//------------------------------// // Introduction // Story: The Pony Diary : Fifty-Two // by monkeylegs //------------------------------// Dear Diary, Okay, I found this thing stuck in a tree by The Hive, there's no words in it, so I guess I'll just write in it. Let me introduce myself, I'm 52. No, I'm only 2 years old. My name is 52, and I'm a defective. Defectives have different qualities then expected by the Queen. Some are mean, some are shy, some are nice. For me, a lot of things. First, changing HURTS a lot! I'm also afraid of heights, but thats just because I was flung off into oblivion after seeing my species terrorize a happy little town called Canterlot. That wasn't the finest experience.. I'm also clumsy, talkative, and sometimes sarcastic. Luckily, I have a few good traits with my defectiveness too, not many though. I can turn filly-size, not many changelings can do that. And.. You know, when I said a few, I lied. My bad traits overrule the good ones in the eyes of the queen. So, the queen hates me. In the Canterlot invasion, I caused a bit of a stir.. I accidently bumped into a rock, which then rolled downhill, rolling over a changeling.. That wasn't nice. I also flew face-first into a changeling elite. Elites are special changelings, they're usually defects too. But the good overrules the bad. They're smarter,stronger, and basically they're super-changelings. They get high ranks and special armor and actual names, instead of just numbers. So, when I flew into the changeling before I gained my heights fear, he bumped into another, and then the chain began. I ended up weakening the army enough for the queen to have to send three brainwashed ponies to attack Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle, so they escaped, interrupted the marriage, and the mushy stuff defeated us and blew us into oblivion at nine hundred miles per hour. Doesn't that sound fun? Yeah. It doesn't. Oh wait, the queen is asking for number #52, thats me, so I have to go. I'll hide this journal in my piece.