//------------------------------// // April's Birthday Fool Part One // Story: A Song a Day keeps the Blues Away // by Grey Faerie //------------------------------// It was the middle of spring. Still cold but new growth everywhere. Who am I kidding? It's freezing. It's way too cold for it to be spring. Grey. No! I get to tell it. But... No! We let Twilight narrate with no interruptions. Let me tell it. Sigh, fine. You're lucky Dissy isn't here. It was March when the grand plan was well under way. It all started last summer during Pinkie's Birthday party. It had been such a surperific time! There were balloons and streamer and chocolate everywhere! Diz, aka Dizzy, had agreed to partner up with Grey to make the best chocolate yet! Cordie used one of Grey's few milk chocolate recipes to make a really good chocolate rain. Woah, woah, okay we get it. You have a billion different variations of Discord. What happened to me telling the story? It's my birthday party. Fine... All my friends had been there. The Cakes too. I remember my last birthday. They decided to let my friends have me during the day then that night, we went out for a little 'family' dinner. Discord was busy arguing with Grey about what recipe to use permanently for the candy cloud they were giving me. The sillies. I didn't think it was silly. I have a great memory. It's like a photographic memory. It is a photographic memory. It's really good. I could remember so many things, like birthday dates. I looked over and knew Grey's birthday but then I realized! I didn't know Big D's. Buahahaha, oh god no. Please never, ever in my presence call him that. Just, no. So naturally, I went over to ask him. Most 'so naturally' things you come to aren't very...natural.. or logical. "Hey Dissy! When's your birthday?" I asked really excited. I could just imagine the party I'll throw him. Oh, I could see how expectant she was. Looking up at me with those big blue eyes. It was so hard to shoot her down. "I don't have one. Or more accurately, I don't celebrate it." Cordie stated very...stately. "Gasp, But why!? Birthdays are great! Don't you want to celebrate having survived another year? Of being alive?" I said so deflated. Sorry, I was hanging out with Grey a lot just before then. I think that's a perfectly normal way to describe your birthday. "Well, my kind don't do birthdays. And, I don't see any reason why I should. I live 'forever' Pinkie dear. There's only so much you can do before you end up doing everything. Only so many presents and ways to celebrate. It's only done until you reach a hundred." Discord had to explain. I'm Discord now? That hurts. It's only cause I was sad at the time D. Lo the day Pinkie calls Discord by his full name...and not one of her many nicknames. I was only doing variations Grey. I haven't even started on nicknames! Joy. "But wouldn't you want to celebrate your birthday? Ohh, what did you do for you first hundred birthday?" I asked, happy again. "That was a way long time ago and no. I know what you're thinking darling but no, I don't want a birthday party. Not now or later or ever. And if you do, you'd feel obligated to do it the year after or others will feel obligated. No, no, no. It'll just be too much." Disc-Dissy explained further. "Ahhh, okay." I said really sad. "I'm glad you understand my dear. And don't be sad! We can have tons of fun at parties and other people's birthdays." Disc said, lifting my chin. Oh great, another variation. Woo, flashbacks! We had lots of fun that day. Yes, great. Now it's my turn to continue the story! Wonderful, that leaves me plenty of time to 'occupy' Pinkie. If you know what I...Blam I'd very much like to 'occupy' your head with a spear but I've got a story to tell. Go away. The grand plan, if you've caught on, is to throw Discord a birthday party. But, what exactly do you do for the very spirit of chaos? It had to be grand and very fun. I had been in my shop, counseling a client over one of my specially made chocolates, when Pinkie came rushing in. Grey's special talent is helping people with their problems, like an agony aunt. Agony is right. I will ignore you to elaborate on my talent. What about the story? I listen to people's problems and give advice. I also make very special chocolate. They coordinate with different emotions. To either make them fully feel the emotion, like to help them cry, or feel the opposite of an emotion, like to make them feel angry or happy. I like how you said 'angry' before 'happy'. Back to the story. "Grey! Grey, I need your help!" Pinkie shouted before barreling into me. I was stunned for a moment in pain. But, Pinkie helped me up and began to explain. I forget that you're all hurt under there. Which can be taken as a good thing cause you don't act like a disabled person but then bad cause I hug you too tight. I'm not disabled. Just, worn. Okay, sorry. And sorry I keep interrupting. Come on Dissy, there's a love seat in the next room waiting for us. Eww, just eww. Very happy for you, but eww. "I want to plan a birthday party for Discord. And I know he said not to but I really