//------------------------------// // Changes // Story: Its All in the Eyes // by IamSquillium //------------------------------// EVERY DAY Every day since my sunset mare appeared I’ve been blessed with this wonderful gift. You see, every pony has a special somepony, and mine is the most beautiful and lovely mare in all of Equestria. You know how they say that love can conquer anything? Well that’s true, and every time I look into her eyes I know that I’m the cause of every good emotion, every amazing feeling she has. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes our love is a struggle (mares are impossible to figure out), but other times…it’s like I can fly. Any time she is in pain - any time she is sad, hurt, heart-broken – I know. I can’t live with that, and luckily, that’s alright with the world; because it gave my little “talent” a catch. Not only do I get to sense her thoughts and feelings, but I also get to heal them and take them as my own too. So this is the story of a heartbroken mare and a freaking amazing talent that has recently taken the number one spot on my “Reasons I’m in Love” list. I guess I’ll start at the beginning… It was a day unlike any other, but it started out the same. Well, I mean besides the passed out, half-drunk, recently traumatized mare lying in my bed; the aching, burning fear in my heart; and the fact that I may or may not have just killed someone. Alright it was anything but normal. As the beautiful mare’s eyes started to open, I suddenly sat bolt upright. “Wha-what happened?” she questioned, looking right at me and springing up. “AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!” “Shhh, you’re probably still in shock. Just lay back down Sunset everything is going to be alright. You’re safe now, I promise.” I whispered soothingly, trying to coax her back down onto the bed, still concerned she might be injured. “THE HELL IT IS!” she screamed at me, making me take a step back at her obvious rage. “WHAT DID YOU DO? DID YOU FUCKING KIDNAP ME? I SWEAR WHEN MY FATHER FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS HE WILL…” she trailed off, looking at me curiously as I began to smile, tears starting to form as I pieced everything together. “What do you remember from the last few days Sunset?” I asked, praying for the answer that would set me free. “Oh I don’t know, is it you being a complete prick and cheating on me, or something else.” I launched forward, grabbing her in a huge hug as I cried into her shoulder. I didn’t know how it happened; all I knew was that she didn’t remember anything from the previous night, and that was all that mattered to me. She, on the other hand, was more confused than ever. “Alright, time to explain Shining. What the hell is going on?” I pulled away from her enough to see her face, but she still refused to look at me. Sighing, I started my explanation. “Well Sunset, do you remember when I went to Carousel Boutique last week to see Rarity?” Her face turned to a scowl at the mention of the name, but she nodded. “Well that was definitely not what you think it was. Rarity was helping me prepare a little surprise for you, one which I have been planning a long time. Because I, Shining Hearts, wanted to ask you, Sunset Rains, to…to…wait what where’d it go.” I began frantically searching, for the ring I’d reached out for with my magic was not there. “Really. You think this is funny? After all of this you’re still trying to pull some grand joke. That’s it, I’m definitely leaving. Later asshole” Abandoning the search for my lost ring, I sped to the door, desperately trying to block her path. She rushed forward, trying to get out before I could make it, but I caught the door in my magic and locked it. Spinning toward me furiously, she gave me a stare that could have broken even Fluttershy’s, but in doing so our eyes locked. I felt the usual flood of thought and emotion brought on by my talent, but something was off about it. Sunset’s glare softened into a look of shock, and her eyes widened. For what seemed like hours we both stared, hovering in our own world as the real one was erased from our minds. When the connection broke, Sunset started panicking. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT WHAT JUST HAPPENED EXPLAIN THIS TO ME NOW!” Sunset was in full panic mode, but I didn’t know why. There was certainly no panic in what I’d detected just now. “Sunset what’s wrong, we just locked eyes. It has happened a million times before.” I stated, still confused. “No, but,” she was backing away, “But I FELT that. It was like…Like I don’t know. I just all of a sudden felt this like…desperation(?), like I had to stop something from getting away. Like I had to explain something before it was too late.” I gasped at the realization. If what she said was true, then…no it was impossible. Wasn’t it? WASN’T IT. Now it was my turn to freak out. I had to be sure. “Sunset, look dead in my eyes and tell me how you feel.” She looked a bit questioning, but did as she was instructed. Her eyes widened once more, and she attempted to speak. “It’s weird, there’s like a really strong feeling of what I think is distrust, but it’s not mine. What is it?” My suspicions were confirmed. I didn’t know how she did it, but she was somehow tapping into MY feelings, like she had reversed my talent and used it against me. “Strange, isn’t it.” I said, grinning at her. “Odd to be in someone else’s head?” She backed up a bit, her face lighting up with shock. “But I can’t be doing that!” she said. “Only you can do that right. RIGHT!” Chuckling a bit, I answered the only way I knew how. “I have no idea whatsoever!” “So all of that…stuff I just felt? Was that from you?” “Yep,” I stated nonchalantly, “every little bit of it. Do you believe me about Rarity now?” She launched forward, hugging me this time, and cried into my chest. We stood there a long time, and it wasn’t until her curiosity got the best of her that Sunset stopped crying and pulled away from me. “So why do I feel like I’m missing something. You’ve been kind of avoiding something, but I felt it when…that happened. Why were you asking what I remembered?” she questioned curiously. I wasn’t looking forward to this at all, but I had an idea. I knew she wasn’t ready to remember her end of the event from the night before, but she could at least take the bits of thought and feeling out of my head. I just prayed it wouldn’t break the wall that seemed to be holding back the memory of her ex’s attack. Sighing, I once more asked her to look into my eyes. “Be careful, and promise me that, no matter what you see, you will remember that I’m here for you and I will never let anything, I repeat, ANYTHING, like this happen to you ever again. Can you promise me that?” Sunset was getting nervous, but she nodded in agreement and hugged me closer before raising her eyes once more to mine. I could feel the changes in her as she saw the events played out before her from my point of view. She felt, and saw, as I heard her voice in the alley, as I rushed to save her, as I blanked out and cast the spell, and as I carried her home, praying she was still alive and begging that she would not have to experience her pain ever again. I cringed a bit at that, knowing that I was willingly opening her up to her emotions once more, but when we broke eye contact she did not cry. A hardened look came to her eyes, and her jaw set. She nuzzled closer to me, leaving a small kiss on my cheek. “Thank you Shining. Just… thank you.” We were both at a loss for words, so we just held each other, happy to be together once more. Looking up, I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror and gasped. “Sunset” I stated in shock, “what happened to your cutie mark?” Looking back, Sunset knew what I was talking about. The teardrop cutie mark had flipped, and there was now a familiar looking half heart on the other side, forming a full multicolored rainbow heart. Curious, I looked back and saw that there was now and upside-down raindrop completing my heart, but mine was colored like a sunset, swirling into a flaming, burning heart of desire. Aside from the coloring, mine and Sunset’s were completely identical. Suddenly feeling brave, I turned to her and got down on my haunches. “Screw the ring. I’m sure it will turn up some day, but I can’t wait that long. Sunset Rains, I promise to love you now and forever, for all of my days, and I swear I will protect you from all the harm of this world. I would be ever so honored if, from this day forward, you would be mine, to have and to hold, to love and to be loved. Sunset Rains, will you marry me?” The silence seemed to last forever. “Nah” she said before walking out the door, leaving me there crestfallen and crushed. How could I have been so stupid? Of course she would never marry me. I didn’t know why I’d even thought I deserved her. “HAHA SIKE” came a yell from the doorway as a flash of fire barreled toward me, materializing into Sunset who hugged me to the ground. She simply grinned and looked into my eyes before our lips met in a kiss once more and, for once, I knew everything would be alright.