//------------------------------// // Redemption // Story: Twisted Future // by Phsychotic Script //------------------------------// Twisted Future Its been a year. An entire year since Sombra has taken Twilight onto his apprenticeship. She had failed her mission to save the crystal empire. She had no idea how to get to the crystal heart after they found out they needed the real one she never was able to find it. After the shield was broke she went and faced Sombra alone. That's when she was surrounded by the smoke. Sombra had offered her a deal in exchange of her becoming her apprentice he would leave her friends alone. She was not aloud to tell them of why she had become his apprentice. After a year of seeing what he had done to all the ponies she had had enough. She was tired of it all. She had learned his spells against her will. Her coat was darker and more filled with hate then before. Her eyes had become like his and where green with a dark and hate filled purple iris. For awhile she would use a spell that would turn her back into the happy filled Twilight she was but she had finally given in to his hate. She was now only filled with hate. Hate only towards Sombra. Deep in her heart she knew she had to get her friends back and banish Sombra once again. She didn't know how to do it but she knew she had to. She was writing some letters when a knock came from her door. She set down her quill and went and opened the door. It was Derpy. She was not her usually bubbly self for along time now, "Hey Twilight" she said with a hint of aggression in her voice, "Got a package for you." "Thank you Derpy" Twilight said with no emotion at all. Derpy left as soon as Twilight had taken the package. She looked at the sender and it was from Sombra. When she opened it she saw the crown. Not just any normal crown but the element crown she once wore next to her friends. But there was something different about it. Upon closer inspection she say that the gold was now a pitch black metal and the purple was as dark as her coat had become. She noticed a note and began reading it. Dear Twilight, I king Sombra have taken the liberty of taking you element crown and transforming it into the crown it is now. It holds your hatred and will expel it onto any object or pony you want. That was the last straw. Her element was a part of her and to see it in the state she was in. That crown showed her how she had changed. She could sense all of the power it held. She tried to revert it back to its true form but it wouldn't. She sighed and set it onto the bed stand and went back to the letters she was writing. Each addressed to her friends. They would all say the same thing. If you want Sombra to be taken down meet me at the entrance of the everfree forest this coming Friday. Signed A Friend She knew that she would have a lot of explaining and she would en up with a few bruises. The one she knew she could convince first was Applejack. She would hear the honesty of the words she spoke. She was soon done with the letters and was going to bed. Tomorrow was Thursday and she was going to deliver the letters herself so Derpy wouldn't say where she got the letters. Derpy along with everyone else in Equestria wasn't fond of her for betraying everyone. She would use an invisibility spell to do it so she could make sure they get the letters. This would take all day mainly because of the fact she had to sneak in and out of the castle so that Sombra wouldn't notice. The guards where regular ponies so if she ran into them she could easily convince of not telling Sombra but running into him would not be as easy. The next day arrived fairly slowly because of the nightmares she has had ever since the deal. it was always of her friends staring at her with disapproval and anger. She would try and try to convince them but soon she was in a corner cowering and they where just about to hurt her when the just disappeared and a note that was from all of them would poof in front of her always saying WE WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. She wondered if they would ever forgive her for what she had done. If they would understand why she had accepted. She was just about to leave when she saw the picture of them all smiling and nothing wrong. She let a single tear escape her eye and it fell to the ground. She stopped herself from breaking down, "No, no more crying I have to make things right" She said with confidence in her voice and with that she grabbed her satchel and the letters and left the castle. Sombra was to busy making sure all of the ponies where at work to notice her. She arrived at Ponyville at noon and was ready to deliver the letters. She realized that maybe it wouldn't be the smartest idea to go in and be seen so easily so she cast the invisibility spell before she was seen. First she would head to Sugar Cube Corner it was the closest. She arrived at the bakery fairly fast and entered without being detected She went up the stairs and noticed Pinkie Pie just sitting in her bed. She was happy but then again she was Pinkie. But there was something off about the way she was she wasn't completely happy and was sad it seemed like. Twilight didn't waste much time though she set the letter on Pinkie's dresser and knocked on it. Pinkie immediately looked in the direction of the noise and saw nothing. she got up and went over to the dresser and saw the letter she opened it and read it. She perked up and was jumping up and down ready for tomorrow. Twilight smiled at this Pinkie is so... Pinkie. She left the bakery and started towards Carrousel Boutique. She didn't expect that Rarity was doing well because not many people would want dresses after Sombra took over. When she arrived and opened the door the bell rang and Twilight immediately put the letter on the door so not to get caught. Rarity came into the room and saw it and eyed it curiously. She used her magic and levitated it to her and she opened it she quickly skimmed it. Her eyes went wide and she ran back into the depths of the boutique. Twilight left the window she was looking in to avoid the bell ringing again next would be Rainbow Dash but she would be harder. Twilight didn't have wings to get her up to her house so she would have to catch her while on the ground possibly sleeping in a tree. On her way through the town she noticed Fluttershy so Twilight put the letter under the satchel bags straps and tapped Fluttershy's back. She jumped at first and looked back noticing the letter she took it in her mouth and opened it read it and then shyly put it into the