginary. Move! And my body obeyed, just in time to let the tree take one for the team; he kind of cracked under the pressure though. At least he gave the manticore a couple of splinters. Treeson, your memory will be honored. Mentally noting to get some acorns from that tree later, I cast my glance to the rest of the area, hoping to chance upon an environmental weapon. Sword trees would have been helpful, but I guess those would have to be invented first. Oh, well. I was lucky enough to spot a large stick though, but it was so far away. If only I could reach further, if only... "My horn!" With a flash of magic the stick was animated in my shimmering grasp. I gave the manticore a whap on the nose. "Take that you ruffian!" I said, fully aware of the unoriginality behind it. Now it was clear the manticore was confused. It turned from me to where the stick hit it, unsure of what to do. My brow furrowed in thought. This seemed like a useful development, but how to exploit it? I repeatedly tapped the manticore with my stick, drawing my in circles around me, but still being cautious of letting the stick stay close for too long. Well, it's occupied, for now, but I really need to drive it away if I want to find Fluttershy, she could be hurt for all I know... or worse. Hey, can't think that way. Got to stay positive. Pushing such morbid thoughts from mind, I returned my attention to the life threatening issue still circling me. Should probably take care of this first. Seeing as it worked so well the last time, I looked around. Oddly, there were just a lot more sticks around, why that would be, however, is a secret no one will ever crack. Without a doubt. Anyways, I levitated the sticks, just as with the first, and started beating on the manticore from all directions. "Wow, this is surprisingly easy, and here I was thinking there would be some big challenge or something," I said, totally not tempting fate like a dumbass or anything. Was I? No, couldn't have, well, maybe. But that's beside the point. Suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, the manticore lurched and managed to chomp down on a stick before I could react. "Shit!" I exclaimed, stamping an angry hoof at the dirt in wrath. My eyes then widened, realizing my mistake. Two milky eyes stared me down as the beast’s entire body shifted. Flesh rippling as he turned 90 degrees in an attempt to run me down. A very effective one I might add. He bore down on me, daggers jutting from his paws and mouth. I froze in horror, staring thoughtlessly at my own death. As the end flowed towards me I saw something, glittering in the otherwise vacant space of the manticore's eye. It was me. Somehow seeing my grotesque reflection made me realize I did want to keep living, and I knew just what to do. I stooped low, avoiding the whoosh of furious death about me, and slid myself forward, safely slipping between the manticore's haunches. I got up, and immediately felt light headed, perhaps the adrenaline was fading. Regardless, I got to my legs working and ran as fast as I could... only to collide with something soft and warm. It was several moments until I realized I had run straight into the manticore! I tried to turn and flee into the other direction, but my horn had actually sunk deep into its flesh. The manticore howled with a mixture of pain and anger as he struggled to reach around to swipe at me, let's just say manticores aren't flexible. Eventually a good amount of wiggling managed to get my horn uncorked, which released a torrent of blood. I must have been quite the sight, head to hooves soaked in blood, a mad look in my eyes. Uh, geez, there's blood everywhere! Nothing can survive this kind of blood loss...right? I backed up to a safe distance as I assessed the scene in front of me. The manticore's body was crumpled in a growing pool of crimson. The hole my horn left centered perfectly in its back, it didn't take a doctor to figure out I broke the poor thing's spine. With the adrenaline of the moment well and truly gone I began to feel the weariness of all the day's efforts. All that really interested me at that moment was collapsing to the ground and taking nap. But something sprung to mind. "Fluttershy!" I gasped, eyes snapping open. "Hey! You can come out now, miss. There's no danger." I said coaxingly, praying she was still in the area, and conscious. I listened; statue-like, perking my ears for the slightest disturbance. All I got for my efforts was the sound of the breeze, pushing the branches above too and fro... so enchantingly. I shook my head, this wasn't time for distraction. Then I heard a squeal to my left. My head rotated until it faced the noise. I cautiously maneuvered towards the supposed source, unwilling to be caught by surprise. Is this Fluttershy? It had to be, but I couldn't afford