Kaidan's Short Stories: Volume 2 - Mature / Gore

by Kaidan

11. M/Sex :: Huddle For Warmth

Mature Sex. Twilight. F/F. Unbirthing.

The train shook violently on the tracks, causing the occupants to hang on to the seats. Outside of the train car a blizzard was raging, and the strong winds threatened to knock it off the tracks.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said. Her voice was lost in the racket of the undercarriage. She was hanging on tightly to Dash’s side.

“Come on, it’s just a little wind, we’ll be fine.” Dash smiled, though she knew by the look on Twilight’s face it was unlikely to be fine.

The alicorn looked outside towards the Crystal Empire. Snow storms this strong were exceedingly rare. It threatened to strand the four ponies in the middle of nowhere if it kept up. “Scootaloo, you doing okay?”

“Yeah, if Dash isn’t scared, then I’m not either!” Scootaloo smiled, though she stayed right up against Dash’s side.

“If I’d known we’d have this much trouble practicing for the Equestrian Games I’d never have suggested we come,” Dash said.

“I had to inspect the course, I just didn’t expect a blizzard,” Twilight replied.

A strong gust shook the train, bringing the moment they had all feared. Their seat belts jerked them into the seats as the train car fell off the track.

Windows shattered and snow forced its way inside as the car slid to a stop in the deep snow. The lights went out, and the windows facing the sky were partly covered in loose snow.

“Everypony okay?” Twilight asked. Her horn helped illuminate the carriage and she unfastened her seatbelt. Thankfully, she hadn’t been injured in the crash.

“Yeah, I think so,” Dash answered. She was busy disentangling herself from Fluttershy and Scootaloo, eliciting a yelp from the filly.

“Ow! My side hurts,” Scootaloo stated.

Twilight got up and used her magic to open one of the windows overhead, and blow the loose snow off the others. Now that the setting sun was free to shine through the windows the four ponies could see better.

“Let me see, Scootaloo,” Fluttershy said. She began to examine the hurt filly.

“Twilight, go check and see if the conductor is okay.” Dash gestured to the others, “I’ll keep an eye on them for now.”

Twilight climbed out the window and looked around. The snow was falling heavily and the only two other train cars—the engine, and the coal car—were scattered ahead. She made the short flight to the engine and felt the icy wind cutting through her hair. Her wings were already going numb from the cold.

By the time she got there she regretted leaving the relative warmth of the train car, knowing they could easily die to exposure if they tried to go get help. Twilight found an open window and peered inside. The conductor hadn’t been wearing a seatbelt, as he was busy shoveling coal. There was nothing Twilight could do for him now.

After getting back to the others, Twilight closed the window behind her, leaving only a small crack for fresh air.

“Twilight, is the conductor—”

She shook her head, cutting Dash off. “It’s just us, we’ll need to find a way to stay warm until the morning.”

Fluttershy had found a blanket and wrapped Scootaloo up, but the filly was still trembling. “Twilight, she’s so much smaller than us I don’t know how we’ll keep her warm.”

“We’ll have to huddle for warmth, but I’m sure I can think of some spell to help us out.”

“I”ll go get help,” Dash said. “I can be there in ten seconds—”

“I doubt it,” Twilight interjected. “It’s got to be at least twenty below, plus the wind.” She shook her wings, flinging bits of snow and ice off the feathers. “I barely made it to the conductor, and flying faster will only make the windchill worse.”

“We can’t just sit here!”

“We don’t have a choice.”

Twilight used her magic to tear some of the cushioned benches off of the floor, shaking the broken glass off them. She then began lining them up until they fit together like bricks, forming a layer of bedding over the snow. After a few minutes, half the shattered floor of the train car had been turned into a large bed.

Fluttershy had found more blankets from somewhere in the train and got to work creating a little nest in the corner of the car. The cold air was starting to get to them. Without the power to the car there was no heat, and the windows didn’t have much in the way of insulation.

At last the four ponies had bundled up together in the corner of the car. The few blankets they had were wrapped around them all, and the icy cushions were finally warming up.

Twilight searched her mind for spells, quickly going through most of the normal ones. She saw Scootaloo’s nose turning blue, and she was still shivering despite both Fluttershy and Dash wrapped around her. Even the full grown mares might not last the night, and it wasn’t like she could light a fire inside the train car.

