The Breakdown

by Love_Smoke



Six months. It's been six months. Or has it been seven? I can't tell anymore. My perception of time has been lost ever since my watch died a while ago. Kind of inconvenient being technologically dependent, especially at times like these, but I guess we all had it coming.

I can't think back to that day. The last thing I need is to be depressed. I can't afford that.

I need to continue gathering. Who knows when the next time we'll eat will be?

Shit. Even thinking about food sends pain to my stomach. What's it been, three days? Something like that.

This plant has Black Goo on it. Okay, you’re out of the question. What about you?

Same. Damn it.

Okay, okay, calm down Treffle. Ripping the plant out of the ground isn’t going to get anything done. Just take a deep breath.

Fuck! That burns! Am I near a crater?

I need to move, and fast.

Where did he say the rendezvous was?

Shit, that really hurts.

Okay, take one more deep breath and run in the direction in which you came.






Go go go go go go go

Damn my lungs are getting heavy.

… Starting to black out. BREATHE YOU IMBECILE!

Okay. The burn is gone. Take a moment to catch your breath.

Damn. I need to get in better shape.

Heh. Of all times to be worrying about my physique, it had to be after shit hit the fan.

Oh well. Better late than never I suppose.

Okay, what now?

There are some plants over there. You should go check them out.

Oh please, please, please, for the love of the moon be clean.

Holy shit! Hahaha! Can it be? How many leaves do we got there?

Thirty-four. Oh sweet Celestia thank you for this harvest! Let's check out the other two plants!

Clean. Shit yes. I think that’s another twenty-eight to the bunch. I must have hit the biggest luck pot this side of the Canterhorn.

Okay. Last but not least you.

… Dirty. Damn it. Oh well. I can’t really complain. Sixty-two leaves, two plant stems and several roots are nothing to be sad about.

Dad will be quite pleased.

Now where is that bridge?

I need to get a vantage point.

Let's see…

Ah yes. Up there. Perfect. I’ll be able to see for miles. Now the only question remains, how do I get there?

I see some holes in the rock, but they don’t travel all the way up.

Yeah that’s about it. Damn. Um, I guess I don’t need to get to the very top. Just high enough to figure out where I am and where I
need to go.

Great! Sounds like a plan.

Damn it. This plastic is very slippery on the rock.

I don’t want to take my bags off. Last thing I need is another serious burn. We don’t have the resources to treat it. Not after what
happened to dad.

Okay, okay, compose yourself.



Time to ball up…

… Smartly. Just touch the ground quickly to see how hot it is.


Damn, that wind feels good on my hoof.





Huh, didn’t seem that hot… let's try that again, only with a little longer contact.







Yeah, I felt the heat then.

Okay, let's see about the rock.

It's cool. Wow, that feels good… Reminds me of the time before that day - Shhhh Treffle, nostalgia kills.

Excellent. This day just keeps getting better and better.

And up the rock we go.

The air is getting hot. I need to make pace.

Shit. I am starting to feel that on my skin. How high am I?

Not that high, I’m going to need to get significantly higher if I plan on seeing anything.

Time to ball up… again.

... Fuck. Okay, hold on. I don’t know how much more my lungs can take.

Let's check visibility... Wow, quite the view, or at least it used to be. I suppose just a bit higher.

Take a breath and make haste.





Fuck! That burns!

Go go go

Okay, I see it! The bridge.

Hurry hurry hurry hurrrrryyy

Oooo, dees tingwies feelll funnyyy

I’d sayyy… um, about twoo mmiilles wessssssssssss………………..

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ssshiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt, mmmmyyy headddd…

Wwha-what the helll happened!?

Oh, I guess I blacked out. Fan-fucking-tastic. This is just what we all need.

Okay, okay, all is well. Best thing to do right now is to get situated.

Equipment? All there.

Food? Got it.

Body? Other than my uncovered hooves, fine.

That reminds me. I should put my bags on.

Time? The sun is just peaking over the mountain. Awesome. I guess I’ll be traveling in the dark tonight. Thank Celestia my night
vision goggles died only a week ago. Haven’t had much use for them until now. I don’t really know any night vision spells either.
Damn. I really should have paid more attention in class. I’ll just have to have a “Frankie’s eye” I suppose.

I hope Ether is doing alright. She struggles enough as is when I’m with her.

Be strong.

Heh. I’ll have quite the scolding from dad when I get back. One would never think that they would be getting scolded for returning
past their curfew during an apocalypse. Then again, I suppose he has every right to worry in this world.

Okay. Let's get moving.

Combat check.

Safety? Off.

Magazines? Well fitted.
Rounds? In the chambers.

Eye? On and synchronized.

S.L.R.B. snug? Sure is.

Alright. Let's get going.

What direction did I say the bridge was in?


Yeah, I think that’s right.

Even if it isn’t I’ll find out soon enough.

Time to get a move on Treffle. The longer this takes, the more danger Ether and dad are in.

I’ll see you guys soon.