//------------------------------// // Throwing the Ropes // Story: Where I am Needed // by Saviour From The Dark //------------------------------// Where I am Needed Chapter 3, Throwing the Ropes "Don't hold it too tightly". Wind gently brushed alert flesh. "Your form is too stiff….you are letting fear rule your body!" Tense muscles beneath the cautious flesh were stiff. "Release the tension like dropping yourself…..feel your body as it is and imagine it as water. Not just your body but your being in whole as water….think of it not just as a liquid, contemplate its nature. Water is fluid and powerful whilst being calm and nurturing. Take these aspects of nature and apply them to not just how you fight but to your being". Tense and shaking hands loosened and relaxed. Body became lighter, loose and relaxed yet ready to strike with devastating power. Like water…. "I wonder where it came from. Do you have any idea?" "From everything I have seen and from all my knowledge I have never encountered anything alike this creature". "I'll go fetch some water for it. Do you want anything Princess?" "Oh, no thank you Twilight". Celestia's attention was solely placed upon the creature before her, on Twilights sofa. It was strange indeed to Equestria for it seemed built to walk on two legs and appeared strong…..very strong. Currently she was applying more treatment to the wounds Twilight had tended to the best of her ability. One thing she could not do however was replace the right limb of the creature and even though Celestia had healed it's wounds completely they still left scars…no matter what magic or how powerful it was they just would not go…..strangest of all was that that the scars were dark red….like blood. When ones attention is placed elsewhere things can go unnoticed such as a certain Human awakening from a self-induced unconscious state. The single eye wearily gazed at the elegant creature observing him. Salvatore was just coming out of being knocked out by himself so it is only normal to take time when wondering what to say to the Alicorn that he had awakened to see observing him intensely. "H-Hel-Hello"…. Celestia was obviously shocked to hear the hoarse voice greeting her. Slowly she looked it in the eye and wondered what to say back, she also noticed the other eye was not opening. The most obvious reply was…. "Hello there, are you feeling well?" A smile stretched across the Salvatore's face due to hearing the caring words. Celestia could not hold back a smile that simply wanted to return the gesture….it was instinct to return this creature's smile. She gazed into its eye and it did the same….something felt…connected… "Princess I brought the-". Twilight hushed immediately as she saw the two looking at each other with great curiosity, it felt rude to interrupt such a moment. "M-May I have a D-Drink?" He asked with an honest and polite tone despite the horse and croaky voice. "Twilight, Hurry!" Celestia called for her student to make haste. Little did Celestia know she had been there for at least ten minutes waiting for the right moment to intrude upon the scene and hand the creature a drink. Never the less she responded with the speed and precision akin to any task that her mentor bestowed onto her and quickly levitated the cup to the creature's mouth, slowly and steadily did she tip the porcelain cup and watch as it gulped the liquid down its throat so fast it gulped a few more times thinking there was more water. "Please, anoth-". Before it even had the chance to ask for more Celestia was levitating another cup with two more just in case the creatures thirst persisted. The liquid revitalized Salvatore's raw throat and caused a refreshed "Ahhhhhh" to be expressed as his thirst was sated however this did not stop him from downing the other two cups, just to be sure the thirst was truly sated and not temporarily satisfied. "Th-Thank you, very much!" Its words were…strange for the Equestrians to understand since kindness was simply natural and abundant in Equestria, expressed by everypony. It was hard for them to comprehend why it was so thankful for such simple kindness….. "You are very welcome but more importantly, are you okay?" Celestia was once again captivated by its bright eye and wide smile it was….hard to not be enchanted by its kind nature, due to the rough and beaten body and lack of a limb and eye. "I am well. Thank you very much for your help". It looked at Twilight and Celestia, observing them and contemplated something…."I am Salvatore! What are your names?" "Hehe well I am Celestia Princess of Equestria and this is Twilight Sparkle my student, we have been tending to your wounds and helping you recover". Salvatore shifted himself so that he could sit properly and not seem rude to his generous hosts, being polite was one of the things his master taught him. "Thank you very much, my gratitude truly knows no bounds in order to repay your kindness and furthermore generosity"….. Both Celestia and Twilight looked surprised to say to least thus did not know how to reply to Salvatore's words. In order to reassure Salvatore that no gratitude was needed and through pure amazement of the creature Twilight Sparkle approached Salvatore. "It is fine really, you were