//------------------------------// // The Accident // Story: How It Ends // by Caelum Heredem vitae //------------------------------// It was a clear blue sky on a day that by all rights should have been dark and stormy. Today was supposed to have been a day of celebration, a day of joy. But instead Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy are sitting in the waiting room at Canterlot Hospital. In silence they wait for news of their friend Rainbow Dash, currently in the operating room. Silence spreads over the somber group of ponies as the wait until with a sudden burst of noise the Doctor enters the waiting room with a blank look upon his face. Earlier that week Twilight was sitting at her desk when spike belched out a letter almost spraying her with flame.Unrolling the scroll she recognized that messy scrawl, it was from Rainbow! It would be nice to see her again she thought as she read. Ever since she was accepted into the Wonder-bolts she had seen little of her fast flying friend due to all her time spent on the road. Hey twi! I'm doing a show in Ponyville this Friday! its going to be so COOL! And I cant wait to show you guys our new routine its AWESOME! Me and the rest of the team have been practicing it all year and this will be the first showing of it! I save everypony front row seats. cant wait to see the gang. We should get to town Thursday night. Dash Twilight set down the scroll excitedly, Spike! Dash is coming! Really?said spike Excitedly. When? Thursday Evening! This is so exciting I have to tell everyone!she shouted as she ran out the door Thursday, Evening Applejack! is all of this strictly necessary? I reckon Rares its what Pinkey would have done if she were still with us I suppose dear, sigh, its still not the same without her I know Rares, I know SPIIIIIIIIKE you have my checklist? Yes Twilight. Spike groaned Punch? Check Cake? Check Confetti? Check, Twilight we got it relax! I know spike i'm just nervous is all. I want everything to be perfect, we haven't seen Dash in so long! Twi you know dash wont care about that!Spike said tiredly Don't worry about a thing Twi Applejack said reassuringly, everything is ready all we need now is the guest of honor DID SOMEONE SAY GUEST OF HONOR? came a voice from the door of the library DASH! cried everyone running up to her and giving her a big group hug Hey girls I missed you too now about this party... Friday, High Noon The group was sitting front row on an enormous set of bleachers set up by the crew that travels with the Wonderbolts Wooo hooo Said Fluttershy in what was a slightly audible voice Wow Flutters you been Practicing? Asked Dash uh y-y-yes maybe a little. Your getting good maybe soon you can travel with us as a cheerleader! said Dash with a smile Uh I don't know I don't think that would be a good idea. just teasing flutters. Now Dash don't be rude chided Rarity Awww i'm just teasing. Well I better go get ready to fly! and just like that she flew off high in the sky the wonderbolts flew through an amazing set of moves until finally the big ending came up. first they started with a big vertical loop way up high the they went straight into a death defying spiral straight down to the ground with dash flying center one by one they each broke of till it was just dash going faster and faster and as she neared the ground she blasted out a rainboom while simultaneously pulling level with the ground rocketing parallel she dashed past the bleachers and back up into the sky where she was joined by the rest of the team. flying up there she waves her hooves in the air celebrating as an announcer shouts out that Rainbow Dash has set a new air speed record. while everyone cheers rainbow starts drooping lower. Don't worry spitfire i'm just tired she says in reply to the proffered hoof then her vision goes black and she plummets to the ground with a sickening crunch It was a clear blue sky on a day that by all rights should have been dark and stormy. Today was supposed to have been a day of celebration, a day of joy. But instead Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy are sitting in the waiting room at Canterlot Hospital. In silence they wait for news of their friend Rainbow Dash, currently in the operating room. Silence spreads over the somber group of ponies as the wait until with a sudden burst of noise the Doctor enters the waiting room with a blank look upon his face. Is she all right? asks Fluttershy ,grabbing the doctors coat, much louder than normal She's stable but she has a broken wing,two broken legs, and several broken ribs. and I'm afraid that's not all. he whispers sadly Her crash was caused by a blood clot in her brain. The clot was probably dislodged from another location during the shows high speed tricks. It could have been in her blood stream for months or even years. So whats going to happen doc? Asked Applejack Well i'm afraid she has slipped into a coma, And she may never wake up