*outside the sim*
Andrew leaned back wrapping his arms around himself and cackled with laughter, nearby Discord rubbed his face flushing in embarrassment. Every other pony was clearly enjoying the show as well. Pinkie Pie especially as she bobbed her head along to the peppy Mexican tune that was playing. She turned her head towards Andrew to comment.
“Oooh! That music is catchy, do you think you can teach me it? Well without the slaps of course.”
Andrew waved his hand feebly as he responded between his chuckles and trying to catch his breath.
“maybe..... later pinkie... oooh… my … ribs…. I think I pulled… something laughing…”
Rainbow snorted in amusement… then scratched her head with one hoof as a thought occurred to her.
“You know this is amusing and all... but it seems to remind me of something.... I just can’t place it.”
Rarity scrunched up her nose in thought.
“Now that you mention it, I too could swear that I've seen this before somewhere. Oh this is dreadful! It’s right at the tip of my tongue.”
Andrew took a few deep breaths to calm himself, than not looking up from the show on the sim Idly responded.
“ Your thinking of when the Warners escaped from the simulator.”
Rarity and Rainbow oohed in response, as Andrew brought the memory that had been just out of reach into focus for them. Discord meanwhile scowled as he to let his mind drift back to that day.
“Thank you Shepherd... I had almost forgotten those pests! Although now that I think about it, they had a bit more finesse than you are showing here.”
“ That's because we're masters of the craft and Andrew there is just a brown belt.”
Discord nodded.
“ hmm yes I can see that...........................................................”
Discord trailed of and blinked for a few seconds. Then slowly and reluctantly turned his head towards the new voice, what he saw there had his eyes bugging out. As sitting behind him smiling were the poniefied version of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Versions that had been unleashed from Ponyville when he had foolishly ignored Andrews list of ‘human things Pinkie Pie is not allowed to see or request ‘ for a sim a few weeks back.
Wakko scratched his ear with his rear hoof before responding.
“ oh we're just here to flesh out a segway.”
Yakko nodded.
“Yeah the Author is stuck, so he thought we’d be a good distraction… and hey he’s yelling at the screen again.”
Pinkie perked up
“I KNOW Aren’t they hilarious when they do that???”
Dot chuckled.
“OH definitely . Anyways we’re just showing up to help him move things along for this one scene. Well that and we MISSED you so much.”
With that the trio suddenly leapt up to grab Discords face. And proceeded to plant a huge sloppy kiss on it.
They turned and dashed off going 'boingy, boingy, boingy' into the back ground. After watching them for a moment and wiping his face, Discord turned a flat stare onto Andrew.
“.............. I blame you for this Shepherd.”
Andrew snorted and idly dismissed Discords ire with a wave of his hand.
“Yeah, yeah... it’s all the humans fault... same old, same old. you can chase after them later, when I can find a camcorder to record that fun... let’s finish up this sim first...”
With that all of their attention returned back to the screen where the story had progressed a bit through several gags.
*inside sim*
Andrew bent over and quickly painted a large white X on the ground, then stretched his back before glancing to the building beside it that was literally bursting at its seams with sticks of dynamite. He let a small smile cross his face and turned just in time to face Discord as he staggered up to building.
The Spirit of Chaos growled and then looked around. As his eyes fell upon the X and building, he let out a snort before rolling his eyes.
“ What am I supposed to stand on the X and get blown up AGAIN? Just how stupid do you think I am...”
Andrews smile widened as he crossed his arms and seemed to lean against the air.
“Well considering your track record so far doc.....”
A burst of steam shot out of Discords ears, cutting Andrews witty reply off.
“THOSE DON'T COUNT! I am Discord! I'll turn it around! And I am NOT going to stand upon that X!!!”
Andrew straightened up as eh let a angry expression cross his face. He stepped forward and shoved his finger into Discords face.
“Oh yes you are!”
Discord growled and lean his body forward, forcing Andrew back a step.
Andrew pushed discord forward, regaining the distance he had been pushed back.
“OH NO I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The back and forth continued for a few moments. Then on his turn, Andrew suddenly shot a glance to the side and waggled an eyebrow.
Andrew took a few steps backwards, only for discord to snatch at him and pull him forwards.
“OH YES I AM!!!!”
Discord roared into Andrews face his eyes narrowed in mindless rage.
As Discord Stomped over to stand on the big black X, Andrew seemed to wilt as he slowly slunk away muttering.
“Okay you big bully.... no need to get nasty about it... you can stand on the X if you want to. But I’ll tell my big brother on ya… he’ll fix you!”
Discord nodded smugly as he watched the cowering Andrew slink away. He jumped happily onto the X, pumping his claw in victory.
“YES! See Discord always win and no human is going to make me not stand next to the building full of high explosives!....wait....wha?”
