Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Violent Inferno!

This chapter was done for Purple Blaze. And, it also serves as a plot former. (Meaning, what happens here will affect something very important later on in the story.)

Female Graze XD or Grace

Chapter 83

A long explanation of all the adventures and things me and Graze did later

"... And that pretty much sums it all up." I said, finishing off my long story of me and Graze.

Grace rubbed her chin, "That all seems reasonable... but I still can't believe it."

I furrowed my brow, "What? Why can't you?"

She sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Look, you've taken me from my home, told me a crazy story, and plus, you're saying your from another world or something. Excuse me for being skeptical, but it sounds like a big lie to me."

I sighed, I didn't want to have to do this, "Twi, could you perform that one spell? The one that sends someone into my mind."

Twilight nodded, "Sure, do you want me to come in also?"

I shook my head, "I'd prefer if you stayed out here. Just me and Grace please."

She sighed, "Fine..." With that, her horn began to glow brightly.

Grace took a step back, "What are you doing?"

A bright light engulfed me and Grace...

Inside my mind

That whiteness will always be creepy to me for some reason...

We were now in my mind, with Break and Dawn sitting behind the memory bank, both looking at us with smiles on their faces.

Grace looked around with shock, "Where are we?!"

I chuckled, "My mind."

She raised an eyebrow and smiled slyly, "But, it's so empty in here."

That joke again? *Sigh*

I began to trot over to the computer, "Come here, I've got to show you something."

Grace nodded and followed behind me.

Once I was next to Break and Dawn, Break smirked, "Dude, we could so do a foursome with Grace!"

I glared at him and sighed, "No... just no dude."

"No what?" Grace asked as she stepped beside me.

I looked at her and chuckled, "Oh, its nothing." I then looked at Dawn, "Dawn, could you play all the memories related to Graze please?"

He nodded, "I'm on it!"

He then typed in a few commands and the screen flashed a bright purple. Suddenly, my mind was assaulted with fully detailed memories of me and Graze's time together. Even the memories from when we went to his dimension.

A/N: Read 'Three of me VS School society' for this. Its the first Crossover chapter.

Grace looked shocked, "Y-You mean... I'm really a copy of... another pony from another dimension?!"

I nodded, "Yep, but you're not like him fully. Just in a few ways."

She sighed, "Since we're here, could you show me what you mean by you being from another world?"

I furrowed my brow, should I show her?

Dawn nodded, "I don't see any harm in it."

Break smirked, "Sure, we could show her the porn selection."

Grace smiled, "Porn?! You have porn in here?!"

I laughed at her response, "Yes, but it's not what you would like."

She glared at me, "Why not?"

I smiled awkwardly, "Because all of it feature females."

She shrugged, "So."

Break's eyes widened and a large smile formed on his face, "You're a lesbian?!"

Grace chuckled awkwardly, "Huh, yeah..."

I held a hoof to my mouth, trying not to laugh, "Okay then... lets get to showing you my world, shall we?"

Grace nodded and propped her hooves up on the desk, "Lets do this thing."

Dawn smiled and began sorting through the memory bank, clicking on all the happiest moments of my life... even if there are very few from Earth.

After we had viewed every happy memory I had from Earth, Dawn sat back and stretched out his forelegs, "Well, that's all of them."

Grace raised an eyebrow, "Oh? I still want to see this porn you spoke of."

Break smirked, "Hell yeah! Move over Dawn!" He said as he dumped Dawn out of the chair.

"Hey!" Dawn yelled as sat on the ground rubbing his head.

Break began scrolling through the categories, "Human porn or pony porn?"

Grace smirked, "Human, then pony."

Break slammed his hoof on the table, "Fuck yes! I like this girl!" He then clicked on a category.

My mind was filled with... images. Images from my adventures on the internet... oh God...

After that, Grace was smiling, "That was very arousing. Now, do the pony porn!"

Break smiled happily, "You got it!" He scrolled through and began clicking and dragging a few and putting them together, "I'm gonna show you everything Lance saw on the internet, and everything he's done and seen here."

My eyes widened, "Wait! You're showing her all the times me and Twilight..."

"EEYEP!" He yelled as he hit enter.

Well... my mind was filled with everything I've seen on the internet that involved ponies... but only the dirty side of ponies. The worst was all the video like memories of me and Twilight! I'm going to kill Break!

Once that was finished, Grace fell back laughing, "Whoa, I didn't know you was such a stud in the bed Lance!"

I held up a hoof, "Yeah yeah, laugh it up will ya!"

She slowly stood, whipping a tear out of her eye, "Sorry, but wow. That was just to good! And that pony porn, all I can say is... Sexy."

I started laughing, she is defiantly a version of Graze.

Dawn held up a hoof, "Okay okay, we've all had our fun. But, I think its time you got Grace out of here Lance, before someone does something they'll regret." He said, looking at Break.

Break smirked, "What?"

Dawn sighed, "You know what I mean."

Break began to say something, but I cut him off, "I agree with Dawn, I think its time we got out of here."

Grace awww'd, "But, I want to see more of your private life."