There were some ‘other’ spells Twilight knew. These spells were a guilty pleasure of hers. When it was a cold lonely night, Twilight could conjure all manner of objects and fantasy stallions to please her. She figured one day she’d meet the right stallion to date, and surprise them with her wide repertoire of sexual spells.

The spell in question, that could keep them warm, was one she hadn’t tested yet and wasn’t sure what would happen. One look at Scootaloo let her know it was time to test it. Yet, if it didn’t work, it might injure the filly.

She didn’t want to alarm her friends, so she cast a spell to cause them to fall asleep. They began to snore softly as Twilight levitated Scootaloo over to her.

“T-Twilight? D-did you f-find a way to m-make me w-warm?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes, don’t worry.” Twilight parted the blankets below her, setting Scootaloo down at her hind legs. “I need you to trust me, Scootaloo.”

The shivering filly nodded, as Twilight’s horn began to glow. She inhaled and tried to relax her muscles, making modifications to the spell as it was never intended to be used quite like this.

Scootaloo felt something warm and moist against her hind legs. Her hooves were being gripped tightly by Twilight’s marehood. Despite the slickness and the smell, it was comfortable and warm. She looked up at Twilight, and her smile vanished. “Twilight? What are you doing?”

“I can keep you warm, inside me. It’ll just be until we get rescued.”

“Uh, okay, I trust you.” She bit her lip apprehensively, but as the magic slid her in past her flanks she began to relax. It was more than warm, it was perfect. Already feeling was returning to her hooves. Scootaloo felt muscles clench down around her and pull her further in. She wasn’t sure what to make of the spell, but it was like wearing a perfectly heated blanket that massaged every inch of skin at the same time.

Twilight moaned, not expecting this spell to feel so good. She bit her lip to stifle the moan, as her magic continued to spread out her insides to make room to accommodate the filly. This had to be done to save her life, and Twilight decided the enjoyment was just a fringe benefit.

A strong contraction pulled her wings in, pinning them to her side. Scootaloo moved her legs around to get comfortable as she slid in up to her neck. “Hey, will I be able to breathe?” She was starting to be pulled in faster and faster, and wasn’t sure what to expect next. Already she had curled her legs up and felt safe and secure, as if it wasn’t even cold outside anymore.

“Yeah—” Twilight bit her lip, cutting herself off. Scootaloo was wiggling around inside her muscular birth canal. It was unlike anything she had ever felt, and made it hard to focus on the spell. Luckily, Scootaloo was so far in that her body could only pull her in deeper.

Twilight felt Scootaloo smushed up against something, and she couldn’t push the filly in any farther. Scootaloo’s face still poked out of her labia, but Twilight didn’t want to let any part of Scootaloo get cold.

“Thanks, Twilight, this is perfect! But uh, weird, you know?” Scootaloo asked.

“Y-yeah. You’ll be safe now,” Twilight replied. The magic, or perhaps the filly in between her legs, was warming Twilight up. The spell seemed to be working perfectly, but she had to finish getting Scootaloo deeper inside where she’d be safe.

Her horn glowed and she bit her lip as she slowly parted her cervix, numbing it to the pain. Scootaloo felt something shift, and started to get pulled further inside. “Uh, Twilight?”

There was a wet plopping sound as Twilight’s marehood closed over Scootaloo’s head. She slowly slid down the canal into the womb, the muscles tightening down around her as she slid further inside.

The wiggling inside her was driving Twilight mad. The building pressure, the pulsing muscles, and the bulge of warm pony traveling into her was driving her towards a climax. She had never tried a toy as large as a pony before, and wondered if the spell could be modified, before focusing back on the task at hoof.

Scootaloo felt more room now that she was in Twilight’s womb. It had been shaped by the magic to accommodate her. “Wow, thanks Twilight! This is even better.”

“Mmhmm,” Twilight moaned. She let the spell fade from her horn, and felt her cervix closing back up. The filly inside her curled up and felt so delightfully warm.

As the womb sealed shut, Scootaloo began to panic. “Hey, Twilight, why’s it getting smaller? Twilight?”

