Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Pleasant Fields: Arrival

Two very large chapters in one day :D YES! I beat my last personal best XD

Chapter 85

The next day

"That everything Frederic?" I asked as I stood outside of the Everfree Forest.

Frederic nodded, "Yep! I got enough food to last us a month!... or a few hours, knowing you."

I waved him off, "Oh you. I won't eat it all... at once."

He chuckled and waved towards the forest, "Let's go then! Get a move on boy, I gotta see this pleasant little town!"

I began to walk down the path, "Okay, then follow the brony!"

He laughed and trotted beside me, "That's easy."

I looked up, "Is that so?"

Before he respond, I shot forward, ready to race.

Frederic smiled and adjusted the straps on his saddlebags, "Oh, you're going down Lance!" And with that, he shot forward.

I had a large lead on him, but damn, he's still pretty damn fast!

Frederic caught up to me in no time, "Still slow Lance!"

I held up a hoof, "Maybe.. but watch this."

{Break, you may take over.}

Break took control and pushed my mind back, taking over my body, "Well, hey there Frederic! You ready for a real challenge?"

Frederic looked over and smiled, "Hey there Break. How you doing? Also, eat my dust!"

Frederic pulled ahead, but was pulled back when Break grabbed his tail, "Oh no you don't!"

Break held onto Frederic's tail, just trailing him.

Frederic stopped suddenly and Break shot ahead a few feet before turning around, "What? Can't handle the Break?"

Frederic chuckled, "I'm not even going to try and race you Break. You cheat to much."

Break bowed, "Thank you my good man."

{Okay, you had your fun. Give me control again.}
[Awwww... but that was fun!]
[Ugh! Fine!]

I felt a cool feeling wash over my body as I was given control of my body again. I then looked at Frederic, "Okay, lets get moving."

Frederic nodded, "I can't wait to see this town!"

And skip ahead four days of walking. It was uneventful, unless you consider Lance eating the wrong kind of berries eventful XD

"LANCE YOU DUMBASS!" Fredric screamed as we sprinted down the dirt path.


Behind us was a large crowd of pissed off monkey's... yes, I said monkey's! Well, not really monkey's, chimps if you would prefer... damn, off topic!



Frederic looked ahead and veered off to the right into the forest, "SHIT!"

Up ahead was another group of chimps, all pissed off. Yeah, lets follow Frederic.

I followed him through the undergrowth. The sounds of hoots and screeches could be heard behind us.

"FUCK!" Frederic yelled out from up ahead.

When I arrived, I yelled out the same thing. In front of us was a steep cliff, at least a hundred feet down.

We turned to see the group of primates, all smiling at the easy catch.

I jumped up and hugged Frederic, "It was nice knowing ya man!"

"Same here man!"

As the monkey's advanced, I felt like I needed to say something, "Frederic?"

"Yeah Lance?"

"I have a confession to make."

He looked at me, "What is it?"

I took a deep breath, "I used swords to dig a ditch... and I used you're tooth brush for a sex toy one night when Twilight was feeling a little extra horny.."

His mouth hung open, "You used my swords to dig a freaking ditch?! Wait... you did what with my tooth brush?!"

I stepped back and began to act out what I was saying, "Well Twilight wanted a little extra stimulation on her marehood, so I used it there. She also tied me up and stuck it in my... you get the picture.... we had a lot of fun with that little tooth brush that night... We sure do miss it."

Frederic began to gag, "AHHHHHHH! I've been using it a lot lately! AHHHH WHY!"

<Uhh, Lance, why are the monkey's just looking at us?>

I looked at the chimps to see them all standing there, a few laughing.

Frederic was still gagging, trying to make himself throw up.

Soon, the group of monkey's began to advance again.

I backed up and sighed, "Whelp, we're screwed."

<Oh, only if we had wings!>

I facehoofed, "We have wings Frederic..."

"I freaking forgot!"

I jumped up, followed by Frederic. The crowd of chimps began to rage at their lost chance for revenge.

I laughed and flew above their out reached arms, "Oh, look! The monkey's wanted to kill me!"