about to die. If I didn't help then what kind of Pony would I be? And it was my friend Rainbow Dash that found you and brought you to me. She said you were falling from the sky but she caught you and immediately brought you to me". Throughout talking to Salvatore she smiled and said her words kindly, it was nice to Salvatore's ears instead of grinding steel and the sickening thud against flesh as a powerful blow struck its target. Salvatore simply smiled at Twilight as she said her words and continued even after they were said. He brought his left hand up and placed it on her head making sure to avoid her horn and ruffled her hair with a wide smile on his face, teeth flashed it was that wide, Just before throwing himself at her in a more than thankful hug. Celestia found it hard to contain her laughter and seeing the inevitable outcome simply released a very formal laugh whilst watching her faithful student being squeezed in an awkward hug from Salvatore, due to one arm being wrapped around the pony. Twilight, feeling some discomfort due to the strength behind the hug, simply smiled as she received an act of friendship and kindness. "I will still seek to repay you in one way if none Twilight….my friend". Twilight beamed back a smile because in her mind how could she not. Salvatore, who she assumed was a he, was polite, kind and just knowing that he could be considered a true friend made her happy. "Well I can see you two will get along perfectly and I expect you will provide accommodation Twilight?" Twilight's smile beamed brighter than ever. Of course Princess how could I not. I bet everyone is dying to meet him too". Salvatore released Twilight from his one armed grasp and allowed her to stand on her own four hooves again whilst he sat on the floor, legs crossed. "I know this seems quite rude but what could be done for my eye and arm?" Celestia bent down to his level and her face adorned a look of sorrow. "I am sorry Salvatore, I have tried all magic I know to heal them but it amounted to nothing and the same can be said of those scars…what occurred to cause such grievous injuries?" Salvatore sighed then suddenly the light in his eye faded and the smile washed away, like how a mask is donned within an instant. "Demons…." "Demons?" Celestia asked. "My home….Earth it is called, was conquered by Demons many years before I was born. My family would have died because it was hard enough with two mouths to feed and I only made it harder. So I left home in a Demon infested world that ruled with an iron fist, it was scary at first but I soon learned how to avoid them….sink in and out of the shadows. What made me angry is that I couldn't fight when I saw helpless people being butchered before me, I wanted to fight but I couldn't because I would just die…how could I ever help anyone if I was dead. Then one day I saw a little girl being…..tormented by a Demon so I picked up a rock, hell not even a rock more like a pebble, and I ran toward the Demon screaming with my eyes closed". Salvatore paused and took a deep breath, reliving old memories. Even though the tale was dark a smile began tugging at his lips. "That was the day I met him". "Him?" Twilight was curious as to who this him was, excited was not even the word. "My master Yamamoto who saved me more than once but back to the story, like I said I ran screaming and then when I thought I was right in front of the Demon I heard something…like the wind itself was a blade. Then I opened my eyes and saw the Demon simply….fall apart, piece by piece with absolute precision. Like a butcher had pointed out the finest meats and cut them for me to feast upon. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, inviting and kind. I looked behind me and I saw him….a symbol of strength and a precursor to ridding myself of fear that halted me from doing many things. He asked me 'Do you want to be strong?' I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head. Then he asked 'Would you use that strength to help the helpless?' I nodded harder and continuously". A full smile broke across his face. "Yamamoto was a great man, the reason why I was able to fight for Humanity and slay a Demon General". "That sounds horrible, you poor thing". Celestia felt untold pity for Salvatore, a child who lived with nothing but violence, guilt and hate in his heart. "How are you so kind and cheerful? Didn't living in such a world change you?" "In all honesty it did….at first but Yamamoto taught me more than to just be strong and fearless, he taught me how to love everyone even if they hated me and how to gain happiness out of helping those around me. During my time with him became a light hearted and full of joy I also learnt how to fight with honour and respect my opponent". "How can you respect something that tries to kill you?" Twilight jumped onto the couch to sat next to him. "It is the way a warrior fights, a true warrior, especially the Samurai, ancient warriors from my world". Salvatore breathed deeply and closed his eyes, remembering his master's lessons. "The Samurai?" Twilight was getting more and more interested every second. Her mind was storing all this information to be put onto paper after she had learned everything she could from the