Equestrian Medical Service

by backdraft34

my empathy is derived from caffeine. (and smiling is not in my contract)

Several things were racing through Lifeflight's mind, each jockeying for his undevided attention. First was he was not awake enough for this junk. Four calls last night, two hours of sleep and to top it off they were running low on coffee in the kitchen. Second was the very bouncy young pegasus with a black coat and silver mane standing in front of him. Somehow Lifeflight got recruited to teach this young buck how to be a flight medic. All he really wanted to do was tell him to go stand in the corner until needed. Lastly there was the paperwork sitting in front of him that no matter how hard he tried he coupdnt seem to get the text to focus right.

"Alright, let's see here, Mr. Pahungawhat? Alphabet," Lifeflight grummbled. "Looks like you get to follow me around today and take notes for your guys in Baltimare. I will be putting you to work and you had better be at the top of your game before we take fight. Cardio Thump does not do well when a flight medic screws up."

"Um sir?" The new flight medic started.

"Don't call me sir! I work for a living," Lifeflight growled back.

"My name is actually pronu."

"Look, I'm sure you got a wonderful name and are very proud of it. I am just to tired to realy give a flying leap right now, so until further notice you are Alphabet. Get it? Got it? Good," Lifeflight inturupted. "Now there isn't much going on right now so why don't you go find a corner to hide in, or go read a book or somthing? I need to try and get another hour or so of sleep. We ran four calls last night so I didn't sleep well."

"Ok, but if it is all the same to you sir could I do some training with the other flight medic? I heard she has a lot of practical knowledge, and it would be interesting to see how you two differ," Alphabet asked sheepishly.

"First off, you call me 'sir' again and I will buck you right in the teeth. Secondly, that's a great idea. You go and see what the other crew is doing and get some good training in. Just remember you fly with me and not her. If they get a call you need to stay." Lifeflight said with a smile.

"Thank you si, err, I mean Lifeflight! " Alphabet said.

"You can just call me 'flight.' Everypony else does," Lifeflight chuckled as he turned to head to his room. "Kids got some potential. Just if he weren't so darn bouncy," he said to himself. Lifeflight got to his room and hung his yellow vest on the hook and made sure his medbag was still in order before climbing into bed. He rested his head on the pillow and started to doze off.


"Really? Come on!" Lifeflight yelled at the ceiling before rolling out of bed. He went to the wall and slipped into his yellow vest and slung his medbag across his barrel. "Ready Alphabet? " he called to the young pegasus.

"All set! Lets go!" Came the response from the front room.

"Air five enroute, " Lifeflight said into his comunication stone, then he and Alphabet took flight. "Alright I have been to (redacted)'s house plenty of times. She is what we refer to as a 'loyal customer.' She normally gets up and tries to walk around even though she is bedbound. What we are going to do is just do a quick check for injuries and chances are we will just assist with getting her back into bed."

"Got it Flight!" Came tbe over eager response.

"Look kid. Take a deep breath and calm down. Let's wait for the short report from dispatch to see what we are dealing with before you go getting all excited. "

"Air five and transport one, you will be seeing a sixty seven year old female. Fell out of bed and claiming no injuries. States she just needs help back up," came tbe report over the comunication stone.

"Air five copy short and transport one you can go ahead and cancel," Lifeflight said.

"Thank you air five. We will put some coffee on for you, break, control transport one is clear and in service.," came Buck's voice through the stone.

"Buck and Thump are good guys. I will introduce you when we get back," Lifeflight said. He continued to make small talmwith Alphabet for the rest of the trip. Partially to help calm the kid down and partially so he could get to know him better. Within a few minutes they saw the small one story house and made their circle and landed. "Air five onscene, " he said into tbe communication stone. "Alright Alphabet it's your show. I wanna see what you do."

Nodding Alphabet opened the door and stuck his head in. "MEDICS!" he shouted.

"Back here in the bedroom, " came a voice that obviously belonged to an elderly mare. Lifeflight and Alphabet made their way back and found the patient laying on the floor next to her bed. She was an elderly mare with a light green coat and flowing silver mane. "Well if it isn't my hero, senior flight medic Lifeflight!" She exclamed with a flutter of her eyes. " and who is this hot piece of eye candy you brought with you?"

"I'm uhh, err, yeah," Alphabet mumbled, brought up short by the mares flirtatious attitude.

"This is Alphabet and he is training with me today," Lifeflight said, coming to the rookies rescue. "And I am beginning to think you fall out of bed just so you can flirt with me."

"Me? Fall out of bed just so I can flirt with you? Howed you guess?" She said with a chuckle.

"Three calls this week," Lifeflight laughed. "Alright Alphabet lets get Ms. (Redacted) back in bed." This seemed to shake the rookie from his bewildered state and nodding he bent down and help lift the mare back into her bed. "Your not hurt anywhere or need to go to the hospital for anything?"

"I don't know, are there any cute doctors working today?" She asked with a wink.

"No, not today," Lifeflight responded.

"Well then I think I am good. Thank you for helping me back into bed," she chuckled.

"Until next time Ms. (Redacted). Alright Probie say good bye to the nice mare," Lifeflight said giving Alphabet a slight shove.

"It was nice to meet you ma'am, " he said sheepishly.

"You can bring this little piece of eye candy back anytime! " she exclaimed.

As Alphabet turned to leave he felt somthing touch his flank. "Hey now!" He said as he jumped out of reach. Lifefligbt couldn't help himself and broke out in hysterical laughter.

"Come on probie, lets get back in service." They two pegasi turned and left the house and toom flight back towards the station. "You didn't do to badly in there. Just remember that there will be patients that throw you off. You just have to be smooth and roll with what the call gives you. You ever heard the phrase 'be like a duck?'" Alphabet shook his head negative. "It means you can be paddling like there is no tomorrow under the water but on the surface you need to be calm and collected."

"Thanks! I will keep that in mind," Alphabet responded excitedly. "So where you that nervous on your first call?"

"No," Lifeflight dead panned. Seeing the rookies face fall he quickly added, "let me tell you about my first faoling though." The two continued to fly back to the station as Lifeflight told stories of both funny and tragic calls. "Kid you keep up that attitude and you will go far."

"So does this mean you're going to start calling me by my real name?" Alphabet asked excitedly.
