//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Discussions // Story: The Warrior, Necroesphere // by Necroesphere //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Discussions By: Necroesphere In the Darkness, knowledge can live, But the light fosters and nurtures it more, Only a person can tell which is better. Necroesphere woke to a prodding. He opened his eyes, his visor flooding him with information that had gathered over the night. He waved those away as he glanced at his side, noting that birds were now attempting to make a nest out of him. He shooed the birds, picking himself up and wiping off the straw. The sun crested gently in the Eastern sky, giving Necroesphere a view that nearly took his breath away. “So... serene.” He whispered, the mountain range in the distance attracting a few clouds, making the scene complete. The land of Equestria was covered in plains and forests, lakes and rivers. With his augmented vision, Necroesphere could make out villages and settlements far out in the distance. He would gladly have just sat up on the roof all day, but he remembered his promise to tell Luna and Celestia all they needed to know. Everything he was permitted to speak about and some details that came with his place. The two of them confused Necroesphere however, especially one statement he hadn’t thought to ask about previously. He leapt down from his perch, landing on one of the battlements. No guards were currently patrolling the area, though Necroesphere could hear some coming from the hallway farther down. As the approached, Necroesphere slipped silently over them using the marble columns spaced evenly down the hall to move. “I wonder where they are...” Necroesphere pondered, not remembering where they had told him to meet. It was early enough though that one of them must be up and about. He decided to best place to start would be the throne room itself then move to the breakfast area. He would eventually just return to Luna’s room and wait for the sisters there. As he clambered around, the guards below looked up from time to time if they heard a slight scraping, though they just shook it off. Necroesphere was moving fast enough down the hall that if he made a noise on one pillar, he’d be down three pillars before a guard decided to look up. Within minutes, he had found the throne room with a line of ponies and other creatures shouting on the outside, being held back by guards. They were petitioner’s to Equestria, hoping to visit the princesses on days when they could. Even though the guards told many of the representatives that were up front to leave, more still flooded forward, some shouting. Necroesphere made his way around to the side and outside using a high up window. He found that right across from where he had slipped out was another way into the throne room, a series of large portals that had been built into the castle. He leapt over to them, scraping his feet against the stone work as he controlled his landing. Using little effort, he pulled himself inside the throne room for a second time, not using conventional methods as usual. He preferred his shadow methods, normally because it meant that he didn’t have to talk or see those he didn’t want to. Sitting on the throne was Celestia, a plate of food in front of her. Luna was near the door, conversing with a few guards who had recently slipped in with concerns of the growing mob outside. Necroesphere slid down a column, landing with a slight scraping noise as his armor damaged the pristine floor upon impact. He cursed under his breath, catching the attention of all the ponies in the room. “I’ll fix that later,” Necroesphere stated, rubbing the plate on his arm. Celestia rolled her eyes, her horn lighting up as she levitated two more cushions out from behind the throne. Luna pushed the guards outside of the throne room despite their complaints. Once the doors shut, the room was sucked into silence. “So...” Luna attempted to get a word from Necroesphere as she strode across the chamber, taking a seat on the cushion closest to Celestia. Necroesphere walked over to the throne, opting to stand and talk instead of sitting. “What are you?” “I am a being and master of space. I am lord and savior to those who cannot protect themselves, death and executioner of evil and unmerciful. My blades thirst for blood of the corrupt yet stay themselves against the weak. I am Necroesphere.” Luna and Celestia looked confused, stunned, and afraid. Necroesphere realized he was holding a sword out, though he wasn’t sure when he pulled it out during his explanation. Probably along the part of thirsting blades, he thought. “Sorry, I get carried away when anything asks me that question,” Necroesphere chuckled, putting his blade up. “Now, that should answer your question. I have gone by many titles, some such as Lord or Master or even Reaper. What I am, however, is something that is a secret to those who don’t need to know it. That will only bring darkness and suffering here.” “Are you going to cause trouble for us is the question?” Celestia asked, putting the first of many questions out. “You claim that you will not hurt us, but what if something followed