Salvatore. "Warriors from a place called Japan. They lived by their honour and would even take their own life in repentance for dishonouring themselves or ones they care about. Respect toward the opponent was also a virtue. War was not their only profession as most Samurai were also writers, artists, poets and philosophers. They trained in using their sword and their hands in battle, Yamamoto only taught me how to fight with my sword he said my hands were not ready to fight. If I was naturally skilled with a blade then how dangerous would I be without it if I had the same potential for my bare hands. At first I was angry with him but soon I realised that he was right I would have to show courtesy and thought when using my hands to fight because if I did not I could kill when it could be avoided. To use ones hands to fight they must be careful and have control over themselves but most importantly be discrete as once others know you can fight they will come for the glory of defeating you, mindless conflict which can be avoided". He opened his eyes and looked Twilight in the eyes "That is only half of what I learned". "So did he ever teach you to use your hands?" Twilight could not wait to write all this down! "No. However I use my sword as a tool of justice, to protect and claim retribution on those who have done untold evils". Both Celestia and Twilight looked concerned. "Yes I have killed before. Not just Demons but the evil amongst Man that is worse than any Demon however I always respect my opponents or the dead, it is what master taught me". The look of concern still lingered. "You wouldn't kill a pony would you?" Twilight asked the question raging in Celestia's mind. "Oh no! Never! I could never harm one of your kind, you are so peaceful and caring". He placed a hand on Twilight's back. "I would commit seppuku if I ever harmed one of your kind". Celestia moved forward and looked Salvatore directly in the eye, searching his soul and was surprised to find him opening his soul up to her. "You must understand my fears Salvatore. You have been trained to kill and fight without fear. It worries me what you could do. I am sorry". Salvatore simply smiled and placed his other hand on her cheek. "Then I swear my sword will defend your world as it did mine! My master did teach me to kill and fight but he also taught me why I should fight and to value peace over conflict no matter what I am faced with". His words were truth and pure in nature which is why she felt more compelled to believe him….well she already did believe him, it was a case of caution. "Very well Salvatore, you are not a threat and I should not deem you so. I have only known you for not even a day and yet I already feel a great friendship. Twilight, do make sure he is accommodated and seen too, we want him to be comfortable while he recovers". Salvatore pulled both of the mares in for a warm and friendly hug. After the warm gesture confirming friendship and trust, Salvatore released them. "Thank you for your consideration but I am perfectly fine Princess, honestly. I just need to take it easy for today and then I will be back to top shape!" Celestia and Twilight could only smile at his enthusiasm, kindness and manors. "I have royal business to attend to so I hope you will be fine without me. Goodbye Twilight, take care of him". Twilight smiled and gave a curt nod to show she understood her teacher's wishes. Celestia then left through the door in a very formal trot, expected of the Sun Goddess of Equestria. Both Salvatore and Twilight watched as Celestia walked out the door. Twilight looked at Salvatore and despite his appearance he was truly a kind and caring being. Trotting could be heard from outside and little did anyone expect it was Celestia "Before I go Salvatore you should keep an eye on those scars, there is something…strange about them". Then she was once again gone, to preform royal duties. "So what would you like to do on your day off?" Salvatore thought for a few seconds however in his mind the answer was obvious. "Could I read your books? Then maybe look around….where are we?" "Equestria and of course you can, it will be nice to have someone else who appreciates books as much as I do". Twilight could not help the feeling in the back of her mind, that by meeting this being from another world she had blossomed something beautiful and pure joy washed over her. "Now come with me and I will be your new teacher!" Salvatore chuckled at Twilight "Yes teacher, I am ready to learn your ways". Twilight beamed at him as she levitated a multitude of books in order to teach Salvatore about Equestria, ponies and magic….. Now this has been quite the close encounter so far, how much DEEPER will Salvatore's binds with the Equestrians grow? He has made an oath to protect Equestria yet he does not know what the future brings….Now he is learning of the very beginning of Equestria's recorded history. Then it shall be the different species of pony…finally magic. 'You should keep an eye on those scars'…yes those scars are not what is received by a mortal weapon but dealt by a weapon of Demonic power! Could this power still linger? Could it of moved simply from the blade to the flesh? We shall find out as his tale unfolds….