//------------------------------// // The Disturbance // Story: Alive: The Final Pony Evolution // by TimeRarity64 //------------------------------// 'Sympathy is not so easy showing when you do not care.' After the terrifying event with the batpony Titanium Flower, Spike remained quiet and unresponsive to Twilight as she kept him by her side. She, along with Flash Sentry was in a briefing room where Celestia and a few guards, including Shining Armor stood in the center of a round table which a map of Equestria was laid out. Shining Armor was Twilight’s older brother. He had a white coat, was a unicorn, blue eyes, and blue mane with light blue highlights. His cutie mark was a shining shield, fitting his name perfectly along with his loyalty and noble heart. Flash Sentry remained quiet among the discussion, staring straight at his hooves as he sat against the wall next to the nervous Twilight. Thoughts continue to go on in his head as he struggle to figure out how he healed so fast. What did Titanium Flower meant about being her brother? He figured that it had to do with his strange regeneration. No pony could have survive from such a burnt mark. “So, they are in this country that’s what we are all aware of now, how we are going to get rid of them is the important is the question.” Shining Armor said, but Celestia shook her head in disagreement. “That question is why they are attacking innocent ponies. If they seek something like acceptance or tolerance, then why not ask. It makes no sense why they decided to simply lash out on innocent lives.” Celestia said. The thought of ridding such a kind weaken Celestia’s heart. She did not wish to get rid of ponies or creatures with remarkable abilities because they were out of the order. She only wished there was a possible way to establish a fine peace than a cleansing. “Forgive my objection towards this, your highness, but you see clearly the carnage that “Disturber” caused.” Shining Armor said, feeling pity for the lost lives against the mad thestral. “I understand why you are saying this Shining Armor, but you must understand that if she managed to get under our noses, there’s bound to be more like her. I believe it is best we capture one of them and question them what they really want,” Celestia said, placing her right hoof on the map, “This spot is the only way anypony can get through into the country. Since there is a gate guarding our border from the others, something bound to have happened for this mare to get through.” “Unless…” Flash spoke up, “she was living here her entire life.” The room went quiet. Shining Armor and Celestia went into deep though, finding this possibly true and useful to assist their search on the “Disturbers”. “You have a point, Corporal,” Shining Armor stated, “The first reported “Disturber” was spotted in the gryphon regions and was of a gryphon descent. Seeing how this thestral managed to remain under our radar for so long must mean that she never came from out of the country but instead lived here. So…how…how did she gain those abilities?” “There are too many things we have no clue of and must figure out at the time being. I am thinking of sending Luna and a few guards off to the thestral homeland to ask the king if there had been any strange reports of his kind performing strange abilities normally found in unicorn’s magic.” Celestia said. Flash Sentry shivered at the thought of heading into the thestral homeland, but a hoof rested on his shoulder calming him down quickly. When he glanced at the pony’s hoof, it belonged to Twilight smiling softly at him. “I…I’m sure there will be some way in stopping this. That mare will be stopped and justice shall prevail,” Twilight turned her head to her mentor and brother, “Right?” Celestia nodded her head along with Shining Armor. “Wait, if I am not mistaken, didn’t you give permission to Luna in going on that mission to the Gryphon Border?” Shining Armor asked, causing Celestia to stare at him in shock. The unicorn flinched at her stare as she became angry. “I did no such thing. I specifically told her not to.” Celestia said, beginning to panic. “I’m sorry, your highness, if I had known, “No, it’s not your fault Shining Armor, but we must see fit to retrieve Luna before anything bad happens.” Celestia said, looking at the map. “If I know Luna’s ways in getting into the Gryphon Border easily, she probably went through the Sequoia forest of Atlas.” “But why would she even disobey you?” Twilight asked. “She wants to help us in taking care of these “Disturbers” and she believes that the best place to go is the Gryphon Border since that was the first place where most of them were reported living there,” Celestia explained, “We need to find her now.” “But what about the “Disturbers”?” Shining Armor asked. “My sister’s life means more to me than them.” Celestia stated. Shining Armor knew what she meant and nodded his head. “Do not worry your highness; I will go to the Gryphon Border and get her back.” Shining Armor said. “Thank you, Shining Armor. Take Flash Sentry with you along with a few trained guards. Be careful, there’s no telling what you might encounter out there.” Celestia said. “Yes, ma’am!” Shining Armor saluted. Flash did the same, hiding back the frightened expression on his face. “Where is she, Angel?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking around as they two walked down a wooden bridge. Off in the distance was the old castle Celestia and Luna had resided in. Angel pointed at it, motioning the pegasus that Fluttershy was in there. Quickly picking up, she flew towards the castle’s entrance, taking a few minutes to get there. “What would she be doing here in the first place?” