//------------------------------// // Author VS an actual Cool Guy: A Hugh Bliss' Revenge Fan Fiction (Because I have plenty of time to say both syllables!) By Strong Bad // Story: Hugh Bliss' Revenge // by Lock Target //------------------------------// A group of dorks and ponies gather in the field...Oh, and there was a baby dragon with them. "You crap me up, little bunny" Said the Rabid Dog, "That's 'You CRACK me up, little BUDDY', egghead!" "You talking to me, Max, I mean Sam?" "No, cakehead, I think Strong Bad got pissed at the end of the last chapter so he took over the keyboard!" Dang skippy, and I'm takin' it out on ALL yalls! "Wait" said the son of Trogdor, "Who...? Never mind, the potion couldn't have worn off THAT fast!" Huh? Whoa, what the hay do you think you're doing in here!? Suddenly, a cape-ed ponyman with a cool hat engsmsploded nearby! "Zis is going to be interesting" said Count Lameula! "HEY!" The Bunnyman starts spewing Twizzlers at the Ponyman like a demon from Hades! Dodge them as he might, nothing could prepare him for engsmsploding into the King Of Town! "So, that's how you're gonna play?" Asked the Ponyman suddenly sounding like the King Of Town, "Then come on, let's rumble!" ...Aw, MAN! Why'd I pick the King Of Town? Now he's just...Eating Bunny Twizzler Puke! "Not the MOST adorably discussing Max-related thing I've seen!" Ew! Rabid Dog, you NASTY! "Well it's true! This one time, he-" THE HEAVY LOURDE FALLS ON THE RABID DOG AND IT KILLS HIM! "Aw nuts!" "YOU BASTARD!" The Bunnyman- Uh-oh! Hey, HEY, I was just kidding- WHOA! CRAP! DAG, YO! OW! MOMMY! staRnk baT ESS eN sAm e Ko me d Bka3 2 lYpH. hIiii go]Tenn' stong! "Thanks, little buddy! Now move that adorable little keister of yours over while I take the helm of this literary mess!" DUNSAI LITAORAY-A,;LI.'.ZZXZ AIHET DA KARPLAK........#@$%^! TEE HEE! "Oh boy, here I come!" "Mind changing me back?" "Sure thing, lemme just get up here..." "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" "Asked the yellow Pony Girl transforming into her hot, not-pony body...Oh, guess I...Gotta be at the keyboard for that to happen" *Ahem!* The group is suddenly transported to Central Park. The sky above was overcast by a parade of blimps. The transportation caused Lock to return to normal. "Thank you!" As the others sat around enjoying their frozen confections, I began looking up to the sky on the bench with Strong Bad still in his gaseous state. "What!?" "Don't say gaseous" Max said to my narration. As I sat there taking a bite of my Fudgey Freeze, I started to imagine what it would be like to pilot one of those suckers...Though Max and I already did so in a show we did in the hay days of American Saturday Morning programing...But that doesn't count. The thought about it buzzed in my head like bees in a hive a hive after Max ate their queen smothered in the honey they worked so hard to make...Well, speak of the devil. "BO-RING!" Pinkie Pie said. "Well then" I said in a stern tone, "Let's see YOU come up with a transition!" "Okie-dokie-lokie" 09q2[2'po/klwaa;oui8u8i2o0o93['aop[poled "...Here, let me get your parallel counterpart out here" "I can do it! I can do it TWELVE times!" "T-t-TWELVE!? WAIT! NO! STOP!" "FUN! FUN! FUN-FUN! FUN-FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN-FUN! FUN-FUN!" "Mother of Celestia...What have you done!?" "Twelve-Times-A-Day Man! A-DO-DOOT-DOO-BA-DOOP-DOOT! HONK!" "HOMESTAR, YOU'RE NOT FREAKIN' HELPING!" "WE MUST PWOTECT SENITOW PENCILFACE!" "CRABADONK!" "Bubs? What're you doin' here, man?" "I was installin' fake you won ads to random websites when I found that this chapter goin' cuckoo!" "MAKE IT STA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!" "FUN-FUN! FUN-FUN!" "Uh...UGH...GUH...THE PINKIES TURN INTO SEAGULLS!" "MINE! MINE! MINE-MINE! MINE-MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE-MINE! MINE-MINE!" "WAAAAAAAAAA-! Wait, why the crap did that work for YOU!?" "Because I'm the author! SAM!" "I'm on it" "WE'S HAVIN' FRITTERS!" "I don't think a bazooka is the answer this time" "Aw" "...Oh, all right, just one" "BANZAI!" After blowing up one of the seagulls, the other ones disappear and...You want I should bring who you wanted down here? "I don't care anymore, clearly I lost control of this chapter" Alrighty then. Here you go. "Ooh, the pizza's h...Wait a minute, somethings' not right...AGH!" "What's eating YOU?" Max asked the familiar looking lady. "Well for one...I'M IN MY UNDIES...! In...Central Park? I could've sworn I was at MY place playing video games with Rainbow Dash!" "Trust me, I've had a weirder day than you have. I started out as a cheesey drawing of myself in a paper-like environment, killed by an anvil, brought back to life by my little buddy and now look where we are!" "Why am I here?" "Under the orders of this pony in the Man With No Name get-up asked me to summon you so you could help your parallel self write something in here" "Hmm...Well, I'm dressed for it, so...Can't think of a reason NOT to!" "Hey!" Okay...Pony me is transported back in. "What!? I thought I was supposed to be in charge of it this time?" Aren't you pretty much doing so through me? "Hmm...Good point, me, keep going...I'm usually dexterous on those things though...I wonder why it didn't work this time?" "Comical effect" "Oh" Ooh, you can attach videos on these. "No, don't touch that! Oh, what've I done?" "Um...Excuse me, I'm still the main antagonist of this fan-fic, right?" "WHO LET YOU OUT OF THE NEXT CHAPTER!?" "I WANT MY MOMMYYYYYYYYY!" "Oh great, now ze bird horse is freaking out...Remember? I'm here too!" Ew, girly vampire! "You did NOT seriously just turn me into a mortal!" Now everybody run around this corridor chasing the luchador boxer while I play this a couple of times! "Okay!" "DON'T ENCOURAGE HER, BLI- Oh never mind!" "Uh-oh!" "I got Stwong Bad!" "Uh...Close, you caught Carl from The Aquabats! Super Show!" Wait, who said this one? "I'M IN THE WRONG CROSSOVER! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" "THAT IS IT! I'll fix this!" "You promise?" "...Sure" "Fine..." ...Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Strong Bad's back in the sattle! "Crabcakes!" "Curse my trusting nature!" And then, after the mighty William Flex-My-Pecs had slain the dragon, his totally serious long-time girlfriend, Princess Not-A-Flying-Horserson said- "THAT'S IT, I'M GETTING MY PARTNER INVOLVED!" WAH! ZOMBIE HORSE! We got a problem here? "Strong Bad, meet my parallel counterpart. As a pony, my capablities are limited, so he usually operates things I can't...And YOU'RE in his seat!" Crap. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" "Sorry about that, everypony, we'll get this mess straightened out. And we'll make sure the forth wall is modified so that this doesn't happen again. Well, see you next year!"