Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Well now...

I think I did a good job with this :D I really like the first scene though... not sure why though XD

Chapter 84

Fluttershy blew on the soup, trying to cool it down. It may have taken her a little longer to make it, but she didn't mind. The pony should still be asleep in her bed.

She picked up the tray with the soup on it and placed it on her back. She then trotted upstairs, carefully balancing it.

When she reached her room, she carefully pushed the door open and trotted in. Inside, the pony was sitting up in the bed, looking out the window. But when she walked in, he turned to her and smiled.

Fluttershy eeped, but built up her courage and walked over to the bed, "How are you feeling?" She asked in a small voice, barely a whisper.

The pony chuckled, "I feel fine, a little sore, but fine."

Fluttershy put the tray in front of him and stepped back and looked him over.

The pony looked at the soup, his mouth watering, "Real food! Finally!" He then picked it up with his front hooves and put it to his lips. He tilted the bowl upward, drinking the soup deeply. When he finished, he put the bowl down and rubbed his stomach, "Oh thank God for that, I don't know how much longer I could have gone just eating that sterilized crap."

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, was he a... "Ummm, excuse me."

He looked at her and smile, "Yes?"

She gulped, trying to resist the urge to leave the room, "A-Are you a friend of Lance's?"

He rubbed his chin, "I know a Lance, but that was back on earth.... oh crap..."

Fluttershy cocked her head, "What?"

He smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, I just pretty much told you I wasn't from this world."

Fluttershy shrugged, "I-It's okay... there's other's here like you... have you met them yet?"

Now he looked confused, "What? There's others here like me? What does that mean?"

Fluttershy took a step back, "Uhh... there's other humans here. A-Are you a human?"

He nodded, "I am." He then tried to get out of bed, but hissed in pain and fell back on it.

Fluttershy ran over, and examined him, "Are you sure you're okay? I mean, there's bruises and cuts all over your body."

He chuckled awkwardly, "I'm okay, I promise. I've had worst done to me." Again, he tried to get out of bed, but it resulted in the same thing.

Fluttershy put her hooves on his shoulders and made him stop moving, "You have to stay in bed. You're hurt, and shouldn't be up and about."

He sighed and laid his head back, "Okay, I can do that."

Fluttershy then nodded and backed up, "So... could you tell me what happened... I mean, if that's okay with you."

The pony smiled and forced himself to sit up again, "Sure, but first, I should tell you my name. My name is Alexander, but I would prefer to be called Silver Charger, or Port if you prefer."

Fluttershy just looked at him, "I like that name, I mean, the name Alexander. It sounds interesting... Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, please, continue."

Alexander grinned, "Oh its fine. Now, I'll start from the very beginning." He cleared his throat and relaxed a little, "Well, about 10 months ago, the Rapture happened for us humans. When I was put in front of God, I was given a choice of where I go. So I chose the world of Portal."

Fluttershy raised her hoof into the air.

Alexander stopped his story and smiled, "Yes?"

She looked sheepish, "What's Portal?"

He laughed a little, "Oh, it's just a game we have back on earth. I've always enjoyed it and wanted to go live there... bad choice for me I guess. Anyways, may I continue?"

She nodded in response.

Alexander fixed his goggles and smiled, "Well, I was sent there, and it was fun for the first few days. I mean, other people went there, and I have to say. Most of them were just down right jerks! They were always trying to prove who's better, while I and a few others were just enjoying the Portal guns we had. After a few months, the others began to get more and more aggressive towards each other, each wanting control of the Enrichment Center. The AI GLaDOS did a good job at keeping control, but only for a while. Soon, they found the central processing plant. After that, everything went to hell. There was no control over what was happening, and people were doing what they wanted." He then sighed and shook his head, "I knew I had to get out of there, but I didn't know how. Luckily, when they broke out of the Enrichment Center, they made it were we could access the main labs. I was able to do a little research and test. After another month, I had made a break through, thanks to my friend Jinx. Sadly, the others heard of this and wanted out as well.... God, it was horrible! We barricaded the lab, but they used those damn Portal guns to get in! They forced me and Jinx to continue the work, and once we finish, they used the device we made to try and escape the facility. What we didn't tell them was that we were intending to go to another world, not just leave the facility. Some of them left, but most stayed and wanted us to do more research for them. Jinx didn't like that idea and told me we had to get that device and leave. To shorten this, we had to fight for it, but have you ever tried to fight off twenty fully grown men! Not easy, I'll tell you that, and it doesn't help when they're pros at Portals... anyways, we got away, but I don't know what world Jinx went to, but I don't care. All I know is I'm happy, and he's more than likely happy."