Frederic just laughed and hovered in place.

I flew over to the edge to look down in, "Wow, that is deep."

Suddenly, a very angry monkey charged out of the group and jumped for me. I shifted to the side, causing the monkey to fly past me and into the gorge.

I looked down to see it falling, its arms stretched upward. I began to laugh and point, "Stupid monkey!"


What just hit me in the... SICK! "Run Frederic! They're slinging their crap!"

Frederic was whipping some off his face also, "I know!"


Another hit his face, "Oh God! They're accurate!"


We then turned in mid-air and bolted away.

The next day

"So close... must continue... oh fuck it." I said as I collapsed in pain. I need food! And Frederic won't give me any!

He looked at me and shook his head, "You shouldn't have used my tooth brush as a play thing."

I groaned, "Please give me the food!"

He sighed, "Fine, but just because you're freaking annoying when you're hungry." He pulled a sandwich out of his pack and tossed it to me.

I smiled and jumped into the air and caught it in my mouth. I then swallowed the whole thing in one bit, "Drink please!"

He sighed and pulled out my favorite drink, Coke! He tossed it to me.

I jumped into the air again and caught it in my mouth. I landed and broke the cap off with my teeth, I then chugged the entire bottle in five seconds flat.

[Take that Rainbow Dash!]
<Say that to her face.>
[... Nah, I'm good...]

I tossed the empty bottle to the side and burped, "Oh yeah! That hits the bucking spot!"

Frederic sighed, "Glad you're happy... that was the last Coke in all of Equestria."

My mouth hung open, but then I smiled, "So damn worth it though."

two hours later, high noon. 1/2 mile from Pleasant Fields

"Dude, I gotta piss!" I said as I stopped by a bush.

Frederic sighed and continued to walk, "Hurry up."

I chuckled and walked over to the bush. I then stood up on my hind legs and released the river!

[Old habits never die old.]
<What do you mean?>
[Look at us! We're pissing while standing up!]
<Oh... OH HAHAHA!]

*Sound of bushes moving*

I looked down, "Huh?"

Suddenly, a squirrel jumped out and latched onto my nu.... yeah, you know what it was grabbing.

I fell back and began trying to get it off, "NO! You can not have those nuts to store for the winter!" I finally knocked it off. I gave it a sharp kick and jumped to my hooves, "Come on! Try that shit again!"

The squirrel stood and smiled. It let out a small screech.

I cocked my head, "What are you.... OH MY GOD!"

Frederic continued to walk towards the town, he could barely see it, so close!

"AHHHHHHH!" He heard as I shot past him, screaming my head off.

"What did you do now?" Frederic asked as he kept trotting.


He turned and his mouth hung open, "SQUIRREL'S!" He turned and galloped after me.

Behind us, there was a squirrel wave... no I'm serious! Have you seen cartoons where animals or something is coming towards some one and its like its a freaking wave?! That's what was behind us! That squirrel wave must have been ten feet high!

"To the wind!" Frederic shouted as he jumped into the air and began to fly upward.

I soon followed, unfolding my wings and flying upward.

I looked back at the squirrel's and laughed. I pat my groin and smirked, "Those nuts are for me and me only!... Okay and Twi, but you get the point you stupid squirrel's!"

Three minutes later

Frederic and I landed on the outside of the town.

This town looked a lot like Ponyville, but the buildings were spread out a lot more. There were a few buildings pushed together to form little shops and the such. I could see the center of the town, a large stage.

[Nice town.]
<I agree! Lance, if the ponies here are as nice as the ones in Ponyville, could we please move here?!>
{We might.}

Frederic whistled, "Nice! I think I'm going to enjoy our stay here."

I nodded with a smile, "I think I will too. Shall we check out the town?"

Frederic nodded and took a step forward, "Lets."

We then proceeded to walk into the town.

All the ponies there all looked at me and waved, but didn't really pay attention to Frederic. In fact, I'm sure I caught a few giving him a worried look.

A few ponies walked past and gave their waves and good afternoon's.

I smiled and waved to another pony, "Yep, I'm gonna love this place."