I shook my head, "Nope, we done what we came here to do, now it's time to leave."

I then looked at Dawn and nodded. He nodded back and turned to the computer. Seconds later, I felt myself leaving my mind.

Back to the real world

I slowly stood, my head throbbing, I hated doing that, but it's always fun.

Grace was starting to stand also, "Whoa, that was awesome!"

Vinetion looked at us strangely, "What was it like in there?"

Grace smirked, "Very empty."

Vinetion laughed, "That's what I thought."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up you two."

David was laughing lightly to himself, "I got to check out your mind sometime Lance."

I shook my head, "Hell no, I'm not letting you in my mind."

David chuckled, "Okay, then I'm not letting you in my mind."

I shrugged, "I wasn't planning on it anyway."

Vinetion cleared her throat, "So, does Grace believe us?"

Grace nodded, "Yes, I believe you guys now."

Twilight stood on her hind legs and clapped her front hooves together, "Yay! We're all friends now!"

I chuckled at her actions, "Yep, all friends... We are friends, right Grace?"

She smiled and nodded, "We're friends."

[Is it wrong that I want to fuck Kill?] Break said while rubbing his chin.
{Yes, its very wrong.}
[But she's a mare, so its not wrong, is it?] Break questioned.
[It's not wrong, but you're not my type.] Said the female Kill.
<Hahaha! Break just got shot down!> Dawn said while laughing.
[Dawn.... I'm going to kill you.] Break said angrily.

Grace and I just laughed at this, causing everyone in the room to look at us strangely.The

"What are you laughing at?" David asked.

I smiled and shook my head, "Nothing dude."

Vinetion began to say something, but the screams of ponies outside cut her off.

"What the..." I began to say, but more screams cut me off.

Vinetion was the first to act, she galloped to the door and looked out, "Oh shit..."

The rest of us ran over to the door, "What?!"

From the door, I couldn't see anything. But once I stepped outside, I Peter... or what should have been Peter. What I saw instead was something much darker.

It was Peter, of that I was sure. His coat was slightly darker, and so was his mane and tail. He had a look in his eyes, the look of pure rage.

"What? Peter?" David said in shock.

Peter looked towards us and growled angrily.

"Crap..." I said as Peter launched himself towards us.

Ten minutes earlier

Peter galloped down the street, a desperate look on his face.

He had to get back to the boutique, before Annabel.

He galloped for three minutes before he came to the door of the boutique, and to his horror, the door was slightly open.

He growled slightly and burst through the door, "Rarity!"

As he looked around, he didn't see her, not at first. Then, saw her. She was under a blanket, on her couch.

"Rarity?" He said as he walked over to her.

"Don't look at me! I'm hideous!" She yelled in a dramatic voice.

Peter gulped and pulled the blanket off. Underneath, Rarity was pure green, and her mane was a dark green.. this is not good.

She screamed out when he pulled it off of her, "Leave me alone! I'm hideous!"

Peter picked her up and held her, "What happened?"

She sniffled, "Annabel said she played a prank on me... WHY?!"

Peter held her closer, but then his eyes, laid on something that made his stomach turn. It was his guitar... snapped in half.

His eye twitched, "My guitar... my beloved guitar... AHHHHH!"

He screamed out in rage and agony as he jumped away from Rarity. His muscles rippled slightly and he felt his mind slip away from him. He collapsed to the ground and screamed into air as his body began to change.

Rarity backed away in horror, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, Peter jumped up and slammed his hoof into the ground, causing it to crack the wooden floor, "THIS IS OVER!" He flew towards the door and slammed into it, taking it off the hinges.

He flew into the air and screamed out in anger. He was no longer Peter... he was something born of pent up anger and pain.

Present time

As Peter flew towards us, I saw he wasn't going for me, but Vinetion.

He pulled back his hoof, ready to strike her. Vinetion was still in shock at the sudden change in events.

He neared her and threw his hoof forward, aimed for her face.


He looked up in confusion as he saw his hoof make contact with my face.

I had jumped in the way of his blow, taking it full force.

I felt dazed from the hit, but quickly recovered. I grabbed his hoof and forced him to the ground, "Don't hit mares!"

I then twisted his hoof, causing him to fall to the ground, "Peter, whats gotten into you?!"

He smiled and pulled me down to him, and once I was close, he slammed his head into my snout, causing me to yelp and jumped back.

He took this opportunity to slam into me and send me sprawling across the ground. As I struggled to stand up, I looked directly at him.

He smirked and pointed a hoof at me, "Peter does not exist anymore. My name is... Violent Inferno!"

Suddenly, a hoof connected with his head, sending him flying for a few feet. Grace landed on all fours and laughed, "You're not that strong."

Violent Inferno stood and whipped a hoof across his mouth, "So, the little bitch wants to play with the big boys?"

She growled and grit her teeth, "What did you call me?!"

Violent Inferno smiled, "I called you a bitch. What? You don't like that name bitch?"

Grace stomped her hoof, causing black flames to curl upward, "That's it!"