Fluttershy stood there, shocked at all the information she had just been given. She didn't understand some of what he said, but it all registered, "A-Are... Wow... I'm so sorry you had to go through that..."

He waved her off and smiled, "Don't worry about it, I'm happy here. All I know is that the device worked and it sent me to the world I desired. I should have came here in the first place... Oh well, live and regret."

Fluttershy smiled slightly and looked him over yet again, "Do you need anything else?"

He shook his head, "Nah, I'm fine... wait a second." He lifted his front hooves and looked at his blue bracelets, "Are those.... No way!" He pointed his left leg up ward and a strange ball of energy shot out. The ball of energy hit the ceiling, producing a circle. He then pointed his right hoof at the wall opposite of the bed.

Fluttershy jumped back in surprise, "Wh-What is that?"

He smiled and looked at his fore hooves, "Those, are Portal guns, or at least a version of them. I can't believe I still have it!"

She then looked at the two holes, one blue, one orange, "What are those?"

Alexander chuckled, "I'll show you." He picked up the pillow next to him and threw it through the orange hole. The pillow then fell through the blue hole and landed on his lap.

Fluttershy's mouth hung open, "How did you do that?!"

He smiled, "Science." He then laughed to himself.

Fluttershy cocked her head, "Can you show me more?"

He nodded, "I'd be happy to."

Ponyville, center of town

Play this, It was playing while I was typing, so it fits I guess XD

Violent Inferno laughed loudly and jumped forward, soaring towards me.

I smiled and twisted around. I then kicked backwards with my hind legs, but all they met was air.

"To slow!"

I looked to the side, but a pair of hooves slammed into my face, knocking me to the side.

I slowly stood and whipped my face, "So, you're fast, so what? You haven't seen..."

I was cut off by the sound of hoof hitting flesh. I flew back, holding my throat.

[I didn't even see him move!]
<Damn! It's hard to breath now!>

I lay on the ground, coughing, trying to stay in my transformation. Damn, without oxygen, I can't sustain this form!

Grace stepped in front of me, black flames curling up from her now spread wings, "Stay back! If you want a challenge, then face me!"

[Stay back boys, let the ladies handle this] Kill said, cracking her neck.
<Watch and learn, let us girls show you boys how to fight> Joy said, a smile on her face.

[Lance, get up! I'm not going to be shown up by a bunch of girls!]
<Calm yourself Break, let Lance regain his composure.>

Inferno smiled, "A little bitch is going to try and fight me? Pathetic." He then sprang forward, slamming into Grace.

But, Grace was ready for this kind of attack, and grabbed him. She pulled him up and stood on her hind legs, Inferno held tight in her forelegs. She smiled, "Do you know how flexible I am?"

She then slammed her body backwards, slamming Inferno's head into the hard cobblestone road. He hind legs were still on the ground, and her back was arched upward... damn, she is flexible!

Inferno looked dazed from the impact. Grace then swung her body back up and jumped forward, slamming Inferno into the ground a second time. Now, she was sitting on top of his chest, "Not so bad now, huh?"

He tried to laugh, but all that came out was a wheezing sound. Grace just laughed and began to slam her hooves into his face, "Come on! Come on! Unconsciousness, here we come!"

Suddenly, Inferno's hooves shot up and grabbed her front hooves. He smiled and jumped up, holding Grace at eye level by her forelegs, "Is this all you can.."


His head snapped to the side as I landed a few feet away, holding my chest. There was a few drops of blood dripping from a long cut across my chest... but how?! I hit him! Not the other way around!

I turned and looked at him, he had a large smirk on his face, "How did you do this?!"

