//------------------------------// // Beyond the Gate: 1 // Story: Through the Gates of Everfree // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I had stopped before the gate, or I imagine I had done so. Yet, I had gone through. I'm still dazed, since I had not had a good night's sleep. It was a late night, after the one last party I threw the other night. There was a mirror, or was it, I'm not sure. It looks, or looked something like the mirror, the gate Twilight had entered and returned from, when Sunset Shimer stole her crown, with her element of Harmony, magic. With that, I had in my regular hyper way excitedly gone through. Only to end up where I am now, on the other side of the gate, where else? Only now, there isn't just a single gate, but four, marking the four winds as it were. I look back at the four squares, large as they were, much larger than the one I came through, if you asked me, but I'm just a dazed pink pony, otherwise known as Pinkie Pie, who am I to say? Judging by my position, I'm at the south gate, this should lead back, but I couldn't say. There was something to it all, and I couldn't just pull myself back, now could I? Or is it just the dazed state, from the lack of sleep? I'm alone, for what I could tell. None of my friends had come behind me, or they were all before me and I just missed it, thus missing where they went? Would they just leave me behind? Even in this dazed state, I refused to believe it right of the bat. What happened as I went through is what I had missed, since I'm apparently standing on my hind legs. My hooves, now wide and red while my legs seem spindly in comparison. I imagine it is something not too unlike what Twilight had experienced, from what I read. I had after all explained the situation for the entire group, just as she had returned, only too tired to tell the tail. Maybe I shouldn't blame her? The fact that both my mane and tail remains, just the way they were so far as I could recall may have distracted me, even more so than my hind hooves? Looking forwards, I still do have my muzzle, largely intact from what I could see. Since I had entered entirely nude, I apparently remained so. With that, I could feel my jigglies on the top of my chest, just like Twilight had, even though she had not been nude when she arrived at Canterlot High. Furthermore, I had also been granted hands, similar to the once she had been pestered with. There is no wind, but I could see no walls, even though I later had realised, I'm indoors. The room easily several times larger then the throne room, or the ball room at Celestia's and Luna's palace in Canterlot. Moving forwards, I found what was to pass for a more ordinary door. It's sliding aside from me, right and left, as I stepped before it, even before I had thought of it. That's how I even came to notice it, in fact. On the other side of the twin doors is a long hall, on my right I found doors, similar to the once I had just entered and a symbol for bed rooms, or something the like? I chose to enter the first of them. Maybe the pink hue on the brim of the metal plate drew me towards choosing it? I'm not sure. I found the bed to the right. In the bed, I had found the pillows and a quilt, much like any bed I could have imagined, or twilight could have conjured up? There is what passed for a bed stand, between the door and the bed. Otherwise, the room was pretty barren. Just clean walls, nothing else. The light dim, just enough for me to see the room. I guess I could sleep in here, even if I may have desired it to be just slightly darker. The floor seems green to me, and the walls look blue? Almost as if I had been under an open sky. However, it was to make sense, but I'm leaving this to the next tomorrow, as I slipped in under the inviting quilt, placed my head on the centremost pillow and closed my eyes only to fall asleep.