Element Pony Rangers

by Shazam 25

A Sister Promise

Rarity was running around her shop trying to get some orders done. She maybe a Ranger, but she still has to live like a normal pony. Her sister Sweetie Belle was standing by. Her mind was on the Pony Rangers. She decide to ask Rarity if she knew anything.

"Huh, Rarity?" Sweetie Belle spoke out.

Rarity stop running and turn to her sister.

"Yes Sweetie Belle?" She answer.

"I was wondering if you know anything about the Pony Rangers?" Sweetie ask again.

Rarity nearly frozen. She had to think of something without giving herself away.

"Well, why do you ask?" Rarity said, hoping she could use Sweetie's answer as cover.

"Well, I know that the Rangers are ponies like us, but little is know about them." Sweetie Belle said.

"The Pony Rangers huh? Well I can't say much that already be said. But if you want my thoughts well, I think they came from space." Rarity said.

"Space?" Sweetie Belle repeat.

"Yes, as much as I would answer more questions I need to get back to work." Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle just thought on what Rarity told her, but dismiss it. She knows Rarity was trying to hide something, but what she didn't know. She left to meet up with her friends.

On the Moon, Nightmare Moon was spying on Rarity and notices that Sweetie was wondering about the Rangers.

"Well, a Filly that is wondering about the Rangers, huh? Gilda!" Nightmare Moon said then shouted.

Gilda flew to Nightmare Moon side at once and bow.

"Gilda, now you can try your luck with the Rangers." Nightmare Moon said.

"Of Course, What do you need me to do?" Gilda ask.

"There a filly unicorn that wondering about the Pony Rangers, I want you to get her and use her as bait to draw them out." Nightmare Moon said.

"Hm can I added something?" Gilda said, thinking about the plan.

"Very well." Nightmare Moon said.

"I far as I know the Rangers work well together. What if we spit them up? I'll do the plan, but we'll have a monster to take care of the ones that doesn't show up." Gilda said.

"Hm, nice plan. Zecora make a powerful monster!" Nightmare Moon said and order the Zebra.

Gilda smile as she thought of something else.

"And I know who should get the message." She added.

Rarity finally finish her order of her dresses as was heading to met up with the others. She didn't get far before Putty Ponies appear around her. Rarity ready herself to fight. She remember not to morph right now. The first Putty Pony turn to attack her from behind. But Rarity buck the Putty before it got close. Then others try to attack, but Rarity knock the first Putty away before blocking one Putty attack and kick another away.

Rarity flip over one Putty and punch the one behind it. She kick backwards and knock the Putty down. Rarity block another attack and kick it away. Another Putty rush at her but Rarity punch it away. There wasn't many Putty Ponies for Rarity and she took them down on her own in no time.

"Nicely done. I could almost said you make wonderful fighter." Said a voice she didn't knew.

Rarity turn and saw that Gilda was standing right behind her with two Putty Ponies. She was about to reach for her Element when she heard a voice that stop her.

"Let me go!" the voice said.

Rarity watch as two more Putty Ponies came up, holding Sweetie Belle!

"If you hurt one hair on her..." Rarity threaten.

"Oh, don't worry I'm not going to. Give a message to the Pony Rangers. If they want to see this filly alive, give up and we'll won't hurt any ponies when Nightmare Moon takes over." Gilda said.

Rarity was really upset at that. That was low, taking an under filly as bait and try to force her and her friends to give up? She was never going to do that.

"Sweetie Belle! Stay strong! I make sure that the Rangers get the message." Rarity said to her sister.

"We'll wait for the answer." Gilda laugh before they all disappear.

Rarity waste no time and ran to Sugarcube Corner to tell her friends what just happen.

Gilda appears back in lunar base. She bow to Nightmare Moon.

"Everything work so far. Now I just need that monster." She report.

"Good, Zecora?!" Nightmare Moon yell.

"The monster is ready, and he didn't cost a penny." Zecora said.

Soon a monster that was green with scales step up. In fact it look more like a dragon than any thing.

"I'm Fire Breath! Tell me what to burn and I'll do it!" He said.

"I need you to go down to a village call Ponyville and cost as much damage as you can." Nightmare Moon said.

"Sure thing! It be burned down in no time!" Fire Breath said.