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself as she entered into the castle. Soon, she made it to the throne room and stopped in center. Looking left and right, ignoring the cracked walls and dreary scenery the old castle obtained, Rainbow Dash spotted no trace of her lost timid friend. But soon she was startled by the sound of glass shattering from down the long dark hall. Angel buried his head in her coat, frighten when she took careful steps towards the sound of the shattered object. When Dash stopped, she looked down seeing pieces of a broken vase, but she also blood on the ground. Dash looked up ahead and saw only darkness where the blood led. She gulped, beginning to feel the cold air brushing against her fur each time she moved forward. Thoughts rushed through her head, each one involved Fluttershy. Was she alright? The origin where these thoughts came from once Dash finally saw light up ahead. When Dash came through the end of the hall, her eyes widened before her. White lilies surrounded Fluttershy who stood in the center sleeping against a dead tree. Relief washed through Dash as she smiled happily and flew towards the sleeping pegasus, but was stopped by a soft chuckle. She stood still and began looking around, searching for the voice and saw Silver Tongue looking at her from a distance where the white lilies brushed against his legs. “Who are you?” Rainbow Dash asked, keeping her distance from the stallion while glancing around the area. She was in a garden area where a large circular hole hovered over the tree where the moon shined down. The mare found this beautiful, but had to focus on the strange stallion ahead of her. “I’m no one important to you, yet.” He said calmly, adjusting his glasses. “What do you mean “yet”, what the heck are you doing here and why’s Fluttershy here too?” Dash asked. “I would like you to lower your tune; Fluttershy must be one with the planet before she departs.” He said. “What do you mean? Look, I don’t care who you are or what you are doing here, but I am taking Fluttershy out of here.” She said before flying towards her. “How bothersome.” He muttered in annoyance. A large blast of fire shot down from above, startling Rainbow Dash. She quickly stopped dead in her tracks as the blue blast of fire nearly struck her. Looking at the blue flames, she stared up and spotted a gryphon with black feathers and red eyes. It was a female gryphon and had a bored look that made Dash uneasy. While being uneasy, she was also stuck in confusion to how a gryphon fired a blast of fire. “You nearly got her, Silence, almost.” Silver said, rubbing his forehead in disappointment. “She moved out of the way in time, the next attack won’t miss.” She said, landing on the ground. “W-wait a minute, what’s going on here?!” Rainbow Dash cried out, backing away frighteningly as Silence pointed her right talon. “You’ve seen too much, now you must die.” Silence said sending a large blast of blue fire towards Dash that scorched through the ground. She quickly flew up and through the hole, luckily dodging the blast of fire. Silence glanced at Silver Tongue that motioned her to chase the pegasus and without saying a word back, she opened her wings and took off after the mare. Dash looked back and spotted the gryphon picking up speed already close to being in her sights. She flew down, using the trees as obstacles to stall the gryphon as she went off to get help. If the gryphon did not have those strange powers, she would have fought to get Fluttershy back, but understanding the fact she was powerless against some bird like that, was best to run and get help than handle it on their own. For now, she had to lose the gryphon any way she could. When she looked back, Silence was not on her tail, but fear dawn upon her again when saw a large dark shadow covering most of the light in the sky. She panicked and flew straight out of the forest as a blue fire ball crashed down into the woods scorching the trees. Silence was not too easy to lose. Staring straight ahead, Dash saw a ravine and quickly took action, flying into it. Silence did not stall too much as she flew down, too, and continued her chase. Growing irritated, Silence launched another fire ball at Dash, but the pegasus was too fast to get hit by it as she dodged and flew up revealing a large waterfall before her. Silence’s eyes grew wide as she flew up, just inches from touching the water. Sighing in relief, she glared angrily up, only to stare at the dark cloudy sky where Dash was nowhere in sight. The gryphon became confused, scanning around the area trying to spot something out of the ordinary. She did not know that Dash was hiding above the cloud, keeping quiet and still. She kept in mind that the gryphon stopped herself from touching the waterfall and assumed that since she controlled fire, touching water would have affected that, but she might have been wrong and did not want to find out which was true. For now, she remained completely silent. “It seems that mare can get away faster than I can imagine.” Silence muttered before looking up at the clouds. She narrowed her eyes before pointing both palms up at the cloud above her. Dash heard the sound of fire being shot and quickly panicked. When the blast of blue fire that burn hotter than ordinary fire separated the puff cloud, all that was behind it was nothing more but the night sky. The gryphon grumbled before flying back towards the castle. As Silence flew by, Dash peeked through the sheets of clouds, scanning the area before coming out of her hiding spot. She glanced at the flying gryphon that was distance away from her and sighed in relief. She had to warn Twilight and the others about the strange encounter. She feared for Fluttershy’s life, not sure what the stallion was planning to do with her or what importance she carried. As she flew away, heading towards the town, she questioned to herself: “What did he meant about something not being important to me yet?” -To Be Continued-