Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: The mystery deepens

This chapter my seem jumpy, but its intentional. This is helping with the plot, so bare with me lol

Chapter 86

[Wake up Lance!]
<Wakey wakey!>

I groaned loudly and rolled over.

"It's too early!"

[Have it your way!]

My body rolled over again, causing me to fall to the floor.

{Damn it Break!}
[I warned you.}
{No you didn't!}
[... I though I did...]

I groaned and forced myself to stand. It's too damn early!

{Why did you two wake me up?! The sun is barely up!}
[Two reasons. Reason one: It's boring here! Reason two: We want some damn chocolate!]

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I then let out a loud yawn.

I smacked my lips and walked over to my saddlebags. I opened the left one and pulled out the fedora and cowboy hat.

What to wear, what to wear?

[I say fedora, more coolness!]
<I say we wear the cowboy hat, also known as a desperado.>

I looked between the two hats. The fedora is cool, but the cowboy hat means badass... hard choice. Meh.

I put the cowboy hat down and put the fedora on.

Now to get some food and... forget that! Bathroom! Here I come!

I galloped across the room and pulled the door open. I ran down the hall to the bathroom... only to see it was occupied.

"Frederic! Get the fuck out! I have to get the browns to the super bowel! FAST!" I screamed out as I pounded on the door.

"One minute, I have to fix my hair." He replied.

"Your hair... YOUR DAMN HAIR! Get the hell out!"

"Hell no! You think my hair just sticks up like this?! It takes time and patience!"

I twisted around and looked around. AHA!


Frederic wrapped a towel around his head and opened the door, "Okay cry baby! Here's the bath... Lance?"

He walked into the living room, "Lance, what are you.... LANCE!"

Lance was sitting on Frederic's bag of personal clothes and rune's, taking a.... Well, he was letting the dogs out.

Lance looked up and pointed a hoof at Frederic, "You brought this on yourself! I said I had to go, and I meant it! I HAD TO GO!" Lance sighed in relief and stood. He turned and reached into the bag and pulled out a once beautiful dress, "Was this Luna's wedding gown? Oh man, you're screwed!"

Frederic fell to his knees, "She's going to kill me..." He then looked at Lance, "I'M NOT GOING TO DIE ALONE!"

Lance laughed and tossed the gown at him, "I'm out of here!" He then flew for the door.

Frederic jumped forward, but the gown landed on him. This caused him to fall to the ground in a panic, trying to get the disgusting thing off him.


{Break! You fucking asshole! Why did you do that to Frederic?!}
[Hey! He was taking to long! So, I had to take control of you, or we would have been in a lot of pain!]
{.... We're dead...}

I was walking down the street's, the sun barely up. It was peaceful here, not a pony in sight. I really think I'm going to like it here.

As I neared the center of town, I saw Draco, standing in front of a brown unicorn. Behind the unicorn was seven Pegasi, all of them were pure black. They had no manes or tails... and whats with their eyes and wings? Their eyes are pure white, and their wings are... metal?

The unicorn nodded and turned to the Pegasi. He then said a few things, to which they all nodded. Draco walked up beside him, and his and the other unicorn's horns began to glow.

The seven strange Pegasi were engulfed in a bright light and instantly disappeared.

Draco and the unicorn exchanged a few words and parted ways.

Draco turned towards me and yelped in surprise, but instantly smiled, "Well hey there Mr. Greenfield. How's your morning."

I trotted over, "Good... who were those Pegasi?"

He chuckled a little, "Them? They're just the towns.. Mascots!"

[... Really?]
<Wooo! Mascots! That's awesome!]

I smiled, "You have mascots?"

He nodded, "We sure do! They... preform tricks and keep us entertained!"

Yeah, those were not mascots. I wonder who they really were... Meh, who cares. "So, can you show me around a little?"

He nodded, "Sure can! I'll take you to the bakery, then to the theater."

Oh cool! Just like they did for Drake. I wonder where that guy is now.

Two hours later

So full... oh God! So many sweets! But so damn worth it!

I was laying on the bench outside of the bakery, rubbing my full stomach.

[*Belch* Damn, that was good!]
<Yeah it was! I want more... but I don't think I can fit anymore inside of me.>
[That's what she said!]
<... I worry about you Break, you know that right?>

Draco walked out of the bakery and smiled, "Well Mr. Greenfield, how was it?"

I smiled, "Awesome!"

He laughed, "I'm glad you liked it. Now, to the theater, then I'll show you the towns art gallery."

Art... meh, I could live with out it... but I don't want to be mean. "Sounds fun. Lets go!"

Ten hours later... that was a long play and it took him forever to explain all that damn art to me!

I walked out of the art gallery, the sky already darkening.

Draco walked out and looked sky ward, "Ahhh, they should be starting now."

I looked at him strangely, "Who should be starting now?"

His eyes widened, "Oh, the pool cleaners! They should be cleaning the pools by now."

"Okay..." I said slowly. I then looked around, "What next?"

He chuckled, "Now, I'll show you the towns meeting hall."

Location: ???

"Where is he now?"

"He's in the towns meeting hall sir."

"Good. And the status on the package?"

"... We don't know sir, they should have returned with it by now."

"Those worthless idiots! How are we suppose to move on if they can't even do a simple task!"

"Don't worry sir, I'm sure they're just taking their time."

"You better be right, or I'm using your body as a throw pillow!"