"Wait! You must know that Ponyville has a group that will try to stop you. They are call the Element Pony Rangers. The plan is to spit the group. I have a small filly as bait to get some of them and you can handle the rest. Once they spit they should be easier to take down." Gilda told him.

"I get ya! I like this plan!" Fire Breath said.

"Good, now get going!" Nightmare Moon order and the two bow.

Back on Equestria, Rarity has already told her friends what happen and were on their way to see Celestia. They got to the Castle and the guards let them in. As they near the throne room they could hear Princess Celestia talking to some pony.

"I understand you would like to see the Rangers, but in do time, my student." Celestia's voice said.

Student? The others thought at the same time.

"I know, they just look like friendly mares. I do hope to meet them for real." Said a voice that none of them knew.

"And you will meet them, but for now, why don't you finish those upgrades for them?" Celestia's voice said again.

"Sure Princess." The unknown voice said and the sound of hooves was heard walking away.

"What was that all about?" Applejack ask.

"We can worry about it later, right now we need to save my sister." Rarity said.

She was wondering who Celestia student was, but once Sweetie Belle was safe, then she can ask. They enter and bow to Celestia who was highly surprise to see them.

"Rangers? This is quiet a surprise." She said.

"Forgive us, but we have a problem and we need help." Rarity said and told her what happen back at Ponyville.

Celestia was in deep thought. Though Rarity never revile herself, Nightmare Moon was trying to go after the loves one all ready.

Celestia started to look for Sweetie Belle. She close her eyes and started to look with her magic. After a few seconds she open her eyes and smile.

"I fond her. She in a cave to the west of Ponyville." Celestia said.

"Good! Now we got to save Sweetie Belle." Rarity said and started to leave.

"Wait!", Spike shouted, "Nightmare Moon send a monster to Ponyville! She must be try to stop you from saving her."

"What?!" Rarity shouted.

"I hate to say this, but we need to split up. Rarity and Fluttershy, you two get Sweetie Belle. The rest of us will take the monster." Rainbow said.

"Ok, Celestia anything about the Monster we then to know?" Applejack said.

"Hm, Spike going to dislike this, but this one a dragon." Celestia said.

"WHAT?! GRRRR!" Spike shouted.

"We know little about Dragons, but don't worry Spike, we won't let Nightmare Moon do anything to your race name." Rainbow said.

"Thanks." Spike said feeling better.

"Ok let get going, IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!" Rainbow said as they pull out their elements.






The group did indeed split up. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie appear in Ponyville and fond the Dragon in no time.

"Hold right there!" Rainbow shouted.

"Ah! Pony Rangers! Look like the plan is working great! All I got to do now is destroy you!" Fire Breath said.

"So taking Sweetie Belle was a trick the whole time? Thanks for telling us." Pinkie said.

"Hey Rarity did you hear that?" Applejack said in her comm.

"Yes I did, I got it. Don't worry, Me and Fluttershy will take of the fight we are about have." Rarity said back.

"Gah! No matter I take you down first then get the other two." Fire Breath said.

Rainbow rush at him giving the first hit. Applejack ran up next giving him a strong buck that knock him away even more. Pinkie jump in the air and deliver a kick to his face. Fire Breath stood up and blew fire at them. They dodge the attack and Rainbow use her wings to hit the Dragon knocking him down.

"So much for trying to destroy us. You can't even touch us." Rainbow said as they other walk up.

"Heh, heh. I not even trying! I was going easy on you, plus you forget a Dragon scales are a lot tougher then you think!" Fire Breath said and stood up.

The Rangers ready themselves again and attack, this time Fire Breath was able to land some hits knock them down. They got up and try again, but was knock down once more.

"Hope Rarity and Fluttershy are having a better time then we are." Applejack said.

Meanwhile near a cave 20 miles away from Ponyville, Rarity and Fluttershy found the cave and, to their non-surprise, found that the Putty Ponies were waiting for them.

Rarity, you go in and find Sweetie Belle. I take care of these Putties." Fluttershy said.

"Thank you darling, just be careful." Rarity said and ran into the taking down some Putties as she did.

Some try to follow, but Fluttershy quickly appear in their way.

"You're going to fight with me if you want to get Rarity." She told them and ready herself to attack.