really want to! I need to." She shuttered out. "Okay." I said unsure. "Ooo, so you'll help?" Pinkie looked at me so expectantly. "Sure, why not. Just as long as I get to smash his face into a cake." I said with a slight smile. "Awesome! Oh, I'll let you finish up work, then we'll plan!" Pinkie stated just noticing the distressed pony, waiting at the table. "Okay, go help out the noobies at the resister." "On it!" Pinkie gladly skipped over to the front desk and watched over the transactions. It was great to have a friend who knew how to run a business. "...Ooo, and the cake should be like two stories high!" Pinkie exclaimed. She was getting way too excited with the planning. "No, it can be big but think about how much food there's already going to be. Also, how are we supposed to make a two stories high cake? Hmm?" "Ohhh, yeah. Well it should be chocolate." "No, we already have lost of chocolate. It'll be strawberry." "Strawberry, noooo. If not chocolate, then something else. Something different." "Not too different. Now, streamers. I think it'll be perfect to have them in the colors of his different parts. Though, we'll leave out whatever color his certain part is." "Grey! Gees. I like the color idea. What about guests?" We had gone on for a while about details when Pinkie brought up a very important point. "What day should it be? That's probably the most important part. It has to be special. Especially since we're just making it up as a one-time thing. Ohh! This is too much! A one-time all out birthday surprise for the most important pony-person-male being in my life! How do I choose anything knowing I can't just do better next time." Pinkie sighed. She put her head in her hoofs and exhaled forlorn. "It'll be fine. I think the music we're having made for him will be the best part. It'll be a lasting gift he'll enjoy every year. What we need you to worry about is keeping him distracted. Though I don't think that'll be very hard." I laughed. I don't really laugh, smirking is done more often. YOU LAUGH, I'VE HEARD IT BEFORE. NOT THAT OFTEN. WHO WANTS TO HEAR YO LAUGH? IT'S ALL MANIACAL AND CREEPY. SHUT UP LITTLE D. Ahem, ignore that. "Okay, but what daaayyyeee." Pinkie whined. "An only too perfect day is coming up." "Hmmm, what?" I leaned in, "April Fool's day." I smirked widely as Pinkie realized 'It is too perfect.' "Awesome." "So, I'll keep the plans going. You keep Discord busy." "Hmmm, you're planning something." Discord remarked. He and Pinkie were in his kitchen that day. The Cakes had politely kicked them out in order to save the kitchen from any accidental mishaps. All Discord with just a little mess by Pinkie. Unfortunately, Discord had a problem of setting something on fire almost every time he cooked something. I'VE GOTTEN BETTER. IT'S EVERY OTHER TIME NOW. Wonderful. "Of course I'm planning something! I'm planning to make some really good brownies. Mmmm." "No, it's something else. I can feel it. I make plans all the time. Either it be games to play or what moral to put at the end of a particularly grueling ordeal. You're planning something." he sung at the end. "Well even it I was~ why would I tell yooouu~" Pinkie sung back. Discord pouted. Pinkie went back to cooking while Discord occupied himself with a little knitting. It was one of the few 'quiet' and 'sensible' hobbies he had. All he would rather no one knew about. Well they know now, evil laugh. He also crochets, quilts, and sews together little animal toys. He's very good at putting mismatching patterns together. It doesn't hurt that he secretly has a daughter who runs a notions shop in town*. Well, she isn't really a daughter, but I might get to that another time. "Pinkie, I'm bored." Discord came pouting over. He put his head on her shoulder and looked at the party supply catalog she was browsing. "Ugg, can't we go so something? We've got time." "Hehe, fine. You want to cuddle?" "No." "Play with fireworks?" "No." "Go exploding?" "Hmmm, no." "He, how about we talk about you? You like that." "I do. I've been talking with the city planners about the university I want to open. I could easily snap it up but they want to build it themselves. It's all about codes and permits, baaa. I could make it exactly to code." "Yes, but there's money to be made with building something." "Yeah, it's all about money. It would be nice though if I didn't have to wait so long. I mean, there's the getting the okay, the looking for a site, the actual building part. It's going to take forever!" Discord threw himself over Pinkie very dramatically. "Well, look on the bright side. You've got plenty of time to plan out lesson plans, look for staff. Ooo, how's your current book going?" "Fine, it's a little tricky coursing out so many different story lines and point of views." Discord complained before stopping to fill up on brownies. This is a good time to stop and explain the 'university' thing Discord mentioned. A while ago, Celestia had order/asked Discord to find a place in pony life. Or in other words, get a job. And, she thought the perfect way to do it was by temporarily make