Alive: The Final Pony Evolution

by TimeRarity64

Instinctual; Absolving Words


‘Our hearts will take us to places we would never imagine going to.’

Rarity had been heavily busy the past weekend, working harder than she had before when a large amount of orders came in from Canterlot and Manehatten. It was tiresome for the mare, but she did not fail to finish each cloth. This was a chance in plunging her business into a golden age in which she will bathe in wealth and joy. She did feel lonely at times since she had sent Sweetie Belle to sleepover at Applejack’s farm and had not visit her to see if she was enjoying her time.

When she had finished the last of her orders and packaged each accordingly into their boxes, she decided that it today would be a good day to visit her sister and escape from the boutique that put her through tooth and needle to finish, though she did not lose a tooth in the process.

Rarity had been aware of the terrible news of the suicides and caused disasters, but paid not too much mind to such dread as she wanted her weekend to be free from horrid news as much as possible. When she made her way to Applejack’s farm, the marshmallow coated unicorn with a purple curled mane and tail that fit perfectly with her high-class Equine accent and blue eyes that shined brighter than the color of her diamond cutie mark, she hasted to her friend’s front door and calmly knocked on it.

When the door opened, she was greeted by Applebloom, a small filly with a yellow coat and red mane and tail. The brown eyes on the small filly were too adorable to admire as well as the special ribbon tied to her mane.

“Applebloom, dear, it how pleasant in seeing you, is Sweetie Belle here?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, come on in, I will get her for you!” Applebloom said, opening the door wide for the unicorn to enter. When Rarity entered, the filly closed the door and quickly ran upstairs, fetching Sweetie Belle.

“Hello there, Rarity, here to pick up Sweetie Belle?” Applejack called, trotting into the living room. Applejack had green eyes, a blond pony-tail mane and tail, and an orange coat. Her cutie mark was red apples fitting to her name. Just like Pinkie Pie, Applejack’s entire family was earth ponies and owned a farm. Except, they owned an apple farm and Pinkie’s parents owned a rock farm.

“Hello there, Applejack, yes, I am here to pick up Sweetie Belle.” Rarity answered, pleasantly smiling at her friend.

“She’ll be down here soon; do you wanna talk for a sec?” Applejack asked.

“Sure, I do not mind spending some time here, chatting with you, darling. Lead the way!” Rarity said. Applejack nodded her head and walked into the kitchen, being followed by the marshmallow mare.

When they got into the kitchen and calmly took a seat in front of the table, Applejack cheerful expression became mixed with concern. Rarity soon realized the dense in the room’s climate. Something felt off, as well as the disturbance in the air. Her smile faded away and was replaced with a concern expression.

“Granny Smith is gone and Applebloom wasn’t told ‘bout it.” Applejack said causing Rarity to gasp in horror.

“My goodness, dear, I am so sorry to hear about that. Why have you not told her yet?” Rarity asked.

“She wouldn’t be able to coop with it. Poor gal probably trying to ignore that traumatizin’.”

“Wait,” Rarity said, “what happened?”

“How should I explain this? The two found a dead body.” She said, her tone being low enough for only her to hear.

“That’s revolting; did you report this to the police?” Rarity asked.

Applejack nodded her head, but her concerning expression did not change causing Rarity to question this.

“Did something else happen?” She asked.

“Yeah…Big Mac almost got kill by the one responsible for killin’ that pony. That pony was one of our races and was able to do things only a unicorn could do.” She said.

“An earth pony capable of doing things unicorns can do? To be honest, that sounds too strange to honestly believe if you ask me.” Rarity stated.

Applejack agreed with her friend, but facing the event personally had made all reasons to finding this absurd and too unreal to be true unsupportable. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom eventually ran into the kitchen with excited expressions, standing next to their sisters.

Sweetie Belle was a small white filly with a light purple and pink highlighted puffy mane and tail unicorn. Her eyes were light violet. “Hi, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Hello, Sweetie Belle! Are you packed up and ready to leave?” Rarity asked, calmly smiling at her little sister, but still wary of the dreaded grotesque horror the young girls and her friend had experienced when they were gone.

“Yep, I’m ready to go when you are!” Sweetie Belle said. Rarity felt like the best the two fillies could do by themselves was by forcing themselves to forget whatever horrors they saw. It was necessary to not remind them or mention anything involving the traumatic event.

