Its All in the Eyes

by IamSquillium

I'm Not Even Sorry

Some random point in Time and Space

A strange light shown through the author’s window. It was only visible for a second or two, just long enough for a strange pink-haired person to crawl through on all fours, before it vanished. The author, awoken by this sudden flash of light, looked around to see a very confused, and admittedly very cute, girl standing in his room. Obviously alarmed by the sudden presence of a person in his locked room, he jumped out of bed and ran to the machete on his wall. With a weapon secured, he turned to observe the odd girl.

“Um…Hi?” he stated dumbly.

“WOOOAAAHHHH, I have hands!!!!”

“Well yeah, most people do.” he commented sarcastically, quickly deciding that the girl was not a threat and dropping his weapon.

Looking her over, he started to notice something familiar about her. The hair, the balloons on her shirt, the way she talked…

“Oh, you’re a cosplayer, that makes sense I guess, but how did you get in my bedroom? I definitely had my door and window locked.”

“Well isn’t it obvious silly, I just utilized the flow of potential and kinetic energies in the time vortex to power a teleportation device, setting the receptors to the location of the last known internet port used to update your story, and deatomized myself so I could travel super duper fast through time and space, re-rendering my form when I arrived at this location. If the cloaking shield is working you should be seeing a homosapien form though!” she stated matter-of-factly, as if this should be common knowledge to the author.

“Hey, narrator, explain!” yelled the author to no one in particular

She teleported to the place where your story was uploaded onto the internet. I don’t know man, she never seems to follow the laws of Physics.

“Thanks dude, that makes a lot more sense.” Turning to who he now realized was Pinkie Pie, the author asked, “So what brings you to the human world?”

“Me and my friends think it would be super duper funerific if you kept writing your story and put us in it. Plus fimfiction user Nightlight thinks you should keep the story going too.”

“Is that really all you wanted? You had me break the fourth wall just so you could tell me to keep writing this story?”

“Well duh”

“Um, alright. Why not. Thanks for the motivation Pinkie, I’ll start writing tomorrow”

“OkeyDokeyLokey!” said Pinkie as she skipped back toward the wall, an interdimensional portal opening once more.

“OH WAIT PINKIE! I've always wanted to ask. Did Cupcakes by SergeantSprinkles actually happen?” asked the author, not really sure he wanted to know the answer.

Pinkie just grinned and stepped through the portal, never to be seen again in this world.

“Man I really hope the narrator doesn’t make my readers suffer through this event!” he said as he watched Pinkie leave. “This would be really weird to read!”

I did.