Changeling for a room mate.

by Jot Notes

Less than Perfect

After careful consideration, I've decided to log everything that happens in the next few days. From what I can tell, Chrysalis appears to be stuck here for longer than we both had assumed, and I want to make the most of it. After all, this is the only time something like this is ever going to happen, right?

She isn't the best room mate. She's lazy, demanding and unappreciative, and worst of all, she-

Alex pushed his chair back in surprise as his notebook suddenly caught fire. Panicking, he stumbled into the kitchen and filled a cup with water before sprinting back to douse the flames. He managed to keep the fire from spreading, but his notes and story ideas were totally ruined. Breathing heavily, he slowly turned towards the couch.

Chrysalis grinned at him, a Zippo lighter suspended in midair by an aura of green light. The changeling may not have had much magic in her, but she still had a little bit. Just enough magic to keep herself from starving and torment Alex at the same time. She cackled wickedly at the look of anger on his face, throwing the lighter at his head as he walked away.

Alex ducked, the lighter flying past his head. He stalked towards the smug queen, still clutching the glass in his hand.

"This isn't funny!" He practically shouted.

"Not funny? Does funny mean something different here? Because in my universe it was hilarious!" She threw her head back and laughed.

Alex had to stop himself from strangling her.

"I'm serious! All of my ideas were in that book! How am I supposed to keep track of my story now?"

She waved a hoof dismissively.

"If you didn't want it destroyed, you shouldn't have written about me in it. I have a right to privacy, you know."

"Your right to privacy doesn't mean anything if you burn down my apartment!"

She sat up. "This dump would only burn down if you let it burn down. Which you won't, therefore I'm off the hook!"

Alex stopped and tried to calm down.

"What if I hadn't noticed the fire?"

She looked at him like he was crazy.

"I lit a fire in front of you."She spoke as if speaking to a small child. "If fire burns in front of you. You notice it pretty damn quickly. What are you, an invalid?"

Alex scowled, the changeling merely stuck her tongue out at him and turned on the television. She changed it to a cheesy soap opera, where some ignoramus in a suit preached his love for a woman in red. Chryssie licked her lips; Alex figured she was probably hungry. Well, it wasn't his job to feed her. He just had to put up with her until she found a way home. Which seemed less likely to happen with each passing day.

Alex wandered over to his computer and booted up the browser. He checked out his story on FimFiction for new views on his changeling story. So far, he had amassed nearly 300 new views today alone. The comments were abuzz with anxious fans. Everybody was waiting for the final chapters; They had been waiting for nearly a month now. Alex would have been happy to sit down and finish the story, but he couldn't find any time for it. He was pretty much babysitting the Changeling, and he still had a job to keep. Besides, Chrysalis had no idea just how popular she was in this world. He thought it best to avoid telling her that she was a fictional character, at least for now.

Lexi's phone beeped; it was time for work. He shut down the computer and turned to the changeling. Should he leave her alone? He had no doubts that taking her with him was a mistake. There was no way she'd be able to fit in the car with him comfortably. She probably wouldn't like driving around aimlessly for several hours on end, either. On the other hand, if he left her here, there was no telling what she might do. She might set the place on fire, or wreck his laptop. Hell, she might even wander out of the apartment on her own just to be difficult. There wasn't any logical way to approach living with the Queen. Still, he had to put a little faith in her. Not because he wanted to, but because there wasn't any greater course of action.

"I'm going out." He announced loudly.

Chrysalis barely looked up. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

"You aren't even curious? You don't want to know where I'm going?"

"Nope." She changed the channel. Some documentary about plants appeared on the TV screen.

Alex was confused. "Oh...well, alright then. See you later, I guess."

"Go ahead and have your fun, monkey. I think I'm going to take a nap." She yawned, curling up on the couch.

Alex grabbed his jacket and started looking for his keys. Where had he left them? He checked the counters, strewn with flyers, as well as the coffee table. They were nowhere to be found. He checked his desk, only to come up empty handed as well. Were they on the couch maybe? He made his way to the couch where Chrysalis lay. Slowly, he stuck his hand between the cushions, near the Changeling Queen's head.

"Don't even think about it." She opened her eyes and growled. Lexi jerked his hand back from the couch cushions and stumbled backward, falling over. His face burned as she laughed at his clumsiness.

"You should have seen your face!" She howled with laughter.