He smiled, "Oh, just something I picked up while I was in a different dimension."

Omnius.... He learned this in Omnius's dimension?!

Inferno looked back to Grace and chuckled, "Now, lets remove one threat, shall we?" He then reared back his head and slammed it into hers, knocking her out almost instantly.

My blood began to boil, a new feeling taking over, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HITTING MARES?!"

I sprang forward, and slammed into him. I then began to slam my hooves into his unprotected face, leaving big blotches of burnt fur.


My head snapped back as his hoof slammed into it, and I'm pretty sure he just broke my snout! I stumbled back, and was assaulted by massive punches. I finally fell to the ground, reverting back to normal.

Inferno stood over me laughing, "Really? This is what I have to fight? *Sigh* Boring." He then raised his hoof into the air and brought it over my head, "Goodbye pest."

<WHY! I don't want to die!>

He then brought his hoof downward... but suddenly, a vine wrapped around it and yanked it away from me.

More vines shot out and wrapped around Inferno, raising him into the air.

Vinetion walked up and shook her head, "Can't handle yourself, huh Lance?"

I sighed, "Shut up Vine."

She smiled and looked at Inferno, "So, you like hurting my friends huh? Well, now its my turn to hurt you!"

The vines began to tighten, but Inferno just laughed, "Oh, a Challenge!"

The sound of vines being stretched could be heard, then, Inferno burst from the vines and charged towards Vinetion.

He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air, "Slow or fast death?"

She glared, "I'm not going to die by you!"

He pulled back a hoof, "We'll see."


Inferno was sent flying, and Vinetion fell to the ground, coughing for air.

I looked up weakly, who just hit.... Oh God! Mr. Bleak!

<Isn't it odd how every time he's about to kill one of us, someone intervenes?>

Inferno stood up shakily and looked at Mr. Bleak, "Who the fuck are you?!"

Mr. Bleak chuckled, "Oh, just your worst nightmare."

Inferno chuckled lightly, "Good one."

He then shot forward... and was caught in mid air by Mr. Bleak, "To slow my dear boy." He then slammed him into the ground, actually cracking the cobblestone.

Mr. Bleak then tossed him into the air and flew up to meet him, "We having fun yet?"

Inferno spat in his face.

Mr. Bleak chuckled, "I take that as a no." He then threw Inferno towards the ground, causing him to bounce a few times.

Mr. Bleak landed a few yards away and began to advance on the now stationary Inferno.

However, when he neared, Inferno spun around, throwing a hoof full of dirt into Mr. Bleak's eyes.

Mr. Bleak stumbled back rubbing his eyes.


Inferno slammed his front hoof into Mr. Bleak's chest, surprising him. He then did a back flip, slamming both of his hind legs into Mr. Bleak's chin, causing him to fly backwards.

[Holy shit!]
<He just hit Mr. Bleak! How is that possible!>

Inferno exhaled and smiled, "Who's next?" He looked around, "No one? I guess I'll start finishing off the weaklings."

Shit! Move Lance! Damn it!

Inferno looked at Grace, who was still unconscious, "I'll start with you."

As he made his way over to her, a vine shot out and trapped around his right foreleg.

"Did you forget about me!" Vinetion yelled as she stomped her hoof again.

Inferno smiled, "Nope, just saving you." He then pulled the vine towards him, causing it to snap out of the ground. He then looped it in on fluid motion and threw it towards Vinetion. She didn't have time to react as it wrapped around her neck. He then pulled her towards him and slammed his head into hers. Knocking her out cold.

<Don't do it Lance! He doesn't know he's hurting them!>

Screw this! I forced myself to stand... only to have Vinetion's unconscious body slam into me. We both flew backwards with her momentum and came to a stop with a sudden jerk.

Now, I'm to weak to even move!

"Killing two birds with one stone. Not bad. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, killing off the pest." Inferno said as he continued his advance on Grace.

"Peter! Don't do it!" I heard a female voice scream out.

I turned my head to the side. SHIT! Why must Rarity intervene... why is she green? Not important! She shouldn't be here, its dangerous!