you here. From wherever you came. What then?” Luna had a look of concern of her face as well, making Necroesphere uneasy as well. It was she who held his powers and ultimately could control his actions if she understood what she held inside. He doubted she had yet to explore her new connection or what she could achieve. “Nothing. I was never followed. I made sure of that as soon as I left my fleet.” Necroesphere explained, holding an arm out, pointing at the ceiling. “There was no way they could have kept my speed or tracked me after I got out of range. They wouldn’t have followed me anyways.” “And your enemies?” Luna asked, holding a hoof to her forehead. She was getting visions of what Necroesphere said, he imagined. It was a side-effect of the energy transfer. “What of them?” “Defeated and sent running before I left. Nothing can find me unless I unleash too much energy, which is why I gave you some. It will give me limits.” Necroesphere explained, striding back down the chamber towards the door. “You can see some things that I have seen, only things I know, Luna.” Necroesphere yelled from the otherside, leaning against the door. He wasn’t expecting it to be difficult or even hard to convince the sisters he meant no harm at all. Maybe it was just the amount of weapons he wore. “I noticed. Why is that? There are things that pop into my head that I could never have imagined. Are they yours?” Luna asked, flying over to Necroesphere. “What did you do to me?” “Like I said, I gave you my energy. Yet, to do so, it requires a bond to be forged between the two. When I saved your life, it was born but not strong enough to hold for much more than a few days. The memories will help you get to understand me, to know why I act. And then, the bond will deepen and the energy will sit.” Necroesphere explained, kneeling before Luna. “Understand, Princess Luna. You have been chosen above all others to hold this one power. I am now your sword and shield. I can resist orders if I will, but it would not be in my best interest to do so.” “I don’t want to keep you on a leash!” Luna gasped. Celestia came to the pair as well, a frown spread across her face. “Is there any harm to Luna, Necroesphere?” Celestia questioned, her care for Luna apparent as the sun in the sky. “None at all. In fact, I am the one at the most risk in this situation. I have made myself more vunerable to this world, especially your magic.” Necroesphere explained. “My armor can take most basic weapons, even some larger ones such as a dragon’s claw. But magic sometimes will outright ignore my armor. Which is why I can deflect attacks with my weapons. That took me years to learn.” “Are you going to be rambling for most of this?” Celestia asked, her wings flared out. “I am sorry, it is just that you seem to have so much information and most of it I cannot understand. Not like Luna can, it seems.” “I am explaining as much as I can. For the reason that you don’t have access to certain memories or visions. You can learn from what I say and even then it will take years of lessons for you to even comprehend most things.” Necroesphere explained. “And I can no longer do energy transfers. I can only do one at a time.” “Oh.” Celestia stated dejectedly. “Then I guess I should make time for a lesson or two with you, should I not?” “I’ll make sure you learn well, Celestia. Don’t worry.” Necroesphere laughed, walking back towards the throne. Celestia and Luna followed, taking their seats again as Necroesphere continued to pace around the throne room. “Why are you willing to help us, Necroesphere?” Celestia questioned, resting her chin on one of the armrests. “Do you expect us to compensate you for your deeds or are you motivated in another way?” “I preserve the peace on my own, keep the balance of worlds. I came here when a massive spike of energy caught my attention. I normally don’t respond to such things, yet the spike from here, Equestria, was different. It harmonized, not destroyed. Fixed where most energy of that caliber would destroy and ruin. I am most interested in this. Were you two told stories of what caused such a blast?” Luna and Celestia shared a smile, taking Necroesphere back for a moment. “What? Did I miss something?” “Necroesphere, how old do we look?” Luna chuckled, standing and doing a spin. Necroesphere was unsure how to answer the question, noting that the two thought his question was funny. “I’m no master at Equin age and transfer, but you look like you could pass for a young adult among horses. Though, like I stated, I have little knowledge on horses. In fact, your world is strange as is. So, I’m just going to go with 20 years or so.” The sisters broke out in laughter, filling the hall with their bell like giggles. Necroesphere shrugged, choosing not to read their minds and cheat the answer. He preserved that when he needed data and wasn’t willing to wait for his audience to spill the beans. “Am I missing something?” Necroesphere reiterated, unsure of why the sisters were laughing. “You are missing something big, Necroesphere,” Celestia got out, taking a breath. “I am 524 years old.” “And I 519, though we have not changed in the slightest in those 