him/ask him to become a pony*. It was hilarious. He shrieked and panicked then whined about how old he looked. Then he went on about 'how horrible this was going to be' and 'what was he even supposed to do?' The most surprising part was his cutie mark. Not only did he already have one but he had an idea what it meant. Discord had always be good at 'making things up'. Some call it lying, others a vivid imagination. He even wrote books. In fact, there had been a time in his long life, on another world, he worked as a Creative Writing Professor. It wasn't ordinary English and essays. It was for people who wanted to write stories, or lyrics, or poetry. It was right up his alley with it's mix of telling people what to do, provoking craziness, and having captive audience. Yes, he had a stage. It was an auditorium style lecture room with a raised stage and podium. How could he resist? It is obvious now that he's building his own 'Ponyville's University for Creative Thought'. God, that needs to come sooner. He really needs the distraction. "I'm also stuck on titles. Ahh, why are titles and names always the worse part!?" He said dramatically. "You'll get it. Want some more?" Pinkie encouraged. "I can't distract him forever! You've got to do something. You're his friend too!" Pinkie vented. "I like to call it associates. And I have a business to run with a party to get together." I explained. Pinkie responded with annoyance. "I have a business to run and planed parties before." "Yes, but you live with him and spent most of your time together." "Even the most 'in love' ponies need a break!! You distract him." Pinkie vented before walking out of my shop. Ugh, this won't be good. I walked the long walk up to Discord's house. Pinkie's taking care of the planning and checking up on things. She is the expert on Discord. I think Fluttershy is with her. Knock Knock "Ye-s-oh, it's you." he said soo deflated. I wasn't expecting you. Well I came over, deal with it. "Yes, yes, it's me. Let me in." "Little pig, little pig let me in~" he joked. "Haha, only I'll do worse than simply blow your house don't." I replied. I entered the crazy structure he called 'home'. "So what are you doing here?" he asked. We sat down and he served me some tea. "To visit." It's an understatement to say we have an uneasy friendship. We've both been through a lot and never wished to call each other 'friend'. We were associated with each other because we each have something the other needs. It's a very good partnership. The thing that keeps us together is our mutual love of fun and being dorky. I 'break character' every once in a while. We sat for a while until I noticed some fruit on the table. "Hey, how about we test your baking skill? See how many things you burn this time." "I won't burn anything. Pinkie's really helped me get better." "Whatever. I go look for a filling." We moved into the kitchen and started to get out the necessary items. But, while I was looking though the fridge, I found something I just couldn't resist. We went on with the baking. Once the crust was done, I went on with my plan. "Hey Discord, how do you like your plouts*? Thick and juicy or small and tone?" For a moment, he was about to answer. Then he realized what I asked but I continued on. "Honestly I don't mind small ones but I do like them juicy. But that's all opinion, what do you like?" "Well, I don't know why you're asking that particular question but I guess I like whatever my girlfriend has to offer." "Oh, come on Dizzy. Don't be coy. I know you like the big ones." I cut up the plouts and started to make the filling. I wondered how long I could make this last. "I'm just going to ignore you. I know your up to something. And for clarity, I know for a fact Pinkie has the best plout around." "Bauahahahaha!" I fell to the floor laughing. I knew he would run right into that eventually. Ugh, you just love to set up jokes. Sometimes I think you're worse than Pun Pony*. "Wha-what are you laughing about?" "Ha pl-ha!-plouts. Hahaha." I couldn't talk so I just held up the fruit. Recognition crossed his face before embarrassment set in. "Come on, we need to finish make...plout pie. Ahahaha, Pinkie Pie's plout pie." Did I say that? Oh, should probably censor myself a little. "That's not funny! Just shut up." Discord was blushing so badly now. We managed to get through then rest of the pie making process with only a few burst of giggles from me. Pie making process! Or pie processing process! Pi-Go away. Bet you can't say it five times fast! Why would I want to? Meany butt. Go talk to Discord about your plout or something. Which one? Both. Dizzard! Let's go have an awkward conversation in the next room! Well, not awkward for us but for others listening in on us! They won't know what we're talking about but they'll guess it's naughty. At the end of the day, we had a beautiful baked pie. Pinkie would be home soon so we celebrated by having a piece. Discord's fork full of pie made it all the way to his mouth before I said, "Plout hole." You've never seen food fly out so fast. To be continued in Part Two!!!