the chance. My pace was tedious until I was close enough to see some pink hair within the confines of a sparse bush. Then I ran over. I stood over her still body, looking for signs of injury. Other than being passed out, and probably having serious emotional trauma, she seemed ok. She was even drooling a little. "Good thing I don't have a heart condition." Now how to wake her? I leaned in close, and prodded her face with a forward hoof. Other than causing her head to loll, not much happened. I leaned in closer, putting my mouth to her ear. "Time to wake up..." I explained in a soft voice. Still nothing. Come up, think, man, think! "Uh, I think I heard an animal in trouble." I saw Fluttershy stir slightly. It wasn't enough, I needed something more relevant to her, a name, a place, things I shouldn't know... But I do know... I thought for a long moment about my next action. I didn't like it, but it seemed fate left no alternative. "Hey, Fluttershy, Angel isn't looking so good." Her eyes snapped open. "Angel!" I almost felt bad. Then she looked at me. "Ah, killer pony!" still lying on the ground she desperately tried to shuffle away. "No, it's okay I'm here to help you." I assured, stepping closer. My words fell on deaf ears, however, as she continued to scoot away. Too bad for her she pinned herself to nearest tree. "Please, it's okay, just trust me." Then, something weird happened. Fluttershy's eyes snapped open unleashed the wrath of the stare on me. I couldn't move a single part of my body. "Leave me alone!" she hollered, as she spun around and kicked me! Who would have thought she'd taken a self-defense class. I might have been surprised if I had still been conscious. Yeah, I got beat up by a mare, within five minutes of killing one of Equestria's most lethal animals. I woke up some time later with a bruised cheek and a wounded pride. Incredibly, I wasn't lying in the middle of the forest, or in a stomach! In fact, it looked an awful lot like Fluttershy's cottage. I sat up, immediately realizing I had a headache. "Does everything terrible always have to happen to me?" I wondered aloud. Yes Now's not the time, Celestia. There was some incoherent grumbling, then silence. "Oh, good, you're awake!" a light voice declared. I turned to see Fluttershy, staring at me with big, soft, non-paralyzing eyes. But it was who was behind her that really caught my eye. He was much taller than Fluttershy, he also looked much sillier. But something tells me Discord revels in his abstract nature. "Ah, don't kick me!" I pleaded, covering my face with my hooves. "Kick? Fluttershy, dear, what did you do to this poor man?" Discord asked, though I somehow felt he knew exactly what had transpired. Fluttershy, however, seemed quite disturbed by the question, and hid herself in the depths of her mane rather than actually respond. I would have felt bad, but she did bring this on herself. "Well, if you're not going to talk to our guest then why don't you go make some refreshments," Discord said. Fluttershy just made a whimper of sorts and ran past me, avoiding any eye contact. Discord keenly watched as Fluttershy left the area, as soon as she was gone he flicked his wrist, snapped two fingers, and disappeared in a cloud of dramatic smoke. "Quite the performance earlier today, hmm?" the Draconequus chided, having appeared behind me. "You saw that?" I asked reflexively. "Yes, you fought well, especially considering you've only been a pony for a few days." My heart stopped, though surely his grin widened. "Surprised? Don't worry though; I'm not going to meddle with this particular scheme of Celestia's." Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better... "How much do you know?" I asked, trying to mask the doubts filling my mind. "Oh, what don't I know?" he tapped his chin in mock thought. "Your name, actually," he replied in an uncharacteristically somber tone. "Of all the things in your head that's one piece of information I haven't come across." "And I'd like it to stay that way," I retorted, turning my focus to the ceiling. "My, such mental fortitude, bravo, good sir," he jeered, even giving a mocking bow. "Why don't you tell me what you really want to say," I sighed. "Eh, you're no fun, but I'll tell you anyways," he said, gleeful like a small child. I rolled my eyes. He looked back and forth across the room several times, as though someone really cared about this conversation. Then, very slowly, very dramatically, he waved me closer. I wasn't really in the mood for shenanigans, but I also didn't want any more of my time wasted than necessary. So I indulged the man-child and leaned my ear mere inches from his bearded snout. "Oh, never mind, it's likely not important." I contained my frustration, and instead focused on the kitchen, where the quiet din of Fluttershy's