500 years,” Luna continued. “You see, we became immortal at what may have been the time that energy caught your attention.” “I may have problems with that... Then again, I’m over 10,000 years old, so I don’t think I have the right to complain about immortality. I assume you can technically die?” Necroesphere asked. He thought about it, thinking of all the times he had been near death and bleeding out. “How about we not test that actually?” “Uh... right then. No wonder you see to know a lot more than you let on. How about you enlighten us with some of your ancient wisdom?” Celestia giggled, her tone oozing with sarcasm. Luna however looked as though she was having another vision. “Celestia, he... this is so confusing. That one statement just flooded me with something I could not comprehend.” Luna stated. “Don’t get caught up on that,” Necroesphere told her, leaning against the throne. “I endure the nightmares. I do not need to know you are having them. In fact, jut keep most of your thoughts out of my memories while you sleep.” “Uh... Right?” Luna shook her head. “Anyways, you wanted to know about the source, as you have been asking for the past 2 days now. You know the centerpiece in the room outside, where all the ponies are gathered.” “The one with six gems, correct?” Necroesphere asked, remembering the statue. “Are you saying...” “That it is the source of the energy, yes.” Celestia finished his sentence. “They are named the Elements of Harmony and they are our ultimate failsafe against all evil. The one to last feel their power was Discord, the deity of chaos.” At this, Necroesphere broke out into laughter. “What?” “You should know, your Discord fellow is not a true deity. He is not the ultimate being of chaos. Not even close!” Necroesphere laughed. “I’m sorry.” “He killed our parents!” Luna shouted at Necroesphere, angry and upset. Tears were in her eyes as she walked forward. “My mother held me as she succumbed to him. How dare you laugh and scoff!? Have you no shame!” “Luna, please, calm yourself.” Celestia stood, sighing. “Necroesphere would never have known this. I am so...” “Don’t say it,” Necroesphere raised a hand, silencing the sisters. He dropped onto his knee in front of the crying lunar princess, holding her chin. He wiped away a tear that ran down her cheek. “I know your pain, Luna. A thousand fold. Many times I have lost those I loved. Please, accept my forgiveness and hopefully my condolence.” Luna had more tears streaming from her eyes, though she had a small smile on her face. She pulled Necroesphere in using an unknown force and wrapped her front legs around his torso. He returned the hug softly, using a small fraction of his strength, being as tender as possible. “Thank you for apologizing...” Luna murmured softly, so only Necroesphere could hear. Celestia stepped forward, wrapping her wings around the two as she joined in as well. “I guess we all have lost something important to us.” The solar princess stated solemnly, resting her head against Luna’s. “Necroesphere, you are welcome to stay as long as you want.” “We will help in however we can,” Luna whispered. “But of course, you still have the rest of the day of questions to go through. So, where were we?” “I believe we were talking about Discord, your problem from the past,” Necroesphere stated. Luna and Celestia pulled back, sighing in sequence. “What happened to him after you blasted him with these Elements of Harmony? Vaporized, change of nature, power drain?” “He is a stone statue in the garden,” Luna stated matter of factly. “You keep your most dangerous asset in a garden as a figure piece?” Necroesphere questioned as he stepped towards a window. “I take it is that mutant statue out there right? The one that is a mix of multiple animals?” “He is located 20 stories down... How can you even see that?” Celestia asked, standing beside the warrior. Necroesphere decided that he would never spot the being with his normal vision, so he had zoomed in and looked for the most chaotic statue in the garden. “The visor does more than intimidate,” Necroesphere explained, pushing away from the window. “Have you ever thought of putting Discord anywhere else than in the middle of a possible minefield for him to go off again?” “I have, but...” Celestia started. “The two of them had a history,” Luna finished, sighing. “To this day, I still don’t understand what you saw in Discord. You are such polar opposites.” “I don’t need a history here, especially on a relationship like that. If you wouldn’t mind, I want to go place my own seals on him later. I trust your powers, but a failsafe is just as well for this type of thing. Chaos tends to not like being imprisoned and will break out at times when we feel safest.” Luna wavered a bit as memories again flooded her mind. Necroesphere could tell that his words were having a much more serious effect on the princess than he had wanted. “Let’s change subjects to you two, shall we?” “Uh... yes. We can do that.” Celestia blinked, doing a double take. “What would you like to know?” “You are... a what? Unicorn pegasus? I’ve seen many creatures... except for you two.” “We are alicorns. The ruling class of