//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - The Underwater Cave // Story: The History of the Alicorn Amulet // by Old Ben Kenobi //------------------------------// Starswirl shut his eyes as he was dragged through the water. He tried to break free of the strange mare's grip, but it was no use. It was like trying to escape a python, every time he tried, the grip became tighter. He could feel himself being dragged through slimy tentacles of weed as the water rushed through his fur. He did not know how much longer he could hold his breath for. Had he been given a couple of seconds preparation, he could have easily cast a spell giving him more air, but that was out of the question now.He could already feel the lack of oxygen through the pounding headache he was getting. Just as he felt he could not take it any more, he felt himself being pulled out of the water and onto dry land. He took a huge gasp of air, then fainted. When he awoke, he felt himself laying on a strange, dry material, not altogether unlike hay. As he blinked his eyes open, he could tell it was not hay, but dried water weed. He staggered up to observe his surroundings. He was in a stone cave, with strange spheres of lights illuminating it in the corners. He felt through his robe until he found it-his concealed Rowan Staff. He breathed a sigh of relief, at least he still had his trusty Staff. He decided he would get up and explore his surroundings. It occurred to him he could hear running water coming from the floor. He looked down, and saw quite an interesting sight. In the dead centre of the room, there was a swirling vortex of water. Starswirl decided to stay well away from it, lest he should fall in.On the other side of the room, there was a gate made of iron bars. Starswirl cantered towards it, and attempted to use magic to open it. It didn't work; the door stayed as steady as a rock. Starswirl decided to do the next best thing: he started shouting. "What is the meaning of this, keeping an old stallion like myself imprisoned for no good reason!? I was just an innocent traveller, but you ruffians have kidnapped me and...and there will be consequences!I have powerful friends you know!" "SHUT UP!" Echoed a voice from the caverns. Or it could have been a thousand voices-Starswirl could not tell. Suddenly, Starswirl heard the opening creak of a wooden door, and the marching of hoofsteps. He could not see far into the dark hallway, but he could just make out three figures marching towards him. As they stepped into the light, he noticed they were all apparently young unicorn mares-The lead one was a dark red colour, with a brown mane and a cutie mark depicting lighting striking the ocean. The second was a grey mare with a black mane, and a cutie mark with a wave hitting against a cliff.The last one was the mare who had grabbed him and pulled him down here. They were all wearing the same kind of bridle. The first two were looking at him with extremely angry stares, but the pony who had captured him was looking somewhat dejected, even guilty. The red one marched up to the iron bars and stared Starswirl in the eyes. "Silence, whelp!" She shouted. Her voice reminded Starswirl of a breaking storm. "What are you?" Enquired Starswirl. "You're certainly not ordinary ponies-there is no mare I know of that could keep me held down for long." "Ha, they said this one was supposed to be smart!" Sniggered the grey one. Starswirl disliked this one's voice most of all-she sounded like water that was constantly eroding through a rock. "We are the last of the Kelpies," Continued the red mare. "Kelpies?"Said Starswirl, aghast. "But you went extinct hundreds of years ago!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The book Denizens of Equestria has this to say on the subject of Kelpies In every environment, the pony species has thrived. We have the Earth ponies, who have specialised to live on land, and the pegasi and alicorns who have evolved to live in the air. But a much lesser known fact is that there are some species of ponies adapted to living in the water. One such species were known as the Kelpies. These ponies live almost all their lives underwater and are only able to come to the surface if they are in sight of a large, natural body of water such as a Lake or River. Due to their environmental living needs, Kelpies and other ponies do not usually interact. This is probably for the best, as Kelpies are notorious for their malice and desire to kidnap lonely travellers. Each Kelpie is given a golden bridle. They are given this by their parents as soon as they are