rummaging could be heard. The soft sounds quickly soothed my sour mood, and my curiosity started to take control. "So, Discord, have you been to the human world before?" I asked, not looking in his direction. "In a sense, yes," he said in the evasive manner I'd expect of him. "I don't suppose you've seen or heard of a man named John DeLancie, by chance?" I asked, caring not for the integrity of the fourth wall. "Seen him? I am him!" Discord chirped happily leaning into my field-of-view, but rather than his normal head, he had a normal head. Literary, it was John DeLancie's head on a Draconequus body. I gave a small yelp of surprise and tumbled back, having been caught completely off guard by this particular joke. "Oh my, is everyone alright in there?" inquired a familiar voice. "Just fine, Fluttershy, our guest here just rolled off the couch is all," he grinned maniacally at me. "Oh! Are you sure he's okay? Maybe I could..." Fluttershy inquired weakly. "No, no, he's perfectly capable of getting up for himself, you just get the refreshments ready," Discord replied, smooth as silk, looking at me with an expression saying "I got her wrapped around my finger" which he may or may not be right about. Hard to tell for sure. I muttered a wide array of unsavory things as I got up, and brushed the dust off my fur. Discord seemed very amused, or maybe it was just his normal face. "So, do you like...live here?" I asked curiously. "Hmmm?" Discord looked over from a book that had materialized his hand just a moment before, as though I was being a bother. "Oh, yes, I tried living in Canterlot for a while. But things didn't exactly work out as smoothly as Sun Butt had hoped. So I decided to live where I'm more appreciated." Discord then snickered, as if enjoying some past memory. I opened my mouth to ask for some details, but before a word could escape, he answered. "Let's just say those Canterlot lame-o's are less tolerant of pranks and more eager to call the guards than the folks here in Ponyville..." Discord, stuck his tongue out and made a face. I chuckled lightly. I'll have to ask Sun Butt about that one... "Did Celestia find any of it funny?" Discord pondered the question for a moment, tapping his chin in a deliberately cliché manner. "Having had a job that boring for as long as she's had it, she'd find almost anything funny. Not that she'd ever admit it of course." He really didn't answer the question, but before I could call him out on it, Fluttershy called out from the kitchen. "I’m bringing in the tea!" "Oh, let me help you with that," Discord flashed me an uneven grin and moved to help the timid Pegasus, making a big show out of the affair. "Thank you Discord, it's so nice having a big strong Draconequus around," she batted her eyes in admiration. "But of course," with that he took the platter and set it gently on the coffee table. Curious, I leaned from my seat on the couch and sniffed the tea's aroma. "Mmm! Is that vanilla I smell?" I asked, happy my favorite variety of tea was prevalent in Equestria. "Do you like it? I didn't ask, oh, I'm sorry," she cringed. I smiled lightly "It smells delightful, you have a good sense for herbs." "I'll have you know I helped," Discord added childishly, putting his lion's paw to his chest. "Is this fresh picked?" I inquired, impressed. "Oh, yes! I love picking my tea fresh, ever since I found this wild vanilla just today right before I..." Fluttershy blushed and looked away embarrassed. "Before we ran into you, and that wretched little beast," Discord said, adding mention to the manticore as though his toe jam was more worrisome. Perhaps it is... Anyways, during this, Fluttershy mumbled something, squeaking in an indescribably adorable way. I felt a little bad for her, being so shy. "I'm sorry, did you say something, Fluttershy?" I cocked my head. More incoherent squeaking ensued. "I think that was supposed to be a thanks, you know, for saving her from being lunch and whatnot," Discord intervened. Prick. For a guy with a sense of humor, he really is dense, isn't he? "Yes," Fluttershy said simply. Well, she might have said more, not that I could make it out. "It wasn't a problem," "What were you doing in the forest anyway, good sir?" Discord interrupted again. Insert irritated headshake here. "I was enjoying the scenery, it was too lovely to pass," I replied. Fluttershy looked like she wanted to say something but was conflicted. She chewed her lower lip as though it might seep courage into her meek frame. I turned to her and asked, "Something on your mind? She seemed quite startled at the question; she blushed vigorously and muttered something else unintelligible. She just couldn't seem to warm up to me! Perhaps it was rude of me, but I just couldn't take it any longer. "Celestia be damned, speak up!" I immediately regretted