Inferno stopped and looked at her, "There is no more Peter, only Violent Inferno!"

She ran up to him and jumped into him, wrapping her forelegs around his neck, "Peter, listen to me! I know you're in there! I don't want you to keep doing this! You're hurting our friends!"

[I know this is bad timing... but where is David and Twilight?]

Inferno growled, "Get off me you bitch! I care not for you!"

Rarity began to cry, "Peter! I love you, I don't like this side of you! You're scaring me!"

<Calm your tits Break!>

Inferno's composure waved for a second, but he went back to growling, "I do not love-AHHHH! I do not love-AHHHHH! FUCK!" He then pushed Rarity off of him and put his forelegs to his head, "MAKE IT STOP!" He began to slam his head against the hard stone road.

Rarity ran over to him and used her magic to sustain him, "You can do it Peter! Fight it!"

Oh wow... she's actually breaking him from that damn what ever it is that has him acting like this.

<Love is a powerful thing Lance... and we should know that.>

Inferno screamed out one last time before a bright light engulfed his body. Once the light cleared, I could see Peter, the real Peter, laying on the ground unconscious.

Rarity then collapsed next to him and held him in her forelegs, "Oh Peter..."

Okay, one problem solved... now, what about us! Vinetion and Grace are unconscious, and I'm to weak to even move! And Mr. Bleak... Where did he go? Mr. Bleak was no longer laying on the ground where he use to be... damn, he can take a hit.

"Lance!" I heard Twilight scream out.

She ran up and gently levitated Vinetion off me. She then jumped on me, wrapping me in her warm embrace.

I smiled and looked her in the eyes, "And where was you during that little fight?"

She chuckled, "I was still by the library door... Sorry I didn't help."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Oh, its fine. I'm happy you stayed out of that. I don't know what I would have done if you would have gotten hurt."

She smiled and nuzzled my snout... causing a large amount of searing pain to shoot through my head.

She picked up on this and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about that... let me fix it."

Her horn began to glow, and I felt my snout being repaired...

Now let me say this, it HURT LIKE A MOFO! I could actually feel the bones moving, and damn! It hurt!

Once that was over, I was able to stand, but I stayed on the ground, enjoying Twilight's loving embrace.

"My freaking head!" I heard Grace say as she sat up.

She looked around and saw Peter and Rarity. She then looked at me and smiled, "We kick his ass?"

I shook my head, "Nope. It was beauty that tamed the beast."

[Isn't it, 'It was beauty that killed the beast'?]
{Yeah, but Peter is still alive, so it doesn't really fit, now does it?}

Grace chuckled and stood up, "Well damn... We still won, right?"

I nodded, "We won."

She began to jump up and down, "Oh yeah! Take that you bastard!"

I chuckled and gave Twilight a fast kiss on the cheek, I then stood and popped my back.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light. Frederic appeared, dressed in his custom Royal Guard armor, "I'm ready to fight this new threat!"

I began to laugh.

He looked at me, "What?"

I grinned, "You're kinda late to the party dude. We already fixed it."

He groaned and kicked the ground, "Darn! I knew I shouldn't have taken the time to put on this armor!" He then looked at me hopefully, "But, do I still look badass?"

I smiled and nodded, "You look very badass."

He pumped his hoof into the air, "Yes! I'm badass!"

{Don't even say it Break.}

Frederic then looked at Rarity and Peter, "Let me guess, Annabel played a prank on Rarity, and caused Peter to go on a rage?"

I nodded, "Pretty much."

Frederic nodded, "I'll have a talk with her about those pranks. Also, while we're on subject, she wanted me to give this to Peter. I didn't know why, but I do now." He then reached over his back and pulled out a guitar.

[A Fender Stratocaster! That lucky bastard!]

He levitated it over to Rarity. She grabbed it and put it next to Peter, "Prince Frederic, could you teleport me and Peter home?"

Frederic nodded, "Sure." His horn glowed, and Peter and Rarity disappeared.

Grace walked over to Vinetion, "Where does she live?"

I pointed to the other side of town, "The house right next to the Whitetail forest, can't miss it. Its the only one with vines all over it."

