Saiyan of Equestria

by Boyzilla

Chapter 42: Destiny of the Twins


Chapter 42: Destiny of the Twins

The sky above, dark and cloudy, begin to sprinkle down water upon the land. As if the world cried for the horrifying tragedy that not only took place, but is to escalate in a battle between siblings, a bond that was to forever change with the oncoming event.

Was it destiny, a predetermined fate for both Ken and herself, Kira, to fight against each other? A battle not of a friendly spar, but as enemies? Was this it? Their battle to the death? Is there any possible way to prevent the oncoming fight against her own twin brother? And if they both survive, will things ever be the same again? Will they enjoy peace? Or will there always be hatred and sorrow hidden deep within them both?

A red shroud of energy swirled around the battlefield, originating from the point of a corrupted super saiyan Ken. His arms bent out, hands outstretched as claws and his eyes set upon Kira.

"Kakarot." Ken stated as he continued to stare at her.

Kira began walking toward her twin, her hands clenched in fist and her muscles tensing. Her tail swayed ever slowly behind her as she took step by step toward Ken.

Lyra tried to speak up, "Kira wait-"

But it was so obvious to Lyra and everypony else, Kira was not going to heed them. She was transfixed on Ken, drops of rain pouring down her face only added to the intensity of her determination.

Kira stopped a few meters from Ken, standing tall and she starred right back at him.

"Ken." Kira replied to her brother, her voice filled with sadness.

An aura of gold burst around Kira, her hair spiking upward and shifting into the same color. Her muscles grew in size slightly, and her eyes changing into an teal green hue. Kira's body took on her fighting stance, her now golden tail wiggling behind in slow anticipation as Kira's saiyan blood began to boil for battle.

Ken's own aura flared out, crimson energy spiking in multiple directions around his body as Ken visibly clenched his teeth as his hands closed themselves into fist.

Thunder echoed through the sky.

"ARRRHH!" Ken roared out, the ground cracking beneath his feet as his Ki levels shot up drastically.

"Ahhh!" Kira shouted, raising her hands to her sides as her aura burst outward.

With the two powers rising higher and higher, the sky sounded with thunder, the rocks breaking into pebbles and then into dust, cracks in the earth made themselves apparent by growing larger. The rain seem to halt itself as if the planet braced itself for a battle of giants.

Ken and Kira glared at each other with so much intensity that electricity began to form between their two positions. Before all hell broke loose.

Ken shot forward, faster than a bullet could ever reach, Kira replied promptly by charging forward as well.


Their arms collided against each other in a implosion of Ki energy blasting outward, Kira struggled against her powerful twin brother, but purposely let her strength slide, causing Ken to fall forward toward her in which Kira kneed him in the chest.

The strike to Ken's chest sent him flying three feet upward, until Kira grasped on to his right foot and forced him back down, giving him a gift of a solid fist to his chin. Ken recovered with surprising speed, slapping a kick across Kira's face and whipping his tail on her shoulder.

Kira thrusts her right hand forward, her palm open as a Ki blast formed and proceed to explode. The Ki attack shot Ken away from her; Kira leaped into the air and placing her hands in front of her forehead.

"Masenko... " She started to say, a ever spiking yellow Ki blast forming in front of her coupled palms.

Ken appeared behind her out of the blue; Kira noticed him too late before she felt a fist collide with her back, pain flaring from the area of impact as she tumbled down toward the ground.

Our young heroine landed on her hands, front flipping forward and landing upright. She turned around, a Swirling Sphere forming in her left hand as Ken approached her with breath taking speeds. Kira aimed her technique to Ken's chest, but her brother appeared more flexible then she gave credit as he bent out of the way and struck Kira's own chest with an open palm. Kira fell to the ground, Ken coming on top of her if she hadn't kicked him off with her legs sending him flying just above her and crashing behind her.

They both stood back up, and vanished in a blinding display of speed.

The sky suddenly echoed with sounds of high speed collision impacts as gold and red streaks of color sped across the dark clouded sky, colliding with each other every few seconds.

Kira flew right above her twin, she spun around and shot her right leg into Ken's side. Ken grabbed her leg, and used his superior strength to toss her straight into a mountain side. The little girl crashed right into it, the mountain cracking and crumbling under the extreme force exerted on to it before collapsing all together.

A blinding source of gold light shone through the rubble, before it all flew away from the origin point revealing the super saiyan Kira.

Kira leaped from the ground straight at her brother, she thrusts her right fist forward which Ken caught, and then her left which he also grasped. They pushed against each other, their aura's colliding with one another shooting forth sparks of pure Ki that formed electricity.

Kira bit her lip, Ken was as strong as ever, in fact he was stronger than he ever was before.

"Ken... " She muttered, "Snap out of it!" She yelled in his face.

Ken's eyes dug into Kira's soul, "Kakarot... Strong."

"Ken! Why you do this, please stop!" Kira begged her twin.

"ARRRRRG!" Ken screamed, his head ran forward slamming into Kira's own.

Kira let go, disorientated from the headbutt, Ken took advantage of Kira's moment of weakness. The corrupted child grasped Kira's shirt and slammed his right knee into her stomach.