Equestria. Luna and myself move the sun and the moon in the sky and make the la...” “Stop a minute.” Necroesphere interrupted Celestia, placing a hand to his head crest. “You... move the sun and moon. How is that even within the bounds of physics?” “What is physics?” Celestia asked. “Other than a dead god? Physics is what keeps the universe itself bound and continuous for all eternity. Breaking it is impossible and bending it is for only a select few who live within it. You claim to move the sun and the moon, yet that makes no sense because your world lies in orbit with the sun. The moon is in an orbit with this planet. They move without stop, thus meaning you never actually move them yourself. “It is like a gyroscope, which will always spin, no matter which direction it may fall. You can’t control what’s already in motion. I’ve never witnessed such a thing. The effects on the planet should be catastrophic. The gravity field will become warped, tides uneven, time thrown out of synch.” “Necroesphere...” Luna attempted to stop his rambling, though it didn’t happen. “The planet’s core will be disformed, tectonic plates destroyed and the end of the planet soon. The sun itself should be feeling something if you are moving it. Possible enhancement of the speed of rotation or a degradation in speed. Maybe an acceleration to the galactic core. And the moon.” “NECROESPHERE!” Luna and Celestia shouted, snapping the rambling warrior to his senses. “Our planet is actually the center of the system we live in. Our parents and those before them have always moved the sun and moon since the dawning of this world.” Celestia explained. “There has yet to be any true problems to the integrity of the planet.” Necroesphere stopped moving, thinking over the statement before giving a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. If nothing has yet to happen, then nothing shall happen. What are your culture’s beliefs on the afterlife, now that I think of it. I’ve killed one being already on this planet and it never occurred to me what he believed was going to happen.” “Well... there is the great beyond, the pasture were all good ponies and beings end up once their life is over. Then there is Tartarus, where all evil beings and souls end up going too. There are demons down there, as well as the souls of the dead sent to that eternal hell.” Luna explained, crossing her legs. “And Cerberus is the guard dog of Tartarus, am I correct?” Necroesphere stated, getting a nod in response. “The more time I spend here, the more I feel as though humans knew what they were talking about, on another planet. Odd as it may sound, you may be minor gods of the legends that humans created.” “Uh... What are these... humans?” Celestia asked. “Bipedal creatures with a similar structure of body to mine, yet they are one tracked in mind and prefer to be violent over getting their ideas across instead of being peaceful and diplomatically talking it out.” Necroesphere answered, the knowledge and answer the same everytime. “Yet, you stated you have been at war...” Luna reminded the warrior. “Different type of war. That was to save another race who could not fight for itself. Against our mortal enemies who would rather see the universe burn than anything else.” Necroesphere responded, shaking his head. “So much needless death and bloodshed over the idea of proving who is the strongest.” “Just how you’ve lost...” Luna began, a memory returning to her. “Oh...” “That is not what you need to worry about, young Luna,” Necroesphere sighed. “True, my own suffering has come from the wars I have fought, but that is the problem of such things. No need to dwell upon the past. Look forward to the future, right?” “That seems like a great sentiment!” Celestia stated. A side door opened on the far side of the chamber, setting Necroesphere on edge instantly, sword flashing to his hand. Luna and Celestia quickly jumped in front of him, wings spread out and horns glowing. “Calm, valiant Necroesphere. Tis no problem to you.” Behind the sisters were two ponies, little fillies who levitated books in front of them and chatted. They looked up at the ringing of Necroesphere’s sword as it left his scabard. “Starry. Astra. There is no need for fear.” Luna waved them forward. Celestia put a hoof to Necroesphere, forcing him to put his blade up. “Meet a friend, Necroesphere. He is here for... research reasons.” “N-nice to m-meet you,” The blonde haired pony walked up. Necroesphere was unsure if he was speaking to a male or female, put the pitch made him think of a female girl. “I am Astra. Star Pupil of Princess Celestia.” “And... and... and...” The other, dark purple pony stammered, repeating herself. “Come on Starry,” Astra whispered, nudging her friend. “I am sorry about her. She can be very nervous. Especially around... uh... giant bugs.” “I feel like this is a running gag...” Necroesphere sighed, slapping his palm to his helmet, hard enough to produce a ring that buzzed through the room. “I am flesh underneath this metal. This is armor, similar to those the guard wears, just more protective.” “So... you are like an ancient hero!” Starry burst out. It seemed as though she loved