satchel and flew back home quicker than usual. She decided to go to Applejacks next on her way through the apple trees she say Rainbow sleeping. She rolled her eyes at the sight and set the letter on the ground. She hit the tree hard and Rainbow woke up looked down and saw the letter and swooped down and grabbed it. She read it in 10 milliseconds flat. She quickly flew back to her cloud house after that. Well 4 down and 1 to go. She continued on to the house and noticed that AJ was carrying a bushel of apples to the barn soon she emerged back and went to the next tree. Twilight put the letter down where Applejack would get her footing and before she could hit the tree she saw it and she soon looked into it and read it. She smiled at it and was looking like she could handle anything. Twilight smiled and was happy to know that all her friends would be there and she could explain why she betrayed them. Twilight returned to the crystal city with a bit of a giddy in her step. She made it back undetected and was happy of that. That night she wasn't attacked by her usual nightmare but of a dream that made her happy. A dream where it was only her and her friends and they where happy. Twilight awoke and was ready for the day. Sure she was going to have a hell of a time getting them to accept what she did but by the end of this day she was sure that not only they would be friends again but Sombra would be gone. Twilight got ready for the day and grabbed her crown and stowed it into the satchel she had she looked in the mirror and used the spell that changed her into her original form. She smiled at herself in the mirror and was happy at herself for once of this entire year. She also packed the other elements. The others haven't worn or seen the elements since her betrayal. She was sure to get her friends back if she really wanted to and she did. She didn't take the precautions as serious as last time because she planned on taking Sombra down once she came back. She teleported to Zecora's hut. Even after all that's happened Twilight seemed to keep in touch with Zecora. It might have been because Zecora was more than often alone and disconnected with the outside world. She waited there with Zecora until it was time to meet everyone. "Why hello Twilight Sparkle" Zecora said. Twilight knew Zecora could speak normally since the beginning, "Hello Zecora mind if I stay here for awhile?" "Sure miss Sparkle but what is the reason?" Zecora asked curiously. "Well I'm fixing this endless nightmare once and for all" Twilight said emptying the contents in the bag. Zecora took one look at the contents and understood what she meant. They spent an hour or so chatting and discussing what Twilight was going to do. The time came when she left and the two said there goodbyes and Twilight was off. She used her invisibility spell to see if they where there yet. Twilight took a deep breath and became visible again. The others gasped at the sight of her. "Hello girls" Twilight said "Tw... Twilight" they all said in unison "Yes it's me girls, and before you start tacklin." was all she said when Rainbow Dash tackled her with full force. "What are you doing here" She said growling "I... was just.. about to tell you why" Twilight said groaning from the sudden impact. Rainbow let up but still had Twilight pinned to the ground. Then Applejack came and tied her up. "Now why in tarnation did you ask us to come here?" She asked "Well I expected this so I hope this earns me back some trust" She levitated a satchel in view and took out the contents placing the respected charms onto the correct bearers of the element it held. "Wh... Why give these to us, darling?" Rarity questioned. "Well if I can't get my friends back at least they can have there elements" with that Twilight brought out her crown and placed it on her head. "Why is your crown so dark and scary?" Pinkie asked at the sight of the crown. "Well Sombra changed it and made it reflect my hatred and anger" Twilight said sadly. "Bu... but why does it look so bad?" Fluttershy asked in a small and quiet voice. "Because it's how much I hate him for making me betray you" Twilight described and her spell that changed her look instantly broke as she began feeling anger towards him, "He made me betray you by offering a deal, I become his apprentice and he spares you guys of slavery and death, I don't he kills you making me watch and then LEAVES ME AS AN EMPTY HUSK" Twilight said enraged at just the though the fire in her eyes grows and accompanies her body burning the rope. She soon calms down leaving her friends in shock of the way she reacted granted that's how they would have probably acted, except Fluttershy. "So your saying you betrayed us to save us" Rainbow asked Twilight simply nodded her head and looked away ashamed of that fact. She was then surprised when they hugged her. She felt the warmth of them and she felt happy. She started crying because they forgave her so quickly. She was then turned back into her normal self but this time it felt like the real her and her crown changed to back into the gold lined with the purple star in the middle. Once they finished Applejack asked, "So what's the plan?" "Well I've done my research and I say we find the crystal heart and get everypony to power it" Twilight "Well what are we waiting for" Rainbow Dash said With that Twilight teleported them into the champers of the castle, "So where is it?" Pinkie asked "Give me a few seconds" She used hatred magic and zapped the thrown. A passage opened up and they traveled down into the bottom floor. I the author will let you get them to the crystal heart because I am lazy the next will be after they put it in the pedestal They managed to get the heart to the pedestal and was no to charge it up. They couldn't charge it with the will of anypony else mainly because they where all tied up. They decided that the elements where their best shot. Sombra had taken noticed and was closing in on them. "If we are going to do this we have to do it know" Twilight said and with that they started the elements the directed the rainbow beam towards the heart and it amazingly charged it. Sombra was then pushed back and was gone banished forever. The six of them then went around and released all of the ponies. Celestia had taken pity on Twilight because of the deal and her friends wouldn't allow her to get punished by her. They all went back home and lived there lives. But deep down Twilight still had that hatred and she knew it. She was going to have to do something about that and was ready for when she had to.