my choice of words, but one can hardly take something like that back, can he? "Look, I didn't mean that, I..." but she was already gone. Run off in a fit of stinging tears. What had I done? "Oh, now look what you've gone and done!" I might have believed that Discord was actually upset, but that would require understanding sympathy, wouldn't it? "Just keep talking..." I idly threatened. Discord probably had some witty comeback for that, but I had already left. I was out the front door and looked longingly at the path ahead. I could be home before dark still, if I hurried. But something stopped me, like an invisible hand holding my shoulder. I couldn't just leave. My hooves gained sentience as they took me to behind the cottage searching desperately for the traumatized Pegasus. I didn't have to go far. I was lucky really. She could have flown away as easily as I get out of bed, but she didn't. But I suppose that shouldn't be surprising. She's always had an adversity to flying. Finding her was child's play. Just follow the sniffling until as it gets louder. Basic. What came next, however, required a bit more than good intentions and a sprinkle of stubbornness. I found her by a pond but a stone's throw from the cottage. She was looking at her reflection, only having it occasionally disturbed by the tears welling up above. It was a pitiable scene, as well as a familiar one. How many times have I found myself in such a situation? Feeling so sad and dejected all without reason. Thankfully, I knew what would make it all better, because I also knew what I always wanted to hear. "Hey, listen," I said lightly, "I know I hurt your feelings, and that doesn't feel very nice, and, well, I'm sorry I did that. I also want to tell you that it wasn't my intention, I let my emotions get the better of, and that was wrong. I don't need a response. You probably want to be left alone. I can find my way back to town just fine." I turned a left without a thought. Hoping she'd find the courage in herself to overcome her shyness and actually talk to me. "Wait." My hopes were not in vain. I turned, smiling, and looked at her with welcome eyes. "Yes?" I said simply. "Could you... stay? Just for a while longer," this was a big step for her. "Of course," I trotted up and sat next to her, "what's on your mind?" There was a long pause as she tried to find what she wanted to say. I noticed she rubbed her hooves together idly as she thought. "I'm..." she paused again, "sorry." I felt an invisible punch to the gut. I always had a soft spot for the shy Pegasus, she resonated with me, and here she was apologizing for nothing. The entirety of the scene truly tugged upon my heart. How could something ever be so innocent? Such answers are still lost upon this kindred soul, but this wasn’t the time to reminisce. “Hey, there’s no reason to be sorry,” I took my hoof under her chin and tilted it to face mine, “there’s no reason to be sad.” I smiled. “It’s just…” she took a breath, “I’ve been nothing but trouble.” I laughed slightly, “Really? I find it hard to believe you could be trouble.” “Oh, but I am. Because of me you had to fight that manticore, you could have been hurt. You could have…” she didn’t have to elaborate for her point to be clear. “But I didn’t, and besides, it’s only my job.” Fluttershy gave me a baffled look. “See this?” I pointed at my cutie mark, “it’s a symbol of my profession.” “And just what to you do?” “I hunt monsters.” “You hurt little woodland creatures?” her eyes widened. “Not the little ones, just those like our manticore friend: the trouble makers.” “That sounds,” she paused, “dangerous.” “It’s not an easy job, but someone has to keep everypony else safe,” “In that case, I’m glad it’s you,” I chuckled, “How can you say that, we’ve only just met?” “I know, but I think I…” she stopped talking and blushed heavily. “Yes?” I asked leaning closer. “I…think…you should join me and Discord for dinner!” her words rushed forth in a torrent. I knew she was keeping something to herself, but I decided to play along. “What a splendid idea, Fluttershy, what’s for tonight?” “Nothing special, just a fresh flower salad.” “After a day this strange, that sounds perfect.” Fluttershy beamed at me as she trotted back to the cottage. I watched her walk back, her hips swinging hypnotically, her tail bounced up and down softly and she carried herself with uncharacteristic grace. I groaned. I was doing it again! I’m already stringing two mares along; this has already gone too far. But I ignored myself, because something else inside was contradicting: a voice that was much stronger, and hungrier. I followed after her. The dinner itself was simplicity to prepare. Between the two of us—since Discord was nowhere to be found—it was only a matter of me fetching things and Fluttershy turning them