to idolize the pony heroes of history. Or just any hero from the past. “You could say that, though I’m not ancient. I am here in front of you,” Necroesphere chuckled, kneeling down beside the two younglings. “Now, you two are students in the study of magic? Make sure to always do your homework, young fillies. And never forget, magic is something from the heart, not in the mind.” The young fillies smiled before running over to their respective teacher. Necroesphere stood back up, stretching his tense muscles as he watched the scene unfold as the two students pulled out books and papers. Celestia and Luna smiled as their students explained what they had been studying on their own in the library. He seemed to have been forgotten, though he could have cared less as the sisters looked over their students work with smiles on their faces. It was scenes like this that gave Necroesphere reasons to continue fighting, to continue protecting those around him in his war against injustice. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep leaning against a column until Starry had poked him awake. The sun was setting in the west, Celestia standing in the window gently guiding it down. He now believed it was highly possible that she was actually moving the Sun, especially given the energy readings she was giving out. “Er... Mr. Necroesphere...” Starry asked, rubbing the ground. “Can I ask you something?” “Yes, you can,” Necroesphere leaned down, getting closer to her height. “What is your question?” “What is the name of your sword? I like the design of the hilt.” She squeaked, pointing at his sword. Necroesphere drew it, holding in front of the little filly. “Tis not named. My blade... this one has no name. It has many uses, and no one name fits it well. I’m sorry, young one, to dissapoint you.” Necroesphere sighed. “Tell you what. You get to help me name this blade, what say you?” “Really!” Starry’s eyes lit up, shining a bright yellow around the irises. “Oh thank you!” “Get me a list by tomorrow and we can run through them. That good?” Necroesphere smiled behind his mask. “I’ll also throw in a story and a few gems as payment.” Starry ran off, a giant smile on her face in her glee. Necroesphere watched her go, smiling to himself underneath his mask. He glanced back at Celestia, seeing both sisters smiling at him. “That was nice of you,” Luna smiled. “You did not have to do that. She can be strange around strangers, yet she warmed up so well to you. I am so surprised she willing approached you without myself or Celestia with her. How do you do it?” “Great with young ones despite my size...” Necroesphere shrugged, unsure himself. “I believe that you can move the Sun and Moon now.” “From what you saw just a moment ago?” Celestia asked, a bemused smile on her face. “Felt the power as well. It is impressive the power you hold underneath the surface. Our meeting may have been more than just chance, Celestia.” Necroesphere thought about it, realizing that everything seemed a bit too orderly. It was a strange idea to him, that the universe may have brought him here for no reason other than destiny. He wondered what lay beyond that he had yet to realize. “Are you going to fix the floor?” Luna yawned, pointing out the broken area where Necroesphere had jumped in this morning. “You did say something about fixing it.” Necroesphere waved his hand across the area, the stone snapping back to position and looking like nothing had ever happened. The shining nature of the floor also made it seem as clean as the glass that made up many of the art pieces. “That... was fast?” Celestia shook her head, seeming to be half asleep. “How did you fix it like that?” “Magic...” Necroesphere trailed off, launching himself out through an opening in the ceiling. “Wait! We have a place for you to sleep!” Luna called out, flying after him. Necroesphere waited in the sill, watching Luna fly up to him. “I have set out a room close to mine that you may stay in for the time being.” “Then, would you like to show me the way?” Necroesphere waved his hand out the window, letting her lead. Luna waved down to Celestia, wishing her a good night as she flew out in front of Necroesphere. “So, any personal questions?” “Just one that has been bugging me...” Luna called back, flying next to him as he glided along. “Shoot then.” “Necroesphere... who is Chronis?” Necroesphere nearly fell out of the sky, though he did stop himself. That was a name he had not heard in a long time. “Her name kept popping into my head with every memory I witnessed.” “Chronis... Why did you have to?” Necroesphere cursed. “She was... we... look, it’s a long story.” “I’ve got time,” Luna directed him forward, flying to her tower. Necroesphere followed, trying to think of something to tell the lunar princess. He decided it best to state the truth, no matter how painful it was to him. “So... you going to tell me?” Luna said as Necroesphere landed in her room. Luna had already curled up on her bed, looking ready to sleep. “Yes... as much as this will pain me.” Necroesphere admitted, feeling mortal as always. “Oh...” Luna gasped. “If it is-” “I’ve already said I would tell you. Just let me get