Rarity ran though the cave looking for Sweetie Belle. She search high and lower, but didn't find any sign of her. Then Rarity remember something. A few days ago, Sweetie found a gem on her own and Rarity let her keep it and thanks to a Gem finding spell she knew, she could find her. Sweetie takes the gem where ever she goes. Rarity cast the spell and soon she found Sweetie Belle trail.

Rarity follow until she saw Sweetie behind a cage. She ran up and look around for any traps. Once she saw none she turn and whisper Sweetie name.

"Sweetie Belle! Hey Sweetie Belle are you alright?" Rarity ask.

"Huh?", Sweetie said looking up and saw her sister in her ranger form. Of course she didn't know that, "Oh! Your a Pony Ranger."

"Shhh! Your sister told me what happen, I'm going to get you out." Rarity and quickly check to see if the cage was magic poof.

"Hey, um Pony Ranger? Is it true that you are from space?" Sweetie ask.

"No, but I don't have time to talk. The Cage is not magic poof and I can open it, however, I might spring an alarm so be ready for anything." Rarity said looking over the cage one last time.

After finding nothing else, Rarity open the cage and Sweetie hug her.

"Thanks." She said.

Under her helmet, Rarity smile.

"Anything to help a filly in trouble." Rarity said.

They were about to leave when another voice spoke up.

"Oh how touching, NOT!" It said.

Rarity turn and saw that Gilda was close by. Rarity knew she was going to show sooner or later.

"Sweetie Belle, get to safely. I'll handle this." She said to her sister.

Sweetie Belle nods and runs off to hide. Rarity ready herself. The last time she fought one of Nightmare Moon minions she was with her friends. She was alone this time. She just hope she can last until Fluttershy caught up.

"You got the message, but you didn't give up." Gilda said.

"Like I'm going to let Nightmare Moon take over Equestria? Forget it!" Rarity said.

"Heh, you Pony Rangers are dumb, you never stop Nightmare Moon, the only reason you are able to fight her is because of the elements you wear." Gilda said.

"Maybe so, but it ours choice to use them." Rarity said.

"Heh, How about we stop taking and get to the fighting?" Gilda ask.

"Gladly." Rarity said.

Gilda charge at Rarity who fire a magic beam that knock Gilda down. Rarity ran up and threw a hoof punch which block by Gilda. She swipe Rarity knocking her away. Rarity roll back up to her hooves and ready to fight again. She jump up and land a kick on Gilda chest knocking her down. Gilda stood up and flew to Rarity landing a few hits that knock her down.

"I was hopping for a better fight then this, oh well. I guess the Elements are strong if they are together.", Gilda said before rising her claw, "Good-bye Black Ranger."

Before Gilda could deliver the blow, she was hit from behind. Fluttershy has deal with the Putties outside and decide to check on Rarity. She just found her and saw that Rarity was in trouble, So she jump in. Rarity stood up and stood next to Fluttershy.

"Thanks darling." she said.

"Sure, what are friends for?" Fluttershy smiling under her helmet.

They turn to see Gilda stand up and turn to them.

"So the Yellow Ranger show up as well. Well then they will make it easier for Fire Breath to take out three Rangers at once." She said.

"Don't count on it. We know dragons are strong, but everything has a weakness." Rarity said.

"Heh, we'll see about that." Gilda said and charge at them.

Rarity jump over casing Gilda to look up. That gave Fluttershy the opening to attack with a hoof punch. Gilda was fling back and Rarity give her a strong buck, knocking her back to Fluttershy. Fluttershy jump and grab Gilda tail with her hooves and slam her on the ground. Gilda bust into the air and charge at Fluttershy. But was hit by a magic beam that knock her away.

"Grrr! I was only prepared to fight one. Next time! I'll be ready to fight all of you!" Gilda said and disappear.

"Well, that part over." Fluttershy said.

"First thing first, we need to get Sweetie Belle to safely and go help the others." Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle walk out of her hiding place and hug Rarity.

"Thanks you Pony Rangers! I'm glad you save me." She said.

"No problem, we won't let anything happen to the Ponies of Equestria." Rarity said.

During that time Fluttershy contact Celestia to send her home.

Fluttershy lower her hoof before saying, "Sweetie Belle, we have an ally that going to send you back home. Your sister will return once it safe again."

"Really? Ok." Sweetie said.

"Don't worry, I'll pass the message that you are safe to your sister." Rarity told her.

