Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

13. M/Sex :: Orphy's Bundled Joy

Mature Sex. OC's. M/M. BDSM, orgasm control.

Orphy turned the page of the book he was reading with his magic. He had quite the collection of literature, most of it erotic, yet had few ponies he was comfortable enough around to consider trying this stuff out. Still, it was just as fun to read about all the fun devices inside of it.

Looking up from his desk he levitated a pulley up to a metal crossbar and tightened a bolt to hold it in place. It was one a few devices he had experimented with building, in the hopes he’d find a pony to enjoy them with.

There was the sound of hoofsteps on the stairs to the basement and a knock, then Cider poked his head in. “Hey, Orphy, we’re gonna be late for the—oh, what’s this?”

Orphy smiled and walked over towards him, playing innocent. “Whatever do you mean? I’m much to shy to have a secret sex dungeon.”

“Heh, wow. I didn’t think you had enough fun with me last week to build me an entire sex dungeon.” Cider walked in and looked at the metal crossbar and stand. “What’s it do?”

Putting a hoof over his shoulder he sighed. “Ciderbuddy, it’d be much too complicated to explain. Why don’t I show you?”

“You sure? I know you’ve read some books but this—”

He had read books, and they said to take charge. It was time to repay Cider for the fun they had last week. “Get on your belly, right over there,” he said with a commanding voice.

Cider hid a smirk as he walked over there and knelt down. “Like this?”

Already a dozen ideas were going through Orphy’s mind, but first he needed to get him restrained. “It’ll do, now just put your forelegs behind your back.” He levitated some rope through the pulley attached to the crossbar and let it hang above Cider. He then got out a monoglove to put Cider’s two hooves into.

“What’s taking so long, egghead?” Cider teased.

“That’s no way to talk to your master.” He opened up the thick fabric foreleg-binder and slid it over his forelegs. The first strap he tightened pinned his hooves in the small pouch at the bottom, so he couldn’t pull them out. He then threaded straps under his shoulders and back to the top of the binder.

“You’re good at this, have you been seeing other stallions?”

Orphy ignored the quip, waiting just a little longer to finish with the binder. He tugged it as far up his legs as it could go, and quickly tightened the straps, pulling his forelegs together. Once they were touching up to the second joint, he locked the last strap into place. Cider was trapped now, unable to walk or free his legs, meaning Orphy could take charge.

“You have a filthy mouth, even for an earth pony. You will show master respect or else, Ciderbuddy.”

He moaned and took a deep breath. “Yes, Master.”

“In fact, you’re the one who has been naughty. Leaving me here, all alone, to read books instead of putting you where you belong?” He slapped his hoof against Cider’s cutie mark, causing him to yelp.

“Sorry, Master.” Cider chuckled, enjoying the treatment.

“Did I say something funny?” He had to stifle his own laughter and slap his other flank.

“No, Master.” Cider felt his shaft extending from the sheath beneath his belly, and had to shift his weight to the side so it could finish growing.

Orphy saw this, and felt his own arousal growing. “Look at the little earth pony slut, turned on by a few insults.”

“Jealous of something you see?” Cider glanced back at Orphy whose member was twitching beneath his belly.

“That’s enough out of you.” He levitated over a bit and bridle. It was a modification of a device used to gag ponies in the dark ages, when ponies were used as labor to pull carriages and plow fields. Orphy had made it himself.

The harness slapped over Cider’s head, and the thick rubber bit was pulled taut against the back of his mouth. It pinned his lips open and he felt a buckle clicking into place behind his head. Another strap went below his ears, and one above it, so that it wouldn’t move out of place.

Orphy watched him begin to drool as the bit pinned his tongue down and his mouth open. With three straps holding it in place, he wouldn’t be complaining anymore tonight. “Comfortable, Ciderbuddy?”

“Mmph.” He shifted his weight and tested his bonds, but they didn’t budge. “Mmph.”

“Oh my, we forgot a safe word.” Orphy ran a hoof through his hair, then untied the bandana from around Cider’s neck. “Now you’re in for it. Perhaps next time you’ll show me some respect.” He shot him a cocky grin and watched his eyes look down at the floor.

“Mmp mpph.” Cider knew he was helpless and was loving it, glad to see his friend enjoying himself.

Orphy got up and threaded the rope through a metal ring in the foreleg binder. “Stand up, slave. I need to teach you a little respect.”