She heard the filly and lowered a hoof to her marehood. “Shh, it’s okay, Scootaloo, go to sleep.”

Twilight’s hoof began to rub up and down, parting her lips and stimulating her towards the orgasm that had been building this whole time.

The night was brutally cold. By the time Dash woke up, the only thing she could feel was the two ponies pushing against her under the blanket. Twilight still seemed to be warm, somehow, whereas Fluttershy and herself were icy cold.

“Twilight?” Dash began to shiver, flexing her legs. Her hooves and wings were numb and she recalled lessons in flight camp about frostbite. “Where’s Scootaloo?”

Fluttershy seemed to wake up at the mention that the filly was missing. “What? Scootaloo? Oh no, I can’t feel my hooves!”

“Relax, girls. Scootaloo is fine, I found a spell that’ll keep you both warm,” Twilight explained.

“Really? Where’d she go?” Dash asked.

“It may sound a little strange, but I modified a spell to keep her warm! She’s safe, inside my belly,” Twilight said. “Look.”

Dash glanced over and saw a shapely bulge, like a pregnant pony would have. “You can’t be s-serious?”

“Fluttershy, Dash, you’re my friends and look at how cold you are. Yet I’m nice and warm. Please, the storm is still going full strength and you barely lasted one night! Let me help you.”

“I uh. . . um if Dash says it’s safe,” Fluttershy said.

“Well, I trust you Twilight. If you say it’s safe, and I already lost the feeling in my legs,” Dash said. “What do we have to do?”

“Well, Scootaloo was much smaller so I’ve been thinking about the spell. I think it’ll work, but if you two could just hug each other? Get a little smaller?”

The two ponies began to clutch to each other, realizing how ice cold the other was. Dash felt Fluttershy’s heartbeat against her chest. “Ok.”

“Now, I’ll just slide your hind legs in and only push you up into my pussy, so you’ll be warm. You don’t have to go all the way in,” Twilight explained.

“Uh, y-yeah just h-hurry it’s c-cold,” Fluttershy stated.

She lit up her horn and began the process. Dash felt her hind legs enter a gaping hole. Looking down she saw Twilight’s marehood stretched open like the jaws of a predator. “What about Scootaloo?”

“She’s fine,” Twilight said dismissively.

Fluttershy squeaked as she felt smooth muscle tighten around her flanks. She wiggled her hind legs and felt nothing but more warm folds of flesh. As the magic slid her in further, she began to get frightened and looked at Dash.

The two ponies were being smooshed together in their embrace as Twilight’s vagina tugged them deeper inside. Dash offered a smirk to Fluttershy. “Hey, it’s okay.” There was a sucking sound as they slid in a little further, the canal now half-way up their sides.

Twilight was biting her lips hard, trying not to groan loudly. The feeling of the two ponies stretching her out as they slid inside was incredibly arousing. Their legs and wings wiggling made it even better as they massaged her insides.

Dash gulped as the muscles continued spreading a slimy coating over her, and tugging at her shoulders. Feeling was returning to her legs and with the threat of freezing to death out of the way, she was beginning to realize what an awkward situation they were in. Dash wouldn’t be able to explain to anypony exactly how Twilight had saved her life.

Fluttershy felt Twilight’s belly expanding and making more room for them as her neck was swallowed. Now that the two ponies had only their heads outside of Twilight’s marehood, they expected her to stop. Instead, they felt another contraction as they slid in deeper.

“Hey, Twi, you can stop now,” Dash said. She pushed with her hind legs and tried to wiggle her head to a better position.

“The spell isn’t over, you have to go just inside for my pussy to close and stay warm. I promise, it’ll be okay until we’re rescued,” Twilight said. Now that they couldn’t see her, she was moaning softly and rubbing her hooves over her breasts.

“It’s okay, Dashie,” Fluttershy offered. “We’ll be okay.”

Another contraction pulled them a few inches deeper and the stretched pussy lips of Twilight became suddenly taut, closing up over their heads. Their hair was still hanging outside of Twilight, but was slowly sliding inside with them.

It was dark, with only some pinkish light getting in, yet Fluttershy and Dash could still breathe. They were sandwiched face to face and began blushing as they were forced to kiss each other.