"ACK!" Kira grasped in pain, spitting out some saliva the moment Ken kneed her.

Ken slammed again, and again, until Kira's body lit up in Ki energy and it exploded outward. Sending both twins in the opposite direction of each other through the air.

Kira caught herself mid-air, she was already becoming tired. "I've fought... All day... Today... I haven't recovered... " She said to herself, trying to catch her breath. "Nii-san... "

The little eight year old girl looked toward the direction of the ponies down on the ground, sheltered in safety. They seem to be preparing, but they still needed Ken to stand still. Which Kira was trying, she really was! But she's just so tired, her Ki never had returned fully back to her during that small rest period between Ziek Foreton and Ken's strange transformation.

Ken appeared behind her, but she vanished quickly in an afterimage, he vanished soon after. Multiple resounding impacts of fist and legs colliding echoing through the air. Making white circular air distortions in their wake.

Ken reappeared, his tail glowing with crimson energy before he whipped it in front of him. A slicing blade of Ki piercing through the air to where Kira just appeared, she ducked, the blade of Ki shredding the tip of spiky super saiyan hair, letting lose some strands.

The beloved brother of Kira was engaging her in a instant, she didn't even get a chance to defend herself as he struck her with a combination of wild punches and kicks. A fist slammed into Kira's nose, causing her to fly back.

She caught herself yet again, drips of blood pouring down her nose which she wiped off with her right wristband. She looked up toward Kira, but her vision was blurry and unfocused. Kira had to squint her eyes before she could see Ken coming right at her.

'I can do this... I have to do this! Or else Ken will like this forever!' Kira thought to herself, raising her clenched fist in a fighting position.

Ken reached her position, and an burst of Ki appeared around her as she flew right above Ken, placing her foot on Ken's hand and boosted herself higher, upside down Kira cupped her hands together to her side.

"Kamehameha!" She quickly yelled, releasing a wave of blue Ki that struck Ken in the back and pushed him down to the ground below. A crater forming with a explosion of blue and gray smoke.

As the smoke cleared for our little hybrid girl to see if her attack did anything, a wave of yellow Ki burst forth from the smoke. Kira didn't have any time to dodge and crossed her arms to protect herself the Ki attack exploded outward on impact. Smoke and dust erupting from Kira's position before it was revealed her still crossing her arms, but they were bloodied and burnt.

The Red Super Saiyan Ken leaped from the crater Kira's Kamehameha Wave had created earlier, spiking Ki energy in his left hand as he floated into the air right across from his sister. Kira saw him look intently at her, she ignored the pain coursing through her arms and created a swirling sphere of energy in her right palm. Electric currents cracking around it as its many points swirling around in a circular design.

Both of them were breathing heavily, each of their Ki energy reserved halved or nearly depleted. The sky crackled with thunder and lighting, two twins, siblings, yet children bearing the cruel fate of having to fight each other to such an extreme intensity.

"Ken... " Kira muttered.

"Ki- Kakarot... " Ken replied.

Kira's eyes widened, Ken was still in there! He almost said her name for the first time in that crazy super saiyan state!

"Ken! I know you're still in there! Come back to me nii-san!" Kira cried out to him, desperate to get some other reaction.

"Kakarot!" Ken screamed at her before flying toward her with a burst of Ki around him.

"Ken!" Kira screamed back, charging at him with her own Ki aura surrounding her.

They charged at each other, thrusting forth each of their melee Ki techniques at the exact same moment, aiming for each other's chest. But colliding the techniques each other, their aura's imploding out from their bodies in huge bursts of Ki energy enveloping them together.

Silence... Kira could hear nothing, her ears muted from the sounds as she looked into Ken's eyes, who was doing the same. Ignoring the techniques that both were trying to overtake the other. Tears rolled down both their cheeks, they hated this, there was nothing good in this fight, nothing at all. Where was the love? The kindness? Where did the laughter and joy run off too?

Where did everything go? Why were they subjected to such horrors, why them?

Why them...


The memories of the time before seemed so distant, yet so close as if they could forget all this and go back to a more peaceful time. Kira smiled, remembering a time where they played together with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a time where they trained together with their Godfather Raze, a time where they ate peacefully with their beloved mother who saved them from the terrors of the past.

Only for this to happen, only for the past to catch up with them once more. Bringing sorrow and destruction in its wake, breaking apart bonds of love, peace, and happiness.

Kira continued to stare at her brother's eyes, seeing the pain within as clear as the cover of a book.

She couldn't stand it, to see the pain, her heart ached more painfully than any Ki blast or physical blow could ever do.

She mentally nodded to herself, she would save Ken! Even at the cost of her own life, she had too! It was her duty, her right as his sister to save Ken from the hurt, even if its from himself.

With new found fulfillment, a new goal, determination with nothing else to lose. She let loose everything, her power exploded to greater heights, an electric aura enveloping her from for a brief instant as she overcame her brother's strength. Her new temporary power made her Swirling Sphere tear through Ken's attack, before it exploded outward.

And her vision went white.