Cider felt his forelegs jerked up behind his back, sending a sharp pain through his shoulders. He got to his hooves, realizing after a moment that the device Orphy had built was to suspend his weight.

He was now dangling there, with his hind legs on the ground, drooling onto the floor. Cider felt his dick twitching beneath him, begging for stimulation. For the first time he wondered if this was a good idea, as Orphy could tease him relentlessly before letting him cum. Then again, that might be a good thing.

Orphy slid a ring up Cider’s shaft, until it was sitting snug at the base. It constricted slightly, ensuring he would stay aroused. Orphy then placed a band around Cider’s scrotum, squeezing it and pushing his balls down.

Cider whinnied and squirmed, unable to dislodge either of the bands tormenting him. Somehow they made him even more aroused, despite being unpleasant.

Metal clinked on the ground as Orphy got a spreader bar. “Oh, does the filthy little slut want to know what I’m doing back here?”

“Mmph.” He tried to look underneath himself to see what he was up to, but it strained his neck to much.

A hoofcuff clicked closed around his left hindleg. It was tightened until the padding was digging into his leg. Orphy then used his magic and spread the legs apart so he could attach the other hoofcuff.

Cider felt himself stretching as the bar was expanded, getting his legs nice and far apart. He felt like he was balancing on the rope more than standing at this point. Something started wrapping around his tail and he felt it being pulled up and pushed out of the way.

Orphy finished wrapping a bolt of cloth around his tail. “Well, don’t you look like the town harlot now.” Cider’s ass was exposed for all to see, and his swollen balls dangled beneath begging for release.

“Mmph.” Cider tried to suck up some of the drool but was fighting a losing battle. His dick was starting to ache, hard as concrete, with no release in site. He’d never been so hopeless and aroused before.

Behind him, Orphy had finished preparing with some lube. “Well, lucky for you I read a book on how to handle dirty little whores.” He levitated a small switch of wood over and whipped Cider in the side, causing him to grunt.

The head of Orphy’s dick pushed up against Cider’s ass. It flattened out against the tight sphincter as Cider tightened up. “Come on, you know you want this.” He brought the switch down against the other flank, causing a sharp squeal. “Relax, or else.”

Cider was breathing quickly and trying his best to relax. He slowed his breathing until it was nice and deep, and tried to ignore the throbbing member slapping against his belly. Finally he felt his anal sphincter give way, letting Orphy’s dick slide in. The stretching was painful at first, like it usually was, but Orphy went slowly to let him adjust. After a moment, the invader no longer caused Cider to ache. It was now a welcome pressure, and a pleasant fullness.

Orphy moaned as he slid in to his medial ring. He didn’t remember Cider being this tight, and wondered if it had to do with the bondage. He swung his switch through the air, leaving another red mark on Cider’s flank. It caused Cider to clench his muscles in response, grabbing a tight hold of Orphy’s shaft.

“I could get used to this, Ciderbuddy, you could be my own little mud pony. A lovely little leash and a cage. . .” Orphy slid in past the medial ring until he bottomed out, unable to proceed any further. He then reached a hoof under and began to stroke Cider’s cock. “I’d get to feed you my semen any time I wanted.”

“MMmph.” Cider’s front half swung around on the rope as he felt the hoof tracing a vein down his dick. He was so close to orgasm, yet at the same time it felt impossible to get that last push. I’m definitely gonna have to borrow some of those books.

As Orphy withdrew his cock he finally took his hoof off Cider’s member. “Whinny for me, slut.”

Cider obeyed, letting out a whinny as he felt the emptiness inside him growing. His own dick was twitching in excitement, eager for the next thrust. As he felt the dick push back inside him, his whinny turned into a deep-throated moan.

Orphy was enjoying the damp warmth of his willing slave. It was so much more than he had hoped for. He dropped the switch and put his hooves on Cider’s back, digging them into his ribs to get a good grip. The next thrust was with much more force, causing Cider to rock forward.

The foreleg binder stretched Cider’s shoulders, sending a jolt of pain through him. At the same time, he felt a wonderful expansion in his colon as Orphy thrust in much harder. Cider could feel pre-cum almost pouring out of his cock. With each thrust, it spasmed against his belly, yet his frustration only grew.