“Heh, tight fit, Flutters?” Dash chuckled and shifted to get into a better position. She heard somepony moaning loudly as muscles spasmed around them.

“Twilight, that hurts!” Fluttershy said. She writhed around, but it seemed to make the contractions worse.

Twilight was hit by her first orgasm as one hoof rubbed her belly and another, drenched in her juices, worked towards her clitoris. Her spell was winding down as the womb expanded and the cervix began to expand and enclose the two ponies inside.

Dash felt like she had a little more room but was still curled up around Fluttershy, unable to do much but hug her and shift her legs if one of them got pinched.

“It is kind of nice, Dashie, so warm. . .” Fluttershy yawned, nuzzling into Dash’s neck.

“Yeah, kinda messed up but it feels so good. . .” Dash felt drowsiness washing over her as well.

The cervix slowly sealed around them, enclosing them into the womb. Between the warmth, and the spell Twilight was casting on them, neither pony stayed awake for long.

Twilight continued rubbing at the two ponies in her womb. Despite putting them to sleep, they still shifted constantly inside her. With her magic freed up for other uses, she conjured up a vibrating toy and slid it inside her marehood. It had tightened up, like the neck of a balloon, to its normal size. Only the womb where the two ponies now rested was still expanded.

As such, the vibrator hit her clit nearly instantly, sending a shiver down her spine. She spent the day playing with herself and nurturing the two ponies by rubbing her belly. Exhaustion finally set in and she fell asleep.

Dash woke up first and felt like something was wrong. The womb felt much wetter than before, and her body seemed to tingle all over. “Twilight? Hey, Twilight!”

Outside, the mare began to wake up, hearing a faint mumbling from inside her sealed womb. She started to rub the bulge in her belly hoping they’d go back to sleep. “Shh, time for sleep little babies,” Twilight cooed.

Panicked and unsure why there was a hoof rubbing her side, Dash stretched out and tried to push her way out. She prodded several areas but couldn’t find any sign of the canal Twilight had slid them up to get them inside her.

Being safe or warm was the farthest thought from Dash’s mind as she struggled to get free. That’s when she realized what had alarmed her: she wasn’t breathing. Dash could not breathe, yet wasn’t suffocating. She felt something tug at her belly, causing a sharp jolt of pain to go through her.

Dash couldn’t make out much in the dim light, but was able to find and feel a long cord coming out of her belly. If she didn’t know better, she’d think it was an umbilical cord.

Fluttershy woke up, due to all of Dash’s thrashing about. She stretched and tried to give a yawn, only to feel that her lips had been sealed shut. She began moaning in panic, quickly realizing her lungs were also not breathing.

“Twilight! Let us out, now!” She tried to give a solid punch to her belly, causing a small bump to appear to Twilight on the outside.

“Shh, it’s okay, it feels so good when you struggle,” Twilight said. She ran a hoof over her belly. “And Scootaloo was younger and didn’t give me nearly as much fun.”

Dash was having trouble hearing Twilight through her womb. There was a loud heartbeat drowning most of it out. “Twilight! Sto—mmph!” Skin seemed to creep over Dash’s snout like liquid, pouring across her lips and sealing them shut. The tingling skin solidified quickly, cutting off her ability to speak.

The rising fluid soon engulfed the two ponies, bathing them in a warm buoyant solution. Now, they had neither the mouths nor the air to complain to Twilight.

Fluttershy couldn’t quite figure out what was going on, having been slightly younger and regressed more quickly than Dash. She only knew she was trapped inside Twilight, her mouth gone, and her hooves so soft it was like they almost weren’t even there. Her ears seemed muffled or absent, and her eyes were largely useless.

A feeling of warmth spread through Fluttershy’s belly, as the umbilical cord drained her energy and nutrients from her. It was almost euphoric as she drained away, though from her point of view Fluttershy didn’t realize her dire situation.

Dash felt her marehood tightening up and shrinking, sealing itself shut. Her body had rapidly devolved until she had only a urethra and anus remaining, and all her hair had vanished. She looked like an alien inside the womb, had she the eyesight to see it.