“That is great to here, well, it is nice chatting with you Applejack, and I hope you and the others have a marvelous day.” Her tone was faked from being pleasant as Applejack picked up the sadness. She gave her a fake smile, in replying of her actual message and tilted her Stetson hat.

Fluttershy continued to stare at the surface of her wall aimlessly again after taking care of her animals quietly. Her change of character had been too much to bear for Angel as he went off to search for anypony in the town that knew her very well. However, he could not succeed in anypony since Pinkie Pie went off somewhere, Twilight left to the royal city, Rainbow Dash was busy in Cloudsdale, and Rarity was gone. His last source was Applejack, but the poor rabbit felt that travelling there would be pointless since he had no clue where she lived at.

The rabbit did the best he could, without quitting for the mare that raised him. Eventually, he soon found a stranger new to town. A stallion that worn square shaped small glances and know a lot about Fluttershy that made the rabbit both hesitant and desperate to trust him. So, he led him to her, to his shock, the stallion that was in his mild age, managed to get her out of her trance. He had a gray short cut mane with a nicely long grayish tail. His coat was a bit light brown, but what surprised the rabbit was that the blue eye stallion had no cutie mark. It was rare for ponies like this earth one to not have a cutie mark.

“Fluttershy,” the man spoke, “do you remember the manticore that attacked you?”

She looked at him nervously and softly nodded her head, remaining silent.

“What if I told you the reasons for its death?” He asked.

She remained silent, but her silence only risen suspense into the air.

“What happened to that manticore was thanks to your fantastic gift.”

“Gift?” She softly muttered.

“Yes,” He agreed, “the gift that we have and were granted thanks to the “Disturbance”.” He said in a pleasant calm tone.

“Disturbance, b-but what kind of gift kills a poor manticore?!” She asked, her timid tone taking its role.

“A gift that only we can understand, my dear; this gift protects us, leads us, and explains to us things that we cannot comprehend in understanding.” He said.

“This gift protected me?” She asked, her tone softening even more as she felt a speck of relief wash over her.

“Yes, it did and it will always do so whenever your life is endanger. I, however, can teach you how to use it wisely so that it can benefit more to you than saving your life.” He said, smiling gently at the shocked mare.

“You can, that would be very nice.” She said, staring at him.

“It would be, but it would also mean one thing I’m sure you will disagree with.”

She became curious to what he meant and stared at him with a questioning gaze. The stallion picked this up and chuckled lightly, adjusting his glasses that were slightly tilted.

“In order for me to teach you would mean taking you away from all your friends and any other contact within this country.”

Fluttershy became silent before shaking her head. “I-I can’t do that, I just can’t leave all the poor animals that require my care, especially my friends!”

“Your friends would never accept you for who you are with a gift like that.” The stallion said resting his hoof on her right shoulder. “To stay here would mean that you will be unable to conceal your gift. Ponies will look down at you with contempt. They will want you probably dead like the rest of us if they found out a mere pegasus or earth pony like I, could do many things that unicorns are capable of. Our gift is dangerous if misused by an untrained mind, but beautiful to maintain if taught wisely how to use it. Fluttershy, what I am offering you only comes once in a lifetime. I only seek to help you from being targeted as what they call us, “Disturbers,” instead of gifted ponies.”

The mare stared at him beginning to rethink her decision.

“Fluttershy, if you come with me, you might be able to see your friends once again, but with control over your gift. Nopony will classify you as a monster, but a strong talented individual. Do you want to abandon such opportunities that would prepare you for the future when others will soon see your gift; because like all of us, we are bound to make mistakes am I not correct?”

She frowned before nodding her head. “I…want to go then.” She said.

“That’s the spirit. We leave today.” He said, lowering his hoof and calmly walking towards the door.

“But should I tell my friends, “No, they must not know of your departure.” He said, glaring at her with a cold gaze that shrunk her into fear. His smile was not replaced though, instead, it remained there in its calm glory.

Angel did not trust the man and stared at Fluttershy in concern.

Fluttershy noticed her rabbit’s concerning gaze and gently smiled at him, reassuring that she was going to be alright. “Who are you by the way?” Fluttershy asked, staring at the stallion at the door.

“My name is Coup D’état, but you can simply call me Silver Tongue.”

-To Be Continued-