Orphy sped up his pace, and felt Cider getting impatient. His ass kept clenching up in excitement and dragging against Orphy’s medial ring. As his head began to swell up and flare inside of Cider, the stimulation became even better for Orphy. Now he could feel every inch of every thrust, as he scraped along the insides.

Cider could feel the expansion deep inside him, and almost felt like it was poking against his ribs. Orphy was swelling up and filling him so completely that Cider began to convulse in pleasure, wiggling side to side as he sore cock begged for attention.

Orphy felt his orgasm fast approaching as his growing dick made Cider’s tight ass even tighter. With this much stimulation, Orphy felt sparks begin to erupt from his horn. The growing warmth in his groin was sending excited pulses of electricity up his spine, and triggering electrical sensations throughout his horn.

As Cider was squished forward against his restraints he noticed the change in pace. Orphy was slowing down, thrusting in deeper and harder and grunting hard. He recognized his partner was close, trying to milk a few more thrusts out of it. Cider took a deep breath and tightened his ass as much as he could to push him over the edge.

Orphy was enjoying his last few thrusts, pushing deeper and deeper each time. He felt everything tighten down around him and made one last thrust. His vision went white for a second as magic poured out of his horn. Then he felt his stomach contract and his balls twitch, as a load of semen was pumped down his dick. He began to shoot his load inside Cider, feeling several more following close behind.

Cider could tell be the quivering and moaning above him that Orphy had come, and soon felt the warm load expanding in his ass. Orphy made small, twitching thrusts as he continued to ride his orgasm. The feeling of fullness felt wonderful to Cider, yet he could do little more than whimper as his own swollen dick throbbed and begged for release.

Orphy had finally shot his last load and began to pull out. He’d never had such an amazing experience with Cider, and decided this would have to become a regular occurrence.

“Good work, Ciderbuddy.”

“MMMMPH!” Cider thrashed in the bonds, letting his dick swing around. “Mmph!”

“Oh my.” Orphy leaned down to inspect his handiwork. Cider was fully erect, veins bulging, and dick twitching every few seconds. A small puddle of pre-cum was on the cement floor beneath him. “Ciderbuddy, would you like some release?”

“MMPH! MMPH!” Cider tried to buck his hips forward and nodded his head.

“You look like you could really use it.”

“Mmph!” Please stop teasing me already! Cider thought.

“I would still like to catch that play we missed, so how about a deal? If you agree to let me tie you up twice this weekend, I’ll let you come. If you don’t agree, then I’ll go catch that play and let you come when I get back,” Orphy offered. “Grunt one for yes, and two for no.”

Cider mulled it over for a moment. He really wanted to cum right now. That would mean two more nights spent like this, helplessly at Orphy’s mercy. Cider then realized: this was a good thing. “MMph!”

Orphy smiled, hearing Cider’s consent to continue the games this weekend. “Well then, let’s see if I can fix that little problem of yours.”

Cider felt his neck being bent down by Orphy’s magic. A moment later, a small rope from the spreader bar attached to Cider’s bit and bridle. From this vantage point, Cider’s entire view was filled by the head of his cock. That was when he realized Orphy’s intention, and he began to struggle to get free.

“Oh, but I thought you loved being a little slut.”

Orphy used his magic to form a sleeve around Cider’s cock. It was a trick Orphy had used many times before, forming small bumps and ridges to rub against his shaft.

Cider felt the magic wrap around his dick and begin rubbing and vibrating slightly. He closed his eyes and grunted, trying to avoid the inevitable. The magic proved overstimulating, and given the past thirty minutes of orgasm denial, he lasted only seconds. The building pressure in the base of his shaft overwhelmed him. He felt his muscles clench up as he exploded, spraying semen onto his face.

Orphy watched with a wide smile as Cider got drenched in his own jizz. Plenty of it landed in his mouth, force open by the bit, and the rest coated his furry orange face. It was well worth the wait to tease his perfect little submissive.

Cider felt the ropes loosening, and a cloth wipe across his face. Moments later he was laying on a blanket on the floor, as the foreleg binder was released. The bit and bridle followed soon after. He looked up and saw Orphy standing there, grinning ear to ear.

“That was amazing, Orphy. . . I mean, Master. I don’t suppose you want to skip that play and make out?” Cider asked.

“I suppose we can, Ciderbuddy.” He stepped onto the blanket and laid down next to him, wrapping a foreleg around him. “But Friday night your ass is mine.” He chuckled, then leaned forward to kiss him.