Outside, Twilight was covered in the blankets and thrusting a magic dildo the size of a fire hydrant into her marehood. The loose, stretched cunt had grown from absorbing the ponies. This caused Twilight to seek larger items to simulate that wonderful feeling of a pony. The bulge traveled up nearly all the way to her womb as she thrust it in and out. The building speed was causing her to breath hard in short gasps. Twilight had lost count of the numerous orgasms, but as long as the two ponies kept wiggling she knew she’d have plenty more.

Dash couldn’t remember how long it had been. Her legs were so short they were almost useless, yet she had found Fluttershy and held on tightly. The two were little more than the size of newborn foals now.

Neither one of them knew much about what had happened. Their brains had been steadily shrinking, their eyes had undeveloped, and all their distinguishing features vanished. They had only their heartbeats remaining, as they held tightly to each other.

Their transparent skin would have given an observer a good view of their various organs slowly shrinking and vanishing. Their sense of touch was the only comfort they had left.

Fluttershy squirmed as she felt an odd pain. Her heart had stopped beating as it dissolved. The umbilical cord that was absorbing her was still providing enough blood flow and nutrients to keep her alive. She wanted to scream, or escape, but was little more than a lump of flesh, unable to even cry.

Dash clutched her tightly when she felt the heart stop, fearing she was dead. Moments later her own heart stopped. Fluttershy drifted out of her grasp as Dash’s muscles grew too weak to hang on.

The two floated in the womb, slowly vanishing. Dash felt her awareness being tugged at and sucked down the umbilical cord. She began mentally screaming out loud for help. Dash felt the muscle and skin shift around her until her mind stopped moving. The next time she screamed she got an answer.

“Hey, Dash, shooo, it’ll be okay,” Twilight said. She rubbed a hoof over her newly plumped up teats, where Dash’s mind had taken residence.

“Twilight, what’d you do to me?” Dash asked.

“You’re part of me now, forever! Just like Fluttershy and Scootaloo.”

Dash moaned as Twilight teased her breasts, kneading at them so Dash could feel it.

“I’m kinda itchy, Twilight,” Fluttershy said.

A hoof wandered over to scratch her flank, where Fluttershy was. Before Dash could ask, she heard Scootaloo speak up. “Hey, Dash! Look, I’m a cutie mark now!”

“Ugh, isn’t this great? Fluttershy is ass fat and I’m a pair of tits!” Dash wanted to be angry, but felt magic slowly gripping at her nipples.

“You’re lucky, Dash, the breasts are highly sensitive. We’ll have so much fun together!”

Hooves stepped onto the train car, sending an echo through it. Twilight became aware of several ponies walking across the top of the train.

“Twilight!” Applejack shouted.

“In here,” Twilight called back.

“Do you think they came to rescue us?” Fluttershy asked.

A moment later, one of the train windows was busted open and Applejack jumped in, followed shortly by Big Mac and Thunderlane.

“Thank heavens you’re alright! But where are the others?” Applejack asked.

“They tried to go for help, I was hurt in the crash. Didn’t they send you?”

“No, we came because we heard how bad the storm was.”

“Eeyup,” Mac added.

“Then. . . they’re dead?” Twilight gulped, hiding her grin to put on an excellent act.

“Ah, uh. . . let’s get ya home, Twilight,” Applejack said.

“Did ya gain weight?” Big Mac asked.

Thunderlane started to laugh while Applejack shook her head in shame. “Ya don’t ask a mare that.” She glanced at Twilight, noticing that her belly was larger, and her wings did seem bigger. “But uh, ya do look like ya grew some.”

“Oh, alicorns continue to grow, that’s why Celestia is so big! I doubt it was anything I ate,” Twilight said. “The sun will set soon and the storm is still going, maybe we should wait for morning,”

Applejack turned to her brother and Thunderlane. They both nodded. “Makes sense, sis.”

“Alright, we brought some winter supplies. Let’s get it all in here for the night.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Several days ago Twilight, Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo went missing after their train from the Crystal Empire crashed. We didn’t want to worry you, and sent out a search party consisting of Applejack, Big Mac, and Thunderlane.

The search party never reported back. Please, we need your help and should have come to you in the first place! Our friends are stuck out in the blizzard, can you help us find them?

Spike, Pinkie, Rarity