into food, well, better tasting food. It was almost mesmerizing to watch her work. Seeing one normally so shy work with such passionate efficiency. I hadn’t realized hoofs could be such accurate tools. We finished preparing the salads and to no one’s surprise it was at this point Discord happened to reappear. However, it only took a glance at dinner for him to realize there might be better faire elsewhere. So we were alone for the dinner. To be honest, having that extra salad was quite nice; since he wasn’t going to eat it might as well, right? “Your generosity is only outshone by your culinary prowess, are you sure it’s Rarity who represents Generosity?” I asked, finishing the last daffodil. Fluttershy looked up from her own food. “Oh, you know Rarity?” Sure, ignore my compliment. “It’s more of a friend of a friend situation.” I clarified. A flash of relief sprouted from Fluttershy’s face. “Oh! You must be a friend of that new pony in town.” I dipped my head. “Guilty as charged.” “Rarity told me about another pony she met,” Fluttershy said, her voice trailed off. “Did she now? And what was it she had to say?” I leaned forward. “Oh, she was very… interested,” “Interested? Do you mean she likes this fellow she was talking about?” I asked, grinning ridiculously. “Well, she talked a lot about him during our weekly spa visit,” a faint blush crept up on her face. “Fluttershy? Is something bothering you?” I asked, my grin being replaced by a concerned frown. Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she took a sharp inhale of breath, “No, of course not. Why? Oh dear, I’m bothering you, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I…” her next thought was halted by a gentle hoof on the lips. She looked at me softly. “You could never be a bother, just tell me what’s the matter, ok? She nodded. “It’s just when Rarity was talking to me she seemed so happy, happier than I’d ever seen her. I want to be that happy.” With that final testimony the yellow Pegasus’s eyes overflowed with tears and her forehead hit the table as her shoulders started to heave up and down. I was at a loss for words. But, almost mechanically I got up and started to rub Fluttershy’s back, trying to sooth her like I had done so many times for so many others. The more things change… “It’s not so bad, you just got to stay strong, you’ll find someone if you look hard enough,” I reassured, reaching back to times when my own sister had been small and fragile. Not that she’s that way anymore. It was a while before Fluttershy was coherent again. There was a lot of baggage with this pony, but when she calmed down and looked at me again her load seemed a little lighter. “You’re right, there is someone, but I don’t know if they’ll return my feelings,” she said hesitantly. “You’ll never know if you don’t try,” I said, trying to think of something clever to say. “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,” I quoted. “Oh, I know you’re right, but it’s so scary, what if he doesn’t like me? What if I say something stupid? Or what if…” she was cut off again by yours truly. “Fluttershy, there’s a lot of uncertainty in this world, you can’t always know, sometimes the ponies are worth the risk,” I held her eyes to face mine, and I think I saw a moment of true clarity, as though an epiphany had occurred to her. Indeed it had, as she decided that it would then be appropriate to plant a small kiss on my cheek. I reddened. I was in shocked by my own ignorance. Didn’t I see this coming? How could I let something like this happen? It was cruel, it was manipulative, it was wrong, and it was incredible. To my disgust I loved what was happening, every fiber of my being felt like electricity had supercharged it. I could move a mountain, fight a god, destroy a planet, nothing was out of reach. But as quickly as it had come it had left, though my hooves seemed a little lighter on the ground. Was my vision always so clear? I didn’t have time to consider any of what had just happened however. Rather, I had to start talking again, as I had stood in stupor for a good few seconds and Fluttershy was watching me with a growing concern. “Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you or anything, did I?” I sighed: amused. “Yes, last I checked kisses aren’t lethal.” One misplaced blink and I might have missed the sparkle in her eyes. “Does that mean that you…” she was still too timid to finish the thought. NO! I don’t, I can’t, I’m sorry. “Yes, yes I do,” I said truthfully. Her eyes lit like stars. “Really? This is so wonderful!” she said as her wings spread out from behind her. They took her off the ground and she did a little twirl. I watched happily, as she spun around for a while. Of course, she eventually came down, doing so with a faint blush of embarrassment. But what caught me off guard was the perplexed look she started to give me. “Did you know your eyes change color?” she asked. “Uh, yes, I am very much aware of the fact, so there’s no need to hit me for clarification,” I cried, holding my forelegs to cover my prized face. “Hit you? Oh goodness, why would I ever do something like that?” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you would hit me, I just have a history with ponies hitting me when I tell them about the eye thing.” “Oh, I think I understand,” Fluttershy said, though I think the idea of hitting something without good reason was lost upon her. “It’s not very important. Hey, what’s the time?” I asked, taking notice of the missing sun. “Oh my, it is getting late, I guess you need to get home, huh?” “You could walk me back,” I offered. “That sounds nice,” Fluttershy agreed. “Excellent.” Being outside was a welcome change of pace. The moon was full that night and only a light breeze disturbed the peaceful atmosphere. I wasn’t particularly sure where town was, a fact accentuated by the lack of light. Thankfully, Fluttershy was more than capable of navigating in the dark. She mostly stayed quiet as she led the way. I was both thankful and irritated by this. On one hoof, it gave me time to figure out what the hell I was trying to accomplish, but on the other hoof, I was more content to wallow in how badly I was ruining so many ponies’ lives. I might have slumped the entire way home in this state if not for a “surprise” visit from everyone’s favorite, and only—but don’t tell him that—draconequus: Discord. “Hmm, what have we here? A date, perhaps? My, how quant.” I rolled my eyes and have a sneaking suspicious Fluttershy did as well. “Actually I was just going home; Fluttershy was kind enough to escort me. It’s terribly dark as can plainly see.” I gestured to the lack of things I could meaningfully gesture to. “Or perhaps it should be ‘plainly can’t see’, you know, since it’s dark and all,” he laughed at the joke. That really wasn’t very funny. My dwindling opinion of Discord’s comedic ability aside, I wanted to go home and think. I wasn’t in the mood for idle chit-chat. “As funny as that was, I have more important matters to attend to,” I said, betraying my irritation. “Don’t be that way, certainly you can stop, even if it’s just for a minute,” Fluttershy persuaded. “If the lady insists,” I replied dramatically, even going so far as to include a small bow. “Wonderful, you know I feel bad about missing dinner and everything, but I had stuff to do.” “Stuff?” I pushed. “Yes, like cleaning up manticore bits and other fun tasks,” Discord said in his least serious voice. “That reminds me, how did you manage to piss off a blind manticore?” I pressed. “Somepony thought it would be funny to poke him while he was sleeping,” Fluttershy responded in a very matter-of-fact tone. “Don’t be that way Fluttershy,” Discord pouted, “how was I to know that blind manticores tend to have poor tempers,” I shot him an “Are you kidding me?” look. “Don’t look at me like that you highly judgmental pony you!” Discord said indignantly, crossing his arms and turning his nose up. Fluttershy, however, also stared at him like he was being an ass. She was justified. “Discord doesn’t need this, I’ll be in my trailer,” with that he disappeared again. Fluttershy shook her head. “Sorry about that, he’s a little immature at times.” “It’s fine, he was only being annoying, I’ve dealt with worse.” “Oh, right,” Fluttershy said, a little dejected. I felt a little bad; maybe insulting Discord had offended her. I placed a friendly foreleg around her shoulders as we sauntered the rest of the way to my house. There was some small talk, but nothing of particular interest. I think she was feeling shy again. Whatever the case, she wished me a good evening and flew off in the night. How she could see anything was beyond me. I also think I heard some happy giggles, but that might have been wind. That isn’t the important part, however. The real issue was much greater, mainly that I had an addiction for being and idiot and seeming suffered from kleptomania when it came to mares’ hearts. I paced about for quite some time, muttering so incoherently that the exact words are hard to recall. At some point a bright flash of magic interrupted my thought, thankfully. It was a note from Celestia, there was a flavor of vanilla around it. I didn’t read it, however, rather I ripped it to shreds until the pieces were like fine confetti and the words illegible. I wasn’t interested in anything important. But the damage was done; I had stopped being frustrated long enough to realize how tired I was. It had been a long day and weary bones need sleep. I trudged up my beloved stairs and somehow managed to pull into bed before falling into a fitful sleep. One that wouldn’t be spent alone.