Fluttershy's a Carnivore

by Silver-Brony

Chapter 1

Oh no, this poor squirrel... Fluttershy thought as she sunk her new teeth into the dead creature.
She sobbed as she swallowed the juicy meat, "First fish, and now this? I'm a monster..."
She took another bite, "Why does this have to taste so good?"
She whelped as she bit down on a bone. Over at the sink she spit up a wad of blood soaked fur along with the bone, "I hope none of this is mine..."
There was a knock at the door.
“Fluttershy?” Sweetie Belle called from outside the cottage.
"Oh dear," Fluttershy whispered, determined not to be caught by the fillies.
When there was no answer Scootaloo said, “Come on girls, she’s not home, we’ll have to try getting our animal training cutie marks another day.”
“But she said she’d be here,” Apple Bloom argued as she pushed the door, which opened with a creek.
“Oh dear, oh dear,” Fluttershy continued as she looked around the kitchen for a place to hide.
“I don’t know if we should be doing this…” Scootaloo said.
Sweetie Belle followed slowly after Apple Bloom saying, “What if she’s hurt?”
“We’ll see if she’s alright, but then we’re getting out of here, I don’t have a good feeling about this…” Scootaloo replied as she entered the dark cottage.
Apple Bloom walked over to the window and pulled the curtains away, letting the daylight in and illuminating the front room.
Fluttershy looked forward, and saw the squirrel laying half eaten on the floor. She gasped and ran towards it to bring it into hiding with her.
“F-fluttershy?” they called seeing the front room empty.
They crept into the kitchen, everypony screamed, the squirrel dropped to the ground, and before anypony could say anything the fillies were out the door.

Calm down girls!” Twilight shouted over the three fillies’ panicked voices.
They stopped and simultaneously screamed, “Fluttershy was eating a bunny!”
WHAT” Twilight screamed, “Why would Fluttershy eat an animal, she loves animals? Besides, ponies don’t eat meat.”
“I knew it!” Pinkie bursted out as she appeared from nowhere, “Ever since she turned into a bat she’s looked at us funny, and now she’s going to eat us!”
“Pinkie, that’s not helping, and why would Fluttershy even try to eat an animal, let alone a pony?”
Rainbow Dash put down the newest Daring Do book, which was set for release tomorrow, but since she got it early, she was teasing Twilight by reading it in front of her, “Come on girls, sounds like Fluttershy needs our help!”
The three of them rushed over to Fluttershy’s house, leaving the fillies in the library.
“Uh oh,” Pinkie Pie said as her ears flopped, eyes fluttered, and knees twitched, “Watch out...”
Rainbow Dash lunged through the door and there was a loud thud.
“...For opening doors,” Pinkie Pie finished.
the three of them went in to see Fluttershy dizzy on the floor, blood stains around her mouth.
“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked cautiously.
When she didn’t respond Twilight looked closely at Fluttershy’s mouth in the room now lit since Rainbow reopened the curtains.
No…” Twilight whispered as she saw the sharp teeth poking out of Fluttershy’s mouth.
“Don’t look at me…” Fluttershy moaned.
“Fluttershy, are you alright?” Rainbow asked.
“I’m a monster… that poor little animal… it was so good,” Her eye grew wide and she covered her mouth with her hooves.
“Come on Fluttershy, why don’t you clean up and come to the library,” Twilight suggested, “We can sort all this out there.”
When Fluttershy walked off Twilight turned to Pinkie and Rainbow, “Pinkie, go with her and make sure she doesn’t run off, Rainbow you go back and get the fillies out of the library, I don’t think they should see Fluttershy again today.”

As they walked to the library they got quite a few questioning glances as Pinkie tried to cheer up a hysterically crying Fluttershy.
“Now Fluttershy, tell me what’s going on.” Twilight said once they got into the library.
Fluttershy sighed, “It all started soon after you cast that spell, I stopped being a bat, but the next day I noticed I still had fangs, and when I went to feed some fish to my animals I thought that the fish looked good so I decided to try some, and it was good, really goo and then I ate another one and another one, oh twilight I couldn’t stop, then…”
“... the squirrels looked so good too so I tracked down an old on, one that had already had a good long life and I…”
“... Oh it was terrible, but it tasted as good as the fish, I needed more…”
FLUTTERSHY!” Twilight screeched.
“Oh what is is Twilight? Did I confuse you, oh I better start over.”
“That’s okay Fluttershy, you told me all I need to know,” Twilight cut her off, “Could you open your mouth, please?”
Fluttershy complied, “Hmmm, Fluttershy, these aren’t fangs, these are canines.”
“Like dogs?” Fluttershy asked, “I like dogs, I wonder how they taste…”
“Uh, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, taking a step back.
She began to tear up, “Twilight this is awful, why am I thinking this way?”
Twilight began pacing, “When I cast the spell to turn you back from a bat I must have messed something up.” She started flipping through books, “If the first spell leaked onto you since you were staring at each other, then something must have caused the second spell to leak.”
Twilight gasped and Fluttershy asked, “What is it?”
“Don’t you see, I cast the spell while you were fixated on the mirror, you know what that means? The spell leaked onto you!”
Fluttershy looked at her questioningly, “But you were casting the spell on me, how could it have leaked onto me?”
“I don’t know, but when it did, it turned you into a carnivore,” Twilight replied, “Now hold on, I’m sure there’s a spell that can fix this somewhere.”
Within seconds a flurry of books were hovering around Twilight.
There was a knock on the door, “I got it,” Pinkie said.
“Pinkie? Where were you?” Twilight asked over the cloud of books.
“I was eating all your ice cream.”
The door opened and Rarity and Rainbow Dash walked in, “Fluttershy, dear, I heard you weren’t feeling alright.”
“Ah ha!” Twilight shouted, “This is it?”
Fluttershy perked up, “You can make it so I don’t want to eat animals?”
Rarity nearly fainted, “Darling what do you mean?”
Rainbow Dash whispered what happened into her ear as Twilight began to read out of the book the was now floating alone in front of her, “A Spell Leak is the event in which two distinct quantum locked entities behave as one in the process of a spell. Such an event often brings about undesired consequences to the spell, or even negates it!
“You know what that means?” Twilight asked rhetorically, “Why I cast the reverse spell Fluttershy was split between herself and Flutterbat, which meant the spell leaked from Flutterbat onto Fluttershy and made her into a carnivore. That would mean all I have to do is cast the spell to take away Fluttershy’s desire to eat meat!”
Twilight lowed her head and began the spell, and Fluttershy was enveloped in the cocoon of light. After a moment she returned to the ground, and Twilight’s horn stopped glowing.
“It worked!” she said as Fluttershy smiled, revealing the loss of the incisors.
Twilight was smiling as she waved at her friends as they walked away from the library, happy that another problem was solve, and wondering if it warranted a journal entry.

As she walked back to her boutique, Rarity heard a bird singing from a tree, and as she lick the sharp teeth in the front of her mouth wondered, I wonder what you taste like.