<Lance, what ever happens, stay in control of your emotions.>
{Got it.}

Grace propelled herself forward and raised a burning hoof.

Violent Inferno chuckled and flew towards her.

They connected with a loud bang, but when the smoke cleared, Inferno stood on his hind legs, holding Grace's now regular hoof, "Really? Is that all you got bitch?"

I looked at Grace and saw a small amount of blood trickling down from her nose....

<LANCE! Control your emotions! Focus right now!>

Inferno tossed Grace into the air slightly and caught her, holding her up by her shoulders, "What should I do to you? Fast death, or slow painful death?"

"Neither!" I yelled as I tackled him to the ground, causing Grace to fall to the ground.

We rolled for a few feet, and when we stopped, I was on top, my fire filled eyes staring daggers into him, "Do not! And I fucking repeat! Do not hit a fucking mare!"

I slammed my hoof into chest, causing him to gasp... but instead of pulling in air, he twisted, knocking me off, and bucked me with extreme strength right in the chin.

This caused me to fly upward, dazed. Once I hit the ground, I felt a sharp kick to the stomach. This sent me flying into a building, leaving a large crack in it.

I looked up to see Inferno trotting towards me.

You know, fuck this shit! I don't care if he's Peter! I've had enough of this!

<No Lance!>
[For once I agree with Dawn, don't do it!]

I stood and screamed in rage, letting anger take over my actions.

Once this little transformation was over, I slammed my hooves into the ground and looked at Inferno, "Raging Breaking Dawn!"

He stopped walking and smiled. He then began to clap, "I like this form. This will be fun!"

I glared, "I'll show you fun!"

We stood there, only a street separating us, and you know what? It actually began to rain right at that moment, a sudden down pour.

Inferno looked up and laughed, "This is getting interesting." He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow, "You're smoking my friend."

I looked at myself and saw that when the rain touched my skin, it sent up a small amount of smoke. I smiled and looked up, "Enough distractions. Shall we fight to the death?"

Inferno nodded, "I though you would never ask."


Meanwhile, Fluttershy's cottage

Fluttershy walked out of the small shed behind her house and smiled. She was having a good time today. Malbatorus had been a great help. He had helped her fix her roof after that large wind storm they had a few nights ago.

She shuddered as she remembered the howling winds, but trotted towards her house with a large smile.

That is, until she heard what sounded like a large boom from above and the sound of lightning.

She yelped in surprise and dived to the ground, covering her face.

When she looked up towards the sky, she saw what looked like a huge, scary dark cloud shaped like a tunnel. There was a long trial of black smoke leading from it and that trial of smoke lead straight into the Everfree Forest, only a minutes walk from her house.

She debated if she should go check it out, but didn't know if she should. Malbatorus was still off flying around, and there was no telling when he would be back.

But, she felt like she should check it out.

"Be brave Fluttershy." She said to herself as she walked towards the impact zone of whatever that was that came from above.

Once she neared the impact zone, she saw a small crater. She instantly wanted to turn and run, but forced herself to go on.

When she reached the crater's edge, she peered down into it. In it was a pony, a earth pony by his looks. He had a black and silver mane and tail. He was wearing a pair of silver tinted goggles, and a assortment of clothes, including: A black under suit, a black cap like piece of clothing, a light grey vest, orange leg bands on his hind legs, and bright blue leg bands on his front... but those didn't look normal, they looked metallic.

The pony in the crater slowly stood, "Wha... am I still in the Aperture Laboratories?" He rubbed his head and looked up. When he saw Fluttershy, a weak smile formed on his face, "I did it.... I really did it..."

And with that, he fell back, unconscious.

Fluttershy's protective side took over and she jumped into the crater, "Oh, you poor dear." She looked around, unsure of what to do.

She then looked back at him, she could see that he was badly hurt. But, how could he have got those kind of injuries from a fall? It looks like he's been burned severely on his right side. There was small amounts of blood pouring out of small cuts that covered his face and neck. What happened to him?

She quickly put him on her back and trotted back to her house. She intended to nurse him back to heal, and find out what had happened... hopefully she can get past her shyness for a few hours.

She made her way to her cottage, and once there, she went in side. She walked upstairs and put him on her bed.

She would just sleep on the couch till he was better, she didn't mind.

After she had him in the bed comfortably, she walked downstairs to get some soup started. Soup was always the best medicine sometimes.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the mysterious pony began to wake, a pain filled groan escaped his lips as he forced himself to sit up.

Once he was propped up against the backboard of the bed, he looked around and smiled happily.

"I did it. I actually got away from that place. I actually made it to Equestria!" He said as he began to laugh with joy, ignoring the growing pain in his sides and throat.

Well now, that's a nice turn of events, huh? A new challenger for Fluttershy's heart maybe? Who is this new pony, and where is he from? (Its kinda obvious XD )

Next chapter should be long. I'm not going to school tomorrow... I twisted my damn ankle XD Here's a lesson for you all: When you're walking through a wet field, don't try to hope over puddles. I jumped over one and got my foot stuck in a damn hole. Yeah, that felt like rainbow's and cotton candy XD