Frederic was also smiling and looking at the buildings, "I'm so checking some of those out later."

"Welcome to Pleasant Fields Lance Greenfield." Said a voice behind us.

We turned to see a grey unicorn wearing a brown suit with long sleeves, and his eyes. Whoa, those eyes, they were almost pure blue. I smiled and held out my hoof, "Pleasure to meet you..."

"Draco." He answered for me.

I continued to smile, "Pleasure to meet you Draco... say, doesn't Draco mean dragon?"

He smiled and nodded, "It sure does! I love this name!" He then looked at Frederic with worry, "And, umm, who's your friend?"

I chuckled and gestured to Frederic, "This here is Frederic, Prince Frederic to be exact."

Frederic smiled warmly and extended a hoof, "You can just call me Frederic if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you Draco."

Draco looked at his hoof and slowly reached out and shook it, "Yes... a pleasure."

I looked around, "So, who's the mayor here?"

He chuckled, "We have no mayor. I'm the towns leader and tour guide. I just keep things in order, but nothing really happens here in Pleasant Fields. Most peaceful town in all of Equestria!"

I smiled, then tapped my chin, "But tell me, how do you know my real name?"

He just smiled, "Well, if we're going to let someone live in Pleasant Fields, we have to do a little research on them to make sure they're not violent."

I nodded, "Seems legit. Could you show us around town?"

He smiled, "Sure can, follow me."

Draco led me and Frederic through the town, showing us were all the stores were and where the houses were. About halfway through the tour, I heard my name called out from above.

Moments later, a dull red Pegasus landed in front of me, he extend his hoof, "Nice to finally meet you Lance Greenfield! My name is Red Storm, but please, just call me Storm."

I smiled and shook his hoof, "Nice to meet you Storm."

Storm was a dull red Pegasus, as stated before, and he was wearing a tan suit with short sleeves. His mane was dark blue green with a dark red streak in it. And yet again, those eyes! His were a pure dull orange.

Storm looked at Frederic and tried to smile, "Well hey there... Prince?"

Frederic chuckled and held out a hoof, "You may call me Frederic. Its a pleasure to meet you Storm."

Storm gulped and shook his hoof, "As is it a pleasure to meet you."

Draco walked up beside him and smiled, "I see you've met Storm. He's my assistant, and I must say. He's very good at his job."

Storm smiled proudly, "I sure am!"

I let out a small chuckle and yawned, "Could you take us to my new house? I would like to check it out."

Draco gave a quick nod, "Most definitely!"

He then led us to a house all by its self. It was separated from the rest of the buildings. Just the way I like it! YES!

We were lead inside, and I must say this. I LOVED THE DECOR! This place feels like it was made for me!

Draco smiled, "I take it as you like it?"

I nodded, "Yes! I love it!"

Draco smiled to Storm and turned to me, "Well, we have a few things to do. Do you mind if we step out and let you get settled in?"

I smiled, "Sure, we'll be fine."

They both smiled and left the house, closing the door behind them.

Frederic made his way to the hall, "I'm going to find the bedroom and I'm going to claim that bed as my bitch!"

I laughed, "Have fun with that."

{Do you two know what time it is?!}
[Uhhh, adventure time?]
<Close, but its explore our new house time!>
{Hell yeah dawn! You got it!}

I then began to go through all the shelves and all the containers in the living room. What? I'm a really curious kind of guy.

When ever we go to a hotel, I'm always going through everything, trying to find something interesting. And, the same applies for new houses.

Once I finished with the living room, I moved onto the kitchen. I went through all the cabinets, I took a five minute snack break when I reached the fridge. After the kitchen, I moved on to the bath room in the hall. Nothing in there but bath room type items.

[But... if its bath room type items. Where's the dick pleasure?!]
{Oh Break, you worry me sometimes.}

I moved on to what looked like a guest bedroom. Next was a hallway closet. In there, I found a pencil, but nothing else. Next up on the scavenger list was the main bedroom.

Inside, Frederic was on the bed, fast asleep. Time to go into stealth mode, like I use to do when I was trying to sneak into my moms room.