"*Gulp* Don't worry, I'll make sure they bring it to you once they return. Uhhh, what should we do with the Prince?"

"Add him to the list. We can still use him."

"Yes sir."

Ponyville, twenty minutes earlier

The pitch black Pegasus moved through the shadow's, his companions close behind him.

They were nearing the destination now, only a few houses to go.

The group of seven moved silently through the darkness, staying out of sight of the citizens of Canterlot.

A few minutes later, they came to the house. It was now across the darkened street, not a pony in sight.

The leader of the group turned and made a hissing sound to his comrades. What most would hear as just hissing, they heard it as a language. (They are not snakes, I'm just saying this now to stop the confusion.)

"There's the house! Remember the plan?" The leader hissed.

"Yes, we go in, kill the woman, grab the kid, and teleport back to Him!" One hissed, a sense of happiness coming off his hisses.

The leader gave a nod, "Yes. It's simple, I'll get the woman, you two." He hissed, pointed at two others, "Kill anypony else in the house. The rest of you, grab the kid!"

They all hissed in response, "Yes sir!"

They then began jumping out of the darkness and galloped towards the house, the darkness around them seemed to engulf them, keep them hidden.

The first one neared the door and reached out.


A pair of hooves came out of no where and hit the black Pegasus in the jaw. The Pegasus flew for a few yards before coming down hard. He then disappeared in a black vapor.

The others stopped and looked for the attacker.

Mr. Bleak walked out into the open, right in front of the door, "The Darkness, we meet again!"

The lead Pegasus hissed, "Darkest Bleak! What are you doing here?! Last we heard, you were banished from Equestria!"

Mr. Bleak chuckled, "Yes, but that was over a thousand years ago! They've forgotten who I am." He then cracked his neck, "So, let me guess. They hired you to come and take his son?"

The leader stepped forward, taking the lead, "We are not telling you anything! Step aside, or we'll remove you from existence!"

Mr. Bleak tapped his chin, "Tempting offer... but no." He shot forward and slammed his head into the leader's rip cage, causing a loud crack to be heard.

The leader stumbled back and hissed in pain, but disappeared in a flash of black vapor before he hit the ground.

Two more jumped for Mr. Bleak, but he moved to the side, dodging both of them. But, he stepped into the range of a third one.

The Pegasus slashed its wings towards Mr. Bleak, causing a large gash to form on his chest.

Mr. Bleak winced in pain and bucked back, hitting the two behind him. As they turned to vapor, he jumped forward bit into the third ones neck.

It hissed in pain before turning to vapor. Before Mr. Bleak could turn, one ran forward and pulled back its right hoof.

It then slammed its hoof into Mr. Bleak's side, but it didn't connect. Instead, it went inside of Mr. Bleak!

Mr. Bleak's expression changed to one of agony as he felt the dark Pegasus trying to pull his stomach out.

Before it had the change, Mr. Bleak slammed his hoof into its face, causing it to disappear.

The last two ran towards him, but before they reached him, the left one split off and ran past him. The other jumped at him, only to be headbutted by Mr. Bleak.

Mr. Bleak twisted and charged after the other.

It jumped and began to climb up the wall towards Lance's and Twilight's room.

Mr. Bleak launched himself upward with his wings and slammed into the dark Pegasus. It turned to vapor once he hit it, but Mr. Bleak continued forward. He slammed through the window and landed on his chin in front of the bed, his flank up in the air.

Twilight yelled out in fear, "Who's there?!"

Mr. Bleak stood and smiled the best he could, "I was just..." He looked beside her for Lance, but he wasn't there, "Where's Lance?"

Twilight blinked and smiled, "Oh, he and Frederic went to a small town called Pleasant Fields. Something about checking out a new house."

Mr. Bleak's expression turned to one of horror.

Twilight became worried, "What is it?"

Mr. Bleak put on a false smile and turned, "Oh nothing, just something I remembered.... stay indoors at night, okay?"

Twilight nodded in confusion, "I will..."

Mr. Bleak jumped through the broken window and began flying for his home.

'So, Spark wasn't their only target? And they actually got Lance to fall into their trap?! This is not good! I must find my grandson and get to Pleasant Fields! Oh please, don't let me be too late... again!'

Pleasant Fields

I walked into the house that would soon be mine and collapsed on the couch. I let out a sight of relief as I finally relaxed my legs.

Frederic walked in and sighed, "So, you was able to stay out all day? You do know I'm going to get you back for that right?"

I smiled and nodded, "I sure do. Now, what do you say we play a game of Twister?"

Frederic smirked, "Oh! You're on!"

I laughed as I jumped off the couch and pulled the playing mat out of my spare bag. I spread it out on the floor and looked at all the colorful dots, "Freddy, you're going down! I can be very flexible!"

Frederic popped his back, "Oh yeah? I have longer legs, so beat that!"

[This sounds so gay...]
<Only if you're a perv... and sad to say you are one Break.>
[Yep! And proud to be one!]


"MY LEG!" I screamed out as I bent my leg the wrong way.

[That had to hurt.]
<I guess Lance isn't as flexible as he thought.>

"Shut up you baby! I'll fix that... after this game!" Frederic said, ready to win this game of Twister.

[Oh God... Dawn, prepare for some intense pain!]
[We both know Lance will continue this. We all hate to lose, remember?]
<... Damn...>

And then, things became confusing XD I wonder if any of you know who his grandson is? Did I even tell anyone? Doesn't matter, hope you enjoy!