//------------------------------// // The C.C.C., Shopping carts and Sandy Claws // Story: Let's Go Kidnap Sandy Claws! // by Painted Ribbon //------------------------------// Let's Go Kidnap Sandy Claws The C.C.C., Shopping carts and Sandy Claws In a flash, Scootaloo was zipping through a maze of ponies in the market with her wings a blur. Her magenta eyes narrowed as she and her trusty scooter flew off a ramp and soared for a few single moments in the sky then landed with a bump and kept on scootering. In only a short time, she finally reached her destination: The C.C.C. Clubhouse. Her two best friends waited on the porch for her as she parked her scooter and hung her helmet on the handle bars and climbed up the ramp. "Sweetie belle! Apple Bloom!" She cheered with glee as she neared. She watched her friends bounce with joy before they all rushed in to their clubhouse and slammed the door. Quickly they all closed the blinds as Apple Bloom pulled down a think white fabric that hung on the wall and turned on the power point. "Now, girls." Apple Bloom began "Today is the 24th of December and we all know what that means..." She paused. "Hearth's Warming Eve!" Scootaloo and Sweetie belle shouted in unison and giggled with excitement. Apple Bloom grinned "Do you know what today's mission is?" She asked them but, she knew that she didn't even give them a hint. "We're gonna kidnap Sandy Claws!" She turned the next picture to a picture of the most well-known holiday figure, Santa Clause. The other two crusader's jaws dropped in surprise "But, Apple Bloom-" She began then stopped. She raised her hoof, because it's always nice to be polite, then continued "But, Apple Bloom! How are gonna do that?!" "Well Ah'm glad you asked." She replied then switched the picture to one that showed Ponyville's shopping center. "Doesn't Sandy Claws come every year to that shopping center and lets every pony tell 'im what they want?" The other two nodded, listening closely. She paused for a moment...for dramatic effect of course. Who knows? She might a cutie mark in pausing for the most dramatic of effects! (Get back to the story!) "How are we going to do that?" Sweetie belle asked. "Sweetie belle can wait in line to sit in his lap while Scootaloo can be waiting behind him with a sack. Once, you have Sandy Claws in that sack, I'll come in with a shopping cart and we'll roll him away!" She explained proudly. Now, we can all see the flaws here, but the C.C.C. didn't. So instead of telling any one of them, let's let them have their fun. (That's not very nice!)Well, life isn't very nice. "Yeah!" The other crusaders shouted and all three of them high-hoof'd. "Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws!" They all shouted in unsion. "I wanna do it!" Scootaloo challenged with a grin "Let's draw straws!" Apple Bloom countered, pulling out three straws of hay from her cherry red mane. "I think we should work together!" Sweetie belle recommended. "Three of a kind!" Apple Bloom cheered. "Birds of a feather!" She beamed, her wings flapping rapidly similar to a bumblebee's but, nowhere near the speed to lift her anywhere. "Now and forever!" They all shouted in unison and high hoofed. They quickly discussed how to get the materials then opened all the blinds then scattered. Apple Bloom went to fetch a sack that her big sister Apple Jack would use to carry apples to her apple stand in the market while Scootaloo went with Sweetie belle while she asked her sister Rarity if she could see Santa Clause that night. Of course, everything was in plan for there wouldn't be a story if it didn't. That night, the three grabbed their winter coats and met up in front of Ponyville's shopping center. "Right, so we remember the plan?" Apple Bloom asked her friends. They nodded "Let's do this!" Scootaloo said with glee, her young and fragile -(Hey!)- , wings flapping rapidly but with nowhere near enough strength to lift her up (Stop that!) They entered the store, the rush of excitement in full swing as they chattered excitedly about topics such as what their cutiemarks might look like, etc. "There's the line!" Sweetie belle whispered with glee then quickly jumped in, nearly crashing in to the colt in front of her. Apple Bloom handed the sack to Scootaloo who dove behind the sack of toys behind Sandy Claws's regal throne of cheery christmas cheer. I'm sure she would've flown if she could but- (Quit it!) Okay, okay...not... (What?!) Apple Bloom stood by a young mare, too busy looking at saddle bags to notice that she had stolen her shopping cart until she noticed that she placed her gift on the floor. After what felt like forever, because Scootaloo couldn't sell enough eggs to get a watch- (I am not a CHICKEN!)- Sweetie belle finally was able to sit in the lap of Sandy Claws, his cheeks jolly and his beard bushy. He laughed his joly laugh "Ho! Ho! Ho! Good evening little one. What would you like for Christmas?" He asked, repeating that same question to fillies and colts every where. Sweetie belle grinned with a hidden gleam of mischief in her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Scootaloo climb - not fly (Shut up!) - up the sack with her own sack ready, and oh so smoothly she said "I want you!" Careful Sweetie belle, you're getting a little too sweet there. (Creeper!) Scootaloo, shut up for a moment. (But- Hey!!) In a flash Scootaloo leapt off the burly sack of toys, throwing it first over Sandy's head then over his entire body. Apple Bloom came rushing in with her shopping cart as Sandy Claws was pushed in and Sweetie belle jumped in with him. Off they went! With Scootaloo and Apple Bloom driving, nothing bad can happen! (Don't jinx us!) Pass the surprised crowd of shoppers they rushed, zipping and zooming their way through the labyrinth of the shopping center with an entire pack of security guards yelling things at them like 'Stop!' and 'Get back here!' as if they were gonna pass up the chance of getting cutie marks. The security guards also yelled some other things -(What kind of things?)- I'm not allowed to use that kind of language. You were there, you should know! After nearly (Nearly?!) killing crashing into innocent shoppers, the crusaders believed they were safe. They lost the security guards at the ice cream stand. And so they continued on, freely flashing by ponies with heavy saddle bags and heavy ponies with saddle bags. "Um guys...?" Sweetie belle began but, it was too late to turn now as the cart flipped over and launched all 3 fillies and famous holiday-figurine into a fountain where Sandy Claws was able to poke his head out of the bag. To their demise, when the girls resurfaced, the group of security guards have caught up with them "Fillies, in the name of Ponnyvile's Shopping Center, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Santa Clause. One shouted into a megaphone. "He knows we can hear him, right?" Sweetie belle whispered into her friend's ears as they exited the fountain, all soaking wet. No quicker than they could say 'Naughty List' were they put in to a temporary cell as they waited for their guardians to come pick them up. "Come on, sir! It's Hearth's Warming Eve!" Apple Bloom Began. "We know what we did was wrong," Scootaloo continued, "And now we know that Christmas isn't about a giant lobster red pony or about a box covered in paper. It's about spending time with your family, worry free at the table with a feast!" "Can't you find it in your heart to let us go?" Scootaloo finished. All three of them stood there huddled, batting their eye lashes with innocent grins and eyes wide hopeful. They watched as the guard thought for a moment, oh he pondered indeed. Then he trotted over to their cell and got real close and then... "No."