I went through everything, and came up empty. The last thing to search was the closet, but there wasn't anything in there.

As I backed out, Break yelled out in my mind.

[Loose board! Check it out!]

My eyes twinkled as I pulled the loose board up to reveal a... notebook? HELL YES! SCORE!

I pulled it out and looked at the front cover, "Forever a brony: Pleasant Fields?"

<Now, how would a bronies notebook be in the floor boards of this house?>
[Who cares! Reading material!]

I chuckled and sat on my haunches. I opened to the first page and began to read.


From the journal of Drake Alexander

April 7, 2013. I think.

Yep, it's time to start another journal. New town, new journal. I think I should explain this a little so who ever reads this, my kids maybe, will understand it fully.

If you haven't read my other journals, then ask me for them. If I'm not around anymore, then I don't know. I may put all those travel journals in a safe or something.

Anyway, like I was going to say: When ever I move to a new town, I start a new journal. That's why this journal's title says, 'Pleasant Fields'.

I'm getting off topic, sorry about that. A few days ago, while I was staying in the town of Hoofton, I received a letter inviting me to live in the town of Pleasant Fields. Of course I was happy to accept the offer.

After walking for four days straight, I arrived in the small town.

The ponies greeted me pleasantly, making me feel welcome.

It's a lovely little town, better than most of the towns back on Earth.

While I was taking in the sights, a Grey unicorn walked up to me.

He introduced himself as Draco, the towns leader slash tour guide. he was accompanied by a dull red Pegasus, who's name turned out to be Storm. I couldn't see their cutie marks because they were covered by their clothes.

Well, they were very nice, even showed me the entire town. They introduced me to a few ponies and showed me my house.

My house was great! It has all the decor I've always loved! Old and country! How did they know I liked it that way?

I guess I should end this entry. I'm plum tired from my traveling. See ya future reader, who ever you are.

April 8, 2013

Today was even better than yesterday! Draco showed me the towns bakery. And dayum! This town sure knows how to make its baked sweets!

I swear, I've never ate so much sugar and chocolate at one time! I'm so going back after all this sugar passes through my system.

Also, today, Storm showed me the towns theater. No, not a real one, but with actors. And if I was a critic, I would give their performance a 10/10 It was that good!

I must ask him if I could sing on stage sometime. I'm pretty good at it, but I do so much better if I can play a violin while singing. I don't know why though...

Anyways, I'm going to go check out the towns pool later. I heard it's a great place to socialize.

One last thing before I go: Never try and eat forty pounds of chocolate, it won't sit well with you.

See ya later future readers, I'm off to the pool!


Frederic rolled over and threw a pillow at me, "Get out man! I'm trying to sleep!"

I stood up and put the notebook on my back, "I'm leaving. Geez!"

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.


<I think we should get some sleep also Lance.>
{Awww! But I want to read the rest of this journal!}
<You can do it later, but right now, you need to rest.>
{Ugh! Fine! I'll rest, happy?!}

I trotted across the hall and into the guest room. I put the notebook on the nightstand. I then jumped into the air and landed on the bed.

Oh yes! This bed is so damn comfortable!

[Wait... WAIT! We should be the ones in the main bedroom! Not Freddy!]
<You said Freddy! HAHAHA!>
[I give no fucks about you right now Dawn!]
<Someones cranky.>
[... Fuck you Dawn, fuck you with a pair of scissors.]
{SLEEP! We are focusing sleep right now! Not bitching about one another!}

That shut them up, for now. I rolled over and looked out the window, seeing the sun sitting. Yeah, to tired to care that its still early.

I closed my eyes and felt sleep take hold.

Location: ???

"He brought the Alicorn Prince with him?! Really?!"

"I know, this is not according to plan. But, now we get two bodies with the energy in it."

"Yes, but Lance is our top priority right now."

"And his son?"

"We'll go for him after we've dealt with him and the Prince."

"Oh! I can't wait to start! When can we?!"

"Soon... very soon."

And there you have it! Two large chapters in one day :D hope you all enjoyed it.