A Derp in Time

by Thestoryteller100

Finding a Way Home

Soon Derpy started to scream "O MAI GAWD! WERE ALL GONNA DIEEEE!" "Nonsence, Derpy, we just need to summon it back so we can go home," said Doctor Whooves. "But how will we when we don't even know how?!" said Derpy, actually making a point for once in her life. "I donoh, say please and thank you?"

Derpy facehoofed.

"Oh, sure, like the thing has EARS!"

"Anyways, it said that no matter where you telaported there are clues."

"Clues to what?"

"Clues to how to summon it."

"So we just look for signs of where its at?"


"Well, let's start."

6 hours later...

"Doc, I think I see it!" Derpy shouted from a mile away. The doctor came racing toward her.
Then they saw. Then, they both screamed,

"THE TARDIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
They ran toward it, and finally, they were back home.