old enough. These bridles are what give them their Kelpie powers;a Kelpie is not truly a Kelpie without their bridle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How many do you number?" Asked Starswirl. "Just us three," The red one told him. "But you, Starswirl, you will engineer our glorious return to power! Your magic is the most powerful of any unicorn in Equestria, and we have heard rumours it even rivals the great Alicorns.With your magic, we will rule not just this pitiful forest, but all of Equestria!" "Why on Equestria would you think I would have anything to do with your ridiculous schemes?" Guffawed Starswirl. "Because,"The grey one hissed, "If you do not, you will die. And you won't die slowly. Us Kelpies have spent a VERY long time hiding, and we have had more than enough time to think up all different kinds of pain we can inflict." "What a charming bunch of fillies you are," Muttered Starswirl. The red mare turned to the grey one. "Come on, Wavedancer, we have some planning to do," The red Mare said. "But Stormbrewer," said Wavedancer "We can't leave this Wizard on his own. Who knows what kind of magic he could conjure to get himself out of here whilst we're gone?" Stormbrewer flicked her head to the pink blonde Kelpie. "You,"she barked,"Keep watch on the prisoner while Wavedancer and I are gone." And with that, Wavedancer and Stormbrewer strutted out of the door. Starswirl and the Kelpie were left alone. She refused to make eye contact with Starswirl. After a while, Starswirl decided to say something to break the silence. "Do you have a name?" He asked gruffly. "Silence, prisoner," Her voice was monotone, but there was a hint of sadness in her voice. "You must have a name," Starswirl pressed on. She looked directly at him for the first time in the cave. "Moonswift,"She said. "My name is Moonswift." "That's an odd name," Said Starswirl. "Why is it particularly strange?" She asked. "It's not that odd;no more odd than your name, I should add!" "No, it's not odd for most ponies,"Agreed Starswirl, "It's just I noticed that Kelpies appear to have more aquatic themed names." Moonswift smiled shyly. "I was born on the land,"She explained. "That's very unusual for a Kelpie; we are normally born underwater. That's why my mother saw it fitting to call me a slightly different name." There was quiet for a while. This time, it was Moonswift who broke the silence. "What is the forest like?" She asked Starswirl. "The forest?"He asked. "Well, it's dark and cold, and full of irritating creatures-" "No, no, no,"Interrupted Mooonswift. "I didn't mean like that. I meant, what is it like to walk through the leaves, to tread them underfoot, to inhale the forest air?" Then Starswirl knew. Maybe it was something in the mare's voice, or her eyes, but he knew that she did not belong here. "Why did you capture me?" Asked Starswirl." I know you don't want to be a part of their plans, not really." Again, Moonswift's eyes dropped guiltily. "My sisters can be very...threatening. I did what I did on the spur of the moment. I thought that maybe if I captured you they would-" "Accept you," Finished Starswirl. "But you were wrong.Even if they had accepted you, you would not have been contented. You were born in the shadow of the forest, and the forest is the greatest link to the Earth that there is. You feel you belong to to the Earth now, don't you?" Moonswift looked up, then nodded slowly. "It's been torture for me. Every day, I look at the forest, and I can almost here it calling me. But I have never been able to reach it, for if I went in, I would surely die, for I would no longer be in sight of the river." Starswirl looked at her, with as much pity as he could have for a mare who had just dragged him, none too gently, against his will, through a cold, dark river and slimy water weed. "Is there no way you can leave?" He asked. "There is one way,"She whispered "But I had never considered it before..." "What is it?" "The only thing that keeps me bound to the water is my bridle. I cannot take it off myself, and if I asked my sisters to take it off..." She shuddered. " I could ask you to take it off,"She said. "But if I did that, not only would I have to let you go, but I would lose my Kelpie powers and connection to the river." "Do you really want this connection?" urged Starswirl desperately, "Do you really feel you belong here, or do you want to follow your destiny?" Moonswift looked to the door her sisters entered through. Then to Starswirl. Then to the door again. Finally, she turned back to Starswirl and said four words. "I am with you."