through my story, then show me to my room. That is all I ask in return for the moment.” Necroesphere explained, holding his hand out. Luna nodded, looking confused and slightly afraid. “Where to begin...” ….. It was many years ago, millennia ago when I was still young and reckless with the powers I held. My rival and greatest enemy, Galax, had torn apart my father in hand to hand combat in front of me. I was afraid. The city was on fire, humans running in terror away from the stadium where Galax had gone power mad, my father’s scythe in hand. At his side were Zerva and Swarm, his right and left hand who helped destroy all who stood against him. The three had tricked my father and slain him. My friends and I were afraid, Galax a mammoth of a creature and we just fleas upon his back. I was once weak and helpless, hard to believe now that you look upon the power that I hold now. My power had not even taken grasp of me and I still had no chance to win at my current state. “Come now, son of Necroes! Fight me! Show me the full power you hold. You are your fathers son, are you not?” Galax roared in his jubilee, blasting away the ceiling above him. My friends just stared at me, none of them knowing that my father now lay dead. All they saw was a fallen hero before the greatest darkness the world had ever known. Yet, they were beginning to understand the secrets I held to keep them safe. Or so I had thought. “If you refuse to come forward, then I will just start with your friends!” Galax sneered, pointing out our group in the crowd. Zerva descended upon the group, stealing one of my dear friends and tossing him upon the floor. We watched with horror as swarms of hideous creatures descended upon him, ripping flesh from bone as he screamed in pain and terror. “Still feel like hiding? Why bother, I know your face. And I know who you hold dearest!” Galax cackled. This time, the behemoth Swarm snatched another member. Using his swarm of blood hungry birds, they tore apart the poor girl without regret or remorse. Still, I stood there, unable to do anything. Again, Galax called out for me to step forward, but this time, he landed in front of me when I would not move. From my arms he snatched the girl I had been shielding, dragging her screaming into the air. All I remember in that instance was the anger and desperation to reach out and save the girl. Sad now, that time has rotted the name from my mind. Yet, I was not the one to save her. It was my Aunt, Chronis, who saved her. She was a master of the manipulation of time, which allowed her to save the young girl. “How dare you harm the innocent, Galax?” Chronis shouted, pointing her staff at the beast. “Have you no shame or honor?” “Oh my dear Chronis,” Galax laughed, twirling the scythe as though he already had won. Though, to tell the truth, he had. Chronis was no where near the strength of Galax, let alone Swarm and Zerva as well. The three of them would destroy her if she battled them, even with time on her side. “Come to mourn you departed brother?” “No, Galax. I have come to finish his fight.” Chronis responded, leaping forward. She didn’t last more than a minute. Swarm’s birds knocked her from the air as Zerva blinded her with his shadow manipulation. As Chronis attempted to recover, Galax tore her armor from her skin and ripped her still beating heart out. It was that moment that I finally exploded. The girl I had loved lived, yet my Aunt died because of my inaction. It was that moment that the armor I wear now bonded to my skin, the power slumbering deep within exploding forth in a wave of energy that dominated all three of the demons. The battle lasted for less time than it took them to kill Chronis. Yet, I let Galax crawl away. I was stupid and took pity on him when I should have finished him off without a second thought. Many deaths would be spared now. Yet, Chronis had always said that mercy kept us on the side of peace and protector. Separated us from the heartless killers like Galax, Swarm, and Zerva. Now, I attempt to have mercy against all, but I understand now that if you show mercy to those who don’t understand it, or have never shown it, they will never stop. They can beg and cry, but I’ll be damned before I let another heartless murderer escape my blade. No matter the rank or station, they all feel the same cold sting of death greet them. ….. “Necroesphere,” Luna managed. She wiped away the tears in her eyes, the entire memory flashing in her mind as the warrior had told it. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” “Just allow me to rest,” Necroesphere stated, rising from the floor. Luna nodded, ushering him out of the door. She took him two doors down the hall, past her students room to the unoccupied observatory. “Thank you, Luna. I will come find you when I am ready.” “Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” Luna asked, her mind still stuck on the girl Necroesphere had been protecting. “Privacy. And if possible, secrecy as well. Not everyone need know I’m here.” Necroesphere explained, closing the door on the Lunar Princess. She walked back to her room, falling into a fitful sleep over the girl whose name was forgotten.