Alex rolled his eyes and got to his feet. He trudged back into the kitchen and took another look around. There was nothing to be found. He looked back to the couch and an idea struck him. He tiptoed to the rear of the couch; Chrysalis had stopped laughing and appeared to be sleeping again. He spread his hands wide in front of him, and with only a moments hesitation, shoved her off the couch. Chrysalis shouted in surprise as she tumbled onto the ground, and got to her hooves, cursing. He laughed and laughed at the disgruntled look on her face.

"You'll pay for that!" She hissed in fury.

"Yeah yeah." He searched the couch for his keys. No luck, but the look on her face was reward enough. He left the room to check the bathroom.

"You'd best sleep with one eye open!" She shouted down the hall.

"Whatever you say, your Holey-ness!" He laughed at the awful joke.

"Shut up!" She hollered.

Alex ignored her and looked around for his keys. They weren't on the counter, so he rooted around in the jeans strewn across the floor, finally finding them at last. He moved quickly towards the door, only to find Chryssie wasn't in the living room any more. He reflected briefly that he may have hurt her feelings, but shrugged it off. She'd done worse to him; she would get over it. He checked his phone again. He had to get going.

He dashed out the apartment and down the stairs as fast as he could, jumping into his car. The engine roared to life, and he pulled out of his parking space into the streets. He made good time; he might even make it to work on time. He slowed to a stop at an intersection and heaved a sigh of relief. It was good to get out of the house. Away from his troubles, his writer's block, his breakup, but mostly it was nice to get away from the Royal Pain.

Out of nowhere, Chrysalis jumped out from the back seat, causing Lexi to scream.

"Finally we're here! I was fed up with waiting!"

He looked back at her with disbelief. "What are you...I didn't know...I thought you were-"

She smacked him upside the head. "Quit talking! You're making my head hurt!" She snapped.

He rubbed his head. That had actually hurt.

"Why are you here?" He asked plaintively.

"Well...I was going to give you some peace and quiet, until you pushed me off the bloody couch!" She glared at him accusingly.

"It's my couch, too!" He protested.

She procured a small box.


Alex picked up the tiny box. He didn't even have to open it to know it was empty.

"What's with the box?" He eyed it.

"This box contains all the bucks I give about what you have to say." She said with a smirk.

Alex sighed, trying to hide a small grin. She was a nuisance, yes, but she had a decent sense of humor. As much as he resented her, he knew that there wasn't much else for her to do. She was far from home. SHe was hungry, lost and alone. Well, maybe not alone. She had him, after all.

...didn't she?

Alex didn't have time to sit around and think; the light had turned green, and he accelerated, reaching his destination quickly. Grabbing hold of the door handle, he cast a look at the changeling.

"Stay here," he ordered. "I'll be back soon."

She looked like she was going to argue, but looked out the window at the blowing wind and swirling snow and shivered. She nodded a reproachful agreement. Before leaving, he turned up the heat, and warm wind blew into the back seat. Chrysalis sighed comfortably, and he opened the door quickly, shutting it behind him and dashing into the pizza parlor.

"You're late Lexi," The clerk sneered at him. "Were you playing with your dolls again?"

Alex ignored him and grabbed his deliveries. He spun around and strode briskly towards the door.

"What's the rush, Lexi?" The clerk mocked him. "Got a hot date?"

Alex stopped at the door, one arm around the bag of pizza boxes, another arm grabbing the door handle.

"Something like that."

"Good for you, pony boy! Just don't scare her away with your furry fetish, like you did last time!" The cashier hateful words echoing through the pizza parlor. A few busy eaters stopped and stole a glance at Alex.

Alex's knuckles turned white as he gripped the handle tightly. He counted to ten, thought nice thoughts, even sang Pinkie Pie's "Smile Song" in his head, anything to keep himself from decking the punk behind the register. He had no right to talk like that. No right at all! Slowly, he calmed down enough to open the door, stepping away from the hostile air of the warm pizzeria and into the comforting sting of the brutal winter world.

The biting wind did little to cool his fury as he stomped towards his car. Jerking open the door and throwing himself inside, he slammed the door behind him. A startled Chrysalis sat up, about to say some cutting remark, but he shot her down quickly.

"If you say so much as one. Single. Syllable. I will throw you out into the cold and leave you there, got it?" There was a cold, cutting edge to his voice. No joking, no traces of the old Alex anywhere. Chrysalis took notice and shrunk in her seat, almost as if he had struck her with a stick. Lexi noticed the look of hurt that registered on her face and cursed himself inwardly. He hadn't meant to take his rage out on her. She didn't deserve that.

Alex wordlessly started the car, neither passenger said a word for a long, long while.