Discords eyes bulged in realization. His head turning sharply around until his gaze lands upon Andrew. Who smiled at him as he stood over a plunger to a detonator. Before Discord could say anything, Andrew jumped and pushed the detonator downwards with his whole weight.
After the ground stopped shaking form the Explosion, Andrew opened his eyes. He then laughed at the blackened form of Discord standing in a large crater. Andrews mirth only grew as he watched the rain of rubble from his explosion begin to land, completely burying Discord in debris. AS he let his laugh trail off into nasty snickers, Andrew pulled out another carrot and rested his elbow on a nearby cart and addressed the pile of rubble.
“Give it up man. Face it Discord your old news! Stale… washed up… out classed and out of date... Utterly predictable!”
As Andrew said s that last word the pile of rubble begins to rumble and shake. A shake that quickly spread outwards, sending the entire region as far as Andrew could see quaking. As he struggled to stay on his feet, the smile on Andrew’s face quickly faded away.
Andrew turned to run, but before he could move.
As the cry rang out across the land the pile of rubble that buried Discord seemed to explode and vaporize into a fine mist. Even as that occurred the area of Ponyville surrounding Andrew seemed to just crack in half, before vanishing utterly. A very pale Andrew found himself floating in an empty black void, unable to move or at least be able to discern if he was moving in the first place. Slowly the utterly enraged face of Discord arose to face him, as the Draconequess snarled.
Andrew struggled to get away, but with literally nothing surrounding him he had no traction with which to even begin to think of escape. Helplessly he watched as Discord’s face seemed to grow, consuming the horizon of nothingness before him. As he watched, Andrew muttered to himself under his breath.
“Congratulations Shepherd. You did accomplish something against Discord..... You made him very VERY ANGRY!!!!”
Discords hand loomed into Andrews vision, its size much larger than his own body. The claw snatched him up and Andrew found himself being yanked face to eyeball with Discords enlarged face. The Spirit of Chaos’s tone went from wild yelling down into a cold enraged hiss as he continued.
“Let me explain something. You're not the hero in this story, buddy! This is MY GAME ! MY RULES!!!! You're not going to BEAT ME!”
Discords voice grew even colder, as a malicious glee entered his tone.
“I hope you enjoyed your little JOKE. Because now it is time for you to learn. Learn what HAPPENS to a mortal who tries to make a fool of A GOD! You didn't like what I did to your precious little marefriend? Don't worry.... when I'm done playing with you, you'll wish that you were ABLE to beg for such a mild fate.”
Discord started to laugh sinisterly as Andrew futilely tried to struggle free from his grasp. However his attempts were all in vain, as he found himself drawn closer and closer to the laughing face. Just before he found his entire attention consumed by Discords laughing maw, Andrew managed to whisper one last comment.
“Fluttershy.... Twilight... I'm sorry.... I've done all I can....”
Unnoticed by him or Discord, Andrews words seemed to form into two tiny red strings that blew out of the void he was trapped in. And then Andrew knew nothing but Discords giant eye consuming him. He found that he could not even move enough to scream....
*outside the sim*
“ .........................”
Andrew and the girls all turned wide eyed to stare at Discord, their faces pale and trembling. The Draconequess looked a little ill himself, as he returns their gaze with an equally blank wide-eyed one of his own. Several moments of tense silence passed. Then Discord coughed and tentatively spoke.
“....ummmm...maybe....err... just maybe ….I should.... Take Celestia's suggestion about those anger management classes… just a teeeny bit more seriously?”
Andrew and the girls all mutely nodded in agreement. After a moment Rainbow hesitantly spoke.
“Ummm You know... Roid Rage... well he knows a few good classes of that sort... if you’re interested. “
Meanwhile as everyone was distracted the Simulation played on behind them. The scene shifting to the interior of Ponyville Library.
*inside the Sim*
Twilight and the girls were busy slipping their respective Elements onto their necks. When suddenly the window to the library blew open and a gentle wisp of fog with a slight red tinge entered. It paused for a second and then split into two before curling around Twilight and Fluttershy. The fog vanished with a small murmur as it caressed the two mares ears, and in response both of them suddenly stiffened in horror. Then Fluttershy squeaked out in alarm.
“Oh no!”
While Twilight softly whispered in despair.
“Andrew? No……”
Applejack looked up in surprise at the noise.
“Eh? whats wrong hun...”
Twilight shook her head and looked at the rest of them sadly….
“It’s Andrew.....”
Fluttershy’s eyes teared up as she finished Twilights sentence.
“I think... something HORRIBLE has happened to him!”
The other 4 girls gasped, as Pinkie spoke up with her eyes wide.
“DO you think Discord got to him?????”
Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other as both of their eyes widened even further and Fluttershy cringed. Then the two suddenly turned and headed towards the door outside. Twilight called out over her shoulder.
“Come on girls! We have no time to waste! We have to save Andrew.... and Equestria!”
With that the Mane Six dashed out of the library.