//------------------------------// // The Obsession // Story: Reanimator: Remedy and Ailment // by TimeRarity64 //------------------------------// 'It is obsession that drives a man into madness.' The more I take the longer I remain numb from this painful torment cast upon me from the daemons I have summoned. It was only a mere coincidence that my lover had done the same, but only out of obsession with his true desire in bringing me back. I have given you two stories, two reasons for this sudden dark tune of melodies. Both are full of small stories I will describe to you all together at once, but I will describe to you all at once. You may call me Princess Mi Amore Candenza or Cadance for short. It began with a simple taste of ail that had poisoned my veins and robbed me of my life. I was dying of a rare disease only found in alicorns. It was during the day in which I bear my husband’s foal, a girl by the way, that the vile disease took her with me, too. It left him distraught, his world was crushed. It was appalling to see his life from being a proud guard, husband, and father, into a depressed man who was robbed of his heart and mind. Why I say mind? My husband lost it. He cursed every pony in the castle, even my aunts. They pitied him, but were not aware of his downward spiral. When unicorns grow mad, their emotions affect their magic. My husband quitted the army and went off into the Everfree woods. You must remember. His mission was to bring me back and our foal and he knew many ways to. Forbidden magic. It horrified me to see him fall into a sudden state of madness. He performed many tests using many types of magic read within in a forbidden book he had robbed before his departure into the Everfree. He lived alone in a shed and hermit himself from society and his family. If I had the chance, I would have stopped him and brought some sense into him. But as I watched him perform numerous tests, I knew from the start, that that was not my husband. I give you a short summary to hide away the dread behind this revolting scene. It is the best I can give after all. I knew that was not my husband anymore, but inside of that body was him hiding away in sorrow. I knew from knowledge my aunt has given me and experience my aunt of the night has shown me that attempting forbidden magic in bringing the dead back was “forbidden” for many reasons. When a pony came back, their soul was gone, their mind was no more, and what that beloved figure once was known as had deteriorated ages ago. The pony that was beloved was no more than a rabid zombie. It was horrifying…wrong…and heart-breaking. Only a few reported crimes of forbidden magic have been caused by ponies that lost someone they loved dear to them and that they resorted to this type of madness for the fact they could not let go. If there was a way to help them, they would be blind to see it because they are still grieving their lost love one. My husband was one of those prime examples to the usage of forbidden magic. Aside from dollification, chronoification, spatialification, and many more, necromancy was a horror upon them all. His attempts were fast learned than any pony would have expected if they worked by his side or witness his tell-tale horror. My husband…was a remarkable unicorn when it came to magic. His skills in combat and magical usage made him become captain of the royal guard really quick. It was enough to match up with mine, an alicorn’s magical skill level. He was ready to perform his final test, but he needed a corpse. My husband traveled into the Canterlot Cementary at night where the guards were unaware of his espionage sneaking skills and teleported two coffins, one small, the other big. You can guess who were in those wooden boxes. It did not take him too long to return into his shed. Ponies did not know where he disappeared off to as well as the coffins he robbed. He began his final test on a dead foal that was half decomposed. He managed to heal the flesh and make it look young, but his true intentions were to bring it back to life. He succeeded, but also failed. It was brought back to life, breathing and staring at him in confusion as he cheered in success, but it soon began panicking, yelling at him angrily. He had no choice but to silence it for good. Never had I seen him so afraid in his life. Then, he did something different that I could not consider forbidden but morally wrong if the public eye had sighted this. He began to perform reanimation procedures not using magic to assist him. My husband had the skills of an earth pony than a unicorn really when it came to hoof contact material. When he had finished his results and trial test runs, he performed his final test on the small once-again-dead foal. Wires connected to her body---oh the madness that had been brought into his soul---instruments of liquids within syringes, and the sharp objects for limb dismemberment. The grotesque horror he was creating was by far monstrous. Then he activated his machine and she had come to life for only five seconds. Her crying continued as it was causing him to suffer and stare in horror, but soon grin madly as if he had succeeded his plans. When she had died for the third time, he opened the big coffin’s lid and took out the body of his lover…me. As I, too, was connected with wires and injected with syringes, along with having my body recomposed back into its normal condition, he activated the blasted machine and I came back to life. It was only a sweet moment for him to stare at me in shock, as if this was a dream he wished not to wake up from. I stared back, but I saw nothing but darkness in his eyes. The remedy he searched for was in me. My existence was to cure his pain. I lasted longer, I will tell you. Longer than that foal…the foal I had bear in nine months and died alongside it after giving birth as the disease had rotted away my life. I was quiet, unable to talk, but watch and react with an apathetic expression as he blindly had a smile on his face that could not conceal it from the bags under his gloomy eyes. This was a stallion, who was my husband, and the father of my foal. Now, this was a monster, a madpony, who had lost some pony he loved and shut away the world so he could have her back. He had brought back me through reanimation…therefore…my soul is intact and not tainted by the forbidden magic of necromancy. My body was simply empty. I did say my soul was intact, but it was empty as I felt it. His obsession had made it empty. His madness has blind him from reality. I was not happy…as he perceived me in being…I was suffering. What sense did it make in being a remedy to his ailment? If he were to feel well, why did I have to suffer? Was this a curse given from Plutonium? The melodious cheers and joyful tears that came down his grief-stricken eyes had only been a scorn reminder of the horror I was brought back from death into. Weeks have passed by as I remained in my apathetic motionless state. He did not move us back into Canterlot instead he had us reside here in the shack. Obviously, he did not want the public eye to witness my reanimated appearance. It was surprising how he was aware of the public’s reaction if they saw me and figured out why he decided to live in the Everfree. He spoke as if everything was perfectly normal and the vile things he practiced in had never happened in the beginning of his insane plummet. What was I to do about this? It was all so tragic. It was on that day where my demons had lashed out on me through emotional struggles that I end this madness and bring reality to my husband’s eyes in so, bringing him back. It was our anniversary on the day I made my move. The room had no scent as always, even after he put around scented candles and cleaned the place for us to have dinner. I did not eat for I was not hungry or even capable of being hungry. When he played some old music from the gramophone, we danced together. I will remind you again, I had nothing to express my emotions. I was robbed of all of them. Each step was made in flow of the music, but with each step I planned my next move carefully. A syringe loaded with the liquid he had injected into me was only a few feet away from us. If I manage to somehow get it, I will be able to put him down and hopefully myself, too. We were close to it and I could finally end this suffering for him. I could finally bring him out of that dark shell. However, I could not do it. I could not bring myself to kill him. My love for him was the obstacle that prevented me from ending him right on there. So, I let this day slowly and painfully slip through until midnight approached. We were in bed together. As he was fast asleep, I had to end this once and for all and push aside my feelings once and for all. This was not my husband anymore, but a madpony in his body. The candles were still lighted…this bed was flammable…perhaps this was my only chance to actually end this. It is a pain knowing that we are alive…and this time…the pain must end. -Fin-