"Thanks again Pony Rangers." Sweetie Belle said, before she was teleported away.

"Now to help the others." Rarity said seeing her sister was safe.

Back at the fight with Fire Breath, the rest of the Rangers was having trouble. Now that Fire Breath was trying, the Rangers couldn't land a strong blow on him. Fire Breath blew his fire and all of them were knock on the ground.

"AHAHAHA! Looks like your finish Rangers, You never stood a chance against me." He said as he walk up to them.

"Ahg, He too strong." Applejack said having a little trouble getting up.

"Ehg, He a really meanie all right, good thing we got a dragon on our side." Pinkie said.

"We got to keep fighting. We can't let Nightmare Moon win." Rainbow said trying to get up and falling back down.

"Say good-bye!" Fire Breath said, before he was knock away by a magic blast.

"AGH! Who did that?" He asked.

It was answer when two glove hooves punch him and knock him away.

"Rarity! Fluttershy! You made it!" Pinkie said.

"And Sweetie Belle?" Applejack ask as they stood up.

"Safe and being send home." Rarity said.

"Good now, let take care of this Dragon." Rainbow said.

Then they made their roll call.

"Element Ranger, Black!" Rarity said.

"Element Ranger, Pink!" Pinkie said.

"Element Ranger, Blue!" Applejack said.

"Element Ranger, Yellow!" Fluttershy said.

"Element Ranger, Red!" Rainbow Dash said.

"In the name of Harmony! We protect the weak and ensure the peace." Rainbow said.


"Grrr doesn't matter what you do! You're going to burn along with this village." Fire Breath said.

During the talk, Rarity and Fluttershy charge at him and land two punches on him. Then Applejack and Pinkie Pie land two kicks. Rainbow finish with a charge to knock him off his feet. The Ranger surround him. Because all five were together they were even stronger.

On the Moon, Nightmare Moon could tell that the plan was falling apart.

"By the power of the Moon, Make my Dragon grow!" Nightmare Moon said and fire a beam at Equestria.

The Beam her Fire Breath and grew to be 30 feet tall. The Ranger back away before rising their hooves.


In no time at all, the Zords rush to the battlefield. The Rangers jump in their zords and ready themselves.

"WE NEED MEGAZORD POWER NOW!" They shouted once more.

Soon the Zords combine and the Element Megazord stood ready for battle. Fire Breath threw his flame at them making the Megazord step back and take damage from the hit.

"We need to close his mouth." Pinkie said.

"Applejack, lets get behind him." Fluttershy said.

Applejack nods and they made the Megazord jump over Fire Breath. It land behind him and punch him away. Fire Breath stood up and charge at the Megazord. It dodge and land another blow knocking him down.

The Ranger cheer as Rainbow said, "Let's end this!"


Soon the double-edge Sword fell from the heavens and the Megazord caught it. Fire Breath just got up to see the Megazord preparing the finish bow. It spin it's sword around and stop as Lighting power it up.

"FINAL SLASH!" The Rangers shouted and the Megazord land the blow.

Fire Breath was knock down to the ground again with energy coming off him. As soon as he hit the ground he was cover in an explosion show that he was destroyed.

"My Little Ponies, Victory is ours." Rainbow said as the Megazord lower the sword.

On the Moon, Nightmare Moon blast Gilda for failing the plan and walk off to blow off some steam.

A little while later, Rarity return home to see that Sweetie Belle had clean up the place. She was shock on what she saw. The shop use to be a mess, but now everything was neat and she could swear she saw the room sparkle. Sweetie Belle just walk out carry a bag with all the trash she pick up. When she spotted Rarity, she ran and hug her.

"Rarity! You are not going to believe my day!" Sweetie Belle said.

"After what happen today, I believe it. But Sweetie how did you...?" Rarity said then ask.

"I wasn't sure how long it would take until you got back. So I clean up the house and shop. I was just taken out the third bag when you show up." Sweetie explain.

Rarity smile.

Thank you Sweetie Belle, Here let me help you. How many bags do you have?" Rarity said offering to help.

"Eh, ten more bags." Sweetie blush.

"Well, with my magic, we should get them out in no time and then we can hang out for the rest of the day." Rarity said.

"I'll like that Rarity, I really like that." Sweetie Belle said.