Grace chuckled and struggled to lift Vinetion onto her back, "Damn, she's heavy... don't tell her I said that, she'll kill me."

We all laughed at that, because its probably true.

As she walked away, Frederic sighed, "Well, I'm off to the Palace."

I held up a hoof, "Wait, I need to ask you something."

He nodded, "Go ahead."

"Well, I got a invitation in the mail that has invited me and my family to go live in a small town called Pleasant Fields. They want me to come alone, but Twilight wants me to bring a friend along. So, do you want to come?"

Frederic tapped his chin, then smiled, "Sure, I haven't had much time to myself lately. I'll tell Tinker to watch over the kids and ask Celestia if she could take up my duties."

I smiled and held out my hoof, "Oh yeah! Time for some male bonding!"

[No homo!]

Frederic chuckled and slammed his hoof into mine, "This is gonna be fun!"

Twilight chuckled behind us, "Oh you boys."

Aaron and Vinyl Scratch's house

Aaron awoke from his nap and sat up. The pounding on the door continued.

He groaned, why did ponies have to come at such an early time?! (Its only 1:13 PM in the afternoon.)

He fell out of bed and hit the floor with a thud. Vinyl rolled over and looked down at him with sleepy eyes, "*Yawn* You okay Aaron?"

He lifted his head and rubbed his snout, "Yeah, just hit my face is all." He then forced himself to stand up and made his way to the front door.

After navigating himself through the house, he came to the door. He opened it to see Cody.

Aaron smiled awkwardly, "Hey Cody... what brings you here?"

Cody smiled and reached into his mail bag, "A whole new shipment of packages came into the mail office today. Enough for every house in the area! Ditzy and I are having a hard time delivering them all, but we're making good time."

Aaron took the package from Cody and smiled, "Well, I hope you two have a good day.... thanks."

Cody smiled happily, "Oh, we are. See you later, I've got more packages to deliver!"

Aaron closed the door and walked back into the bed room. Upon entering, Vinyl looked at the box curiously.

"Whats in the box?" She asked.

Aaron shrugged, "I don't know. Lets find out." He then sat it down and broke the tap off.

Inside was a rectangle like box.. wait, "Is that a... radio?!"

Vinyl picked it up with her magic and looked it over, "A what?"

"A radio. Its suppose to receive radio broadcast... Whats this?" He said as he reached into the box and pulled out a note.

Dear future listener,

We here at Shattered Sounds radio station are proud to bring you: The first ever Radio broadcast in Equestria! To use your radio, just turn the nob to on. This will get the magic flowing, thus making it so that you can hear us! We hope you enjoy our show!

Grey Byte and White Noise

Aaron put the note down and smiled, "Oh hell yeah! Vinyl, turn the nob!"

She smiled and turned it to the on position.

This song began to play over the radio

Aaron furrowed his brow, "Oh this can't be good... we've got bronies running the first ever radio station in Equestria."

Vinyl was nodding her head, "I like this music... of course, the beat needs to be faster."

Aaron chuckled, "It's a good song none the less."

Vinyl smiled and continued to listen to the song.

When it finished, a male voice came over the radio, "Hey there ponies! This here is White Noise!"

"And this is Grey Byte!"

"And we're bring you the jams and news at all times of the day!"

"Oh yeah! Its great to be the only radio station, do you agree White?"

"I sure do Grey! Now, lets get this news out of the way and move onto the music!"

"Okay everypony, time for a little news! It's raining! And that is all, lets get that music up!"

"On it Grey!"

Suddenly, it switched over to this song.

Vinyl smiled, "Ohhh, I like them! Maybe we could get on the radio! What do you think Aaron?"

Aaron grinned and gave a nod, "I say, we do it!"

Vinyl began to jump and clap her hooves, "I'll get a track set up!"

"And I'll get some coffee!" Aaron said making his way to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, he looked through the cabinets and frowned, "Well shit! We're out of coffee!"

Onward to Pleasant Fields! Next chapter starts off the Pleasant Fields plot, so be ready :D

Oh yeah! I may do two updates in one day D: OH YEAH!