War Between Gods

by Verathuum

Chapter 7

After the small attack from a Discordian bomber, most of Canterlot was still intact. The explosion was small and the amount of casualties. Even so, Twilight was harmed in the blast and was now lying on her bed in her chamber. Since it was nighttime, Jolterix was charged with keeping an eye on her, and he was accompanied by Luna.

“What was Discordia’s technology like before all of this?” Jolterix asked as the two walked calmly down the hallway to check on Twilight and her room.

“Comparable to ours, only stronger. Like it was made of better metal, but our citizens’ magic was usually stronger than theirs,” Luna replied, “We’re here now, I’ll check out how her dreams are doing. That’ll tell me just about everything.” Luna’s eyes glowed and she expected to be immersed in Twilight’s dream. She was, but there was some interference as well. Usually this only happened when someone else was dreaming in the same room as well. Luna immediately stopped her dream spell and her eyes stopped glowing. “I think something’s wrong,” she said. Her voice was half-panicky as this usually didn’t happen, but one of her friends was likely checking on her so that help Luna stay somewhat calm.

Jolterix pressed his ear against the door and listened hard. “I can’t hear anything,” he said. He grabbed the handle and turned. When Luna didn’t protest, he pushed the door open and they both looked at Twilight. The room was completely dark and it was difficult to see what was going on. The curtains were closed which was unusual, as Twilight usually liked to have them open so she could enjoy the stars if she couldn’t sleep, Luna knew this for a fact. “She’s still just resting up,” Jolterix tried to assure Luna, but she was still uneasy.

“Something doesn’t seem right,” she whispered back, “I can’t really hear her breathing.”

“You’re right,” Jolterix agreed, “Maybe she’s just a quiet sleeper?”

“Doubtful,” Luna replied. She approached the bed Twilight was sleeping in and almost screamed. Blood had been leaked out of Twilight’s stomach and was on the sheets. Twilight’s eyes were wide open and staring at the door. Jolterix followed her and he jumped when he saw the blood and Twilight’s wide eyes.

“Th-there,” she managed to mutter through her pain and fatigue. Just as Twilight pointed to the door, there was a dark figure and footsteps of someone rushing down the hallway.

Jolterix disappeared as he sprinted out the doorway. He caught the figure a dozen or so feet from the door and knocked him down when he collided with him. He was able to hold the attacker down long enough for Luna to come and help him after she was finished healing Twilight’s wounds. Even with her advanced magic, Luna could only do so much: she couldn’t replace any lost blood, but she could close the wounds and prevent any scars.

When she did get out, she noticed Jolterix had managed to get the potential killer’s mask off, revealing a Discordian soldier. He was dressed in all black, which explained why he was so well hidden in Twilight’s dark room. Her hand glowed with blue energy and she pointed it at the Discordian’s face.

“Who are you?” she asked in a firm voice.

“Shut your mouth,” he replied and he pulled a tooth out of his gum. Jolterix immediately recognized it as a type of poison and did everything he could to prevent the Discordian from swallowing it. He pulled the poison out of his mouth, but he only got about half of it. The Discordian’s mouth began to foam and he passed out. Jolterix dropped the Discordian to the ground and Luna attempted to cure whatever poisoned him. He wasn’t dead, and he could definitely provide answers to a lot of the questions that they had. Finally several guards of the castle appeared and Luna stood up.

“Take him to the dungeon,” she ordered, “Use whatever means necessary to get him to talk about Discordia and their ships.”

“That was too close,” Jolterix said, “We need to get all of you out of here to someplace safer. How are her wounds?”

“She’ll live,” Luna replied, “But she should sleep for the rest of the night. I could only do so much for her.”

“We can’t wait around for another Discordian to try to assassinate one of you,” Jolterix protested, “Besides; it would be safer to get everyone out under the cover of night. I’ll go get Tennerac and we’ll arrange a rendezvous with one of the Florian ships. You’ll all be safe there.”

“No, wait-,” Luna tried to stop him but he was already gone. “Dammit,” Luna muttered and chased after him.