I'm getting fired at a planet, that's your plan. I get fired at a planet and expected to deal with it

by Timelord12

Religion Is Crap (A.N: I don't think religion is crap, no flames please)

Picture this, birds tweeting, ponies going about business, it is an all around beautiful day. It went downhill from there. It started with the words "what is your religion like?" Now, to preface, this is one of the biweekly meetings with Sparksters, as I had taken to calling her, and. I actually really liked them. We could talk about almost anything, and we had quite intelligent conversations. So I told her about the three main ones, gave a brief history of each, and touched on any others I could remember. In hindsight, my next question, was a bit aggrandising, so I will take responsiblility for that question, but PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle, being a PRINCESS of FRIENDSHIP, should have been the more mature pony and not responded.